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- 四级知识点
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title = "CSDN IT 人才成长路线图"
title = "IT技术知识开源图谱"
subtitle = "音视频技术路线图"
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......@@ -9,7 +9,12 @@ description: "中阶路线图"
# search related keywords
## 中阶路线图
<p style="text-align:center;font-weight:bold;">关注“高校俱乐部”微信公众号,快人一步获取高清全套技术路线图</p>
{{< embed-pdf-view url="/images/Audio.pdf" >}}
......@@ -116,20 +121,3 @@ description: "中阶路线图"
- 实时传输协议RTP(Real-time Transport Protocol)
- HLS (HTTP Live Streaming)
- DASH (Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP)
## 相关学习资源
1. 高文. 赵德斌. 马思伟著,科学出版社,《视频编解码技术原理》,2010.11
2. 周志华著,《机器学习》 ,2016年1月
3. 李航著,《统计学习方法》,2012年3月
4. [斯坦福大学Bernd Girod教授课程](http://web.stanford.edu/class/ee398a/)
5. 陶布曼,魏江力,柏正尧 等 著,《 JPEG2000图像压缩基础. 标准和实践》
6. Alan V. Oppenheim and Ronald W. Schafer, “Digital Signal Processing”, 1975
7. [Alan V. Oppenheim, Alan S. Willsky, with S. Hamid-Signals and Systems-Prentice Hall (1996)](https://eee.guc.edu.eg/Courses/Communications/COMM401%20Signal%20&%20System%20Theory/Alan%20V.%20Oppenheim,%20Alan%20S.%20Willsky,%20with%20S.%20Hamid-Signals%20and%20Systems-Prentice%20Hall%20(1996).pdf)
8. Alan V. Oppenheim and Ronald W. Schafer, “Discrete-Time Signal Processing”, 1989
9. Rafael C. Gonzales, “Digital Image Processing”, 1977
10. Dimitris Manolakis, Stephen M. Kogon, and Vinay K. Ingle, “Statistical and adaptive signal processing”, 2000.
11. Yao Wang, Jörn Ostermann, and Ya-Qin Zhang, “Video Processing and Communications”
12. Nuggehally S. Jayant, Peter Noll, “Digital coding of waveforms: principles and applications to speech and video”, 1990
13. Andreas Spanias, Atti Venkatraman, and Ted Painter, “Audio Signal Processing and Coding”, Dec. 2005
14. Ted Painter, and Andreas Spanias, “Perceptual Coding of Digital Audio”, Proc. IEEE, vol. 88, no. 4, pp. 451-515, 2000.
\ No newline at end of file
title: "编程知识储备"
title: "计算机科学与技术"
date: 2018-12-29
lastmod: 2020-01-05
weight: 1
icon: #
description: "音视频初阶路线图,编程知识储备"
description: "音视频初阶路线图,计算机科学与技术"
# search related keywords
title: "计算机类基本理论"
title: "电子信息基本理论"
date: 2018-12-29
lastmod: 2020-01-05
weight: 2
icon: #
description: "音视频初阶路线图,计算机类基本理论"
description: "音视频初阶路线图,电子信息基本理论"
# search related keywords
......@@ -61,4 +61,6 @@ description: "音视频初阶路线图,音视频编解码及转码"
- 企业标准
- Dolby AC-3
- WMA (Windows Media Audio)
- 转码的基本概念
\ No newline at end of file
- 转码的基本概念
- 不同格式之间的转码技术
- 相同格式,不同分辨率/码率的转码技术
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......@@ -9,12 +9,18 @@ description: "初阶路线图"
# search related keywords
## 初阶路线图
<p style="text-align:center;font-weight:bold;">关注“高校俱乐部”微信公众号,快人一步获取高清全套技术路线图</p>
