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# ThrowTheSwitch.org Coding Standard
Hi. Welcome to the coding standard for ThrowTheSwitch.org. For the most part,
we try to follow these standards to unify our contributors' code into a cohesive
unit (puns intended). You might find places where these standards aren't
followed. We're not perfect. Please be polite where
you notice these discrepancies and we'll try to be polite when we notice yours.
## Why Have A Coding Standard?
Being consistent makes code easier to understand. We've made an attempt to keep
our standard simple because we also believe that we can only expect someone to
follow something that is understandable. Please do your best.
## Our Philosophy
Before we get into details on syntax, let's take a moment to talk about our
vision for these tools. We're C developers and embedded software developers.
These tools are great to test any C code, but catering to embedded software has
made us more tolerant of compiler quirks. There are a LOT of quirky compilers
out there. By quirky I mean "doesn't follow standards because they feel like
they have a license to do as they wish."
Our philosophy is "support every compiler we can". Most often, this means that
we aim for writing C code that is standards compliant (often C89... that seems
to be a sweet spot that is almost always compatible). But it also means these
tools are tolerant of things that aren't common. Some that aren't even
compliant. There are configuration options to override the size of standard
types. There are configuration options to force Unity to not use certain
standard library functions. A lot of Unity is configurable and we have worked
hard to make it not TOO ugly in the process.
Similarly, our tools that parse C do their best. They aren't full C parsers
(yet) and, even if they were, they would still have to accept non-standard
additions like gcc extensions or specifying `@0x1000` to force a variable to
compile to a particular location. It's just what we do, because we like
everything to Just Work™.
Speaking of having things Just Work™, that's our second philosophy. By that, we
mean that we do our best to have EVERY configuration option have a logical
default. We believe that if you're working with a simple compiler and target,
you shouldn't need to configure very much... we try to make the tools guess as
much as they can, but give the user the power to override it when it's wrong.
## Naming Things
Let's talk about naming things. Programming is all about naming things. We name
files, functions, variables, and so much more. While we're not always going to
find the best name for something, we actually put quite a bit of effort into
finding *What Something WANTS to be Called*™.
When naming things, we more or less follow this hierarchy, the first being the
most important to us (but we do all four whenever possible):
1. Readable
2. Descriptive
3. Consistent
4. Memorable
#### Readable
We want to read our code. This means we like names and flow that are more
naturally read. We try to avoid double negatives. We try to avoid cryptic
abbreviations (sticking to ones we feel are common).
#### Descriptive
We like descriptive names for things, especially functions and variables.
Finding the right name for something is an important endeavor. You might notice
from poking around our code that this often results in names that are a little
longer than the average. Guilty. We're okay with a tiny bit more typing if it
means our code is easier to understand.
There are two exceptions to this rule that we also stick to as religiously as
First, while we realize hungarian notation (and similar systems for encoding
type information into variable names) is providing a more descriptive name, we
feel that (for the average developer) it takes away from readability and
therefore is to be avoided.
Second, loop counters and other local throw-away variables often have a purpose
which is obvious. There's no need, therefore, to get carried away with complex
naming. We find i, j, and k are better loop counters than loopCounterVar or
whatnot. We only break this rule when we see that more description could improve
understanding of an algorithm.
#### Consistent
We like consistency, but we're not really obsessed with it. We try to name our
configuration macros in a consistent fashion... you'll notice a repeated use of
UNITY_EXCLUDE_BLAH or UNITY_USES_BLAH macros. This helps users avoid having to
remember each macro's details.
#### Memorable
Where ever it doesn't violate the above principles, we try to apply memorable
names. Sometimes this means using something that is simply descriptive, but
often we strive for descriptive AND unique... we like quirky names that stand
out in our memory and are easier to search for. Take a look through the file
names in Ceedling and you'll get a good idea of what we are talking about here.
