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# 程序员电子书目录
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### 电子书目录
@ 2020-11-01
- [《程序员》杂志 · 2016 精华本](https://codechina.gitcode.host/programmer/2016/)
- [《程序员》杂志 · 2017 精华本](https://codechina.gitcode.host/programmer/2017/)
- [《2017 技术大检阅》](https://codechina.gitcode.host/programmer/2017-technical-review/)
- [《AI 工程师职业指南》](https://codechina.gitcode.host/programmer/career-guide-4-AI/)
- [《VR 与 AR 开发实战》](https://codechina.gitcode.host/programmer/vr-ar/)
- [《云计算演进与应用》](https://codechina.gitcode.host/programmer/cloud-computing/)
- [《互联网应用架构面面观》](https://codechina.gitcode.host/programmer/application-architecture/)
- [《人工智能,为我所用》](https://codechina.gitcode.host/programmer/ai4me/)
- [《人工智能学术前沿》](https://codechina.gitcode.host/programmer/frontier-ai/)
- [《关于 C++ 你应该更新的知识》](https://codechina.gitcode.host/programmer/cpp-update/)
- [《分布式数据库》](https://codechina.gitcode.host/programmer/distributed-DB/)
- [《前端开发创新实践》](https://codechina.gitcode.host/programmer/fe/)
- [《双 11 · 一场技术的决战》](https://codechina.gitcode.host/programmer/11-11/)
- [《大数据技术深度实践》](https://codechina.gitcode.host/programmer/practice-of-big-data/)
- [《容器技术经验谈》](https://codechina.gitcode.host/programmer/docker-skills/)
- [《微信小程序深度解析》](https://codechina.gitcode.host/programmer/miniapp/)
- [《技术视野》](https://codechina.gitcode.host/programmer/tech-vision/)
- [《深入浅出区块链》](https://codechina.gitcode.host/programmer/blockchain-intro/)
- [《物联网开发技术栈》](https://codechina.gitcode.host/programmer/iot-stack/)
- [《移动开发十年》](https://codechina.gitcode.host/programmer/10-years-of-mobile-dev/)
\ No newline at end of file
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title: "《双 11 · 一场技术的决战》"
date: 2017-12-01
subtitle: "电子书"
link: https://codechina.gitcode.host/programmer/11-11/
image: "images/13.jpg"
title: "《2017 技术大检阅》"
date: 2018-08-01
subtitle: "电子书"
link: https://codechina.gitcode.host/programmer/2017-technical-review/
image: "images/03.jpg"
title: "电子书"
weight: 10
\ No newline at end of file
title: "《人工智能,为我所用》"
date: 2017-12-28
subtitle: "电子书"
link: https://codechina.gitcode.host/programmer/ai4me/
image: "images/08.jpg"
\ No newline at end of file
title: "《互联网应用架构面面观》"
date: 2017-12-27
subtitle: "电子书"
link: https://codechina.gitcode.host/programmer/application-architecture/
image: "images/07.jpg"
title: "《深入浅出区块链》"
date: 2017-12-30
subtitle: "电子书"
link: https://codechina.gitcode.host/programmer/blockchain-intro/
image: "images/18.jpg"
title: "《AI 工程师职业指南》"
date: 2017-12-24
subtitle: "电子书"
link: https://codechina.gitcode.host/programmer/career-guide-4-AI/
image: "images/04.jpg"
title: "《云计算演进与应用》"
date: 2017-12-28
subtitle: "电子书"
link: https://codechina.gitcode.host/programmer/cloud-computing/
image: "images/06.jpg"
title: "《关于 C++ 你应该更新的知识》"
date: 2017-12-10
subtitle: "电子书"
link: https://codechina.gitcode.host/programmer/cpp-update/
image: "images/10.jpg"
title: "《分布式数据库》"
date: 2017-12-11
subtitle: "电子书"
link: https://codechina.gitcode.host/programmer/distributed-DB/
image: "images/11.jpg"
title: "《容器技术经验谈》"
date: 2017-12-15
subtitle: "电子书"
link: https://codechina.gitcode.host/programmer/docker-skills/
image: "images/15.jpg"
title: "《前端开发创新实践》"
date: 2017-12-12
subtitle: "电子书"
link: https://codechina.gitcode.host/programmer/fe/
image: "images/12.jpg"
title: "《人工智能学术前沿》"
date: 2017-12-09
subtitle: "电子书"
link: https://codechina.gitcode.host/programmer/frontier-ai/
image: "images/09.jpg"
title: "《物联网开发技术栈》"
date: 2017-12-19
subtitle: "电子书"
link: https://codechina.gitcode.host/programmer/iot-stack/
image: "images/19.jpg"
title: "《微信小程序深度解析》"
date: 2017-12-16
subtitle: "电子书"
link: https://codechina.gitcode.host/programmer/miniapp/
image: "images/16.jpg"
title: "《移动开发十年》"
date: 2017-12-20
subtitle: "电子书"
link: https://codechina.gitcode.host/programmer/10-years-of-mobile-dev/
image: "images/20.jpg"
\ No newline at end of file
title: "《大数据技术深度实践》"
date: 2017-12-14
subtitle: "电子书"
link: https://codechina.gitcode.host/programmer/practice-of-big-data/
image: "images/14.jpg"
title: "《技术视野》"
date: 2017-12-17
subtitle: "电子书"
link: https://codechina.gitcode.host/programmer/tech-vision/
image: "images/17.jpg"
title: "《VR AR 开发实战》"
date: 2017-12-25
subtitle: "电子书"
link: https://codechina.gitcode.host/programmer/vr-ar/
image: "images/05.jpg"
title: "《程序员》杂志 · 2016 精华本"
date: 2016-12-31
subtitle: "精华本"
link: https://codechina.gitcode.host/programmer/2016/
image: "images/01.jpg"
title: "《程序员》杂志 · 2017 精华本"
date: 2017-12-31
subtitle: "精华本"
link: https://codechina.gitcode.host/programmer/2017/
image: "images/02.jpg"
title: "精华本"
weight: 20
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