提交 02a0ab6d 编写于 作者: 公众号-芋道源码's avatar 公众号-芋道源码

v3.8.0 新增通用方法简化下载使用

上级 fee6d00e
......@@ -390,7 +390,7 @@ export default {
this.exportLoading = true;
return export${simpleClassName}Excel(params);
}).then(response => {
this.downloadExcel(response, '${table.classComment}.xls');
this.$download.excel(response, '${table.classComment}.xls');
this.exportLoading = false;
}).catch(() => {});
......@@ -17,19 +17,7 @@ import './assets/icons' // icon
import './permission' // permission control
import { getDicts } from "@/api/system/dict/data";
import { getConfigKey } from "@/api/infra/config";
import {
} from "@/utils/ruoyi";
import { parseTime, resetForm, addDateRange, addBeginAndEndTime, handleTree} from "@/utils/ruoyi";
import Pagination from "@/components/Pagination";
// 自定义表格工具扩展
import RightToolbar from "@/components/RightToolbar"
......@@ -49,12 +37,6 @@ Vue.prototype.getDictDatas = getDictDatas
Vue.prototype.getDictDatas2 = getDictDatas2
Vue.prototype.getDictDataLabel = getDictDataLabel
Vue.prototype.DICT_TYPE = DICT_TYPE
Vue.prototype.download = download
Vue.prototype.downloadExcel = downloadExcel
Vue.prototype.downloadWord = downloadWord
Vue.prototype.downloadHtml = downloadHtml
Vue.prototype.downloadMarkdown = downloadMarkdown
Vue.prototype.downloadZip = downloadZip
Vue.prototype.handleTree = handleTree
// 全局组件挂载
import { saveAs } from 'file-saver'
import axios from 'axios'
import { getToken } from '@/utils/auth'
const baseURL = process.env.VUE_APP_BASE_API
export default {
// 下载 Excel 方法
excel(data, fileName) {
this.download0(data, fileName, 'application/vnd.ms-excel');
// 下载 Word 方法
word(data, fileName) {
this.download0(data, fileName, 'application/msword');
// 下载 Zip 方法
zip(data, fileName) {
this.download0(data, fileName, 'application/zip');
// 下载 Html 方法
html(data, fileName) {
this.download0(data, fileName, 'text/html');
// 下载 Markdown 方法
markdown(data, fileName) {
this.download0(data, fileName, 'text/markdown');
download0(data, fileName, mineType) {
// 创建 blob
let blob = new Blob([data], {type: mineType});
// 创建 href 超链接,点击进行下载
window.URL = window.URL || window.webkitURL;
let href = URL.createObjectURL(blob);
let downA = document.createElement("a");
downA.href = href;
downA.download = fileName;
// 销毁超连接
import cache from './cache'
import modal from './modal'
import download from './download'
export default {
install(Vue) {
......@@ -7,5 +8,7 @@ export default {
Vue.prototype.$cache = cache
// 模态框对象
Vue.prototype.$modal = modal
// 下载文件
Vue.prototype.$download = download
......@@ -100,50 +100,6 @@ export function addBeginAndEndTime(params, dateRange, propName) {
return params;
// 通用下载方法
export function download(fileName) {
window.location.href = baseURL + "/common/download?fileName=" + encodeURI(fileName) + "&delete=" + true;
// 下载 Excel 方法
export function downloadExcel(data, fileName) {
download0(data, fileName, 'application/vnd.ms-excel');
// 下载 Word 方法
export function downloadWord(data, fileName) {
download0(data, fileName, 'application/msword');
// 下载 Zip 方法
export function downloadZip(data, fileName) {
download0(data, fileName, 'application/zip');
// 下载 Html 方法
export function downloadHtml(data, fileName) {
download0(data, fileName, 'text/html');
// 下载 Markdown 方法
export function downloadMarkdown(data, fileName) {
download0(data, fileName, 'text/markdown');
function download0(data, fileName, mineType) {
// 创建 blob
let blob = new Blob([data], {type: mineType});
// 创建 href 超链接,点击进行下载
