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<script setup>
import WelcomeItem from './WelcomeItem.vue'
import DocumentationIcon from './icons/IconDocumentation.vue'
import ToolingIcon from './icons/IconTooling.vue'
import EcosystemIcon from './icons/IconEcosystem.vue'
import CommunityIcon from './icons/IconCommunity.vue'
import SupportIcon from './icons/IconSupport.vue'

    <template #icon>
      <DocumentationIcon />
    <template #heading>Documentation</template>

    <a target="_blank" href="">official documentation</a>
    provides you with all information you need to get started.

    <template #icon>
      <ToolingIcon />
    <template #heading>Tooling</template>

    This project is served and bundled with
    <a href="" target="_blank">Vite</a>. The recommended IDE
    setup is <a href="" target="_blank">VSCode</a> +
    <a href="" target="_blank">Volar</a>. If you need to test
    your components and web pages, check out
    <a href="" target="_blank">Cypress</a> and
    <a href="" target="_blank"
      >Cypress Component Testing</a

    <br />

    More instructions are available in <code></code>.

    <template #icon>
      <EcosystemIcon />
    <template #heading>Ecosystem</template>

    Get official tools and libraries for your project:
    <a target="_blank" href="">Pinia</a>,
    <a target="_blank" href="">Vue Router</a>,
    <a target="_blank" href="">Vue Test Utils</a>, and
    <a target="_blank" href="">Vue Dev Tools</a>. If you need more
    resources, we suggest paying
    <a target="_blank" href="">Awesome Vue</a>
    a visit.

    <template #icon>
      <CommunityIcon />
    <template #heading>Community</template>

    Got stuck? Ask your question on
    <a target="_blank" href="">Vue Land</a>, our official Discord server, or
    <a target="_blank" href="">StackOverflow</a>.
    You should also subscribe to
    <a target="_blank" href="">our mailing list</a> and follow the official
    <a target="_blank" href="">@vuejs</a>
    twitter account for latest news in the Vue world.

    <template #icon>
      <SupportIcon />
    <template #heading>Support Vue</template>

    As an independent project, Vue relies on community backing for its sustainability. You can help
    us by
    <a target="_blank" href="">becoming a sponsor</a>.