提交 1379bbc1 编写于 作者: Z Zhao Zhili 提交者: Michael Niedermayer

avformat/isom: add comment to mov_mdhd_language_map

Signed-off-by: NMichael Niedermayer <michael@niedermayer.cc>
上级 52b9bd2c
......@@ -395,25 +395,145 @@ const AVCodecTag ff_codec_movdata_tags[] = {
/* http://developer.apple.com/documentation/mac/Text/Text-368.html */
/* deprecated by putting the code as 3*5 bits ASCII */
static const char mov_mdhd_language_map[][4] = {
/* 0-9 */
"eng", "fra", "ger", "ita", "dut", "sve", "spa", "dan", "por", "nor",
"heb", "jpn", "ara", "fin", "gre", "ice", "mlt", "tur", "hr "/*scr*/, "chi"/*ace?*/,
"urd", "hin", "tha", "kor", "lit", "pol", "hun", "est", "lav", "",
"fo ", "", "rus", "chi", "", "iri", "alb", "ron", "ces", "slk",
"slv", "yid", "sr ", "mac", "bul", "ukr", "bel", "uzb", "kaz", "aze",
"aze", "arm", "geo", "mol", "kir", "tgk", "tuk", "mon", "", "pus",
"kur", "kas", "snd", "tib", "nep", "san", "mar", "ben", "asm", "guj",
"pa ", "ori", "mal", "kan", "tam", "tel", "", "bur", "khm", "lao",
/* roman? arabic? */
"vie", "ind", "tgl", "may", "may", "amh", "tir", "orm", "som", "swa",
"", "run", "", "mlg", "epo", "", "", "", "", "",
/* 100 */
"", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "",
"", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "",
"", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "wel", "baq",
"cat", "lat", "que", "grn", "aym", "tat", "uig", "dzo", "jav"
"eng", /* 0 English */
"fra", /* 1 French */
"ger", /* 2 German */
"ita", /* 3 Italian */
"dut", /* 4 Dutch */
"sve", /* 5 Swedish */
"spa", /* 6 Spanish */
"dan", /* 7 Danish */
"por", /* 8 Portuguese */
"nor", /* 9 Norwegian */
"heb", /* 10 Hebrew */
"jpn", /* 11 Japanese */
"ara", /* 12 Arabic */
"fin", /* 13 Finnish */
"gre", /* 14 Greek */
"ice", /* 15 Icelandic */
"mlt", /* 16 Maltese */
"tur", /* 17 Turkish */
"hr ", /* 18 Croatian */
"chi", /* 19 Traditional Chinese */
"urd", /* 20 Urdu */
"hin", /* 21 Hindi */
"tha", /* 22 Thai */
"kor", /* 23 Korean */
"lit", /* 24 Lithuanian */
"pol", /* 25 Polish */
"hun", /* 26 Hungarian */
"est", /* 27 Estonian */
"lav", /* 28 Latvian */
"", /* 29 Sami */
"fo ", /* 30 Faroese */
"", /* 31 Farsi */
"rus", /* 32 Russian */
"chi", /* 33 Simplified Chinese */
"", /* 34 Flemish */
"iri", /* 35 Irish */
"alb", /* 36 Albanian */
"ron", /* 37 Romanian */
"ces", /* 38 Czech */
"slk", /* 39 Slovak */
"slv", /* 40 Slovenian */
"yid", /* 41 Yiddish */
"sr ", /* 42 Serbian */
"mac", /* 43 Macedonian */
"bul", /* 44 Bulgarian */
"ukr", /* 45 Ukrainian */
"bel", /* 46 Belarusian */
"uzb", /* 47 Uzbek */
"kaz", /* 48 Kazakh */
"aze", /* 49 Azerbaijani */
"aze", /* 50 AzerbaijanAr */
"arm", /* 51 Armenian */
"geo", /* 52 Georgian */
"mol", /* 53 Moldavian */
"kir", /* 54 Kirghiz */
"tgk", /* 55 Tajiki */
"tuk", /* 56 Turkmen */
"mon", /* 57 Mongolian */
"", /* 58 MongolianCyr */
"pus", /* 59 Pashto */
"kur", /* 60 Kurdish */
"kas", /* 61 Kashmiri */
"snd", /* 62 Sindhi */
"tib", /* 63 Tibetan */
"nep", /* 64 Nepali */
"san", /* 65 Sanskrit */
"mar", /* 66 Marathi */
"ben", /* 67 Bengali */
"asm", /* 68 Assamese */
"guj", /* 69 Gujarati */
"pa ", /* 70 Punjabi */
"ori", /* 71 Oriya */
"mal", /* 72 Malayalam */
"kan", /* 73 Kannada */
"tam", /* 74 Tamil */
"tel", /* 75 Telugu */
"", /* 76 Sinhala */
"bur", /* 77 Burmese */
"khm", /* 78 Khmer */
"lao", /* 79 Lao */
"vie", /* 80 Vietnamese */
"ind", /* 81 Indonesian */
"tgl", /* 82 Tagalog */
"may", /* 83 MalayRoman */
"may", /* 84 MalayArabic */
"amh", /* 85 Amharic */
"tir", /* 86 Galla */
"orm", /* 87 Oromo */
"som", /* 88 Somali */
"swa", /* 89 Swahili */
"", /* 90 Kinyarwanda */
"run", /* 91 Rundi */
"", /* 92 Nyanja */
"mlg", /* 93 Malagasy */
"epo", /* 94 Esperanto */
"", /* 95 */
"", /* 96 */
"", /* 97 */
"", /* 98 */
"", /* 99 */
"", /* 100 */
"", /* 101 */
"", /* 102 */
"", /* 103 */
"", /* 104 */
"", /* 105 */
"", /* 106 */
"", /* 107 */
"", /* 108 */
"", /* 109 */
"", /* 110 */
"", /* 111 */
"", /* 112 */
"", /* 113 */
"", /* 114 */
"", /* 115 */
"", /* 116 */
"", /* 117 */
"", /* 118 */
"", /* 119 */
"", /* 120 */
"", /* 121 */
"", /* 122 */
"", /* 123 */
"", /* 124 */
"", /* 125 */
"", /* 126 */
"", /* 127 */
"wel", /* 128 Welsh */
"baq", /* 129 Basque */
"cat", /* 130 Catalan */
"lat", /* 131 Latin */
"que", /* 132 Quechua */
"grn", /* 133 Guarani */
"aym", /* 134 Aymara */
"tat", /* 135 Tatar */
"uig", /* 136 Uighur */
"dzo", /* 137 Dzongkha */
"jav", /* 138 JavaneseRom */
int ff_mov_iso639_to_lang(const char lang[4], int mp4)
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