提交 941ca68c 编写于 作者: E Evan You

finish docs

上级 664a8e03
......@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ module.exports = {
head: [
['link', { rel: 'icon', href: `/logo.png` }]
pwa: true,
themeConfig: {
repo: 'vuejs/vuepress',
editLinks: true,
......@@ -8,42 +8,178 @@ sidebar: auto
### base
- Type: `string`
- Default: `/`
The base URL the site will be deployed at. You will need to set this if you plan to deploy your site under a sub path, for example GitHub pages. If you plan to deploy your site to `https://foo.github.io/bar/`, then `base` should be set to `"/bar/"`. It should always start and end with a slash.
The `base` is automatically prepended to all the URLs that start with `/` in other options, so you only need to specify it once.
**Also see:**
- [Base URL](../guide/assets.md#base-url)
- [Deploy Guide > Github Pages](../guide/deploy.md#github-pages)
### title
- Type: `string`
- Default: `undefined`
Title for the site. This will be the prefix for all page titles, and displayed in the navbar in the default theme.
### description
- Type: `string`
- Default: `undefined`
Description for the site. This will be rendered as a `<meta>` tag in the page HTML.
### head
- Type: `Array`
- Default: `[]`
Extra tags to be injected to the page HTML `<head>`. Each tag can be specified in the form of `[tagName, { attrName: attrValue }, innerHTML?]`. For example, to add a custom favicon:
``` js
module.exports = {
head: [
['link', { rel: 'icon', href: `/logo.png` }]
### port
- Type: `number`
- Default: `8080`
Specify the port to use for the dev server.
### dest
- Type: `string`
- Default: `.vuepress/dist`
Specify the output directory for `vuepress build`.
### ga
- Type: `string`
- Default: `undefined`
Provide the Google Analytics ID to enable integration.
### pwa
- Type: `boolean`
- Default: `false`
Set to `true` to enable PWA support. VuePress will automatically generate and register a service worker that caches the content for offline use in production.
::: warning
Only enable this if you are able to deploy your site with SSL, since service worker can only be registered under HTTPs URLs.
## Theming
### theme
- Type: `string`
- Default: `undefined`
Specify this to use a custom theme. With the value of `"foo"`, VuePress will attempt to load the theme component at `node_modules/vuepress-theme-foo/Layout.vue`.
### themeConfig
Also see [config options for the default theme](../default-theme-config/).
- Type: `Object`
- Default: `{}`
Provide config options to the used theme. The options will vary depending on the theme you are using.
**Also see:**
- [Default Theme Configuration](../default-theme-config/).
## Markdown
### markdown.anchor
- Type: `Object`
- Default: `{ permalink: true, permalinkBefore: true, permalinkSymbol: '#' }`
Options for [markdown-it-anchor](https://github.com/valeriangalliat/markdown-it-anchor).
### markdown.toc
- Type: `Object`
- Default: `{ includeLevel: [2, 3] }`
Options for [markdown-it-table-of-contents](https://github.com/Oktavilla/markdown-it-table-of-contents).
### markdown.config
- Type: `Function`
- Default: `undefined`
A function to apply additional plugins to the [markdown-it](https://github.com/markdown-it/markdown-it) instance used to render source files. Example:
``` js
module.exports = {
markdown: {
config: md => {
## Build Pipeline
### postcss
- Type: `Object`
- Default: `{ plugins: [require('autoprefixer')] }`
Options for [postcss-loader](https://github.com/postcss/postcss-loader). Note specifying this value will overwrite autoprefixer and you will need to include it yourself.
### configureWebpack
- Type: `Object | Function`
- Default: `undefined`
Modify the internal webpack config. If the value is an Object, it will be merged into the final config using [webpack-merge](https://github.com/survivejs/webpack-merge); If the value is a function, it will receive the config as the 1st argument and an `isServer` flag as the 2nd argument. You can either mutate the config directly, or return an object to be merged:
``` js
module.exports = {
configureWebpack: (config, isServer) => {
if (!isServer) {
// mutate the config for client
### chainWebpack
- Type: `Function`
- Default: `undefined`
Modify the internal webpack config with [webpack-chain](https://github.com/mozilla-neutrino/webpack-chain).
``` js
module.exports = {
chainWebpack: (config, isServer) => {
// config is an instance of ChainableConfig
## Browser Compatibility
### evergreen
- Type: `boolean`
- Default: `false`
Set to `true` if you are only targeting evergreen browsers. This will disable ES5 transpilation and polyfills for IE, and result in faster builds and smaller files.
......@@ -8,6 +8,27 @@ sidebar: auto
All options listed on this page apply to the default theme only. If you are using a custom theme, the options may be different.
## Homepage
The default theme provides a homepage layout (which is used on [the homepage of this very website](/)). To use it, specify `home: true` plus some other metadata in your root `README.md`'s YAML front matter. This is the actual data used on this site:
``` yaml
home: true
heroImage: /hero.png
actionText: Get Started →
actionLink: /guide/
- title: Simplicity First
details: Minimal setup with markdown-centered project structure helps you focus on writing.
- title: Vue-Powered
details: Enjoy the dev experience of Vue + webpack, use Vue components in markdown, and develop custom themes with Vue.
