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# Alice、Bob 和他们的朋友们

密码学家 Rivest、Shamir、Adleman 于1977年4月撰写了一篇论文《数字签名与公钥密码学》(On Digital Signatures and Public-Key Cryptosystems),并投稿至了一个期刊上,不过很遗憾这篇论文被拒稿了。随后他们修改了论文,并将论文重新命名为《一种实现数字签名和公钥密码系统的方法》(A Method of Obtaining Digital Signatures and Public-Key Cryptosystems),最终于1978年2月成功发表于顶级期刊《ACM通信》(Communications of the ACM)。在这篇论文中,三位密码学家嫌弃使用A、B两个字母代表角色太无聊,就用Alice和Bob来代替A和B。

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在随后的几十年里密码学界又新增了很多著名人物。布鲁斯·施奈尔所著的《应用密码学》(Applied Cryptography)里详细列举了这些人物,下面是一些例子:
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crypto_roles = [
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Python 是一门多范式编程语言,其中包括面向对象编程。

首先,我们用 `Python 类(class)` 定义一个密码城邦人物类型:

class CryptographyPeople:
    def __init__(self, name_cn, name_en, role, desc):
        self.name_cn = name_cn
        self.name_en = name_en
        self.role = role
        self.desc = desc


class SimpleCryptographyPeopleParser:
    def __init__(self, text) -> None:
        self.text = text

    def parse(self, desc):
        # 解析名字部分
        name_cn, name_en, rest = self.parse_name(desc)

        # 解析角色部分
        role, rest = self.parse_role(rest)

        # 解析描述不符
        desc = self.parse_desc(rest)

        # 创建密码城邦人物
        people = CryptographyPeople(name_cn, name_en, role, desc)

        return people

    def parse_name(self, text):
        # 解析名字部分
        index = text.find('是')
        name, rest = text[0:index], text[index+1:]

        # 解析中英文名字
        start = name.find('(')
        end = name.find(')')
        name_cn = name[0:start]
        name_en = name[start+1:end]

        return name_cn.strip(), name_en.strip(), rest

    def parse_role(self, text):
        index1 = text.find('。')
        index2 = text.find(',')

        index = 0
        if index1 > 0 and index2 > 0:
            index = min(index1, index2)
            index = max(index1, index2)

        role, rest = text[0:index], text[index+1:len(text)-1]

        # 去除冗余量词
        counts = ['一名', '一位', '一个']
        for count in counts:
            role = role.replace(count, '')
        return role.strip(), rest.strip()

    def parse_desc(self, name_cn, name_en, role, rest):
        desc = rest
        if desc:
            # 识别自我主语
            self_list = [name_cn, '他', '她']
            for self_item in self_list:
                desc = desc.replace(self_item, '我')
            # 补充默认描述
            desc = '很高兴认识你'

最后,我们希望创建一个密码城邦,它包含 `add``introduce` 两个方法:

class CryptographyCity:
    def __init__(self):
        self.peoples = []

    def add(self, text):
        parser = SimpleCryptographyPeopleParser(text)
        people = parser.parse(text)

    # TODO(YOU): 请在此实现 introduce 方法


if __name__ == '__main__':
    crypto_roles = ...

    city = CryptographyCity()
    for crypto_role in crypto_roles:


爱丽丝(Alice): 密码学家说我是一位信息发送者,很高兴认识你。
鲍伯(Bob): 密码学家说我是一位信息接受者,通例上,爱丽丝希望把一条消息发送给我。
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请找出以下对类`CryptographyCity`的方法`introduce`的实现中,<span style="color:red">不正确</span>的选项。

## template

class CryptographyPeople:
    def __init__(self, name_cn, name_en, role, desc):
        self.name_cn = name_cn
        self.name_en = name_en
        self.role = role
        self.desc = desc

class SimpleCryptographyPeopleParser:
    def __init__(self, text) -> None:
        self.text = text

    def parse(self, desc):
        # 解析名字部分
        name_cn, name_en, rest = self.parse_name(desc)