Why use preprocess when you can use preprocessinator? Or what better describes a
module in charge of invoking tasks during releases than release_invoker? Don't
get carried away. The names are still descriptive and fulfill the above
requirements, but they don't feel stale.
## C and C++ Details
We don't really want to add to the style battles out there. Tabs or spaces?
How many spaces? Where do the braces go? These are age-old questions that will
never be answered... or at least not answered in a way that will make everyone
We've decided on our own style preferences. If you'd like to contribute to these
projects (and we hope that you do), then we ask if you do your best to follow
the same. It will only hurt a little. We promise.
#### Whitespace
Our C-style is to use spaces and to use 4 of them per indent level. It's a nice
power-of-2 number that looks decent on a wide screen. We have no more reason
than that. We break that rule when we have lines that wrap (macros or function
arguments or whatnot). When that happens, we like to indent further to line
things up in nice tidy columns.
if (stuff_happened)
#### Case
- Files - all lower case with underscores.
- Variables - all lower case with underscores
- Macros - all caps with underscores.
- Typedefs - all caps with underscores. (also ends with _T).
- Functions - camel cased. Usually named ModuleName_FuncName
- Constants and Globals - camel cased.
#### Braces
The left brace is on the next line after the declaration. The right brace is
directly below that. Everything in between in indented one level. If you're
catching an error and you have a one-line, go ahead and to it on the same line.
while (blah)
//Like so. Even if only one line, we use braces.
#### Comments
Do you know what we hate? Old-school C block comments. BUT, we're using them
anyway. As we mentioned, our goal is to support every compiler we can,
especially embedded compilers. There are STILL C compilers out there that only
support old-school block comments. So that is what we're using. We apologize. We
think they are ugly too.
## Ruby Details
Is there really such thing as a Ruby coding standard? Ruby is such a free form
language, it seems almost sacrilegious to suggest that people should comply to
one method! We'll keep it really brief!
#### Whitespace
Our Ruby style is to use spaces and to use 2 of them per indent level. It's a
nice power-of-2 number that really grooves with Ruby's compact style. We have no
more reason than that. We break that rule when we have lines that wrap. When
that happens, we like to indent further to line things up in nice tidy columns.
#### Case
- Files - all lower case with underscores.
- Variables - all lower case with underscores
- Classes, Modules, etc - Camel cased.
- Functions - all lower case with underscores
- Constants - all upper case with underscores
## Documentation
Egad. Really? We use markdown and we like pdf files because they can be made to
look nice while still being portable. Good enough?
# Unity Configuration Guide
## C Standards, Compilers and Microcontrollers
The embedded software world contains its challenges. Compilers support different
revisions of the C Standard. They ignore requirements in places, sometimes to
make the language more usable in some special regard. Sometimes it's to simplify
their support. Sometimes it's due to specific quirks of the microcontroller they
are targeting. Simulators add another dimension to this menagerie.
Unity is designed to run on almost anything that is targeted by a C compiler. It
would be awesome if this could be done with zero configuration. While there are
some targets that come close to this dream, it is sadly not universal. It is
likely that you are going to need at least a couple of the configuration options
described in this document.
All of Unity's configuration options are `#defines`. Most of these are simple
definitions. A couple are macros with arguments. They live inside the
unity_internals.h header file. We don't necessarily recommend opening that file
unless you really need to. That file is proof that a cross-platform library is
challenging to build. From a more positive perspective, it is also proof that a
great deal of complexity can be centralized primarily to one place in order to
provide a more consistent and simple experience elsewhere.
### Using These Options
It doesn't matter if you're using a target-specific compiler and a simulator or
a native compiler. In either case, you've got a couple choices for configuring
these options:
1. Because these options are specified via C defines, you can pass most of these
options to your compiler through command line compiler flags. Even if you're
using an embedded target that forces you to use their overbearing IDE for all
configuration, there will be a place somewhere in your project to configure
defines for your compiler.
