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docs: add 'Design Concepts of VuePress 1.x'

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# Design Concepts of VuePress 1.0 # Design Concepts of VuePress 1.x
- TODO The design concepts of VuePress 1.x are mainly reflected in the following aspects:
1. Pluggable.
2. Convention over configuration.
3. Reasonable priority management.
## Pluggable
VuePress 1.0 has been rewritten extensively, and the most important one is the introduction of the [Plugin API](../plugin/README.md). So what're the benefits of plugins?
### Decoupling
With plugins, we can implement many of the core functions with plugins, and you can see many built-in plugins [here](https://github.com/vuejs/vuepress/tree/master/packages/%40vuepress/core/lib/internal-plugins) that cover many of the core functions of VuePress, which used to blend in all parts of the code base, but now they're clear at a glance.
### Configuration management
In the past, when we came across some less common requirements, we had some doubts: if we wanted to not support it, VuePress usage scenarios were limited; but if we wanted to support it, we had to write it into the core code base and set up a separate configuration API for it. For the maintainers, apart from not conducive to long-term maintenance, this sometimes makes us feel exhausted. We must think of some better solutions. Yes, this is plugin.
### `.vuepress/config.js` is also a plugin
Yes, your configuration file is also a plugin, so you can use the Plugin API directly without having to create a new plugin for it and import it in the configuration.
::: tip
The options supported by `.vuepress/config.js` are actually based on the plugin options and add some specific options.
### `theme/index.js` is also a plugin
The root configuration file of the theme is also a plugin.
::: tip
As with `.vuepress/config.js`, the options supported by `theme/config.js` are based on the plugin options and add some specific options. Using a graph to express their relationship:
<svg viewBox="0 0 2806 912" version="1.1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink">
<!-- Generator: Sketch 51 (57462) - http://www.bohemiancoding.com/sketch -->
<desc>Created with Sketch.</desc>
<g id="Page-1" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd">
<rect id="Rectangle-3" fill-opacity="0" fill="#FFFFFF" x="0" y="0" width="2806" height="912"></rect>
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<circle id="Oval" stroke="#979797" fill="#937AC4" cx="1592.5" cy="455.5" r="355.5"></circle>
<path d="M1402.5,155.000018 C1501.96722,218.018606 1568,329.058303 1568,455.520781 C1568,581.983259 1501.96722,693.022956 1402.5,756.041544 C1303.03279,693.022977 1237,581.983271 1237,455.520781 C1237,329.058291 1303.03279,218.018585 1402.50003,155 Z" id="Combined-Shape" stroke="#FFFFFF" stroke-width="10" fill="#00BD8C"></path>
<text id=".vuepress/-config.js" font-family="ArialMT, Arial" font-size="60" font-weight="normal" fill="#FFFFFF">
<tspan x="901.101562" y="436">.vuepress/</tspan>
<tspan x="929.446289" y="503">config.js</tspan>
<text id="Plugin-API" font-family="ArialMT, Arial" font-size="72" font-weight="normal" fill="#FFFFFF">
<tspan x="1302.42773" y="436">Plugin</tspan>
<tspan x="1344.47461" y="516">API</tspan>
<text id="theme/-index.js" font-family="ArialMT, Arial" font-size="60" font-weight="normal" fill="#FFFFFF">
<tspan x="1662.78613" y="436">theme/</tspan>
<tspan x="1652.78125" y="503">index.js</tspan>
### Apply plugins in a plugin
In VuePress, you have the ability to apply some plugins in a plugin:
// vuepress-plugin-xxx
module.exports = {
plugins: [
'a', 'b', 'c'
## Convention over configuration.
VuePress 1.0 begin to introduce some conventions to reduce the user's excessive configuration pressure, the most intuitive manifestation of this is the conventions for the [document directory structure](../guide/directory-structure.md) and the [theme directory structure](../theme/README.md#directory-structure).
In the future, we may combine community feedback to introduce more agreements. Let's wait and see.
## Reasonable priority management.
Senior users have found that both theme developers and regular users have the ability to customize global `palettes`, `styles`, `templates` and `plugins`, so how do they work together?
### Loading Priority
For `templates/*`, follow the certain loading priority. Taking `templates/ssr.html` as an example:
cond1=>condition: User's ssr.html
cond2=>condition: Theme's ssr.html
stage1=>operation: Using user's ssr.html
stage2=>operation: Using theme's ssr.html
stage3=>operation: Using default ssr.html
cond1(no, right)->cond2(no)->stage3
cond1(yes, bottom)->stage1
cond2(yes, bottom)->stage2
::: warning Note
When customizing `templates/ssr.html`, or `templates/dev.html`, it is best to modify it on the basis of the [default template files](https://github.com/vuejs/vuepress/blob/master/packages/%40vuepress/core/lib/app/index.dev.html), otherwise it may cause a build failure.
