提交 852c5fe5 编写于 作者: G giraud florent

docs(dev): adding doc to local development and add more script

上级 6d47c9e7
"lerna": "2.5.1",
"npmClient": "yarn",
"useWorkspaces": true,
"version": "1.0.3"
......@@ -8,8 +8,11 @@
"description": "Minimalistic doc generator with Vue component based layout system",
"scripts": {
"precommit": "lint-staged",
"bootstrap": "yarn && lerna bootstrap && yarn tsc",
"bootstrap": "yarn && yarn tsc",
"clean": "lerna clean && rm -rf node_modules",
"packages:list": "lerna ls -l",
"packages:diff": "lerna diff",
"packages:changed": "lerna changed",
"boot": "node scripts/bootstrap.js",
"remote-version": "node scripts/remote-version.js",
"dev": "yarn tsc && yarn dev:docs",
......@@ -19,11 +22,12 @@
"view-info": "yarn tsc && yarn workspace docs view-info",
"show-help": "yarn workspace docs show-help",
"register-vuepress": "lerna exec --scope vuepress -- yarn link",
"unregister-vuepress": "lerna exec --scope vuepress -- yarn unlink",
"lint": "eslint packages --fix --ext .js,.vue",
"release": "yarn --pure-lockfile && yarn tsc && node scripts/release.js",
"release": "yarn --pure-lockfile && yarn tsc && node scripts/release.js",
"changelog": "conventional-changelog -p angular -i CHANGELOG.md -s -r 2",
"test": "node scripts/test.js",
"tsc": "lerna run tsc"
"tsc": "yarn workspace @vuepress/shared-utils tsc"
"devDependencies": {
"@types/escape-html": "^0.0.20",
module.exports = [
text: 'Guide',
link: '/guide/',
text: "Guide",
link: "/guide/"
text: 'Config Reference',
link: '/config/'
text: "Config Reference",
link: "/config/"
text: 'Plugin',
link: '/plugin/'
text: "Plugin",
link: "/plugin/"
text: 'Theme',
link: '/theme/'
text: "Theme",
link: "/theme/"
text: 'Learn More',
text: "Learn More",
items: [
text: 'API',
text: "API",
items: [
text: 'CLI',
link: '/api/cli.html'
text: "CLI",
link: "/api/cli.html"
text: 'Node',
link: '/api/node.html'
text: "Node",
link: "/api/node.html"
text: 'Contributing Guide',
text: "Contributing Guide",
items: [
text: 'Design Concepts',
link: '/miscellaneous/design-concepts.html'
text: "Local Development",
link: "/miscellaneous/local-development.html"
text: 'FAQ',
link: '/faq/',
text: "Design Concepts",
link: "/miscellaneous/design-concepts.html"
text: 'Glossary',
link: '/miscellaneous/glossary.html'
text: "FAQ",
link: "/faq/"
text: "Glossary",
link: "/miscellaneous/glossary.html"
text: 'Miscellaneous',
text: "Miscellaneous",
items: [
text: 'Migrate from 0.x',
link: '/miscellaneous/migration-guide.html'
text: "Migrate from 0.x",
link: "/miscellaneous/migration-guide.html"
text: 'Changelog',
link: 'https://github.com/vuejs/vuepress/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md'
text: "Changelog",
link: "https://github.com/vuejs/vuepress/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md"
text: '0.x',
link: 'https://vuepress.vuejs.org/'
text: "0.x",
link: "https://vuepress.vuejs.org/"
module.exports = [
text: '指南',
link: '/zh/guide/',
text: "指南",
link: "/zh/guide/"
text: '配置',
link: '/zh/config/'
text: "配置",
link: "/zh/config/"
text: '插件',
link: '/zh/plugin/'
text: "插件",
link: "/zh/plugin/"
text: '主题',
link: '/zh/theme/'
text: "主题",
link: "/zh/theme/"
text: '了解更多',
text: "了解更多",
items: [
text: 'API',
text: "API",
items: [
text: 'CLI',
link: '/zh/api/cli.html'
text: "CLI",
link: "/zh/api/cli.html"
text: 'Node',
link: '/zh/api/node.html'
text: "Node",
link: "/zh/api/node.html"
text: '开发指南',
text: "开发指南",
items: [
text: '设计理念',
link: '/zh/miscellaneous/design-concepts.html'
text: "Local Development",
link: "/miscellaneous/local-development.html"
text: 'FAQ',
link: '/zh/faq/',
text: "设计理念",
link: "/zh/miscellaneous/design-concepts.html"
text: '术语',
link: '/zh/miscellaneous/glossary.html'
text: "FAQ",
link: "/zh/faq/"
text: "术语",