2. You can create a custom `unity_config.h` configuration file (present in your
toolchain's search paths). In this file, you will list definitions and macros
specific to your target. All you must do is define `UNITY_INCLUDE_CONFIG_H` and
Unity will rely on `unity_config.h` for any further definitions it may need.
## The Options
### Integer Types
If you've been a C developer for long, you probably already know that C's
concept of an integer varies from target to target. The C Standard has rules
about the `int` matching the register size of the target microprocessor. It has
rules about the `int` and how its size relates to other integer types. An `int`
on one target might be 16 bits while on another target it might be 64. There are
more specific types in compilers compliant with C99 or later, but that's
certainly not every compiler you are likely to encounter. Therefore, Unity has a
number of features for helping to adjust itself to match your required integer
sizes. It starts off by trying to do it automatically.
The first thing that Unity does to guess your types is check `stdint.h`.
This file includes defines like `UINT_MAX` that Unity can make use of to
learn a lot about your system. It's possible you don't want it to do this
(um. why not?) or (more likely) it's possible that your system doesn't
support `stdint.h`. If that's the case, you're going to want to define this.
That way, Unity will know to skip the inclusion of this file and you won't
be left with a compiler error.
The second attempt to guess your types is to check `limits.h`. Some compilers
that don't support `stdint.h` could include `limits.h` instead. If you don't
want Unity to check this file either, define this to make it skip the inclusion.
The third and final attempt to guess your types is to use the `sizeof()`
operator. Even if the first two options don't work, this one covers most cases.
There _is_ a rare compiler or two out there that doesn't support sizeof() in the
preprocessing stage, though. For these, you have the ability to disable this
feature as well.
If you've disabled all of the automatic options above, you're going to have to
do the configuration yourself. Don't worry. Even this isn't too bad... there are
just a handful of defines that you are going to specify if you don't like the
Define this to be the number of bits an `int` takes up on your system. The
default, if not autodetected, is 32 bits.
#define UNITY_INT_WIDTH 16
Define this to be the number of bits a `long` takes up on your system. The
default, if not autodetected, is 32 bits. This is used to figure out what kind
of 64-bit support your system can handle. Does it need to specify a `long` or a
`long long` to get a 64-bit value. On 16-bit systems, this option is going to be
Define this to be the number of bits a pointer takes up on your system. The
default, if not autodetected, is 32-bits. If you're getting ugly compiler
warnings about casting from pointers, this is the one to look at.
##### `UNITY_INCLUDE_64`
Unity will automatically include 64-bit support if it auto-detects it, or if
your `int`, `long`, or pointer widths are greater than 32-bits. Define this to
enable 64-bit support if none of the other options already did it for you. There
can be a significant size and speed impact to enabling 64-bit support on small
targets, so don't define it if you don't need it.
#define UNITY_INCLUDE_64
### Floating Point Types
In the embedded world, it's not uncommon for targets to have no support for
floating point operations at all or to have support that is limited to only
single precision. We are able to guess integer sizes on the fly because integers
are always available in at least one size. Floating point, on the other hand, is
sometimes not available at all. Trying to include `float.h` on these platforms
would result in an error. This leaves manual configuration as the only option.
By default, Unity guesses that you will want single precision floating point
support, but not double precision. It's easy to change either of these using the
include and exclude options here. You may include neither, either, or both, as
suits your needs. For features that are enabled, the following floating point
options also become available.
//what manner of strange processor is this?
Unity aims for as small of a footprint as possible and avoids most standard
library calls (some embedded platforms don't have a standard library!). Because
of this, its routines for printing integer values are minimalist and hand-coded.
To keep Unity universal, though, we chose to _not_ develop our own floating
point print routines. Instead, the display of floating point values during a
failure are optional. By default, Unity will not print the actual results of
floating point assertion failure. So a failed assertion will produce a message
like `"Values Not Within Delta"`. If you would like verbose failure messages for
floating point assertions, use these options to give more explicit failure
messages (e.g. `"Expected 4.56 Was 4.68"`). Note that this feature requires the
use of `sprintf` so might not be desirable in all cases.
