提交 b8710f29 编写于 作者: F feilong


上级 7815cbda
......@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
`Shell`是人和机器交互的界面,分为`GUI``命令行(CLI)`两种方式,这里重点介绍命令行的方式。概念`Shell`路易斯·普赞(Louis Pouzin)在1964年至1965年间首次提出,随后在Multics(MULTiplexed Information and Computing System)项目中首次被实现出来。肯·汤普逊(Ken Thompson)以Multics上的shell为范本实现的第一个Unix壳层(Unix shell):`Thompson shell`。AT&T贝尔实验室的史蒂夫·伯恩在1977年实现了`Bourne shell`,或`sh`,它是Version 7 Unix默认的Unix shell,替代执行文件同为sh的Thompson shell。微软的Windows操作系统也提供了命令行壳层的功能,它们是Windows 95 / 98下的`command.com`、Windows NT内核下的`cmd.exe`以及`PowerShell`
下面的`Python 列表`包含了常见Unix系统常见的`shell`:
下面的`Python 列表`包含了Unix系统常见的`shell`:
shells = [
......@@ -51,6 +51,8 @@ run = {
1. 等待用户输入 Python 代码
"one_line": {
"break": [
"ide = ide_dict.get(ret)": [
"ide = ide_dict[ret]"
"if ide is None": [
"if ide is not None"
"input": [
"format(ide['desc'])": [
"source": "ide.py",
"source": "ide.md",
"depends": [],
"exercise_id": 30,
"type": "code_options"
# 现代集成开发环境(IDE)
下面的`Python多行字符串`包含了根据搜索引擎IDE关键词频次建立的IDE排行榜数据,以下数据直接从网页https://pypl.github.io/IDE.html 右侧的表格拷贝下来:
top_ide_trend = '''
Rank Change IDE Share Trend
1 Visual Studio 29.24 % +3.5 %
2 Eclipse 13.91 % -2.9 %
3 Visual Studio Code 12.07 % +3.3 %
4 Android Studio 9.13 % -2.5 %
5 pyCharm 8.43 % +0.7 %
6 IntelliJ 6.7 % +0.8 %
7 NetBeans 4.82 % -0.3 %
8 Sublime Text 3.49 % -0.2 %
9 Xcode 3.37 % -1.2 %
10 Atom 3.25 % -0.5 %
11 Code::Blocks 2.16 % +0.2 %
12 Vim 0.79 % -0.1 %
13 Xamarin 0.48 % -0.1 %
14 PhpStorm 0.46 % -0.2 %
15 geany 0.39 % +0.2 %
16 Komodo 0.31 % -0.2 %
17 Qt Creator 0.26 % -0.0 %
18 Emacs 0.18 % -0.1 %
19 JDeveloper 0.13 % -0.0 %
20 RAD Studio 0.08 % -0.0 %
21 JCreator 0.07 % -0.0 %
22 Light Table 0.07 % -0.0 %
23 MonoDevelop 0.06 % -0.0 %
24 SharpDevelop 0.03 % -0.0 %
25 Eric Python 0.03 % -0.0 %
26 Aptana 0.02 % -0.0 %
27 RubyMine 0.02 % -0.0 %
28 Coda 2 0.02 % +0.0 %
29 Monkey Studio 0.01 % -0.0 %
30 DrJava 0.01 % -0.0 %
事实上其中有些是`编辑器`,例如`Vim``Sublime Text`,这些编辑器有丰富的辅助开发的插件体系,因此许多程序员也会用它们来作为集成开发环境。VIM编辑器源自 Bram Moolenaar 在 80 年代末购入他的 Amiga 计算机时,Amiga 上没有他最常用的编辑器vi。Bram 从一个开源的 vi 复制 Stevie 开始,开发了 Vim 的 1.0 版本。另一个著名的编辑器是 Emacs,VIM 和 Emacs 是编辑器的两大流派。
特别值得一提的是如果你装了VIM,在命令行里输入VIM,打开的VIM屏幕上会展示打开文本,其中文本`Help poor children in Uganda!`是一个线索,你可以通过搜索引擎了解这个细节。
下面的`Python数组`包含了一组 Python 开发常用工具信息:
py_ide_infos = [
"IDEL(https://docs.python.org/3/library/idle.html), Python 内置的IDE,功能比较一般。",
