提交 9e1719b6 编写于 作者: Lab机器人's avatar Lab机器人


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// Search for plugin configured font family
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return family.config == configName;
// Fallback to default font family
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// Return the correct id for a theme config key
// Default to first theme
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// Search for plugin configured theme
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$(".book-anchor-body").append("<a id='an_"+text+"' class='anchor-text "+cls+"' title='"+text+"' href='#"+href+"'>"+text+"</a>")
$(".book-anchor-title").click(function () {
// $(".book-anchor-body").toggle();
var hash = decodeURIComponent(location.hash);
hash = hash.substring(1);
function setBase(){
var $title = $(".header-inner .title");
var $search = $('#book-search-input');
var placeholder = gitbook.state.config.pluginsConfig["theme-fexa"]["search-placeholder"] || "输入关键字搜索"
$search.append("<span id='searchBtn'>搜索</span>");
$(".summary .gitbook-link").hide();
$(".summary .divider").hide();
gitbook.events.on('start', function() {
gitbook.events.on('page.change', function() {
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