If enabled, Unity assumes you want your `FLOAT` asserts to compare standard C
floats. If your compiler supports a specialty floating point type, you can
always override this behavior by using this definition.
#define UNITY_FLOAT_TYPE float16_t
If enabled, Unity assumes you want your `DOUBLE` asserts to compare standard C
doubles. If you would like to change this, you can specify something else by
using this option. For example, defining `UNITY_DOUBLE_TYPE` to `long double`
could enable gargantuan floating point types on your 64-bit processor instead of
the standard `double`.
#define UNITY_DOUBLE_TYPE long double
documented in the big daddy Unity Assertion Guide, you will learn that they are
not really asserting that two values are equal but rather that two values are
"close enough" to equal. "Close enough" is controlled by these precision
configuration options. If you are working with 32-bit floats and/or 64-bit
doubles (the normal on most processors), you should have no need to change these
options. They are both set to give you approximately 1 significant bit in either
direction. The float precision is 0.00001 while the double is 10-12.
For further details on how this works, see the appendix of the Unity Assertion
### Toolset Customization
In addition to the options listed above, there are a number of other options
which will come in handy to customize Unity's behavior for your specific
toolchain. It is possible that you may not need to touch any of these... but
certain platforms, particularly those running in simulators, may need to jump
through extra hoops to operate properly. These macros will help in those
By default, Unity prints its results to `stdout` as it runs. This works
perfectly fine in most situations where you are using a native compiler for
testing. It works on some simulators as well so long as they have `stdout`
routed back to the command line. There are times, however, where the simulator
will lack support for dumping results or you will want to route results
elsewhere for other reasons. In these cases, you should define the
`UNITY_OUTPUT_CHAR` macro. This macro accepts a single character at a time (as
an `int`, since this is the parameter type of the standard C `putchar` function
most commonly used). You may replace this with whatever function call you like.
Say you are forced to run your test suite on an embedded processor with no
`stdout` option. You decide to route your test result output to a custom serial
`RS232_putc()` function you wrote like thus:
#define UNITY_OUTPUT_CHAR(a) RS232_putc(a)
#define UNITY_OUTPUT_START() RS232_config(115200,1,8,0)
#define UNITY_OUTPUT_FLUSH() RS232_flush()
#define UNITY_OUTPUT_COMPLETE() RS232_close()
`UNITY_OUTPUT_FLUSH()` can be set to the standard out flush function simply by
specifying `UNITY_USE_FLUSH_STDOUT`. No other defines are required. If you
specify a custom flush function instead with `UNITY_OUTPUT_FLUSH` directly, it
will declare an instance of your function by default. If you want to disable
For some targets, Unity can make the otherwise required `setUp()` and
`tearDown()` functions optional. This is a nice convenience for test writers
since `setUp` and `tearDown` don't often actually _do_ anything. If you're using
gcc or clang, this option is automatically defined for you. Other compilers can
also support this behavior, if they support a C feature called weak functions. A
weak function is a function that is compiled into your executable _unless_ a
non-weak version of the same function is defined elsewhere. If a non-weak
version is found, the weak version is ignored as if it never existed. If your
compiler supports this feature, you can let Unity know by defining
`UNITY_SUPPORT_WEAK` as the function attributes that would need to be applied to
identify a function as weak. If your compiler lacks support for weak functions,
you will always need to define `setUp` and `tearDown` functions (though they can
be and often will be just empty). The most common options for this feature are:
#define UNITY_SUPPORT_WEAK __attribute__((weak))
Some compilers require a custom attribute to be assigned to pointers, like
`near` or `far`. In these cases, you can give Unity a safe default for these by
defining this option with the attribute you would like.
