LottiePlaybackMode.swift 10.9 KB
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// Created by Cal Stephens on 8/3/23.
// Copyright © 2023 Airbnb Inc. All rights reserved.

import Foundation

// MARK: - LottiePlaybackMode

/// Configuration for how a Lottie animation should be played
public enum LottiePlaybackMode: Hashable {

  /// The animation is paused at the given state (e.g. paused at a specific frame)
  case paused(at: PausedState)

  /// The animation is playing using the given playback mode (e.g. looping from the start to the end)
  case playing(_ mode: PlaybackMode)

  @available(*, deprecated, renamed: "LottiePlaybackMode.paused(at:)", message: "Will be removed in a future major release.")
  case progress(_ progress: AnimationProgressTime)

  @available(*, deprecated, renamed: "LottiePlaybackMode.paused(at:)", message: "Will be removed in a future major release.")
  case frame(_ frame: AnimationFrameTime)

  @available(*, deprecated, renamed: "LottiePlaybackMode.paused(at:)", message: "Will be removed in a future major release.")
  case time(_ time: TimeInterval)

  @available(*, deprecated, renamed: "LottiePlaybackMode.paused(at:)", message: "Will be removed in a future major release.")
  case pause

  @available(*, deprecated, renamed: "LottiePlaybackMode.playing(_:)", message: "Will be removed in a future major release.")
  case fromProgress(_ fromProgress: AnimationProgressTime?, toProgress: AnimationProgressTime, loopMode: LottieLoopMode)

  @available(*, deprecated, renamed: "LottiePlaybackMode.playing(_:)", message: "Will be removed in a future major release.")
  case fromFrame(_ fromFrame: AnimationFrameTime?, toFrame: AnimationFrameTime, loopMode: LottieLoopMode)

  @available(*, deprecated, renamed: "LottiePlaybackMode.playing(_:)", message: "Will be removed in a future major release.")
  case fromMarker(
    _ fromMarker: String?,
    toMarker: String,
    playEndMarkerFrame: Bool = true,
    loopMode: LottieLoopMode)

  @available(*, deprecated, renamed: "LottiePlaybackMode.playing(_:)", message: "Will be removed in a future major release.")
  case marker(_ marker: String, loopMode: LottieLoopMode)

  @available(*, deprecated, renamed: "LottiePlaybackMode.playing(_:)", message: "Will be removed in a future major release.")
  case markers(_ markers: [String])

  // MARK: Public

  public enum PausedState: Hashable {
    /// Any existing animation will be paused at the current frame.
    case currentFrame

    /// The animation is paused at the given progress value,
    /// a value between 0.0 (0% progress) and 1.0 (100% progress).
    case progress(_ progress: AnimationProgressTime)

    /// The animation is paused at the given frame of the animation.
    case frame(_ frame: AnimationFrameTime)

    /// The animation is paused at the given time value from the start of the animation.
    case time(_ time: TimeInterval)

    /// Pauses the animation at a given marker and position
    case marker(_ name: String, position: LottieMarkerPosition = .start)

  public enum PlaybackMode: Hashable {
    /// Plays the animation from a progress (0-1) to a progress (0-1).
    /// - Parameter fromProgress: The start progress of the animation. If `nil` the animation will start at the current progress.
    /// - Parameter toProgress: The end progress of the animation.
    /// - Parameter loopMode: The loop behavior of the animation.
    case fromProgress(
      _ fromProgress: AnimationProgressTime?,
      toProgress: AnimationProgressTime,
      loopMode: LottieLoopMode)

    /// The animation plays from the given `fromFrame` to the given `toFrame`.
    /// - Parameter fromFrame: The start frame of the animation. If `nil` the animation will start at the current frame.
    /// - Parameter toFrame: The end frame of the animation.
    /// - Parameter loopMode: The loop behavior of the animation.
    case fromFrame(
      _ fromFrame: AnimationFrameTime?,
      toFrame: AnimationFrameTime,
      loopMode: LottieLoopMode)

    /// Plays the animation from a named marker to another marker.
    /// Markers are point in time that are encoded into the Animation data and assigned a name.
    /// NOTE: If markers are not found the play command will exit.
    /// - Parameter fromMarker: The start marker for the animation playback. If `nil` the
    /// animation will start at the current progress.
    /// - Parameter toMarker: The end marker for the animation playback.
    /// - Parameter playEndMarkerFrame: A flag to determine whether or not to play the frame of the end marker. If the
    /// end marker represents the end of the section to play, it should be to true. If the provided end marker
    /// represents the beginning of the next section, it should be false.
    /// - Parameter loopMode: The loop behavior of the animation.
    case fromMarker(
      _ fromMarker: String?,
      toMarker: String,
      playEndMarkerFrame: Bool = true,
      loopMode: LottieLoopMode)

    /// Plays the animation from a named marker to the end of the marker's duration.
    /// A marker is a point in time with an associated duration that is encoded into the
    /// animation data and assigned a name.
    /// NOTE: If marker is not found the play command will exit.
    /// - Parameter marker: The start marker for the animation playback.
    /// - Parameter loopMode: The loop behavior of the animation.
    case marker(
      _ marker: String,
      loopMode: LottieLoopMode)