- title: Performant
details: VuePress generates pre-rendered static HTML for each page, and runs as an SPA once a page is loaded.
footer: MIT Licensed | Copyright © 2018-present Evan You
## Navbar Links
You can add links to the navbar via `themeConfig.nav`:
......@@ -134,7 +155,18 @@ sidebar: auto
## Homepage
Any additional content after the front matter will be parsed as normal markdown and rendered after the features section.
## Prev / Next Links
Prev and next links are automatically inferred based on the sidebar order of the active page. You can also explicitly overwrite or disable them using YAML front matter:
``` yaml
prev: ./some-other-page
next: false
## GitHub Repo and Edit Links
......@@ -17,6 +17,8 @@ Each markdown file is compiled into HTML with [markdown-it](https://github.com/m
- [Built-in markdown extensions](./markdown.md) optimized for technical documentation
- [Ability to leverage Vue inside markdown files](./using-vue.md)
- [Vue-powered custom theme system](./custom-themes)
- PWA Support
- Google Analytics Integration
- A default theme with:
- Responsive layout
- Optional Homepage
......@@ -30,7 +32,6 @@ VuePress is still a work in progress. There are a few things that it currently d
- Dropdown Items in Navbar
- Multi-Language Support
- PWA Support
- Algolia DocSearch Integration
- Blogging support
......@@ -11,45 +11,17 @@ VuePress uses Vue single file components for custom themes. To use a custom layo
From there it's the same as developing a normal Vue application. It is entirely up to you how to organize your theme.
## Using Theme from a Dependency
Themes can be published on npm as `vuepress-theme-xxx`.
To use a theme from an npm dependency, provide a `theme` option in `.vuepress/config.js`:
``` js
module.exports = {
theme: 'awesome'
VuePress will attempt to locate and use `node_modules/vuepress-theme-awesome/Layout.vue`.
## Content Outlet
The compiled content of the current `.md` file being rendered will be available as a special `<Content/>` global component. You will need to render it somewhere in your layout in order to display the content of the page. The simplest theme can be just a single `Layout.vue` component with the following content:
``` html
<div class="theme-container">
In addition to rendering the markdown content, the `<Content/>` component is also responsible for setting the title and other metadata of a specific page.
## Site and Page Metadata
The `Layout` component will be invoked once for every `.md` file in `docs`, and the metadata for the entire site and that specific page will be exposed respectively in `$site` and `$page` properties which are injected into every component in the app.
The `Layout` component will be invoked once for every `.md` file in `docs`, and the metadata for the entire site and that specific page will be exposed respectively as `this.$site` and `this.$page` properties which are injected into every component in the app.
This is the value of `$site` of this very website:
``` json
"title": "VuePress",
"description": "Minimalistic docs generator with Vue component based layout system",
"base": "/vuepress/",
"description": "Vue-powered Static Site Generator",
"base": "/",
"pages": [
"path": "/",
......@@ -67,10 +39,39 @@ This is the `$page` object for this page you are looking at:
``` json
"path": "/theming.html",
"title": "Custom Theme",
"path": "/custom-themes.html",
"title": "Custom Themes",
"headers": [/* ... */],
"frontmatter": {}
If the user provided `themeConfig` in `.vuepress/config.js`, it will also be available as `$site.themeConfig`. You can use this to allow users to customize behavior of your theme - for example, specifying categories and page order. You can then use these data together with `$site.pages` to dynamically construct navigation links.
Finally, don't forget that `this.$route` and `this.$router` are also available as part of Vue Router's API.
## Content Outlet
The compiled content of the current `.md` file being rendered will be available as a special `<Content/>` global component. You will need to render it somewhere in your layout in order to display the content of the page. The simplest theme can be just a single `Layout.vue` component with the following content:
``` html
<div class="theme-container">
## Using Theme from a Dependency
Themes can be published on npm in raw Vue SFC format as `vuepress-theme-xxx`.
To use a theme from an npm dependency, provide a `theme` option in `.vuepress/config.js`:
``` js
module.exports = {
theme: 'awesome'
VuePress will attempt to locate and use `node_modules/vuepress-theme-awesome/Layout.vue`.
# Deploying
The following guides assumes you are placing your docs inside the `docs` directory of your project and using the default build output location.
## GitHub Pages
1. Set `base` in `.vuepress/config.js` to your repository's name. For example, if your repository is `https://github.com/foo/bar`, the deployed pages will be available at `https://foo.github.io/bar`. In this case, you should set `base` to `"/bar/"`.
2. Inside your project, run:
``` bash
# build
vuepress build docs
# navigate into the build output directory
cd docs/.vuepress/dist
git init
git add -A
git commit -m 'deploy'
# push to the gh-pages branch of your repo.
# replace <USERNAME>/<REPO> with your info
git push -f git@github.com:<USERNAME>/<REPO>.git master:gh-pages
You can run this script in your CI setup to enable automatic deployment on each push.
## Netlify
1. Make sure you have npm scripts for building your docs:
``` json
"scripts": {
"build-docs": "vuepress build docs"
2. On Netlify, setup up a new project from GitHub with the following settings:
- **Build Command:** `npm run build-docs` or `yarn build-docs`
- **Publish directory:** `docs/.vuepress/dist`
3. Hit the deploy button!
Markdown is supported
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