#define UNITY_PTR_ATTRIBUTE __attribute__((far))
## Getting Into The Guts
There will be cases where the options above aren't quite going to get everything
perfect. They are likely sufficient for any situation where you are compiling
and executing your tests with a native toolchain (e.g. clang on Mac). These
options may even get you through the majority of cases encountered in working
with a target simulator run from your local command line. But especially if you
must run your test suite on your target hardware, your Unity configuration will
require special help. This special help will usually reside in one of two
places: the `main()` function or the `RUN_TEST` macro. Let's look at how these
##### `main()`
Each test module is compiled and run on its own, separate from the other test
files in your project. Each test file, therefore, has a `main` function. This
`main` function will need to contain whatever code is necessary to initialize
your system to a workable state. This is particularly true for situations where
you must set up a memory map or initialize a communication channel for the
output of your test results.
A simple main function looks something like this:
int main(void) {
return UNITY_END();
You can see that our main function doesn't bother taking any arguments. For our
most barebones case, we'll never have arguments because we just run all the
tests each time. Instead, we start by calling `UNITY_BEGIN`. We run each test
(in whatever order we wish). Finally, we call `UNITY_END`, returning its return
value (which is the total number of failures).
It should be easy to see that you can add code before any test cases are run or
after all the test cases have completed. This allows you to do any needed
system-wide setup or teardown that might be required for your special
##### `RUN_TEST`
The `RUN_TEST` macro is called with each test case function. Its job is to
perform whatever setup and teardown is necessary for executing a single test
case function. This includes catching failures, calling the test module's
`setUp()` and `tearDown()` functions, and calling `UnityConcludeTest()`. If
using CMock or test coverage, there will be additional stubs in use here. A
simple minimalist RUN_TEST macro looks something like this:
#define RUN_TEST(testfunc) \
UNITY_NEW_TEST(#testfunc) \
if (TEST_PROTECT()) { \
setUp(); \
testfunc(); \
} \
tearDown(); \
So that's quite a macro, huh? It gives you a glimpse of what kind of stuff Unity
has to deal with for every single test case. For each test case, we declare that
it is a new test. Then we run `setUp` and our test function. These are run
within a `TEST_PROTECT` block, the function of which is to handle failures that
occur during the test. Then, assuming our test is still running and hasn't been
ignored, we run `tearDown`. No matter what, our last step is to conclude this
test before moving on to the next.
Let's say you need to add a call to `fsync` to force all of your output data to
flush to a file after each test. You could easily insert this after your
`UnityConcludeTest` call. Maybe you want to write an xml tag before and after
each result set. Again, you could do this by adding lines to this macro. Updates
to this macro are for the occasions when you need an action before or after
every single test case throughout your entire suite of tests.
## Happy Porting
The defines and macros in this guide should help you port Unity to just about
any C target we can imagine. If you run into a snag or two, don't be afraid of
asking for help on the forums. We love a good challenge!
\ No newline at end of file
# Unity - Getting Started
## Welcome
Congratulations. You're now the proud owner of your very own pile of bits! What
are you going to do with all these ones and zeros? This document should be able
to help you decide just that.
Unity is a unit test framework. The goal has been to keep it small and
functional. The core Unity test framework is three files: a single C file and a
couple header files. These team up to provide functions and macros to make
testing easier.
Unity was designed to be cross platform. It works hard to stick with C standards
while still providing support for the many embedded C compilers that bend the
rules. Unity has been used with many compilers, including GCC, IAR, Clang,
Green Hills, Microchip, and MS Visual Studio. It's not much work to get it to
work with a new target.
### Overview of the Documents
#### Unity Assertions reference
This document will guide you through all the assertion options provided by
Unity. This is going to be your unit testing bread and butter. You'll spend more
time with assertions than any other part of Unity.
#### Unity Assertions Cheat Sheet
This document contains an abridged summary of the assertions described in the
previous document. It's perfect for printing and referencing while you
familiarize yourself with Unity's options.
