sys_dma.h 6.5 KB
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/** @file dma.h
*   @brief DMA Driver Definition File
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*   @date 29.May.2013
*   @version 03.05.02
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/* (c) Texas Instruments 2009-2013, All rights reserved. */

#ifndef __DMA_H__
#define __DMA_H__

#include "reg_dma.h"

/* dma configuration definitions */

#define BLOCK_TRANSFER      1U
#define FRAME_TRANSFER      0U

#define AUTOINIT_ON         1U
#define AUTOINIT_OFF        0U

#define ADDR_FIXED          0U
#define ADDR_INC1           1U
#define ADDR_RESERVED       2U
#define ADDR_OFFSET         3U


/*Bit Masks*/
#define DMA_GCTRL_BUSBUSY	(1U << 14U)
/** @enum dmaREQTYPE
*   @brief DMA TRANSFER Type definitions 
*   Used to define DMA transfer type
enum dmaREQTYPE
    DMA_HW = 0x0U,  /**<  Hardware trigger  */
    DMA_SW = 0x1U   /**<  Software trigger  */

/** @enum dmaCHANNEL
*   @brief DMA CHANNEL definitions 
*   Used to define DMA Channel Number
enum dmaCHANNEL
    DMA_CH0  = 0x00U,
    DMA_CH1  = 0x01U,
    DMA_CH2  = 0x02U,
    DMA_CH3  = 0x03U,
    DMA_CH4  = 0x04U,
    DMA_CH5  = 0x05U,
    DMA_CH6  = 0x06U,
    DMA_CH7  = 0x07U,
    DMA_CH8  = 0x08U,
    DMA_CH9  = 0x09U,
    DMA_CH10 = 0x0AU,
    DMA_CH11 = 0x0BU,
    DMA_CH12 = 0x0CU,
    DMA_CH13 = 0x0DU,
    DMA_CH14 = 0x0EU,
    DMA_CH15 = 0x0FU,
    DMA_CH16 = 0x10U,
    DMA_CH17 = 0x11U,
    DMA_CH18 = 0x12U,
    DMA_CH19 = 0x13U,
    DMA_CH20 = 0x14U,
    DMA_CH21 = 0x15U,
    DMA_CH22 = 0x16U,
    DMA_CH23 = 0x17U,
    DMA_CH24 = 0x18U,
    DMA_CH25 = 0x19U,
    DMA_CH26 = 0x1AU,
    DMA_CH27 = 0x1BU,
    DMA_CH28 = 0x1CU,
    DMA_CH29 = 0x1DU,
    DMA_CH30 = 0x1EU,
    DMA_CH31 = 0x1FU,
    DMA_CH32 = 0x20U

/** @enum dmaACCESS
*   @brief DMA ACESS WIDTH definitions 
*   Used to define DMA access width
typedef enum dmaACCESS
 ACCESS_8_BIT   =  0U,
 ACCESS_16_BIT  =  1U,
 ACCESS_32_BIT  =  2U,
 ACCESS_64_BIT  =  3U

/** @enum dmaPRIORITY
*   @brief DMA Channel Priority
*   Used to define to which priority queue a DMA channel is assigned to
typedef enum dmaPRIORITY

/** @enum dmaREGION
*   @brief DMA Memory Protection Region
*   Used to define DMA Memory Protection Region
typedef enum dmaREGION

/** @enum dmaRegionAccess
*   @brief DMA Memory Protection Region Access
*   Used to define access permission of DMA memory protection regions
typedef enum dmaRegionAccess

/** @enum dmaInterrupt
*   @brief DMA Interrupt
*   Used to define DMA interrupts
typedef enum dmaInterrupt
	FTC = 1U,   /**<  Frame transfer complete Interrupt      */
	LFS = 2U,   /**<  Last frame transfer started Interrupt  */
	HBC = 3U,   /**<  First half of block complete Interrupt */
	BTC = 4U    /**<  Block transfer complete Interrupt      */

