The fact that Hopper wholeheartedly welcomed non- UNIVAC personnel to learn about the A-2 compiler sheds some light on her beliefs concerning intellectual property. Hopper did not view software as a commodity to be patented and sold. Rather, she took her cue from the mathematics community. Like most other academics, mathematicians shared information universally, in order to advance knowledge. Though individual efforts were acknowledged by colleagues, advancement in the field was contingent on a communal view of information, community validation, and evolutionary advancement based on previous work. In the same way, software, according to Hopper, was a public good to be shared freely among all users. Complicating software development with secrecy would only inhibit innovation.
Beyer, Kurt W.. Grace Hopper and the Invention of the Information Age (Lemelson Center Studies in Invention and Innovation series Book 4) .
总结:在早期的计算机上,“软件” 只是实现把数学公式转化到机器代码中,子程序的出现,让大多数的常用计算公式能够一次写好,多次被调用。随着计算机软件科学和技术的发展,如何分享 “科研成果” vs “保护商业利益” 成为程序员需要面对的问题。
2. 1960 - 1970 年代:
在环境/文化方面: 黑客文化兴起
在计算机/OS 方面: Unix 在大学计算机教育界的兴起和版权纠纷
商业创新方面: 个人电脑:Xerox Parc 的 Alto 电脑, Apple I,BASIC 解释器