{{< embed-pdf-view url="/images/Audio.pdf" >}}
### 编程知识储备
### 计算机科学与技术
- 数据结构
- 线性表
......@@ -61,7 +67,7 @@ description: "初阶路线图"
### 计算机类基本理论
### 电子信息基本理论
- 信息论基础
......@@ -133,21 +139,3 @@ description: "初阶路线图"
- 不同格式之间的转码技术
- 相同格式,不同分辨率/码率的转码技术
## 相关学习资源
1. 王爽,《汇编语言(第3版)》, [Assembly language]
2. 殷建平,徐云,王刚等译,《算法导论(原书第3版)》[Introduction to Algorithms, third edition]
3. 姜丹 《信息论与编码》
4. 冈萨雷斯 《数字图像处理》
5. 程佩青《数字信号处理教程》(第四版)
6. Iain Richardson,H.264和MPEG-4视频压缩
7. 《WebRTC权威指南》,2016
8. 刘歧/赵文杰,机械工业出版社,《FFmpeg从入门到精通》,2018
9. [Andreas Spanias, Ted Painter, Venkatraman Atti, “Audio Signal Processing and Coding”, December 2005](https://www.google.com/books/edition/Audio_Signal_Processing_and_Coding/a1RULRErhOYC?hl=en&gbpv=1&printsec=frontcover)
10. Wai C. Chu, “Speech Coding Algorithms: Foundation and Evolution of Standardized Coders”, April 2003.
11. Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson, Ronald L. Rivest, Clifford Stein, “Introduction to Algorithms”, 1989.
12. [Andrew D. Birrell , “An Introduction to Programming with Threads,” ](https://www.hpl.hp.com/techreports/Compaq-DEC/SRC-RR-35.pdf)
13. Mark Pesce, “DirectShow for Digital Video and Television”, 2003
14. T. Wiegand, Gary J. Sullivan, Gisle Bjøntegaard, Ajay Luthra, “Overview of the H.264/AVC video coding standard,” IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, vol. 13, no. 7, pp.560–576, 7 2003, doi: 10.1109/TCSVT.2003.815165.
15. G. J. Sullivan, J. Ohm, W. Han and T. Wiegand, "Overview of the High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) Standard," in IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, vol. 22, no. 12, pp. 1649-1668, Dec. 2012, doi: 10.1109/TCSVT.2012.2221191.
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title: "视频编码新方案"
title: "视频编解码理论"
date: 2018-12-29
lastmod: 2020-01-05
weight: 2
weight: 1
icon: #
description: "音视频高阶路线图,视频编码新方案"
description: "音视频高阶路线图,视频编解码理论"
# search related keywords
- 率失真理论基础
- 运动补偿理论基础
- 变换量化理论基础
- 算术编码理论基础
\ No newline at end of file
- 算术编码理论基础
title: "视频编解码理论"
title: "视频编解码新方案"
date: 2018-12-29
lastmod: 2020-01-05
weight: 1
weight: 2
icon: #
description: "音视频高阶路线图,视频编解码理论"
description: "音视频高阶路线图,视频编解码新方案"
# search related keywords
- 端到端图像/视频编码框架(End-to-End Image/Video Coding)
- 与传统编码框架相结合的编码框架
- LCEVC标准 (Low Complexity Enhancement Video Coding)
- LCEVC标准 (Low Complexity Enhancement Video Coding)
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title: "视频差错控制技术"
title: "音频丢包补偿技术"
date: 2018-12-29
lastmod: 2020-01-05
weight: 4
icon: #
description: "音视频高阶路线图,视频差错控制技术"
description: "音视频高阶路线图,音频丢包补偿技术"
# search related keywords
- 信道编码差错控制技术
