Fix demos

上级 92e767c2
package main
import (
func tbprint(x, y int, fg, bg termbox.Attribute, msg string) {
......@@ -80,6 +81,8 @@ func (eb *EditBox) Draw(x, y, w, h int) {
const coldef = termbox.ColorDefault
const colred = termbox.ColorRed
fill(x, y, w, h, termbox.Cell{Ch: ' '})
t := eb.text
......@@ -96,8 +99,8 @@ func (eb *EditBox) Draw(x, y, w, h int) {
if rx >= w {
termbox.SetCell(x+w-1, y, '→',
coldef, coldef)
termbox.SetCell(x+w-1, y, arrowRight,
colred, coldef)
......@@ -124,7 +127,7 @@ func (eb *EditBox) Draw(x, y, w, h int) {
if eb.line_voffset != 0 {
termbox.SetCell(x, y, '←', coldef, coldef)
termbox.SetCell(x, y, arrowLeft, colred, coldef)
......@@ -237,14 +240,25 @@ func redraw_all() {
midx := (w - edit_box_width) / 2
// unicode box drawing chars around the edit box
termbox.SetCell(midx-1, midy, '│', coldef, coldef)
termbox.SetCell(midx+edit_box_width, midy, '│', coldef, coldef)
termbox.SetCell(midx-1, midy-1, '┌', coldef, coldef)
termbox.SetCell(midx-1, midy+1, '└', coldef, coldef)
termbox.SetCell(midx+edit_box_width, midy-1, '┐', coldef, coldef)
termbox.SetCell(midx+edit_box_width, midy+1, '┘', coldef, coldef)
fill(midx, midy-1, edit_box_width, 1, termbox.Cell{Ch: '─'})
fill(midx, midy+1, edit_box_width, 1, termbox.Cell{Ch: '─'})
if runewidth.EastAsianWidth {
termbox.SetCell(midx-1, midy, '|', coldef, coldef)
termbox.SetCell(midx+edit_box_width, midy, '|', coldef, coldef)
termbox.SetCell(midx-1, midy-1, '+', coldef, coldef)
termbox.SetCell(midx-1, midy+1, '+', coldef, coldef)
termbox.SetCell(midx+edit_box_width, midy-1, '+', coldef, coldef)
termbox.SetCell(midx+edit_box_width, midy+1, '+', coldef, coldef)
fill(midx, midy-1, edit_box_width, 1, termbox.Cell{Ch: '-'})
fill(midx, midy+1, edit_box_width, 1, termbox.Cell{Ch: '-'})
} else {
termbox.SetCell(midx-1, midy, '│', coldef, coldef)
termbox.SetCell(midx+edit_box_width, midy, '│', coldef, coldef)
termbox.SetCell(midx-1, midy-1, '┌', coldef, coldef)
termbox.SetCell(midx-1, midy+1, '└', coldef, coldef)
termbox.SetCell(midx+edit_box_width, midy-1, '┐', coldef, coldef)
termbox.SetCell(midx+edit_box_width, midy+1, '┘', coldef, coldef)
fill(midx, midy-1, edit_box_width, 1, termbox.Cell{Ch: '─'})
fill(midx, midy+1, edit_box_width, 1, termbox.Cell{Ch: '─'})
edit_box.Draw(midx, midy, edit_box_width, 1)
termbox.SetCursor(midx+edit_box.CursorX(), midy)
......@@ -253,6 +267,16 @@ func redraw_all() {
var arrowLeft = '←'
var arrowRight = '→'
func init() {
if runewidth.EastAsianWidth {
arrowLeft = '<'
arrowRight = '>'
func main() {
err := termbox.Init()
if err != nil {
package main
import ""
import "fmt"
import (
type key struct {
x int
......@@ -173,6 +177,37 @@ var K_ARROW_RIGHT = []key{{58, 12, '('}, {59, 12, 0x2192}, {60, 12, ')'}}
var K_K_0 = []key{{65, 12, ' '}, {66, 12, '0'}, {67, 12, ' '}, {68, 12, ' '}}
var K_K_PERIOD = []key{{71, 12, '.'}}
var borderTopLeft rune = 0x250C
var borderTopRight rune = 0x2510
var borderBotomLeft rune = 0x2514
var borderBottomRight rune = 0x2518
var borderVertical rune = 0x2500
var borderHorizontal rune = 0x2502
var borderHorizontalLeftBar rune = 0x251C
var borderHorizontalRight rune = 0x2524
var boxShadow rune = 0x2588
