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thomas.lin 已提交
# gentelella
Anthony Mutisya 已提交

thomas.lin 已提交
Gentellela Admin is a free to use Bootstrap admin template.
Aigars Silkalns 已提交
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This template uses the default Bootstrap 3 styles along with a variety of powerful jQuery plugins and tools to create a powerful framework for creating admin panels or back-end dashboards.

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Theme uses several libraries for charts, calendar, from validation, wizard style interface, off-canvas navigation menu, text forms, date range, upload area, form autocomplete, range slider, progress bars, notifications and much more.

We would love to see how you use this awesome admin template. You can notify us about your site, app or service by tweeting to [@colorlib]( Once the list will grown long enough we will write a post similar to [this]( to showcase the best examples.

Aigars Silkalns 已提交

Aigars Silkalns 已提交
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## Theme Demo
![Gentelella Bootstrap Admin Template]( "Gentelella Theme Browser Preview")

**[Template Demo](**
Aigars Silkalns 已提交
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## Scripts included:
* Bootstrap
* Font Awesome
* jQuery-Autocomplete
Aigars Silkalns 已提交
* FullCalendar
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* Charts.js
* Bootstrap Colorpicker
* Cropper
* dataTables
* Date Range Picker for Bootstrap
* Dropzone
* easyPieChart
* ECharts
* bootstrap-wysiwyg
* Flot - Javascript plotting library for jQuery.
* gauge.js
* iCheck
* jquery.inputmask plugin
* Ion.RangeSlider
* jQuery
* jVectorMap
* moment.js
* Morris.js - pretty time-series line graphs
* jquery-nicescroll plugin
* PNotify - Awesome JavaScript notifications
* NProgress
* Pace
* Parsley
* bootstrap-progressbar
* select2
* Sidebar Transitions - simple off-canvas navigations
* Skycons - canvas based wather icons
* jQuery Sparklines plugin
* switchery - Turns HTML checkbox inputs into beautiful iOS style switches
* jQuery Tags Input Plugin
* Autosize - resizes text area to fit text
* validator - HTML from validator using jQuery
* jQuery Smart Wizard

## Other templates and useful resources
* [Free Bootstrap Admin Templates]( "Bootstrap Admin Templates on Colorlib") - List of the best Free Bootstrap admin dashboard templates that are available for free for personal and commercial use.
* [Free Admin Templates]( "List of free HTML based admin templates by Colorlib") - Long list of the best free HTML5 powered admin dashboard templates. Available for personal and commercial use.
* [Angular Templates]( "Angular Admin Templates on Colorlib") - List of the most popular admin templates based on AngularJS.
* [HTML Admin Templates]( "Material Design Admin Templates on Colorlib") - Most of these templates are based on AngularJS and uses a stunning Material design.
* [Bootstrap Admin Templates]( "List of Premium Bootstrap Admin Templates by Colorlib") - List of premium Bootstrap admin templates that uses a minimal flat or material design. Majority of these themes uses AngularJS but HTML5 versions are also available.
* [WordPress Admin Templates]( "List of WordPress Admin Dashboard Templates and Plugins by Colorlib") - List of the best WordPress admin dashboard templates and plugins that will add a personal touch to your WordPress dashboard.
* [WordPress Themes]( "List of Free WordPress themes by Colorlib") - A huge selection of the best free WordPress themes that are all licensed under GPL and are available for personal and commercial use without restrictions.
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## License information
Gentellela is licensed under The MIT License (MIT). Which means that you can use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software. But you always need to state that Colorlib is the original author of this template.

Aigars Silkalns 已提交
Project is developed and maintained by [Colorlib]( "Colorlib - Make Your First Blog") and Aigars Silkalns