- 有条件的自动请求ARQ (Automatic repeat request)
- 基于反馈信息的参考帧选择RPS(Reference Picture Selection)
- 误码跟踪
- 编码器差错恢复
- 分层编码
- 多描述编码
- 前向纠错编码
- Intra更新
- 独立分段编码
- 差错弹性的熵编码EREC (Error-Resilient Entropy Code)
- 可逆变长编码RLVC(Reversible Variable Length Code)
- 解码器差错隐藏
- 编码模式恢复
- 运动信息恢复
- 纹理信息恢复
- 基于发送端的丢包补偿方案
- 主动重传
- 被动通道编码
- 前向差错纠正技术FEC (Forward Error Correction)
- 基于交织的技术
- 与媒体无关的方法
- 利用音频属性的媒体相关方法
- 基于接收端的丢包补偿方案
- 基于插入的方法
- 拼接法 (Splicing)
- 静音置换法 (Silence substitution)
- 噪声置换法 (Noise substitution)
- 重复法 (Repetition)
- 基于插值的方法
- 波形置换法 (Waveform substitution)
- 基音波形复制法 (Pitch waveform replication)
- 时间尺度修正法 (Time scale modification)
- 基于重构的方法
- 传输状态插值法 (Interpolation of transmitted state)
- 基于模型的恢复法 (Model-based recovery)
title: "视频标准文本及参考软件"
title: "视频差错控制技术"
date: 2018-12-29
lastmod: 2020-01-05
weight: 5
icon: #
description: "音视频高阶路线图,视频标准文本及参考软件"
description: "音视频高阶路线图,视频差错控制技术"
# search related keywords
- 标准文本
- H.265/HEVC标准文本
- H.266/VVC标准文本
- 参考软件
- H.265/HEVC的参考软件:HM;开源软件 x265
- AVS3参考软件:uAVS3e
- VTM参考软件
- 信道编码差错控制技术
- 有条件的自动请求ARQ (Automatic repeat request)
- 基于反馈信息的参考帧选择RPS(Reference Picture Selection)
- 误码跟踪
- 编码器差错恢复
- 分层编码
- 多描述编码
- 前向纠错编码
- Intra更新
- 独立分段编码
- 差错弹性的熵编码EREC (Error-Resilient Entropy Code)
- 可逆变长编码RLVC(Reversible Variable Length Code)
- 解码器差错隐藏
- 编码模式恢复
- 运动信息恢复
- 纹理信息恢复
title: "相关学习资源"
title: "视频标准文本及参考软件"
date: 2018-12-29
lastmod: 2020-01-05
weight: 6
icon: #
description: "音视频高阶路线图,相关学习资源"
description: "音视频高阶路线图,视频标准文本及参考软件"
# search related keywords
1. [Gary J. Sullivan and Thomas Wiegand, “Rate-Distortion Optimization for video compression”](https://web.stanford.edu/class/ee398a/handouts/papers/Sullivan%20-%20RD%20Opt%20for%20Video.pdf)
2. [Bernd Girod, Markus Flierl, “Video coding with superimposed motion compensated signals”, 2004](https://www.springer.com/gp/book/9781402077593?cm_mmc=sgw-_-ps-_-book-_-1-4020-7759-9)
3. R. J. Clarke, “Transform coding of images”, Jan. 1985
4. [P. G. Howard and J. S. Vitter, “Practical Implementations of Arithmetic Coding”](http://homepages.cae.wisc.edu/~ece533/resources/arithmeticcoding/howard.pdf)
5. [J. J. Rissanen, G. G., Jr Langdon (March 1979). “Arithmetic coding” (PDF). IBM Journal of Research and Development. 23 (2): 149–162](http://read.pudn.com/downloads75/sourcecode/zip/276150/image_compresion_by_sfj/reference/arithmetic/ibmrd2302G.pdf)
6. Aaron Courville, Ian Goodfellow, and Yoshua Bengio, “Deep Learning”, 2015
7. R. Schnabel and R. Klein, "Octree-based point-cloud compression", Symposium on Point-Based Graphics, July 2006.
8. ITU-T and ISO/IEC, “Advanced Video Coding for Generic Audiovisual Services,” ITU-T Rec. H.264 and ISO/IEC 14496-10, vers. 1, 2003.
