未验证 提交 17b9efe1 编写于 作者: Z zhangjidi2016 提交者: GitHub

[ISSUE #3177]updateAclConfig in all brokers. (#3184)

Co-authored-by: Nzhangjidi2016 <zhangjidi@cmss.chinamobile.com>
上级 6f7b0d6a
......@@ -164,9 +164,9 @@ public class UpdateAccessConfigSubCommand implements SubCommand {
String clusterName = commandLine.getOptionValue('c').trim();
Set<String> masterSet =
CommandUtil.fetchMasterAddrByClusterName(defaultMQAdminExt, clusterName);
for (String addr : masterSet) {
Set<String> brokerAddrSet =
CommandUtil.fetchMasterAndSlaveAddrByClusterName(defaultMQAdminExt, clusterName);
for (String addr : brokerAddrSet) {
defaultMQAdminExt.createAndUpdatePlainAccessConfig(addr, accessConfig);
System.out.printf("create or update plain access config to %s success.%n", addr);
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