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# TinyURL 的加密与解密

<p>TinyURL是一种URL简化服务, 比如:当你输入一个URL&nbsp;<code></code>&nbsp;时,它将返回一个简化的URL&nbsp;<code></code>.</p>

<p>要求:设计一个 TinyURL 的加密&nbsp;<code>encode</code>&nbsp;和解密&nbsp;<code>decode</code>&nbsp;的方法。你的加密和解密算法如何设计和运作是没有限制的,你只需要保证一个URL可以被加密成一个TinyURL,并且这个TinyURL可以用解密方法恢复成原本的URL。</p>

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<p>以下<font color="red">错误</font>的选项是?</p>
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## aop

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### before

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#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
### after

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// Your Solution object will be instantiated and called as such:
// Solution solution;
// solution.decode(solution.encode(url));

## 答案

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class Solution
    map<string, string> mp;

    string encode(string longUrl)
        string str = "tinyurl" + to_string(key);
        mp[str] = longUrl;
        return str;

    string decode(string shortUrl)
        return mp[shortUrl];
## 选项

### A
class Solution
    unordered_map<string, string> hashMap;
    string TINYURL_PREFIX = "";
    string INDEX = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ";

    string encode(string longUrl)
        string newShortStr = "";
        while (true)

            for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i)
                newShortStr += INDEX[rand() % 62];

            string resStr = TINYURL_PREFIX + newShortStr;
            if (hashMap.count(resStr) == 0)
                hashMap[resStr] = longUrl;
                return resStr;
    string decode(string shortUrl)
        return hashMap[shortUrl];

### B
class Solution
    using ull = unsigned long long;
    const ull base = 11;
    const string code = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ";
    const ull len = code.size();
    unordered_map<string, string> m;

    ull hashCode(string url)
        ull hash = 0;
        for (auto c : url)
            hash *= base;
            hash += c;
        return hash;
    string hashToString(ull n)
        string ans;
        while (n)
            ans += code[n % len];
            n /= len;
        return ans;

    string encode(string longUrl)
        string shortUrl = hashToString(hashCode(longUrl));
        m[shortUrl] = longUrl;
        return shortUrl;

    string decode(string shortUrl)
        return m[shortUrl];

### C
class Solution
    unordered_map<string, string> mp;
    int i = 0;
    string encode(string longUrl)
        mp[to_string(i)] = longUrl;
        string res = "" + to_string(i++);
        return res;
    string decode(string shortUrl)
        return mp[shortUrl.substr(19, shortUrl.size() - 19)];