9. ITU-T and ISO/IEC, “High Efficiency Video Coding,” ITU-T Rec. H.265 and ISO/IEC 23008-2, vers. 1, 2013.
10. B. Bross, J. Chen, S. Liu, and Y.-K. Wang, “Versatile Video Coding (Draft 10),” Document JVET-S2001 of JVET, Jun. 2020.
11. HM 参考软件: https://vcgit.hhi.fraunhofer.de/jct-vc/HM/tags/HM-16.20
12. VTM参考软件: https://vcgit.hhi.fraunhofer.de/jvet/VVCSoftware VTM/tags/VTM-11.0
13. [T. Stockhammer, "Dynamic adaptive streaming over HTTP -- standards and design principles," MMSys'11: Proceedings of the second annual ACM conference on Multimedia systems, pp. 133–144, Feb. 2011. (视频链接)](https://doi.org/10.1145/1943552.1943572)
14. I. Sodagar, "The MPEG-DASH Standard for Multimedia Streaming Over the Internet," IEEE Multimedia, vol. 18, no. 4, Apr. 2011.
15. T. Schierl and S. Narasimhan, "Transport and Storage Systems for 3-D Video Using MPEG-2 Systems, RTP, and ISO File Format," Proceedings of the IEEE, vol. 99, no. 4, pp. 671-683, Apr. 2011.
16. G. K. Walker, T. Stockhammer, G. Mandyam, Y.-K. Wang, and C. Lo, "ROUTE/DASH IP Streaming-Based System for Delivery of Broadcast, Broadband, and Hybrid Services," IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting, vol. 62, no. 1, pp. 328-337, Mar. 2016.
17. Y. Wang, and Q.-F. Zhu, “Error control and concealment for video communication: A review,” Proceedings of the IEEE, vol. 86, no. 5, pp. 974-997, May 1998.
18. B. Girod and N. Farber, “Feedback-based error control for mobile video transmission,” Proc. of the IEEE, vol. 87, no. 10, pp. 1707-1723, Oct. 1999.
19. Y. Wang, S. Wenger, J. Wen, and A. K. Katsaggelos, “Error resilient video coding techniques,” IEEE Signal Process. Mag., vol. 17, no. 4, pp. 61–82, Jul. 2000.
\ No newline at end of file
- 标准文本
- H.265/HEVC标准文本
- H.266/VVC标准文本
- 参考软件
- H.265/HEVC的参考软件:HM;开源软件 x265
- AVS3参考软件:uAVS3e
- VTM参考软件
title: "相关学习资源"
date: 2018-12-29
lastmod: 2020-01-05
weight: 7
icon: #
description: "音视频高阶路线图,相关学习资源"
# search related keywords
1. [Gary J. Sullivan and Thomas Wiegand, “Rate-Distortion Optimization for video compression”](https://web.stanford.edu/class/ee398a/handouts/papers/Sullivan%20-%20RD%20Opt%20for%20Video.pdf)
2. [Bernd Girod, Markus Flierl, “Video coding with superimposed motion compensated signals”, 2004](https://www.springer.com/gp/book/9781402077593?cm_mmc=sgw-_-ps-_-book-_-1-4020-7759-9)
3. R. J. Clarke, “Transform coding of images”, Jan. 1985
4. [P. G. Howard and J. S. Vitter, “Practical Implementations of Arithmetic Coding”](http://homepages.cae.wisc.edu/~ece533/resources/arithmeticcoding/howard.pdf)
5. [J. J. Rissanen, G. G., Jr Langdon (March 1979). “Arithmetic coding” (PDF). IBM Journal of Research and Development. 23 (2): 149–162](http://read.pudn.com/downloads75/sourcecode/zip/276150/image_compresion_by_sfj/reference/arithmetic/ibmrd2302G.pdf)
6. Aaron Courville, Ian Goodfellow, and Yoshua Bengio, “Deep Learning”, 2015
7. R. Schnabel and R. Klein, "Octree-based point-cloud compression", Symposium on Point-Based Graphics, July 2006.
8. ITU-T and ISO/IEC, “Advanced Video Coding for Generic Audiovisual Services,” ITU-T Rec. H.264 and ISO/IEC 14496-10, vers. 1, 2003.
