提交 4531ba20 编写于 作者: C codecalm

font-weight unify

上级 6312bcfc
layout: none
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<lastmod>{{ file.modified_time | date_to_xmlschema }}</lastmod>
{% endfor %}
......@@ -57,13 +57,9 @@ $utilities: (
"font-weight": (
property: font-weight,
values: (
light: 300,
normal: 400,
medium: 500,
semibold: 600,
bold: 700,
extrabold: 800,
black: 900,
light: $font-weight-light,
normal: $font-weight-normal,
bold: $font-weight-bold,
"border": (
......@@ -27,8 +27,9 @@ $icon-stroke-width: 1.5 !default;
$font-size-base: .875rem !default;
$font-weight-light: 300 !default;
$font-weight-normal: 400 !default;
$font-weight-bold: 500 !default;
$font-weight-bold: 600 !default;
$body-letter-spacing: 0 !default;
$line-height-base: (1.5rem/$font-size-base) !default;
Markdown is supported
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