提交 c1eee5b0 编写于 作者: B Björn Rabenstein 提交者: GitHub

Merge pull request #2157 from prometheus/beorn7/release

Cut v1.2.3
## 1.2.3 / 2016-11-04
* [BUGFIX] Correctly handle end time before start time in range queries.
* [BUGFIX] Correctly handle empty Regex entry in relabel config.
* [BUGFIX] MOD (`%`) operator doesn't panic with small floating point numbers.
* [BUGFIX] Updated miekg/dns vendoring to pick up upstream bug fixes.
* [ENHANCEMENT] Improved DNS error reporting.
## 1.2.2 / 2016-10-30
* [BUGFIX] Correctly handle on() in alerts.
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