### Overriding
For `palette.styl`, `index.styl` and `plugins`, follow the principles of overriding:
#### palette.styl
User's `styles/palette.styl` has a higher priority than the theme's `styles/palette.styl`, so the theme can define its own palette and the user can tweak it. e.g.
// theme/styles/palette.styl
$accentColor = #0f0
// .vuepress/styles/palette.styl
$accentColor = #f00
So the final value of `$accentColor` is `#f00`.
#### index.styl
Both the user's `styles/index.styl` and the theme's `styles/index.styl` are generated into the final `CSS` file, but the user's style is generated later and therefore has higher priority. e.g.
// theme/styles/index.styl
font-size 14px
// .vuepress/styles/index.styl
font-size 15px
The final generated CSS is as follows:
/* theme/styles/index.styl */
.content {
font-size: 14px;
/* theme/styles/index.styl */
.content {
font-size: 15px;
#### plugins
Since all plugins with the same name can be applied ONLY once by default, users can override the default options for plugins in theme. e.g.
// theme/index.js
module.exports = {
plugins: [
{ route: '/i18n-page/' }
// .vuepress/config.js
module.exports = {
plugins: [
{ route: '/i18n/' }
Then the final route of i18n UI is `/i18n/`.
## Others
With the goal of decoupling, we were able to separate VuePress into the following libraries by introducing monorepo:
- [@vuepress/cli](https://github.com/vuejs/vuepress/tree/master/packages/@vuepress/cli): Management of command line;
- [@vuepress/core](https://github.com/vuejs/vuepress/tree/master/packages/@vuepress/core):Including the core implementation of `dev`, `build` and `Plugin API`;
- [@vuepress/theme-default](https://github.com/vuejs/vuepress/tree/master/packages/@vuepress/theme-default):The default theme you see now.
Of course, for most users, you don't need to care about the three libraries. Package [vuepress](https://www.npmjs.com/search?Q=vuepress) has already assembled the three packages together, so you can use VuePress like `0.x`.
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# VuePress 1.0 的设计理念 # VuePress 1.x 的设计理念
- TODO VuePress 1.x 的设计理念主要体现在以下几个方面:
1. 插件化
2. 配置大于约定
3. 合理的优先级管理
## 插件化
VuePress 1.0 进行了大范围的重写,其中最重要的就是引入 [Plugin API](../plugin/README.md),那么插件带来的好处究竟是什么呢?
### 解耦
有了插件,我们可以将很多核心功能用插件来实现,你可以在[这里](https://github.com/vuejs/vuepress/tree/master/packages/%40vuepress/core/lib/internal-plugins)看到很多内置的插件,这些插件涵盖了很多 VuePress 的核心功能,在以前,它们糅合在代码库的各个地方,但现在,它们一目了然。
### 配置的管理
在过去,当我们遇到一些不太常见的需求时,我们会有一些疑虑:如果我们打算不支持,VuePress 的使用场景也就受到了限制;但如果想要支持它,我们就必须将其写到核心代码库中,并为其单独开设配置的 API。对于维护者来说,除了不利于长久的维护,这有时也会让我们心力交瘁。我们必须想到一些更好的解决办法,没错,这个办法就是插件。
### `.vuepress/config.js` 也是插件
没错,你的配置文件也是一个插件,因此,你可以直接使用插件 API,而不必为此新建一个插件,然后在配置中导入它。
::: tip
`.vuepress/config.js` 所支持的 API,实际上是在插件选项的基础上又新增了一些特定的选项。
### `theme/index.js` 也是插件
::: tip
`.vuepress/config.js` 一样,`theme/config.js` 所支持的选项,也是在插件选项的基础上,又新增了一些特定的选项。用一张图来表达它们的关系就是:
<svg viewBox="0 0 2806 912" version="1.1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink">
<!-- Generator: Sketch 51 (57462) - http://www.bohemiancoding.com/sketch -->
<desc>Created with Sketch.</desc>
<g id="Page-1" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd">
<rect id="Rectangle-3" fill-opacity="0" fill="#FFFFFF" x="0" y="0" width="2806" height="912"></rect>
<circle id="Oval" stroke="#979797" fill="#EC5975" cx="1212.5" cy="455.5" r="355.5"></circle>