"VIM(http://www.vim.org/),如果你是个VIM爱好者,可以用VIM编写Python,但是Python的缩进处理会比较麻烦。当然,你在 Linux 服务器上的时候有时候就只能用VI/VIM了。",
"Visual Studio Code(https://code.visualstudio.com/),VSCode 对Python的支持非常友好,配合几个插件后几乎是对 Python 开发最友好的IDE了。",
"PyCharm(https://www.jetbrains.com/pycharm/),jetbrains 出品的 PyCharm 也是 Python 开发者常用的IDE。"
请编写一个 Python 比对程序,支持功能:
1. 解析 Python 常用开发工具信息,获得结构化信息
2. 解析 Python 排行榜数据,获得结构化信息
3. 在 Python 排行榜结构化信息中查找 Python 常用开发工具的数据
4. 输出合并后的结构信息
def parse_ide_trend(top_ide_trend):
top_ides = []
top_ide_lines = top_ide_trend.split('\n')[1:]
head = top_ide_lines[0]
columns = head.split('\t')
for row in top_ide_lines[1:]:
row = row.strip()
if row:
cells = row.split('\t')
top_ide = {}
for i in range(0, len(columns)):
column = columns[i]
cell = cells[i]
top_ide[column] = cell
return top_ides
def parse_py_ide(py_ide_infos):
py_ides = []
for row in py_ide_infos:
name_end = row.find('(')
name = row[0:name_end]
link_end = row.find(')')
link = row[name_end+1:link_end]
desc = row[link_end+2:]
py_ides.append({'name': name, 'link': link, 'desc': desc})
return py_ides
def dump_join_result(py_ide, top_ide):
py_ide_name = py_ide['name']
print(f'Python IDE:{py_ide_name}')
print('* 基本信息')
for key in py_ide:
value = py_ide[key]
print(f' * {key}: {value}')
print('* 排行信息')
if top_ide:
for key in top_ide:
if key != 'IDE' and key != 'Change':
value = top_ide[key]
print(f' * {key}: {value}')
print(' * 无')
if __name__ == '__main__':
top_ide_trend = ...
py_ide_infos = ...
top_ides = parse_ide_trend(top_ide_trend)
py_ides = parse_py_ide(py_ide_infos)
# TODO(You): 请在此编写比对程序
* 基本信息
* name: IDEL
* link: https://docs.python.org/3/library/idle.html
* desc: Python 内置的IDE,功能比较一般。
* 排行信息
Python IDE:VIM
* 基本信息
* name: VIM
* link: http://www.vim.org/
* desc: 如果你是个VIM爱好者,可以用VIM编写Python,但是Python的缩进处理会比较麻烦。当然,你在 Linux 服务器上的时候有时候就只能用VI/VIM了。
* 排行信息
* Rank: 12
* Share: 0.79 %
* Trend: -0.1 %
Python IDE:Visual Studio Code
* 基本信息
* name: Visual Studio Code
* link: https://code.visualstudio.com/
* desc: VSCode 对Python的支持非常友好,配合几个插件后几乎是对 Python 开发最友好的IDE了。
* 排行信息
* Rank: 3
* Share: 12.07 %
* Trend: +3.3 %
Python IDE:PyCharm
* 基本信息
* name: PyCharm
* link: https://www.jetbrains.com/pycharm/
* desc: jetbrains 出品的 PyCharm 也是 Python 开发者常用的IDE。
* 排行信息
* Rank: 5
* Share: 8.43 %
* Trend: +0.7 %
以下选项是对代码中`TODO`部分的多种实现,你能找出以下实现<span style="color:red">错误</span>的选项吗?
