提交 2eb923f1 编写于 作者: R René Stalder

Improve README.md with additional custom domain information

- Update **Step 2** sub steps with more information
- Reword the "should" to "must" in the instanceUrl description to make clear, that this must be set for custom domains.

closes #88
上级 5c708bd8
......@@ -65,6 +65,9 @@ To use this extension, you need to create a GitLab Personal Access Token and giv
- Search for "GitLab: Set GitLab Personal Access Token" and hit Enter.
- Enter the URL to the Gitlab instance the PAT should apply to and hit Enter.
- Extension will ask for your PAT. Paste your PAT and hit Enter. _It won't be visible and accessible to others._
- If you want to connect to GitLab hosted on a custom domain, additionally set
`gitlab.instanceUrl` in your user or workspace settings, otherwise the extension
will try to connect to gitlab.com. See [Configuration Options](#configuration-options) for more information.
That's it. 🏁
......@@ -79,7 +82,7 @@ If you want to use multiple GitLab instances you may want to configure each work
**`gitlab.instanceUrl`** _(required: false, default: "https://gitlab.com")_
If you are using GitLab on a custom domain, you should add this to your user settings file. Example: `"gitlab.instanceUrl": "https://my-gitlab-domain.com"`
If you are using GitLab on a custom domain, you must add this to your user settings file. Example: `"gitlab.instanceUrl": "https://my-gitlab-domain.com"`
To enable Gitlab Workflow extension to work with different Gitlab instances, each token is assigned to a Gitlab instance URL. For the extension to selected the correct token for a specific workspace, the option [`gitlab.instanceUrl`](#configuration-options) can be used. This option can be set in the current workspace's `.vscode/settings.json` file.
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