9. ITU-T and ISO/IEC, “High Efficiency Video Coding,” ITU-T Rec. H.265 and ISO/IEC 23008-2, vers. 1, 2013.
10. B. Bross, J. Chen, S. Liu, and Y.-K. Wang, “Versatile Video Coding (Draft 10),” Document JVET-S2001 of JVET, Jun. 2020.
11. HM 参考软件: https://vcgit.hhi.fraunhofer.de/jct-vc/HM/tags/HM-16.20
12. VTM参考软件: https://vcgit.hhi.fraunhofer.de/jvet/VVCSoftware VTM/tags/VTM-11.0
13. [T. Stockhammer, "Dynamic adaptive streaming over HTTP -- standards and design principles," MMSys'11: Proceedings of the second annual ACM conference on Multimedia systems, pp. 133–144, Feb. 2011. (视频链接)](https://doi.org/10.1145/1943552.1943572)
14. I. Sodagar, "The MPEG-DASH Standard for Multimedia Streaming Over the Internet," IEEE Multimedia, vol. 18, no. 4, Apr. 2011.
15. T. Schierl and S. Narasimhan, "Transport and Storage Systems for 3-D Video Using MPEG-2 Systems, RTP, and ISO File Format," Proceedings of the IEEE, vol. 99, no. 4, pp. 671-683, Apr. 2011.
16. G. K. Walker, T. Stockhammer, G. Mandyam, Y.-K. Wang, and C. Lo, "ROUTE/DASH IP Streaming-Based System for Delivery of Broadcast, Broadband, and Hybrid Services," IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting, vol. 62, no. 1, pp. 328-337, Mar. 2016.
17. Y. Wang, and Q.-F. Zhu, “Error control and concealment for video communication: A review,” Proceedings of the IEEE, vol. 86, no. 5, pp. 974-997, May 1998.
18. B. Girod and N. Farber, “Feedback-based error control for mobile video transmission,” Proc. of the IEEE, vol. 87, no. 10, pp. 1707-1723, Oct. 1999.
19. Y. Wang, S. Wenger, J. Wen, and A. K. Katsaggelos, “Error resilient video coding techniques,” IEEE Signal Process. Mag., vol. 17, no. 4, pp. 61–82, Jul. 2000.
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......@@ -9,7 +9,13 @@ description: "高阶路线图"
# search related keywords
## 高阶路线图
<p style="text-align:center;font-weight:bold;">关注“高校俱乐部”微信公众号,快人一步获取高清全套技术路线图</p>
{{< embed-pdf-view url="/images/Audio.pdf" >}}
......@@ -20,7 +26,7 @@ description: "高阶路线图"
- 变换量化理论基础
- 算术编码理论基础
### 视频编码新方案
### 视频编码新方案
- 端到端图像/视频编码框架(End-to-End Image/Video Coding)
- 与传统编码框架相结合的编码框架
......@@ -84,26 +90,3 @@ description: "高阶路线图"
- H.265/HEVC的参考软件:HM;开源软件 x265
- AVS3参考软件:uAVS3e
- VTM参考软件
## 相关学习资源
1. [Gary J. Sullivan and Thomas Wiegand, “Rate-Distortion Optimization for video compression”](https://web.stanford.edu/class/ee398a/handouts/papers/Sullivan%20-%20RD%20Opt%20for%20Video.pdf)
2. [Bernd Girod, Markus Flierl, “Video coding with superimposed motion compensated signals”, 2004](https://www.springer.com/gp/book/9781402077593?cm_mmc=sgw-_-ps-_-book-_-1-4020-7759-9)
3. R. J. Clarke, “Transform coding of images”, Jan. 1985
4. [P. G. Howard and J. S. Vitter, “Practical Implementations of Arithmetic Coding”](http://homepages.cae.wisc.edu/~ece533/resources/arithmeticcoding/howard.pdf)
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