## template
def parse_ide_trend(top_ide_trend):
top_ides = []
top_ide_lines = top_ide_trend.split('\n')[1:]
head = top_ide_lines[0]
columns = head.split('\t')
for row in top_ide_lines[1:]:
row = row.strip()
if row:
cells = row.split('\t')
top_ide = {}
for i in range(0, len(columns)):
column = columns[i]
cell = cells[i]
top_ide[column] = cell
return top_ides
def parse_py_ide(py_ide_infos):
py_ides = []
for row in py_ide_infos:
name_end = row.find('(')
name = row[0:name_end]
link_end = row.find(')')
link = row[name_end+1:link_end]
desc = row[link_end+2:]
py_ides.append({'name': name, 'link': link, 'desc': desc})
return py_ides
def dump_join_result(py_ide, top_ide):
py_ide_name = py_ide['name']
print(f'Python IDE:{py_ide_name}')
print('* 基本信息')
for key in py_ide:
value = py_ide[key]
print(f' * {key}: {value}')
print('* 排行信息')
if top_ide:
for key in top_ide:
if key != 'IDE' and key != 'Change':
value = top_ide[key]
print(f' * {key}: {value}')
print(' * 无')
def compare_1():
for py_ide in py_ides:
find_top_ide = None
for top_ide in top_ides:
if py_ide['name'].lower() == top_ide['IDE'].lower():
find_top_ide = top_ide
dump_join_result(py_ide, find_top_ide)
def compare_2():
top_ide_dict = {}
for top_ide in top_ides:
top_ide_dict[top_ide['IDE'].lower()] = top_ide
for py_ide in py_ides:
find_top_ide = top_ide_dict.get(py_ide['name'].lower())
dump_join_result(py_ide, find_top_ide)
def compare_3():
find_records = {}
for top_ide in top_ides:
for py_ide in py_ides:
py_ide_name = py_ide['name']
if not find_records.get(py_ide_name):
if py_ide['name'].lower() == top_ide['IDE'].lower():
find_records[py_ide['name']] = True
dump_join_result(py_ide, top_ide)
def compare_4():
top_ide_dict = {}
i = 0
while i < len(top_ides):
top_ide_dict[top_ides[i]['IDE'].lower()] = i
i += 1
j = 0
while j < len(py_ides):
py_ide = py_ides[j]
find_index = top_ide_dict.get(py_ide['name'].lower())
find_top_ide = None
if find_index and find_index >= 0:
find_top_ide = top_ides[find_index]
dump_join_result(py_ide, find_top_ide)
j += 1
if __name__ == '__main__':
top_ide_trend = '''
Rank Change IDE Share Trend
1 Visual Studio 29.24 % +3.5 %
2 Eclipse 13.91 % -2.9 %
3 Visual Studio Code 12.07 % +3.3 %
4 Android Studio 9.13 % -2.5 %
5 pyCharm 8.43 % +0.7 %
6 IntelliJ 6.7 % +0.8 %
7 NetBeans 4.82 % -0.3 %
8 Sublime Text 3.49 % -0.2 %
9 Xcode 3.37 % -1.2 %
10 Atom 3.25 % -0.5 %
11 Code::Blocks 2.16 % +0.2 %
12 Vim 0.79 % -0.1 %
13 Xamarin 0.48 % -0.1 %
14 PhpStorm 0.46 % -0.2 %
15 geany 0.39 % +0.2 %
16 Komodo 0.31 % -0.2 %
17 Qt Creator 0.26 % -0.0 %
18 Emacs 0.18 % -0.1 %
19 JDeveloper 0.13 % -0.0 %
20 RAD Studio 0.08 % -0.0 %
21 JCreator 0.07 % -0.0 %
22 Light Table 0.07 % -0.0 %
23 MonoDevelop 0.06 % -0.0 %
24 SharpDevelop 0.03 % -0.0 %
25 Eric Python 0.03 % -0.0 %
26 Aptana 0.02 % -0.0 %
27 RubyMine 0.02 % -0.0 %
28 Coda 2 0.02 % +0.0 %
29 Monkey Studio 0.01 % -0.0 %
30 DrJava 0.01 % -0.0 %
py_ide_infos = [
"IDEL(https://docs.python.org/3/library/idle.html), Python 内置的IDE,功能比较一般。",