        # 解析角色部分
        role, rest = self.parse_role(name_cn, name_en, rest)

        # 解析描述不符
        desc = self.parse_desc(name_cn, name_en, role, rest)

        # 创建密码城邦人物
        people = CryptographyPeople(name_cn, name_en, role, desc)

        return people

    def parse_name(self, text):
        # 解析名字部分
        index = text.find('是')
        name, rest = text[0:index], text[index+1:]

        # 解析中英文名字
        start = name.find('(')
        end = name.find(')')
        name_cn = name[0:start]
        name_en = name[start+1:end]

        return name_cn.strip(), name_en.strip(), rest

    def parse_role(self, name_cn, name_en, text):
        index1 = text.find('。')
        index2 = text.find(',')

        index = 0
        if index1 > 0 and index2 > 0:
            index = min(index1, index2)
            index = max(index1, index2)

        role, rest = text[0:index], text[index+1:len(text)-1]

        # 去除冗余量词
        counts = ['一名', '一位', '一个']
        for count in counts:
            role = role.replace(count, '')
        return role.strip(), rest.strip()

    def parse_desc(self, name_cn, name_en, role, rest):
        desc = rest
        if desc:
            # 识别自我主语
            self_list = [name_cn, '他', '她']
            for self_item in self_list:
                desc = desc.replace(self_item, '我')
            # 补充默认描述
            desc = '很高兴认识你'
        return desc

class CryptographyCity:
    def __init__(self):
        self.peoples = []

    def add(self, text):
        parser = SimpleCryptographyPeopleParser(text)
        people = parser.parse(text)

    def introduce(self):
        for people in self.peoples:
            info = f'{people.name_cn}({people.name_en}): 密码学家说我是一位{people.role}{people.desc}。'

if __name__ == '__main__':
    crypto_roles = [
        '艾萨克(Isaac)是互联网服务提供者 (ISP)。',
        '马洛里(Mallory)是一位恶意攻击者(malicious attacker)。与伊夫不同的是,马洛里会篡改发送的消息。对付马洛里所需的信息安全技术比对伊夫的高出很多。有时亦会叫作马文(Marvin)或马利特(Mallet)。',
        '普特(Plod或Officer Plod)是执法官员。名称来自伊妮·布来敦所著的儿童文学《诺弟》(Noddy)中的角色“普特先生”。',
        '特伦特(Trent)是一位可信赖的仲裁人(trusted arbitrator),中立的第三者,根据存在的协议而判断。',

    city = CryptographyCity()
    for crypto_role in crypto_roles:

## 答案

class CryptographyCity:
    def __init__(self):
        self.peoples = []

    def add(self, text):
        parser = SimpleCryptographyPeopleParser(text)
        people = parser.parse(text)

    def introduce():
        for people in peoples:

    def say(people):
        info = f'{people.name_cn}({people.name_en}): 密码学家说我是一位{people.role}{people.desc}。'

## 选项

### for 语句实现

class CryptographyCity:
    def __init__(self):
        self.peoples = []

    def add(self, text):
        parser = SimpleCryptographyPeopleParser(text)
        people = parser.parse(text)

    def introduce(self):
        for people in self.peoples:

    def say(self, people):
        info = f'{people.name_cn}({people.name_en}): 密码学家说我是一位{people.role}{people.desc}。'

### while语句实现

class CryptographyCity:
    def __init__(self):
        self.peoples = []

    def add(self, text):
        parser = SimpleCryptographyPeopleParser(text)
        people = parser.parse(text)

    def introduce(self):
        while i<len(self.peoples):
            people = self.peoples[i]

    def say(self, people):
        info = f'{people.name_cn}({people.name_en}): 密码学家说我是一位{people.role}{people.desc}。'

### 列表表达式

class CryptographyCity:
    def __init__(self):
        self.peoples = []

    def add(self, text):
        parser = SimpleCryptographyPeopleParser(text)
        people = parser.parse(text)

    def introduce(self):
        [self.say(people) for people in self.peoples]

    def say(self, people):
        info = f'{people.name_cn}({people.name_en}): 密码学家说我是一位{people.role}{people.desc}。'