提交 28a0ebb2 编写于 作者: U u010280923

bug fixed

上级 b670e642
......@@ -26,10 +26,10 @@ def test():
"sub_title": 'SciPy refers to several related but distinct entities:',
"sub_title_zh_cn": 'SciPy 指向一组相关但互相独立的软件包',
"desc": [
'The SciPy ecosystem, a collection of open source software for scientific computing in Python.',
'The community of people who use and develop this stack.',
'Several conferences dedicated to scientific computing in Python - SciPy, EuroSciPy, and SciPy.in.',
'The SciPy library, one component of the SciPy stack, providing many numerical routines.',
'Several conferences dedicated to scientific computing in Python - SciPy, EuroSciPy, and SciPy.in.',
'The community of people who use and develop this stack.',
'The SciPy ecosystem, a collection of open source software for scientific computing in Python.',
"desc_zh_ch": [
'SciPy 本身也是一个Python库, 属于 SciPy 技术栈的一员, 提供了许多数值计算程序.',
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