window.URL = window.URL || window.webkitURL;
let href = URL.createObjectURL(blob);
let downA = document.createElement("a");
downA.href = href;
downA.download = fileName;
// 销毁超连接
// 字符串格式化(%s )
export function sprintf(str) {
var args = arguments, flag = true, i = 1;
......@@ -206,7 +206,7 @@ export default {
this.exportLoading = true;
return exportApiAccessLogExcel(params);
}).then(response => {
this.downloadExcel(response, 'API 访问日志.xls');
this.$download.excel(response, 'API 访问日志.xls');
this.exportLoading = false;
}).catch(() => {});
......@@ -224,7 +224,7 @@ export default {
this.exportLoading = true;
return exportApiErrorLogExcel(params);
}).then(response => {
this.downloadExcel(response, 'API 错误日志.xls');
this.$download.excel(response, 'API 错误日志.xls');
this.exportLoading = false;
}).catch(() => {});
......@@ -268,7 +268,7 @@ export default {
this.exportLoading = true;
return exportConfig(queryParams);
}).then(response => {
this.downloadExcel(response, '参数配置.xls');
this.$download.excel(response, '参数配置.xls');
this.exportLoading = false;
}).catch(() => {});
......@@ -367,7 +367,7 @@ export default {
this.exportLoading = true;
return exportJob(queryParams);
}).then(response => {
this.downloadExcel(response, '定时任务.xls');
this.$download.excel(response, '定时任务.xls');
this.exportLoading = false;
}).catch(() => {});
......@@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ export default {
this.exportLoading = true;
return exportJobLogExcel(params);
}).then(response => {
this.downloadExcel(response, '定时任务日志.xls');
this.$download.excel(response, '定时任务日志.xls');
this.exportLoading = false;
}).catch(() => {});
......@@ -417,7 +417,7 @@ export default {
this.$modal.confirm('是否确认导出所有支付应用信息数据项?').then(function () {
return exportAppExcel(params);
}).then(response => {
this.downloadExcel(response, '支付应用信息.xls');
this.$download.excel(response, '支付应用信息.xls');
}).catch(() => {});
......@@ -279,7 +279,7 @@ export default {
this.exportLoading = true;
return exportMerchantExcel(params);
}).then(response => {
this.downloadExcel(response, '支付商户信息.xls');
this.$download.excel(response, '支付商户信息.xls');
this.exportLoading = false;
}).catch(() => {});
......@@ -423,7 +423,7 @@ export default {
this.$modal.confirm('是否确认导出所有支付订单数据项?').then(function () {
return exportOrderExcel(params);
}).then(response => {
this.downloadExcel(response, '支付订单.xls');
this.$download.excel(response, '支付订单.xls');
}).catch(() => {});
......@@ -427,7 +427,7 @@ export default {
this.$modal.confirm('是否确认导出所有退款订单数据项?').then(function () {
return exportRefundExcel(params);
}).then(response => {
this.downloadExcel(response, '退款订单.xls');
this.$download.excel(response, '退款订单.xls');
}).catch(() => {});
......@@ -297,7 +297,7 @@ export default {
this.exportLoading = true;
return exportData(queryParams);
}).then(response => {
this.downloadExcel(response, '字典数据.xls');
this.$download.excel(response, '字典数据.xls');
this.exportLoading = false;
}).catch(() => {});
......@@ -250,7 +250,7 @@ export default {
this.exportLoading = true;
return exportType(params);
}).then(response => {
this.downloadExcel(response, '字典类型.xls');
this.$download.excel(response, '字典类型.xls');
this.exportLoading = false;
}).catch(() => {});
......@@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ export default {
this.exportLoading = true;
return exportErrorCodeExcel(params);
}).then(response => {
this.downloadExcel(response, '错误码.xls');
this.$download.excel(response, '错误码.xls');
this.exportLoading = false;
}).catch(() => {});
