提交 8a318d6b 编写于 作者: wowkaka's avatar wowkaka


上级 523cc62a
// app.js
// towxml:require('/components/towxml/index'),
onLaunch: function () {
if (!wx.cloud) {
console.error('请使用 2.2.3 或以上的基础库以使用云能力');
// index.js
const app = getApp()
const { envList } = require('../../envList.js');
// const { envList } = require('../../envList.js');
data: {
<view class="cu-bar padding " style="position: fixed;top:0rpx;">
<view class="cu-bar padding " >
<view class="action ">
<!-- <text class="icon-home margin-top-lg" style="color: #84868E;font-size: small;"> 首页</text> -->
<view class="cu-tabbar-height"></view>
<view wx:if="{{project}}">
<!-- <view class="cu-tabbar-height"></view> -->
<view wx:if="{{project}}" class="padding-top">
<!-- background:#1C1F27; bg-gray-->
<view class="margin bg-gray">
<view class="margin-top-lg ">
......@@ -134,4 +134,20 @@
<!-- <view class="cu-bar bg-gray tabbar border shop foot justify-center" style='background: #0C0C14;'>
<button class="cu-btn bg-green margin-tb-sm lg " style="width: 80%;">申请加入</button>
</view> -->
\ No newline at end of file
</view> -->
<view class="cu-card padding-left padding-right padding-bottom" >
<view class="flex align-start align-start padding-bottom padding-top bg-gray" style="height: auto;" >
<view style="height: auto; width: 100%;" class="margin-left margin-right-lg">
<view class="text-xl text-black" style="font-weight: 400;">赞助商广告位
<view class="text-black text-sm flex margin-top-sm">
<!-- <view class="cu-tag bg-green light sm round margin-top" wx:for="{{item.tags}}" wx:if="{{index<3}}">{{item}}</view> -->
\ No newline at end of file
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