• M
    Windows Azure Emulator · 338d8f73
    Michael Stegmann 提交于
    Ignoring directory "efc" and "rfc" created by the Windows Azure Emulator
    Directory before starting emulator the first time:
    Directory: C:\temp\AzureCloudService1\AzureCloudService1
    Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name
    ----                -------------         ------ ----
    d-----         9/1/2015   9:16 AM                bin
    d-----         9/1/2015   9:16 AM                WorkerRole1Content
    -a----         9/1/2015   9:16 AM           3014 AzureCloudService1.ccproj
    -a----         9/1/2015   9:16 AM            144 AzureCloudService1.ccproj.user
    -a----         9/1/2015   9:16 AM            505 ServiceConfiguration.Cloud.cscfg
    -a----         9/1/2015   9:16 AM            505 ServiceConfiguration.Local.cscfg
    -a----         9/1/2015   9:16 AM            428 ServiceDefinition.csdef
    And after starting the Emulator:
    Directory: C:\temp\AzureCloudService1\AzureCloudService1
    Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name
    ----                -------------         ------ ----
    d-----         9/1/2015   9:16 AM                bin
    d-----         9/1/2015   9:19 AM                csx
    d-----         9/1/2015   9:19 AM                ecf
    d-----         9/1/2015   9:19 AM                obj
    d-----         9/1/2015   9:19 AM                rcf
    d-----         9/1/2015   9:16 AM                WorkerRole1Content
    -a----         9/1/2015   9:16 AM           3014 AzureCloudService1.ccproj
    -a----         9/1/2015   9:16 AM            144 AzureCloudService1.ccproj.user
    -a----         9/1/2015   9:16 AM            505 ServiceConfiguration.Cloud.cscfg
    -a----         9/1/2015   9:16 AM            505 ServiceConfiguration.Local.cscfg
    -a----         9/1/2015   9:16 AM            428 ServiceDefinition.csdef
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