#### Unity Configuration Guide
This document is the one to reference when you are going to use Unity with a new
target or compiler. It'll guide you through the configuration options and will
help you customize your testing experience to meet your needs.
#### Unity Helper Scripts
This document describes the helper scripts that are available for simplifying
your testing workflow. It describes the collection of optional Ruby scripts
included in the auto directory of your Unity installation. Neither Ruby nor
these scripts are necessary for using Unity. They are provided as a convenience
for those who wish to use them.
#### Unity License
What's an open source project without a license file? This brief document
describes the terms you're agreeing to when you use this software. Basically, we
want it to be useful to you in whatever context you want to use it, but please
don't blame us if you run into problems.
### Overview of the Folders
If you have obtained Unity through Github or something similar, you might be
surprised by just how much stuff you suddenly have staring you in the face.
Don't worry, Unity itself is very small. The rest of it is just there to make
your life easier. You can ignore it or use it at your convenience. Here's an
overview of everything in the project.
- `src` — This is the code you care about! This folder contains a C file and two
header files. These three files _are_ Unity.
- `docs` — You're reading this document, so it's possible you have found your way
into this folder already. This is where all the handy documentation can be
- `examples` — This contains a few examples of using Unity.
- `extras` — These are optional add ons to Unity that are not part of the core
project. If you've reached us through James Grenning's book, you're going to
want to look here.
- `test` — This is how Unity and its scripts are all tested. If you're just using
Unity, you'll likely never need to go in here. If you are the lucky team member
who gets to port Unity to a new toolchain, this is a good place to verify
everything is configured properly.
- `auto` — Here you will find helpful Ruby scripts for simplifying your test
workflow. They are purely optional and are not required to make use of Unity.
## How to Create A Test File
Test files are C files. Most often you will create a single test file for each C
module that you want to test. The test file should include unity.h and the
header for your C module to be tested.
Next, a test file will include a `setUp()` and `tearDown()` function. The setUp
function can contain anything you would like to run before each test. The
tearDown function can contain anything you would like to run after each test.
Both functions accept no arguments and return nothing. You may leave either or
both of these blank if you have no need for them. If you're using a compiler
that is configured to make these functions optional, you may leave them off
completely. Not sure? Give it a try. If you compiler complains that it can't
find setUp or tearDown when it links, you'll know you need to at least include
an empty function for these.
The majority of the file will be a series of test functions. Test functions
follow the convention of starting with the word "test" or "spec". You don't HAVE
to name them this way, but it makes it clear what functions are tests for other
developers. Test functions take no arguments and return nothing. All test
accounting is handled internally in Unity.
Finally, at the bottom of your test file, you will write a `main()` function.
This function will call `UNITY_BEGIN()`, then `RUN_TEST` for each test, and
finally `UNITY_END()`.This is what will actually trigger each of those test
functions to run, so it is important that each function gets its own `RUN_TEST`
Remembering to add each test to the main function can get to be tedious. If you
enjoy using helper scripts in your build process, you might consider making use
of our handy generate_test_runner.rb script. This will create the main function
and all the calls for you, assuming that you have followed the suggested naming
conventions. In this case, there is no need for you to include the main function
in your test file at all.
When you're done, your test file will look something like this:
#include "unity.h"
#include "file_to_test.h"
void setUp(void) {
// set stuff up here
void tearDown(void) {
// clean stuff up here
void test_function_should_doBlahAndBlah(void) {
//test stuff
void test_function_should_doAlsoDoBlah(void) {
//more test stuff
int main(void) {
return UNITY_END();
It's possible that you will require more customization than this, eventually.
For that sort of thing, you're going to want to look at the configuration guide.
This should be enough to get you going, though.
## How to Build and Run A Test File
This is the single biggest challenge to picking up a new unit testing framework,
at least in a language like C or C++. These languages are REALLY good at getting
you "close to the metal" (why is the phrase metal? Wouldn't it be more accurate
to say "close to the silicon"?). While this feature is usually a good thing, it
can make testing more challenging.