func init() {
if runewidth.EastAsianWidth {
K_BACKSPACE[0].ch = '<'
K_BACKSPACE[1].ch = '-'
K_BACKSPACE[2].ch = '-'
K_ARROW_UP[1].ch = '^'
K_ARROW_DOWN[1].ch = 'v'
K_ARROW_LEFT[1].ch = '<'
K_ARROW_RIGHT[1].ch = '>'
borderTopLeft = '+'
borderTopRight = '+'
borderBotomLeft = '+'
borderBottomRight = '+'
borderVertical = '-'
borderHorizontal = '|'
borderHorizontalLeftBar = '+'
borderHorizontalRight = '+'
boxShadow = ' '
type combo struct {
keys [][]key
......@@ -352,28 +387,28 @@ func draw_key(k []key, fg, bg termbox.Attribute) {
func draw_keyboard() {
termbox.SetCell(0, 0, 0x250C, termbox.ColorWhite, termbox.ColorBlack)
termbox.SetCell(79, 0, 0x2510, termbox.ColorWhite, termbox.ColorBlack)
termbox.SetCell(0, 23, 0x2514, termbox.ColorWhite, termbox.ColorBlack)
termbox.SetCell(79, 23, 0x2518, termbox.ColorWhite, termbox.ColorBlack)
termbox.SetCell(0, 0, borderTopLeft, termbox.ColorWhite, termbox.ColorBlack)
termbox.SetCell(79, 0, borderTopRight, termbox.ColorWhite, termbox.ColorBlack)
termbox.SetCell(0, 23, borderBotomLeft, termbox.ColorWhite, termbox.ColorBlack)
termbox.SetCell(79, 23, borderBottomRight, termbox.ColorWhite, termbox.ColorBlack)
for i := 1; i < 79; i++ {
termbox.SetCell(i, 0, 0x2500, termbox.ColorWhite, termbox.ColorBlack)
termbox.SetCell(i, 23, 0x2500, termbox.ColorWhite, termbox.ColorBlack)
termbox.SetCell(i, 17, 0x2500, termbox.ColorWhite, termbox.ColorBlack)
termbox.SetCell(i, 4, 0x2500, termbox.ColorWhite, termbox.ColorBlack)
termbox.SetCell(i, 0, borderVertical, termbox.ColorWhite, termbox.ColorBlack)
termbox.SetCell(i, 23, borderVertical, termbox.ColorWhite, termbox.ColorBlack)
termbox.SetCell(i, 17, borderVertical, termbox.ColorWhite, termbox.ColorBlack)
termbox.SetCell(i, 4, borderVertical, termbox.ColorWhite, termbox.ColorBlack)
for i := 1; i < 23; i++ {
termbox.SetCell(0, i, 0x2502, termbox.ColorWhite, termbox.ColorBlack)
termbox.SetCell(79, i, 0x2502, termbox.ColorWhite, termbox.ColorBlack)
termbox.SetCell(0, i, borderHorizontal, termbox.ColorWhite, termbox.ColorBlack)
termbox.SetCell(79, i, borderHorizontal, termbox.ColorWhite, termbox.ColorBlack)
termbox.SetCell(0, 17, 0x251C, termbox.ColorWhite, termbox.ColorBlack)
termbox.SetCell(79, 17, 0x2524, termbox.ColorWhite, termbox.ColorBlack)
termbox.SetCell(0, 4, 0x251C, termbox.ColorWhite, termbox.ColorBlack)
termbox.SetCell(79, 4, 0x2524, termbox.ColorWhite, termbox.ColorBlack)
termbox.SetCell(0, 17, borderHorizontalLeftBar, termbox.ColorWhite, termbox.ColorBlack)
termbox.SetCell(79, 17, borderHorizontalRight, termbox.ColorWhite, termbox.ColorBlack)
termbox.SetCell(0, 4, borderHorizontalLeftBar, termbox.ColorWhite, termbox.ColorBlack)
termbox.SetCell(79, 4, borderHorizontalRight, termbox.ColorWhite, termbox.ColorBlack)
for i := 5; i < 17; i++ {
termbox.SetCell(1, i, 0x2588, termbox.ColorYellow, termbox.ColorYellow)
termbox.SetCell(78, i, 0x2588, termbox.ColorYellow, termbox.ColorYellow)
termbox.SetCell(1, i, boxShadow, termbox.ColorYellow, termbox.ColorYellow)
termbox.SetCell(78, i, boxShadow, termbox.ColorYellow, termbox.ColorYellow)
draw_key(K_ESC, termbox.ColorWhite, termbox.ColorBlue)
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