提交 8cdf70b5 编写于 作者: X xiyangxixian

DSN 解析代码优化

上级 48cd4b98
......@@ -256,7 +256,8 @@ func parseDSN(odbc string, d *dsn) *dsn {
if d != nil {
addr = d.Addr
// 原来有个判断,后来判断条件被删除了就导致第一次addr无论如何都会被修改。所以这边先注释掉
//addr = d.Addr
user = d.User
password = d.Password
schema = d.Schema
......@@ -269,29 +270,29 @@ func parseDSN(odbc string, d *dsn) *dsn {
return &dsn{Disable: true}
// userInfo@hostInfo/database
regexStr1 := `^(.*)@(.*?)/(.*?)($|\?)(.*)`
// hostInfo/database
regexStr2 := `^(.*)/(.*?)($|\?)(.*)`
// userInfo@hostInfo
regexStr3 := `^(.*)@(.*?)($|\?)(.*)`
var userInfo, hostInfo, query string
// DSN 格式匹配
if res := regexp.MustCompile(regexStr1).FindStringSubmatch(odbc); len(res) > 0 {
// userInfo@hostInfo/database
if res := regexp.MustCompile( `^(.*)@(.*?)/(.*?)($|\?)(.*)`).FindStringSubmatch(odbc); len(res) > 5 {
userInfo = res[1]
hostInfo = res[2]
schema = res[3]
query = res[5]
} else if res := regexp.MustCompile(regexStr2).FindStringSubmatch(odbc); len(res) > 0 {
// hostInfo/database
} else if res := regexp.MustCompile(`^(.*)/(.*?)($|\?)(.*)`).FindStringSubmatch(odbc); len(res) > 4 {
hostInfo = res[1]
schema = res[2]
query = res[4]
} else if res := regexp.MustCompile(regexStr3).FindStringSubmatch(odbc); len(res) > 0 {
// userInfo@hostInfo
} else if res := regexp.MustCompile(`^(.*)@(.*?)($|\?)(.*)`).FindStringSubmatch(odbc); len(res) > 4 {
userInfo = res[1]
hostInfo = res[2]
query = res[4]
// hostInfo
} else {
hostInfo = odbc
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