提交 8013417d 编写于 作者: U ULIVZ

Revert "refactor($theme-default): leverage markdown-it-table-of-contents (#1436)"

This reverts commit cab5b831.
上级 cab5b831
......@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ import Content from './components/Content.js'
import ContentSlotsDistributor from './components/ContentSlotsDistributor'
import OutboundLink from './components/OutboundLink.vue'
import ClientOnly from './components/ClientOnly'
import TOC from './components/TOC.vue'
// suggest dev server restart on base change
if (module.hot) {
......@@ -46,6 +47,8 @@ Vue.component('ClientOnly', ClientOnly)
// core components
Vue.component('Layout', getLayoutAsyncComponent('Layout'))
Vue.component('NotFound', getLayoutAsyncComponent('NotFound'))
// markdown components
Vue.component('TOC', TOC)
// global helper for adding base path to absolute urls
Vue.prototype.$withBase = function (path) {
<component :is="listType[0]">
<li v-for="(item, index) in items" :key="index">
<router-link :to="'#' + item.slug" v-text="item.title" />
<HeaderList v-if="item.children" :items="item.children" :list-type="innerListType" />
export default {
name: 'HeaderList',
props: ['items', 'listType'],
computed: {
innerListType () {
return this.listType.slice(Math.min(this.listType.length - 1, 1))
<slot name="header" />
<HeaderList :items="groupedHeaders" :list-type="listTypes" />
<slot name="footer" />
import HeaderList from './HeaderList.vue'
export default {
props: {
listType: {
type: [String, Array],
default: 'ul'
includeLevel: {
type: Array,
default: () => [2, 3]
components: { HeaderList },
computed: {
listTypes () {
return typeof this.listType === 'string' ? [this.listType] : this.listType
groupedHeaders () {
return this.groupHeaders(this.$page.headers).list
methods: {
groupHeaders (headers, startLevel = 1) {
const list = []
let index = 0
while (index < headers.length) {
const header = headers[index]
if (header.level < startLevel) break
if (header.level > startLevel) {
const result = this.groupHeaders(headers.slice(index), header.level)
if (list.length) {
list[list.length - 1].children = result.list
} else {
index += result.index
} else {
if (header.level <= this.includeLevel[1] && header.level >= this.includeLevel[0]) {
list.push({ ...header })
index += 1
return { list, index }
......@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ const componentPlugin = require('./lib/component')
const hoistScriptStylePlugin = require('./lib/hoist')
const convertRouterLinkPlugin = require('./lib/link')
const snippetPlugin = require('./lib/snippet')
const tocPlugin = require('./lib/tableOfContents')
const emojiPlugin = require('markdown-it-emoji')
const anchorPlugin = require('markdown-it-anchor')
const {
......@@ -31,6 +32,7 @@ module.exports = (markdown = {}) => {
const {
......@@ -91,6 +93,10 @@ module.exports = (markdown = {}) => {
}, anchor)])
.use(tocPlugin, [toc])
if (lineNumbers) {
// reference: https://github.com/Oktavilla/markdown-it-table-of-contents
const defaults = {
includeLevel: [2, 3],
containerClass: 'table-of-contents',
markerPattern: /^\[\[toc\]\]/im,
listType: 'ul',
containerHeaderHtml: '',
containerFooterHtml: ''
module.exports = (md, options) => {
options = Object.assign({}, defaults, options)
const tocRegexp = options.markerPattern
function toc (state, silent) {
var token
var match
// Reject if the token does not start with [
if (state.src.charCodeAt(state.pos) !== 0x5B /* [ */) {
return false
// Don't run any pairs in validation mode
if (silent) {
return false
// Detect TOC markdown
match = tocRegexp.exec(state.src)
match = !match ? [] : match.filter(function (m) { return m })
if (match.length < 1) {
return false
// Build content
token = state.push('toc_open', 'toc', 1)
token.markup = '[[toc]]'
token = state.push('toc_body', '', 0)
token = state.push('toc_close', 'toc', -1)
// Update pos so the parser can continue
var newline = state.src.indexOf('\n')
if (newline !== -1) {
state.pos = state.pos + newline
} else {
state.pos = state.pos + state.posMax + 1
return true
md.renderer.rules.toc_open = function () {
return vBindEscape`<TOC
md.renderer.rules.toc_body = function () {
return `<template slot="header">${options.containerHeaderHtml}</template>`
+ `<template slot="footer">${options.containerFooterHtml}</template>`
md.renderer.rules.toc_close = function () {
return `</TOC>`
// Insert TOC
md.inline.ruler.after('emphasis', 'toc', toc)
/** escape double quotes in v-bind derivatives */
function vBindEscape (strs, ...args) {
return strs.reduce((prev, curr, index) => {
return prev + curr + (index >= args.length
? ''
: `"${JSON.stringify(args[index])
.replace(/"/g, "'")
.replace(/([^\\])(\\\\)*\\'/g, (_, char) => char + '\\u0022')}"`)
}, '')
......@@ -17,19 +17,10 @@ module.exports = (options, ctx) => ({
extendMarkdown (md) {
if (options.toc !== false) {
md.use(require('markdown-it-table-of-contents'), {
includeLevel: [2, 3],
plugins: [
['@vuepress/active-header-links', options.activeHeaderLinks],
['container', {
type: 'tip',
defaultTitle: {
......@@ -34,7 +34,6 @@
"@vuepress/plugin-nprogress": "^1.0.0-alpha.47",
"@vuepress/plugin-search": "^1.0.0-alpha.47",
"docsearch.js": "^2.5.2",
"markdown-it-table-of-contents": "^0.4.3",
"stylus": "^0.54.5",
"stylus-loader": "^3.0.2",
"vuepress-plugin-container": "^2.0.0"
......@@ -215,6 +215,21 @@ Options for [markdown-it-anchor](https://github.com/valeriangalliat/markdown-it-
The key and value pair will be added to `<a>` tags that point to an external link. The default option will open external links in a new window.