/** @struct g_dmaCTRL
*   @brief Interrupt mode globals
typedef struct  dmaCTRLPKT
    uint32 SADD;       /* initial source address           */
    uint32 DADD;       /* initial destination address      */
    uint32 CHCTRL;     /* channel count                    */
    uint32 FRCNT;      /* frame   count                    */
    uint32 ELCNT;      /* element count                    */
    uint32 ELDOFFSET;  /* element destination offset       */
    uint32 ELSOFFSET;  /* element source offset            */
    uint32 FRDOFFSET;  /* frame detination offset          */
    uint32 FRSOFFSET;  /* frame source offset              */
    uint32 PORTASGN;   /* dma port                         */
    uint32 RDSIZE;     /* read element size                */
    uint32 WRSIZE;     /* write element size               */
    uint32 TTYPE;      /* trigger type - frame/block       */
    uint32 ADDMODERD;  /* addresssing mode for source      */
    uint32 ADDMODEWR;  /* addresssing mode for destination */
    uint32 AUTOINIT;   /* auto-init mode                   */
    uint32 COMBO;      /* next ctrl packet trigger         */
} g_dmaCTRL;

typedef volatile struct
     struct                                     /* 0x000-0x400 */
      uint32 ISADDR;
      uint32 IDADDR;
      uint32 ITCOUNT; 
      uint32  rsvd1;    
      uint32 CHCTRL;
      uint32 EIOFF;
      uint32 FIOFF;
      uint32  rsvd2;  

     struct                                     /* 0x400-0x800   */
       uint32 res[256U];
     } RESERVED;

     struct                                     /* 0x800-0xA00 */
      uint32 CSADDR;
      uint32 CDADDR;
      uint32 CTCOUNT;
      uint32  rsvd3; 

} dmaRAMBASE_t;

#define dmaRAMREG ((dmaRAMBASE_t *)0xFFF80000U)

 * @defgroup DMA DMA
 * @brief Direct Memory Access Controller
 * The DMA controller is used to transfer data between two locations in the memory map in the background
 * of CPU operations. Typically, the DMA is used to:
 * - Transfer blocks of data between external and internal data memories
 * - Restructure portions of internal data memory
 * - Continually service a peripheral
 * - Page program sections to internal program memory
 * Related files:
 * - reg_dma.h
 * - sys_dma.h
 * - sys_dma.c
 * @addtogroup DMA
 * @{
/* DMA Interface Functions */
void dmaEnable(void);
void dmaDisable(void);
void dmaSetCtrlPacket(uint32 channel, g_dmaCTRL g_dmaCTRLPKT);
void dmaSetChEnable(uint32 channel,uint32 type);
void dmaReqAssign(uint32 channel,uint32 reqline);
uint32 dmaGetReq(uint32 channel);
void dmaSetPriority(uint32 channel, dmaPRIORITY_t priority);
void dmaEnableInterrupt(uint32 channel, dmaInterrupt_t inttype);
void dmaDisableInterrupt(uint32 channel, dmaInterrupt_t inttype);
void dmaDefineRegion(dmaREGION_t region, uint32 start_add, uint32 end_add);
void dmaEnableRegion(dmaREGION_t region, dmaRegionAccess_t access, boolean intenable);
void dmaDisableRegion(dmaREGION_t region);
void dmaEnableParityCheck(void);
void dmaDisableParityCheck(void);
/** @fn void dmaGroupANotification(dmaInterrupt_t inttype, sint32 channel)
*   @brief Interrupt callback
*   @param[in] inttype  Interrupt type
*                        - FTC
*                        - LFS
*                        - HBC
*                        - BTC
*   @param[in] channel  channel number 0..15
* This is a callback that is provided by the application and is called apon
* an interrupt.  The parameter passed to the callback is a copy of the 
* interrupt flag register.
void dmaGroupANotification(dmaInterrupt_t inttype, sint32 channel);