"VIM(http://www.vim.org/),如果你是个VIM爱好者,可以用VIM编写Python,但是Python的缩进处理会比较麻烦。当然,你在 Linux 服务器上的时候有时候就只能用VI/VIM了。",
"Visual Studio Code(https://code.visualstudio.com/),VSCode 对Python的支持非常友好,配合几个插件后几乎是对 Python 开发最友好的IDE了。",
"PyCharm(https://www.jetbrains.com/pycharm/),jetbrains 出品的 PyCharm 也是 Python 开发者常用的IDE。"
top_ides = parse_ide_trend(top_ide_trend)
py_ides = parse_py_ide(py_ide_infos)
## 答案
find_records = {}
for top_ide in top_ides:
for py_ide in py_ides:
py_ide_name = py_ide['name']
if not find_records.get(py_ide_name):
if py_ide['name'].lower() == top_ide['IDE'].lower():
find_records[py_ide['name']] = True
dump_join_result(py_ide, top_ide)
## 选项
### 两层循环
for py_ide in py_ides:
find_top_ide = None
for top_ide in top_ides:
if py_ide['name'].lower() == top_ide['IDE'].lower():
find_top_ide = top_ide
dump_join_result(py_ide, find_top_ide)
### 索引
top_ide_dict = {}
for top_ide in top_ides:
top_ide_dict[top_ide['IDE'].lower()] = top_ide
for py_ide in py_ides:
find_top_ide = top_ide_dict.get(py_ide['name'].lower())
dump_join_result(py_ide, find_top_ide)
### 使用整数索引
top_ide_dict = {}
i = 0
while i < len(top_ides):
top_ide_dict[top_ides[i]['IDE'].lower()] = i
i += 1
j = 0
while j < len(py_ides):
py_ide = py_ides[j]
find_index = top_ide_dict.get(py_ide['name'].lower())
find_top_ide = None
if find_index and find_index >= 0:
find_top_ide = top_ides[find_index]
dump_join_result(py_ide, find_top_ide)
j += 1
......@@ -4,59 +4,156 @@
# 描述:提示用户选择想要了解的IDE,输出对应 IDE 介绍
def test():
ide_list = [
"shutcut": 'i',
"name": "IDEL",
"link": "https://docs.python.org/3/library/idle.html",
"desc": "Python 内置的IDE,功能比较一般"
"shutcut": 'v',
"name": "VIM",
"link": "http://www.vim.org/",
"desc": "如果你是个VIM爱好者,可以用VIM编写Python,但是Python的缩进处理会比较麻烦。当然,你在 Linux 服务器上的时候有时候就只能用VI/VIM了。"
"shutcut": 'c',
"name": "VSCode",
"link": "https://code.visualstudio.com/",
"desc": "VSCode 对Python的支持非常友好,配合几个插件后几乎是对 Python 开发最友好的IDE了"
"shutcut": 'p',
"name": "PyCharm",
"link": "https://www.jetbrains.com/pycharm/",
"desc": "jetbrains 出品的 PyCharm 也是 Python 开发者常用的IDE"
def parse_ide_trend(top_ide_trend):
top_ides = []
top_ide_lines = top_ide_trend.split('\n')[1:]
head = top_ide_lines[0]
columns = head.split('\t')
for row in top_ide_lines[1:]:
row = row.strip()
if row:
cells = row.split('\t')
top_ide = {}
for i in range(0, len(columns)):
column = columns[i]
cell = cells[i]
top_ide[column] = cell
return top_ides
def parse_py_ide(py_ide_infos):
py_ides = []
for row in py_ide_infos:
name_end = row.find('(')
name = row[0:name_end]
link_end = row.find(')')
link = row[name_end+1:link_end]
desc = row[link_end+2:]
py_ides.append({'name': name, 'link': link, 'desc': desc})
return py_ides
def dump_join_result(py_ide, top_ide):
py_ide_name = py_ide['name']
print(f'Python IDE:{py_ide_name}')
print('* 基本信息')
for key in py_ide:
value = py_ide[key]
print(f' * {key}: {value}')
print('* 排行信息')
if top_ide:
for key in top_ide:
if key != 'IDE' and key != 'Change':