You have two really good options for toolchains. Depending on where you're
coming from, it might surprise you that neither of these options is running the
unit tests on your hardware.
There are many reasons for this, but here's a short version:
- On hardware, you have too many constraints (processing power, memory, etc),
- On hardware, you don't have complete control over all registers,
- On hardware, unit testing is more challenging,
- Unit testing isn't System testing. Keep them separate.
Instead of running your tests on your actual hardware, most developers choose to
develop them as native applications (using gcc or MSVC for example) or as
applications running on a simulator. Either is a good option. Native apps have
the advantages of being faster and easier to set up. Simulator apps have the
advantage of working with the same compiler as your target application. The
options for configuring these are discussed in the configuration guide.
To get either to work, you might need to make a few changes to the file
containing your register set (discussed later).
In either case, a test is built by linking unity, the test file, and the C
file(s) being tested. These files create an executable which can be run as the
test set for that module. Then, this process is repeated for the next test file.
This flexibility of separating tests into individual executables allows us to
much more thoroughly unit test our system and it keeps all the test code out of
our final release!
# Unity Helper Scripts
## With a Little Help From Our Friends
Sometimes what it takes to be a really efficient C programmer is a little non-C.
The Unity project includes a couple Ruby scripts for making your life just a tad
easier. They are completely optional. If you choose to use them, you'll need a
copy of Ruby, of course. Just install whatever the latest version is, and it is
likely to work. You can find Ruby at [ruby-lang.org](https://ruby-labg.org/).
### `generate_test_runner.rb`
Are you tired of creating your own `main` function in your test file? Do you
keep forgetting to add a `RUN_TEST` call when you add a new test case to your
suite? Do you want to use CMock or other fancy add-ons but don't want to figure
out how to create your own `RUN_TEST` macro?
Well then we have the perfect script for you!
The `generate_test_runner` script processes a given test file and automatically
creates a separate test runner file that includes ?main?to execute the test
cases within the scanned test file. All you do then is add the generated runner
to your list of files to be compiled and linked, and presto you're done!
This script searches your test file for void function signatures having a
function name beginning with "test" or "spec". It treats each of these
functions as a test case and builds up a test suite of them. For example, the
following includes three test cases:
void testVerifyThatUnityIsAwesomeAndWillMakeYourLifeEasier(void)
void test_FunctionName_should_WorkProperlyAndReturn8(void) {
ASSERT_EQUAL_INT(8, FunctionName());
void spec_Function_should_DoWhatItIsSupposedToDo(void) {
You can run this script a couple of ways. The first is from the command line:
ruby generate_test_runner.rb TestFile.c NameOfRunner.c
Alternatively, if you include only the test file parameter, the script will copy
the name of the test file and automatically append "_Runner" to the name of the
generated file. The example immediately below will create TestFile_Runner.c.
ruby generate_test_runner.rb TestFile.c
You can also add a [YAML](http://www.yaml.org/) file to configure extra options.
Conveniently, this YAML file is of the same format as that used by Unity and
CMock. So if you are using YAML files already, you can simply pass the very same
file into the generator script.
ruby generate_test_runner.rb TestFile.c my_config.yml
The contents of the YAML file `my_config.yml` could look something like the
example below. If you're wondering what some of these options do, you're going
to love the next section of this document.