......@@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ export default {
this.exportLoading = true;
return exportLoginLog(queryParams);
}).then(response => {
this.downloadExcel(response, '登录日志.xls');
this.$download.excel(response, '登录日志.xls');
this.exportLoading = false;
}).catch(() => {});
......@@ -206,7 +206,7 @@ export default {
this.exportLoading = true;
return exportOperateLog(queryParams);
}).then(response => {
this.downloadExcel(response, '操作日志.xls');
this.$download.excel(response, '操作日志.xls');
this.exportLoading = false;
}).catch(() => {});
......@@ -236,7 +236,7 @@ export default {
this.exportLoading = true;
return exportPost(queryParams);
}).then(response => {
this.downloadExcel(response, '岗位数据.xls');
this.$download.excel(response, '岗位数据.xls');
this.exportLoading = false;
}).catch(() => {});
......@@ -497,7 +497,7 @@ export default {
this.exportLoading = true;
return exportRole(queryParams);
}).then(response => {
this.downloadExcel(response, '角色数据.xls');
this.$download.excel(response, '角色数据.xls');
this.exportLoading = false;
}).catch(() => {});
......@@ -282,7 +282,7 @@ export default {
this.exportLoading = true;
return exportSmsLogExcel(params);
}).then(response => {
this.downloadExcel(response, '短信日志.xls');
this.$download.excel(response, '短信日志.xls');
this.exportLoading = false;
}).catch(() => {});
......@@ -334,7 +334,7 @@ export default {
this.exportLoading = true;
return exportSmsTemplateExcel(params);
}).then(response => {
this.downloadExcel(response, '短信模板.xls');
this.$download.excel(response, '短信模板.xls');
this.exportLoading = false;
}).catch(() => {});
......@@ -246,7 +246,7 @@ export default {
this.exportLoading = true;
return exportTenantExcel(params);
}).then(response => {
this.downloadExcel(response, '租户.xls');
this.$download.excel(response, '租户.xls');
this.exportLoading = false;
}).catch(() => {});
......@@ -585,7 +585,7 @@ export default {
this.exportLoading = true;
return exportUser(queryParams);
}).then(response => {
this.downloadExcel(response, '用户数据.xls');
this.$download.excel(response, '用户数据.xls');
this.exportLoading = false;
}).catch(() => {});
......@@ -597,7 +597,7 @@ export default {
/** 下载模板操作 */
importTemplate() {
importTemplate().then(response => {
this.downloadExcel(response, '用户导入模板.xls');
this.$download.excel(response, '用户导入模板.xls');
// 文件上传中处理
......@@ -192,7 +192,7 @@ export default {
/** 生成代码操作 */
handleGenTable(row) {
downloadCodegen(row.id).then(response => {
this.downloadZip(response, 'codegen-' + row.tableName + '.zip');
this.$download.zip(response, 'codegen-' + row.tableName + '.zip');
/** 同步数据库操作 */
......@@ -48,19 +48,19 @@ export default {
/** 处理导出 HTML */
handleExportHtml() {
exportHtml().then(response => {
this.downloadHtml(response, '数据库文档.html');
this.$download.html(response, '数据库文档.html');
/** 处理导出 Word */
handleExportWord() {
exportWord().then(response => {
this.downloadWord(response, '数据库文档.doc');
this.$download.word(response, '数据库文档.doc');
/** 处理导出 Markdown */
handleExportMarkdown() {
exportMarkdown().then(response => {
this.downloadMarkdown(response, '数据库文档.md');
this.$download.markdown(response, '数据库文档.md');
......@@ -253,7 +253,7 @@ export default {
this.exportLoading = true;
return exportTestDemoExcel(params);
}).then(response => {
this.downloadExcel(response, '字典类型.xls');
this.$download.excel(response, '字典类型.xls');
this.exportLoading = false;
}).catch(() => {});
Markdown is supported
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