link: "/zh/miscellaneous/glossary.html"
text: '其他',
text: "其他",
items: [
text: '从 0.x 迁移',
link: '/zh/miscellaneous/migration-guide.html'
text: "从 0.x 迁移",
link: "/zh/miscellaneous/migration-guide.html"
text: 'Changelog',
link: 'https://github.com/vuejs/vuepress/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md'
text: "Changelog",
link: "https://github.com/vuejs/vuepress/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md"
text: '0.x',
link: 'https://vuepress.vuejs.org/'
text: "0.x",
link: "https://vuepress.vuejs.org/"
sidebar: auto
# Local Development
## Informations
If you here youh may be intereset of improve core vuepress.
Vuepress is using a combo with [Yarn workspaces](https://yarnpkg.com/lang/en/docs/workspaces/) and [Lerna](https://github.com/lerna/lerna).
## Init packages
yarn bootstrap // it will run and install into the root all packages subfolders
yarn bootstrap will use hoisting. What it mean for you ?
It will regroup all dependencies in the workspace root and link all packages.
to check the link you can run
ls -la node_modules/@vuepress
You will all symlinks
You have to take care to declare all dependencies inside subFolders package.json. When publish the lib if dependencie from a package is not declare it will just not work.
There is a special package you should have a look is @vuepress/shared-utils that are in typescript.
After install everything it will run `yarn tsc`. This command will tell to @vuepress/shared-utils workspace to compile his js.
From here if you are making change inside this package you will have to
run `yarn tsc` all the time or run in separate shell `yarn run tsc -w`. This will re run tsc at any change from shared-utils
## Link
Good from here you have everything ready. You need to link vuepress to your project.
yarn register-vuepress
You will have something like this: `success Registered "vuepress".`
It will link the package vuepress from packages/vuepress. So you will have access to vuepress cli and vuepress packages.
they are decalre in the `packages/vuepress/package.json`
"main": "index.js",
"bin": {
"vuepress": "cli.js"
Now go to your project and run `yarn link vuepress`.
You should have it `success Using linked package for "vuepress".`
## Unlink
You may want to unlink everything. For it in the workspace root folder. Run
yarn unregister-vuepress
Now you can run `yarn unlink vuepress` into your project folder.
If everything work properly you should have an error telling you there is no package found called vuepress, if you run `yarn link vuepress` in you project folder.
## BUGS / QA
You will maybe find some difficulty with link. If you encounter something like `There's already a package called "vuepress" registered`.
You have already vuepress registered. so:
- if you already link vuepress from [Link](#link). It's totally fine. If you make changes because it is symlink you dont have to re run something. You will have to rerun yarn tsc if you update shared-utils package. Nothing more
- if you have done nothing. You have already vuepress linked somewhere. What you have to do is to delete folder where you already run `yarn link` or run `yarn unlink` inside it.
## More
You will have interesting commands available:
- `yarn packages:list` will list you every packages present and their versions [More...](https://github.com/lerna/lerna/tree/master/commands/list#readme)
- `yarn packages:changed` will tell you which package will be affect by the next lerna publish / version [More...](https://github.com/lerna/lerna/tree/master/commands/changed#readme)
- `yarn packages:diff` will show you all diff from last release [More...](https://github.com/lerna/lerna/tree/master/commands/diff#readme)
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