- stdio.h
- microdefs.h
:cexception: 1
:suit_setup: "blah = malloc(1024);"
:suite_teardown: "free(blah);"
If you would like to force your generated test runner to include one or more
header files, you can just include those at the command line too. Just make sure
these are _after_ the YAML file, if you are using one:
ruby generate_test_runner.rb TestFile.c my_config.yml extras.h
Another option, particularly if you are already using Ruby to orchestrate your
builds - or more likely the Ruby-based build tool Rake - is requiring this
script directly. Anything that you would have specified in a YAML file can be
passed to the script as part of a hash. Let's push the exact same requirement
set as we did above but this time through Ruby code directly:
require "generate_test_runner.rb"
options = {
:includes => ["stdio.h", "microdefs.h"],
:cexception => 1,
:suite_setup => "blah = malloc(1024);",
:suite_teardown => "free(blah);"
UnityTestRunnerGenerator.new.run(testfile, runner_name, options)
If you have multiple files to generate in a build script (such as a Rakefile),
you might want to instantiate a generator object with your options and call it
to generate each runner thereafter. Like thus:
gen = UnityTestRunnerGenerator.new(options)
test_files.each do |f|
gen.run(f, File.basename(f,'.c')+"Runner.c"
#### Options accepted by generate_test_runner.rb:
The following options are available when executing `generate_test_runner`. You
may pass these as a Ruby hash directly or specify them in a YAML file, both of
which are described above. In the `examples` directory, Example 3's Rakefile
demonstrates using a Ruby hash.
##### `:includes`
This option specifies an array of file names to be ?#include?'d at the top of
your runner C file. You might use it to reference custom types or anything else
universally needed in your generated runners.
##### `:suite_setup`
Define this option with C code to be executed _before any_ test cases are run.
##### `:suite_teardown`
Define this option with C code to be executed ?after all?test cases have
##### `:enforce_strict_ordering`
This option should be defined if you have the strict order feature enabled in
CMock (see CMock documentation). This generates extra variables required for
everything to run smoothly. If you provide the same YAML to the generator as
used in CMock's configuration, you've already configured the generator properly.
##### `:plugins`
This option specifies an array of plugins to be used (of course, the array can
contain only a single plugin). This is your opportunity to enable support for
CException support, which will add a check for unhandled exceptions in each
test, reporting a failure if one is detected. To enable this feature using Ruby:
:plugins => [ :cexception ]
Or as a yaml file:
If you are using CMock, it is very likely that you are already passing an array
of plugins to CMock. You can just use the same array here. This script will just
ignore the plugins that don't require additional support.
### `unity_test_summary.rb`
A Unity test file contains one or more test case functions. Each test case can
pass, fail, or be ignored. Each test file is run individually producing results
for its collection of test cases. A given project will almost certainly be
composed of multiple test files. Therefore, the suite of tests is comprised of
one or more test cases spread across one or more test files. This script
aggregates individual test file results to generate a summary of all executed
test cases. The output includes how many tests were run, how many were ignored,
and how many failed. In addition, the output includes a listing of which
specific tests were ignored and failed. A good example of the breadth and
details of these results can be found in the `examples` directory. Intentionally
ignored and failing tests in this project generate corresponding entries in the
summary report.
If you're interested in other (prettier?) output formats, check into the
Ceedling build tool project (ceedling.sourceforge.net) that works with Unity and
CMock and supports xunit-style xml as well as other goodies.
This script assumes the existence of files ending with the extensions
`.testpass` and `.testfail`.The contents of these files includes the test
results summary corresponding to each test file executed with the extension set
according to the presence or absence of failures for that test file. The script
searches a specified path for these files, opens each one it finds, parses the
results, and aggregates and prints a summary. Calling it from the command line
looks like this:
ruby unity_test_summary.rb build/test/
You can optionally specify a root path as well. This is really helpful when you
are using relative paths in your tools' setup, but you want to pull the summary
into an IDE like Eclipse for clickable shortcuts.
ruby unity_test_summary.rb build/test/ ~/projects/myproject/
Or, if you're more of a Windows sort of person:
ruby unity_test_summary.rb build\teat\ C:\projects\myproject\
When configured correctly, you'll see a final summary, like so:
blah.c:87:test_sandwiches_should_HaveCondiments:FAIL:Expected 1 was 0
meh.c:38:test_soda_should_BeCalledPop:FAIL:Expected "pop" was "coke"
How convenient is that?
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