• H
    Add resources about algorithms from UNAM (#5911) · 599ae40e
    Héctor Vega 提交于
    * Add resources about algorithms from UNAM
    ## What does this PR do?
    Add free resource about algorithms from UNAM
    ## For resources
    ### Description
    Handbook used in the online program of UNAM (SUAyED) for algorithms assignatures covering topics such as: algorithms concepts and properties, automatan, fomal programming languages and Turing machine.
    ### Why is this valuable (or not)?
    This PR adds free material from the most pretigious college in México that is used in it's asignatures.
    ### How do we know it's really free?
    It's provided from UNAM's official website.
    ### For book lists, is it a book? For course lists, is it a course? etc.
    Yes, for the book lists it is a book.
    ## Checklist:
    * [x]  Read our [contributing guidelines](https://github.com/EbookFoundation/free-programming-books/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md)
    * [x]  Search for duplicates.
    * [x]  Include author(s) and platform where appropriate.
    * [x]  Put lists in alphabetical order, correct spacing.
    * [x]  Add needed indications (PDF, access notes, under construction)
    ## Follow-up
    * Check the status of GitHub Actions and resolve any reported warnings!
    * Fixed alphabetical order of the contribution
    * Correction quoting source and authors
free-programming-books-es.md 21.5 KB