提交 507c3949 编写于 作者: B Ben Bodenmiller

sync up xcode related gitignore files

some details based on #1221
上级 8ab86f6b
# Xcode
# gitignore contributors: remember to update Global/Xcode.gitignore, Objective-C.gitignore & Swift.gitignore
## Build generated
build/ build/
## Various settings
*.pbxuser *.pbxuser
!default.pbxuser !default.pbxuser
*.mode1v3 *.mode1v3
...@@ -8,7 +16,8 @@ build/ ...@@ -8,7 +16,8 @@ build/
*.perspectivev3 *.perspectivev3
!default.perspectivev3 !default.perspectivev3
xcuserdata xcuserdata
## Other
*.xccheckout *.xccheckout
*.moved-aside *.moved-aside
*.xcuserstate *.xcuserstate
# Xcode # Xcode
# #
# gitignore contributors: remember to update Global/Xcode.gitignore, Objective-C.gitignore & Swift.gitignore
## Build generated
build/ build/
## Various settings
*.pbxuser *.pbxuser
!default.pbxuser !default.pbxuser
*.mode1v3 *.mode1v3
...@@ -10,12 +16,15 @@ build/ ...@@ -10,12 +16,15 @@ build/
*.perspectivev3 *.perspectivev3
!default.perspectivev3 !default.perspectivev3
xcuserdata xcuserdata
## Other
*.xccheckout *.xccheckout
*.moved-aside *.moved-aside
DerivedData *.xcuserstate
## Obj-C/Swift specific
*.hmap *.hmap
*.ipa *.ipa
# CocoaPods # CocoaPods
# #
...@@ -24,3 +33,10 @@ DerivedData ...@@ -24,3 +33,10 @@ DerivedData
# http://guides.cocoapods.org/using/using-cocoapods.html#should-i-check-the-pods-directory-into-source-control # http://guides.cocoapods.org/using/using-cocoapods.html#should-i-check-the-pods-directory-into-source-control
# #
#Pods/ #Pods/
# Carthage
# Add this line if you want to avoid checking in source code from Carthage dependencies.
# Carthage/Checkouts
# Xcode # Xcode
# #
# gitignore contributors: remember to update Global/Xcode.gitignore, Objective-C.gitignore & Swift.gitignore
## Build generated
build/ build/
## Various settings
*.pbxuser *.pbxuser
!default.pbxuser !default.pbxuser
*.mode1v3 *.mode1v3
...@@ -10,12 +16,15 @@ build/ ...@@ -10,12 +16,15 @@ build/
*.perspectivev3 *.perspectivev3
!default.perspectivev3 !default.perspectivev3
xcuserdata xcuserdata
## Other
*.xccheckout *.xccheckout
*.moved-aside *.moved-aside
DerivedData *.xcuserstate
## Obj-C/Swift specific
*.hmap *.hmap
*.ipa *.ipa
# CocoaPods # CocoaPods
# #
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