### markdown.toc
- Type: `Object`
This attribute will control the behaviour of `[[TOC]]`. It contains the following options:
- includeLevel: [number, number], level of headers to be included, defaults to `[2, 3]`.
- containerClass: string, the class name for the container, defaults to `table-of-contents`.
- markerPattern: RegExp, the regular expression for the marker to be replaced with TOC, defaults to `/^\[\[toc\]\]/im`.
- listType: string or Array, labels for all levels of the list, defaults to `"ul"`.
- containerHeaderHtml: string, an HTML string for container header, defaults to `""`.
- containerFooterHtml: string, an HTML string for container footer, defaults to `""`.
We also provide a [global component TOC](../guide/using-vue.md#toc) which allows for more free control by passing props directly to `<TOC>`.
### markdown.plugins
You can install any markdown-it plugins through `markdown.plugins` option. It is similar with [using VuePress plugins](../plugin/using-a-plugin.html#using-a-plugin). You can either use Babel style or object style. The `markdown-it-` prefix is optional and can omit in the list.
......@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ For more details, check out the [Front Matter](./frontmatter.md) page.
A list of all emojis available can be found [here](https://github.com/markdown-it/markdown-it-emoji/blob/master/lib/data/full.json).
## Table of Contents <Badge text="default theme"/>
## Table of Contents
......@@ -109,13 +109,17 @@ A list of all emojis available can be found [here](https://github.com/markdown-i
Rendering of TOC can be configured using the [`themeConfig.toc`](../theme/default-theme-config.md#table-of-contents) option.
> You can also use the official plugin [vuepress-plugin-toc](https://vuepress.github.io/plugins/toc/) for an advanced `<TOC/>` component.
Rendering of TOC can be configured using the [`markdown.toc`](../config/README.md#markdown-toc) option, or as props of [TOC component](./using-vue.md#toc), like `<TOC list-type="ol" :include-level="[2, Infinity]"/>`.
## Custom Containers <Badge text="default theme"/>
......@@ -224,6 +224,28 @@ Specify a specific slot for a specific page (.md) for rendering. This will be ve
- [Markdown Slot](./markdown-slot.md)
- [Writing a theme > Content Outlet](../theme/writing-a-theme.md#content-outlet)
### TOC <Badge text="1.0.0-alpha.41+"/>
- **Props**:
- `listType` - string or Array, defaults to `"ul"`
- `includeLevel` - [number, number], defaults to `[2, 3]`
- **Slots**: `header`, `footer`
- **Usage**:
You can add a custom table of contents by specify some props to this component. `includeLevel` decides which level of headers should be included. `listType` decides the tags of lists. If specified as an array, the component will take the first element as the first-level list type and so on. If there are not enough values provided, the last value will be used for all the remaining list types.
``` md
<TOC :list-type="['ol', 'ul']">
<p slot="header"><strong>Custom Table of Contents</strong></p>
<TOC :list-type="['ol', 'ul']">
<p slot="header"><strong>Custom Table of Contents</strong></p>
### Badge <Badge text="beta" type="warn"/> <Badge text="0.10.1+"/> <Badge text="default theme"/>
- **Props**:
......@@ -304,26 +304,6 @@ sidebar: false
## Table Of Contents
``` js
// .vuepress/config.js
module.exports = {
themeConfig: {
toc: {
sidebar: 'auto'
Options for [markdown-it-table-of-contents](https://github.com/Oktavilla/markdown-it-table-of-contents#options). The default options are `{ includeLevel: [2, 3] }`.
::: tip
1. You should always use [`markdown.slugify`](../config/#markdown-slugify) instead of `themeConfig.toc.slugify` if you want to customize header ids.
2. Setting `themeConfig.toc` to `false` will disable the `[[toc]]` syntax (in case you want to switch to other plugins, such as [vuepress-plugin-toc](https://vuepress.github.io/plugins/toc/)).
## Search Box
### Built-in Search
......@@ -206,6 +206,21 @@ VuePress 提供了一种添加额外样式的简便方法。你可以创建一
这个键值对将会作为特性被增加到是外部链接的 `<a>` 标签上,默认的选项将会在新窗口中打开一个该外部链接。
### markdown.toc
- 类型: `Object`
这个值将会控制 `[[TOC]]` 默认行为。它包含下面的选项:
- includeLevel: [number, number],决定哪些级别的标题会被显示在目录中,默认值为 `[2, 3]`
- containerClass: string,决定了目录容器的类名,默认值为 `table-of-contents`
- markerPattern: RegExp,决定了标题匹配的正则表达式,默认值为 `/^\[\[toc\]\]/im`
- listType: string 或 Array,决定了各级列表的标签,默认值为 `"ul"`
- containerHeaderHtml: string,在目录开头插入的 HTML 字符串,默认值为 `""`
- containerFooterHtml: string,在目录结尾插入的 HTML 字符串,默认值为 `""`
此外,我们还提供了[全局组件 TOC](../guide/using-vue.md#toc),可以通过直接向 `<TOC>` 传递属性实现更加自由的控制。
### markdown.plugins
你可以使用 `markdown.plugins` 来安装 markdown-it 插件。它的使用方法与[安装一个 VuePress 插件](../plugin/using-a-plugin.html#using-a-plugin)类似。你可以使用 Babel 语法或对象语法。`markdown-it-` 前缀同样是可以忽略的。
......@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ lang: en-US
:tada: :100:
## 目录 <Badge text="默认主题"/>
## 目录
......@@ -107,13 +107,17 @@ lang: en-US
目录(Table of Contents)的渲染可以通过 [`themeConfig.toc`](../theme/default-theme-config.md#table-of-contents) 选项来配置。
> 如果想要使用高级的 `<TOC/>` 组件,你也可以使用官方提供的 [vuepress-plugin-toc](https://vuepress.github.io/plugins/toc/) 插件。
目录(Table of Contents)的渲染可以通过 [`markdown.toc`](../config/README.md#markdown-toc) 选项来配置,也可以在 [TOC 组件](./using-vue.md#toc)中直接传入,如 `<TOC list-type="ol" :include-level="[2, Infinity]"/>`。
## 自定义容器 <Badge text="默认主题"/>
......@@ -225,6 +225,28 @@ export default {
- [Markdown 插槽](./markdown-slot.md)
- [开发主题 > 获取渲染内容](../theme/writing-a-theme.md#获取渲染内容)
### TOC <Badge text="1.0.0-alpha.41+"/>
- **Props**:
- `listType` - string 或 Array, 默认值为 `"ul"`
- `includeLevel` - [number, number], 默认值为 `[2, 3]`
- **Slots**: `header`, `footer`
- **Usage**:
你可以通过一些属性来实现一个自定义的目录。`includeLevel` 决定了哪些级别的标题会被显示在目录中。`listType` 决定了所有列表的标签。如果设置为了数组,组件将会使用第一个元素作为第一级列表的标签,以此类推。如果提供的标签不够多,将使用提供的最后一个值作为全部剩下的列表标签。
``` md
<TOC :list-type="['ol', 'ul']">
<p slot="header"><strong>自定义目录</strong></p>
<TOC :list-type="['ol', 'ul']">
<p slot="header"><strong>自定义目录</strong></p>
### Badge <Badge text="beta" type="warn"/> <Badge text="0.10.1+"/> <Badge text="默认主题"/>
- **Props**:
......@@ -299,26 +299,6 @@ sidebar: false
## 目录
``` js
// .vuepress/config.js
module.exports = {
themeConfig: {
toc: {
sidebar: 'auto'
提供给 [markdown-it-table-of-contents](https://github.com/Oktavilla/markdown-it-table-of-contents#options) 的选项。默认选项为 `{ includeLevel: [2, 3] }`。
::: tip
1. 如果你希望自定义标题,你应该使用 [`markdown.slugify`](../config/#markdown-slugify) 而不是 `themeConfig.toc.slugify`。
2. 将 `themeConfig.toc` 设为 `false` 将会禁用 `[[toc]]` 的语法(这在当你想要使用诸如 [vuepress-plugin-toc](https://vuepress.github.io/plugins/toc/) 的插件时是有用的)。
## 搜索框
### 内置搜索
......@@ -6587,11 +6587,6 @@ markdown-it-emoji@^1.4.0:
version "1.4.0"
resolved "https://registry.yarnpkg.com/markdown-it-emoji/-/markdown-it-emoji-1.4.0.tgz#9bee0e9a990a963ba96df6980c4fddb05dfb4dcc"
version "0.4.3"
resolved "https://registry.yarnpkg.com/markdown-it-table-of-contents/-/markdown-it-table-of-contents-0.4.3.tgz#6453925a76e49b9b3d9569a0d89f1c2168b46982"
integrity sha512-x/OdaRzLYxAjmB+jIVlXuE3nX7tZTLDQxm58RkgjTLyQ+I290jYQvPS9cJjVN6SM3U6K6CHKYNgUtPNZmLblYQ==
version "8.4.2"
resolved "https://registry.yarnpkg.com/markdown-it/-/markdown-it-8.4.2.tgz#386f98998dc15a37722aa7722084f4020bdd9b54"
Markdown is supported
0% .
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