<circle id="Oval" stroke="#979797" fill="#937AC4" cx="1592.5" cy="455.5" r="355.5"></circle>
<path d="M1402.5,155.000018 C1501.96722,218.018606 1568,329.058303 1568,455.520781 C1568,581.983259 1501.96722,693.022956 1402.5,756.041544 C1303.03279,693.022977 1237,581.983271 1237,455.520781 C1237,329.058291 1303.03279,218.018585 1402.50003,155 Z" id="Combined-Shape" stroke="#FFFFFF" stroke-width="10" fill="#00BD8C"></path>
<text id=".vuepress/-config.js" font-family="ArialMT, Arial" font-size="60" font-weight="normal" fill="#FFFFFF">
<tspan x="901.101562" y="436">.vuepress/</tspan>
<tspan x="929.446289" y="503">config.js</tspan>
<text id="Plugin-API" font-family="ArialMT, Arial" font-size="72" font-weight="normal" fill="#FFFFFF">
<tspan x="1302.42773" y="436">Plugin</tspan>
<tspan x="1344.47461" y="516">API</tspan>
<text id="theme/-index.js" font-family="ArialMT, Arial" font-size="60" font-weight="normal" fill="#FFFFFF">
<tspan x="1662.78613" y="436">theme/</tspan>
<tspan x="1652.78125" y="503">index.js</tspan>
### 在插件中使用插件
在 VuePress 中,你拥有在插件中使用插件的能力:
// vuepress-plugin-xxx
module.exports = {
plugins: [
'a', 'b', 'c'
## 约定大于配置
VuePress 1.0 开始引入一些约定,以减少用户过多的配置压力。对于这一点,最直观的体现是对[文档目录结构](../guide/directory-structure.md)[主题目录结构](../theme/README.md#directory-structure)的约定。
## 合理的优先级管理
资深的 VuePress 用户可能已经发现,主题开发者和普通的文档用户都具有定义全局的 `palette``style``templates``plugins` 的能力,那么他们是如何协同工作的呢?
### 加载优先级
`templates/*` 遵循一定的加载优先级,以 `templates/ssr.html` 为例:
cond1=>condition: 用户的 ssr.html
cond2=>condition: 主题的 ssr.html
stage1=>operation: 使用用户的 ssr.html
stage2=>operation: 使用主题的 ssr.html
stage3=>operation: 使用默认的 ssr.html
cond1(no, right)->cond2(no)->stage3
cond1(yes, bottom)->stage1
cond2(yes, bottom)->stage2
::: warning 注意
当你想要去自定义 `templates/ssr.html``templates/dev.html` 时,最好基于 [默认的模板文件](https://github.com/vuejs/vuepress/blob/master/packages/%40vuepress/core/lib/app/index.dev.html) 来修改,否则可能会导致构建出错。
### Overriding
对于 `palette.styl``index.styl``plugins`, 遵循 `overriding` 的原则:
#### `palette.styl`
用户的 `styles/palette.styl` 具有比主题的 `styles/palette.styl` 更高的优先级,因此主题可以先预定义一套调色板,而用户又可以根据自身需要修改它。例如:
// theme/styles/palette.styl
$accentColor = #0f0
// .vuepress/styles/palette.styl
$accentColor = #f00
`$accentColor` 最终的值是 `#f00`
#### `index.styl`
用户和主题的 `styles/index.styl` 都会被生成到最终的 CSS 文件中,但是默认情况下,用户的样式会生成在主题的样式后面,因此对于同样的选择器,用户的样式将具有更高的优先级,如:
// theme/styles/index.styl
font-size 14px
// .vuepress/styles/index.styl
font-size 15px
最终生成的 CSS 文件如下:
/* theme/styles/index.styl */
.content {
font-size: 14px;
/* theme/styles/index.styl */
.content {
font-size: 15px;
#### `plugins`
// theme/index.js
module.exports = {
plugins: [
{ route: '/i18n-page/' }
// .vuepress/config.js
module.exports = {
plugins: [
{ route: '/i18n/' }
i18n UI 最终的路由将是 `/i18n/`.
## 其他
本着解耦的目标,引入 monorepo 后,我们也得以将 VuePress 分离成以下几个库:
- [@vuepress/cli](https://github.com/vuejs/vuepress/tree/master/packages/@vuepress/cli): 命令行指令的管理;
- [@vuepress/core](https://github.com/vuejs/vuepress/tree/master/packages/@vuepress/core):包含 dev、build 的核心实现和 Plugin API;
- [@vuepress/theme-default](https://github.com/vuejs/vuepress/tree/master/packages/@vuepress/theme-default):你现在所看到的默认主题。
当然,对于大多数用户来说,你并不需要关心上述三个库,[vuepress](https://www.npmjs.com/search?q=vuepress) 这个包已经将上述三个包组装在一起,你完全可以像 `0.x` 那样使用 VuePress。
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