value = top_ide[key]
print(f' * {key}: {value}')
print(' * 无')
ide_dict = {}
short_cuts = []
for ide in ide_list:
s = ide['shutcut']
ide_dict[s] = ide
print("常见的 Python IDE 列表:")
for s in ide_dict:
print('* {}: {}'.format(s, ide_dict[s]['name']))
while True:
ret = input("请选择你喜欢的IDE({}, q退出):".format('/'.join(short_cuts)))
if ret == 'q':
def compare_1():
for py_ide in py_ides:
find_top_ide = None
for top_ide in top_ides:
if py_ide['name'].lower() == top_ide['IDE'].lower():
find_top_ide = top_ide
dump_join_result(py_ide, find_top_ide)
ide = ide_dict.get(ret)
if ide is None:
print("[错误] 不支持的选项")
print("* IDE: {}".format(ide['name']))
print("* 链接: {}".format(ide['link']))
print("* 描述: {}".format(ide['desc']))
def compare_2():
top_ide_dict = {}
for top_ide in top_ides:
top_ide_dict[top_ide['IDE'].lower()] = top_ide
for py_ide in py_ides:
find_top_ide = top_ide_dict.get(py_ide['name'].lower())
dump_join_result(py_ide, find_top_ide)
def compare_3():
find_records = {}
for top_ide in top_ides:
for py_ide in py_ides:
py_ide_name = py_ide['name']
if not find_records.get(py_ide_name):
if py_ide['name'].lower() == top_ide['IDE'].lower():
find_records[py_ide['name']] = True
dump_join_result(py_ide, top_ide)
def compare_4():
top_ide_dict = {}
i = 0
while i < len(top_ides):
top_ide_dict[top_ides[i]['IDE'].lower()] = i
i += 1
j = 0
while j < len(py_ides):
py_ide = py_ides[j]
find_index = top_ide_dict.get(py_ide['name'].lower())
find_top_ide = None
if find_index and find_index >= 0:
find_top_ide = top_ides[find_index]
dump_join_result(py_ide, find_top_ide)
j += 1
if __name__ == '__main__':
top_ide_trend = '''
Rank Change IDE Share Trend
1 Visual Studio 29.24 % +3.5 %
2 Eclipse 13.91 % -2.9 %
3 Visual Studio Code 12.07 % +3.3 %
4 Android Studio 9.13 % -2.5 %
5 pyCharm 8.43 % +0.7 %
6 IntelliJ 6.7 % +0.8 %
7 NetBeans 4.82 % -0.3 %
8 Sublime Text 3.49 % -0.2 %
9 Xcode 3.37 % -1.2 %
10 Atom 3.25 % -0.5 %
11 Code::Blocks 2.16 % +0.2 %
12 Vim 0.79 % -0.1 %
13 Xamarin 0.48 % -0.1 %
14 PhpStorm 0.46 % -0.2 %
15 geany 0.39 % +0.2 %
16 Komodo 0.31 % -0.2 %
17 Qt Creator 0.26 % -0.0 %
18 Emacs 0.18 % -0.1 %
19 JDeveloper 0.13 % -0.0 %
20 RAD Studio 0.08 % -0.0 %
21 JCreator 0.07 % -0.0 %
22 Light Table 0.07 % -0.0 %
23 MonoDevelop 0.06 % -0.0 %
24 SharpDevelop 0.03 % -0.0 %
25 Eric Python 0.03 % -0.0 %
26 Aptana 0.02 % -0.0 %
27 RubyMine 0.02 % -0.0 %
28 Coda 2 0.02 % +0.0 %
29 Monkey Studio 0.01 % -0.0 %
30 DrJava 0.01 % -0.0 %
py_ide_infos = [
"IDEL(https://docs.python.org/3/library/idle.html), Python 内置的IDE,功能比较一般。",
"VIM(http://www.vim.org/),如果你是个VIM爱好者,可以用VIM编写Python,但是Python的缩进处理会比较麻烦。当然,你在 Linux 服务器上的时候有时候就只能用VI/VIM了。",
"Visual Studio Code(https://code.visualstudio.com/),VSCode 对Python的支持非常友好,配合几个插件后几乎是对 Python 开发最友好的IDE了。",
"PyCharm(https://www.jetbrains.com/pycharm/),jetbrains 出品的 PyCharm 也是 Python 开发者常用的IDE。"
top_ides = parse_ide_trend(top_ide_trend)
py_ides = parse_py_ide(py_ide_infos)
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