    /// Plays the given markers sequentially in order.
    /// A marker is a point in time with an associated duration that is encoded into the
    /// animation data and assigned a name. Multiple markers can be played sequentially
    /// to create programmable animations.
    /// If a marker is not found, it will be skipped.
    /// If a marker doesn't have a duration value, it will play with a duration of 0
    /// (effectively being skipped).
    /// If another animation is played (by calling any `play` method) while this
    /// marker sequence is playing, the marker sequence will be cancelled.
    /// - Parameter markers: The list of markers to play sequentially.
    case markers(_ markers: [String])


extension LottiePlaybackMode {
  public static var paused: Self {
    .paused(at: .currentFrame)

  @available(*, deprecated, renamed: "LottiePlaybackMode.playing(_:)", message: "Will be removed in a future major release.")
  public static func toProgress(_ toProgress: AnimationProgressTime, loopMode: LottieLoopMode) -> LottiePlaybackMode {
    .playing(.fromProgress(nil, toProgress: toProgress, loopMode: loopMode))

  @available(*, deprecated, renamed: "LottiePlaybackMode.playing(_:)", message: "Will be removed in a future major release.")
  public static func toFrame(_ toFrame: AnimationFrameTime, loopMode: LottieLoopMode) -> LottiePlaybackMode {
    .playing(.fromFrame(nil, toFrame: toFrame, loopMode: loopMode))

  @available(*, deprecated, renamed: "LottiePlaybackMode.playing(_:)", message: "Will be removed in a future major release.")
  public static func toMarker(
    _ toMarker: String,
    playEndMarkerFrame: Bool = true,
    loopMode: LottieLoopMode)
    -> LottiePlaybackMode
    .playing(.fromMarker(nil, toMarker: toMarker, playEndMarkerFrame: playEndMarkerFrame, loopMode: loopMode))

extension LottiePlaybackMode.PlaybackMode {
  /// Plays the animation from the current progress to a progress value (0-1).
  /// - Parameter toProgress: The end progress of the animation.
  /// - Parameter loopMode: The loop behavior of the animation.
  public static func toProgress(_ toProgress: AnimationProgressTime, loopMode: LottieLoopMode) -> Self {
    .fromProgress(nil, toProgress: toProgress, loopMode: loopMode)

  /// Plays the animation from the current frame to the given frame.
  /// - Parameter toFrame: The end frame of the animation.
  /// - Parameter loopMode: The loop behavior of the animation.
  public static func toFrame(_ toFrame: AnimationFrameTime, loopMode: LottieLoopMode) -> Self {
    .fromFrame(nil, toFrame: toFrame, loopMode: loopMode)

  /// Plays the animation from the current frame to some marker.
  /// Markers are point in time that are encoded into the Animation data and assigned a name.
  /// NOTE: If the marker isn't found the play command will exit.
  /// - Parameter toMarker: The end marker for the animation playback.
  /// - Parameter playEndMarkerFrame: A flag to determine whether or not to play the frame of the end marker. If the
  /// end marker represents the end of the section to play, it should be to true. If the provided end marker
  /// represents the beginning of the next section, it should be false.
  /// - Parameter loopMode: The loop behavior of the animation.
  public static func toMarker(
    _ toMarker: String,
    playEndMarkerFrame: Bool = true,
    loopMode: LottieLoopMode)
    -> Self
    .fromMarker(nil, toMarker: toMarker, playEndMarkerFrame: playEndMarkerFrame, loopMode: loopMode)

// MARK: - LottieMarkerPosition

/// The position within a marker.
public enum LottieMarkerPosition: Hashable {
  case start
  case end

extension LottiePlaybackMode {
  /// Returns a copy of this `PlaybackMode` with the `LottieLoopMode` updated to the given value
  func loopMode(_ updatedLoopMode: LottieLoopMode) -> LottiePlaybackMode {
    switch self {
    case .playing(let playbackMode):

    case .fromProgress(let fromProgress, toProgress: let toProgress, _):
        toProgress: toProgress,
        loopMode: updatedLoopMode))

    case .fromFrame(let fromFrame, toFrame: let toFrame, _):
        toFrame: toFrame,
        loopMode: updatedLoopMode))

    case .fromMarker(let fromMarker, let toMarker, let playEndMarkerFrame, _):
        toMarker: toMarker,
        playEndMarkerFrame: playEndMarkerFrame,
        loopMode: updatedLoopMode))

    case .marker(let marker, _):
      .playing(.marker(marker, loopMode: updatedLoopMode))

    case .pause, .paused, .progress(_), .time(_), .frame(_), .markers:

extension LottiePlaybackMode.PlaybackMode {
  /// Returns a copy of this `PlaybackMode` with the `LottieLoopMode` updated to the given value
  func loopMode(_ updatedLoopMode: LottieLoopMode) -> LottiePlaybackMode.PlaybackMode {
    switch self {
    case .fromProgress(let fromProgress, let toProgress, _):
      .fromProgress(fromProgress, toProgress: toProgress, loopMode: updatedLoopMode)
    case .fromFrame(let fromFrame, let toFrame, _):
      .fromFrame(fromFrame, toFrame: toFrame, loopMode: updatedLoopMode)
    case .fromMarker(let fromMarker, let toMarker, let playEndMarkerFrame, _):
      .fromMarker(fromMarker, toMarker: toMarker, playEndMarkerFrame: playEndMarkerFrame, loopMode: updatedLoopMode)
    case .marker(let marker, _):
      .marker(marker, loopMode: updatedLoopMode)
    case .markers: