提交 da89ac0b 编写于 作者: P Pauli

Optional property query support.

Add the possibility of a property query clause to be optional by preceding
it with a question mark.
Reviewed-by: NRichard Levitte <levitte@openssl.org>
(Merged from https://github.com/openssl/openssl/pull/8943)
上级 70b0b977
......@@ -2,16 +2,17 @@
::= PropertyName ( '=' Value )? ( ',' PropertyName ( '=' Value )? )*
Query ::= ( '-'? PropertyName | PropertyName ( '=' | '!=' ) Value )
( ',' ( '-'? PropertyName | PropertyName ( '=' | '!=' ) Value ) )*
Query ::= PropertyQuery ( ',' PropertyQuery )*
PropertyQuery ::= '-'? PropertyName
| '?' ( PropertyName (( '=' | '!=' ) Value)?)
Value ::= NumberLiteral
| StringLiteral
StringLiteral ::= QuotedString | UnquotedString
QuotedString ::= '"' [^"]* '"'
| "'" [^']* "'"
| "'" [^']* "'"
UnquotedString ::= [^{space},]+
::= '0' ( [0-7]* | 'x' [0-9A-Fa-f]+ )
| '-'? [1-9] [0-9]+
| '-'? [1-9] [0-9]+
::= [A-Z] [A-Z0-9_]* ( '.' [A-Z] [A-Z0-9_]* )*
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
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......@@ -268,7 +268,7 @@
<div><a href="#Definition" title="Definition">Definition</a></div>
<div>         ::= <a href="#PropertyName" title="PropertyName">PropertyName</a> ( '=' <a href="#Value" title="Value">Value</a> )? ( ',' <a href="#PropertyName" title="PropertyName">PropertyName</a> ( '=' <a href="#Value" title="Value">Value</a> )? )*</div></xhtml:code></xhtml:div>
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<div><a href="#Query" title="Query">Query</a>    ::= ( '-'? <a href="#PropertyName" title="PropertyName">PropertyName</a> | <a href="#PropertyName" title="PropertyName">PropertyName</a> ( '=' | '!=' ) <a href="#Value" title="Value">Value</a> ) ( ',' ( '-'? <a href="#PropertyName" title="PropertyName">PropertyName</a> | <a href="#PropertyName" title="PropertyName">PropertyName</a> ( '=' | '!=' ) <a href="#Value" title="Value">Value</a> ) )*</div></xhtml:code></xhtml:div>
<div><a href="#Query" title="Query">Query</a>    ::= <a href="#PropertyQuery" title="PropertyQuery">PropertyQuery</a> ( ',' <a href="#PropertyQuery" title="PropertyQuery">PropertyQuery</a> )*</div></xhtml:code></xhtml:div>
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<rect x="137" y="3" width="110" height="32"/>
<rect x="135" y="1" width="110" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
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<rect x="97" y="79" width="110" height="32"/>
<rect x="95" y="77" width="110" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
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<rect x="341" y="111" width="56" height="32"/>
<rect x="339" y="109" width="56" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="349" y="129">Value</text></a><svg:path xmlns:svg="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" class="line" d="m17 17 h2 m40 0 h10 m0 0 h36 m-66 0 h20 m46 0 h20 m-86 0 q10 0 10 10 m66 0 q0 -10 10 -10 m-76 10 v12 m66 0 v-12 m-66 12 q0 10 10 10 m46 0 q10 0 10 -10 m-56 10 h10 m26 0 h10 m20 -32 h10 m110 0 h10 m0 0 h170 m-406 0 h20 m386 0 h20 m-426 0 q10 0 10 10 m406 0 q0 -10 10 -10 m-416 10 v56 m406 0 v-56 m-406 56 q0 10 10 10 m386 0 q10 0 10 -10 m-396 10 h10 m26 0 h10 m0 0 h10 m110 0 h10 m20 0 h10 m0 0 h160 m-190 0 h20 m170 0 h20 m-210 0 q10 0 10 10 m190 0 q0 -10 10 -10 m-200 10 v12 m190 0 v-12 m-190 12 q0 10 10 10 m170 0 q10 0 10 -10 m-160 10 h10 m30 0 h10 m0 0 h4 m-74 0 h20 m54 0 h20 m-94 0 q10 0 10 10 m74 0 q0 -10 10 -10 m-84 10 v24 m74 0 v-24 m-74 24 q0 10 10 10 m54 0 q10 0 10 -10 m-64 10 h10 m34 0 h10 m20 -44 h10 m56 0 h10 m43 -108 h-3"/>
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<xhtml:div class="ebnf"><xhtml:code>
<div><a href="#PropertyQuery" title="PropertyQuery">PropertyQuery</a></div>
<div>         ::= '-'? <a href="#PropertyName" title="PropertyName">PropertyName</a></div>
<div>           | '?' <a href="#PropertyName" title="PropertyName">PropertyName</a> ( ( '=' | '!=' ) <a href="#Value" title="Value">Value</a> )?</div></xhtml:code></xhtml:div>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#Query" title="Query">Query</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="Value">Value:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="207" height="81">
<style type="text/css">
@namespace "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg";
......@@ -372,7 +420,7 @@
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#Definition" title="Definition">Definition</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#Query" title="Query">Query</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#PropertyQuery" title="PropertyQuery">PropertyQuery</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="StringLiteral">StringLiteral:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="219" height="81">
......@@ -659,7 +707,7 @@
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#Definition" title="Definition">Definition</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#Query" title="Query">Query</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#PropertyQuery" title="PropertyQuery">PropertyQuery</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" /><xhtml:hr xmlns:xhtml="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" />
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
......@@ -277,7 +277,7 @@ int ossl_method_store_fetch(OSSL_METHOD_STORE *store, int nid,
int ret = 0;
int j;
int j, best = -1, score, optional;
if (nid <= 0 || method == NULL || store == NULL)
return 0;
......@@ -310,13 +310,16 @@ int ossl_method_store_fetch(OSSL_METHOD_STORE *store, int nid,
pq = p2;
optional = ossl_property_has_optional(pq);
for (j = 0; j < sk_IMPLEMENTATION_num(alg->impls); j++) {
impl = sk_IMPLEMENTATION_value(alg->impls, j);
if (ossl_property_match(pq, impl->properties)) {
score = ossl_property_match_count(pq, impl->properties);
if (score > best) {
*method = impl->method;
ret = 1;
goto fin;
if (!optional)
goto fin;
best = score;
......@@ -23,8 +23,9 @@ OSSL_PROPERTY_IDX ossl_property_value(OPENSSL_CTX *ctx, const char *s,
/* Property list functions */
int ossl_property_parse_init(OPENSSL_CTX *ctx);
void ossl_property_free(OSSL_PROPERTY_LIST *p);
int ossl_property_match(const OSSL_PROPERTY_LIST *query,
const OSSL_PROPERTY_LIST *defn);
int ossl_property_has_optional(const OSSL_PROPERTY_LIST *query);
int ossl_property_match_count(const OSSL_PROPERTY_LIST *query,
const OSSL_PROPERTY_LIST *defn);
OSSL_PROPERTY_LIST *ossl_property_merge(const OSSL_PROPERTY_LIST *a,
......@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ typedef struct {
unsigned int optional : 1;
union {
int64_t int_val; /* Signed integer */
OSSL_PROPERTY_IDX str_val; /* String */
......@@ -40,6 +41,7 @@ typedef struct {
struct ossl_property_list_st {
int n;
unsigned int has_optional : 1;
......@@ -307,8 +309,11 @@ static OSSL_PROPERTY_LIST *stack_to_property_list(STACK_OF(PROPERTY_DEFINITION)
if (r != NULL) {
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
r->has_optional = 0;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
r->properties[i] = *sk_PROPERTY_DEFINITION_value(sk, i);
r->has_optional |= r->properties[i].optional;
r->n = n;
return r;
......@@ -332,6 +337,7 @@ OSSL_PROPERTY_LIST *ossl_parse_property(OPENSSL_CTX *ctx, const char *defn)
if (prop == NULL)
goto err;
memset(&prop->v, 0, sizeof(prop->v));
prop->optional = 0;
if (!parse_name(ctx, &s, 1, &prop->name_idx))
goto err;
prop->oper = PROPERTY_OPER_EQ;
......@@ -387,10 +393,12 @@ OSSL_PROPERTY_LIST *ossl_parse_query(OPENSSL_CTX *ctx, const char *s)
if (match_ch(&s, '-')) {
prop->optional = 0;
if (!parse_name(ctx, &s, 0, &prop->name_idx))
goto err;
goto skip_value;
prop->optional = match_ch(&s, '?');
if (!parse_name(ctx, &s, 0, &prop->name_idx))
goto err;
......@@ -426,12 +434,22 @@ err:
return res;
int ossl_property_match(const OSSL_PROPERTY_LIST *query,
/* Does a property query have any optional clauses */
int ossl_property_has_optional(const OSSL_PROPERTY_LIST *query)
return query->has_optional ? 1 : 0;
* Compare a query against a definition.
* Return the number of clauses matched or -1 if a mandatory clause is false.
int ossl_property_match_count(const OSSL_PROPERTY_LIST *query,
const PROPERTY_DEFINITION *const q = query->properties;
const PROPERTY_DEFINITION *const d = defn->properties;
int i = 0, j = 0;
int i = 0, j = 0, matches = 0;
while (i < query->n) {
......@@ -448,9 +466,11 @@ int ossl_property_match(const OSSL_PROPERTY_LIST *query,
const int eq = q[i].type == d[j].type
&& memcmp(&q[i].v, &d[j].v, sizeof(q[i].v)) == 0;
if ((eq && oper != PROPERTY_OPER_EQ)
|| (!eq && oper != PROPERTY_OPER_NE))
return 0;
if ((eq && oper == PROPERTY_OPER_EQ)
|| (!eq && oper == PROPERTY_OPER_NE))
else if (!q[i].optional)
return -1;
......@@ -463,18 +483,23 @@ int ossl_property_match(const OSSL_PROPERTY_LIST *query,
* the latter is treated as a comparison against the Boolean false.
if (oper != PROPERTY_OPER_NE)
return 0;
if (oper == PROPERTY_OPER_NE)
else if (!q[i].optional)
return -1;
} else if (q[i].type != PROPERTY_TYPE_STRING
|| (oper == PROPERTY_OPER_EQ
&& q[i].v.str_val != ossl_property_false)
|| (oper == PROPERTY_OPER_NE
&& q[i].v.str_val == ossl_property_false)) {
return 0;
if (!q[i].optional)
return -1;
} else {
return 1;
return matches;
void ossl_property_free(OSSL_PROPERTY_LIST *p)
......@@ -62,31 +62,36 @@ static const struct {
const char *query;
int e;
} parser_tests[] = {
{ "", "sky=blue", 0 },
{ "", "sky=blue", -1 },
{ "", "sky!=blue", 1 },
{ "groan", "", 1 },
{ "groan", "", 0 },
{ "cold=yes", "cold=yes", 1 },
{ "cold=yes", "cold", 1 },
{ "cold=yes", "cold!=no", 1 },
{ "groan", "groan=yes", 1 },
{ "groan", "groan=no", 0 },
{ "groan", "groan!=yes", 0 },
{ "cold=no", "cold", 0 },
{ "groan", "groan=no", -1 },
{ "groan", "groan!=yes", -1 },
{ "cold=no", "cold", -1 },
{ "cold=no", "?cold", 0 },
{ "cold=no", "cold=no", 1 },
{ "groan", "cold", 0 },
{ "groan", "cold", -1 },
{ "groan", "cold=no", 1 },
{ "groan", "cold!=yes", 1 },
{ "groan=blue", "groan=yellow", 0 },
{ "groan=blue", "groan=yellow", -1 },
{ "groan=blue", "?groan=yellow", 0 },
{ "groan=blue", "groan!=yellow", 1 },
{ "groan=blue", "?groan!=yellow", 1 },
{ "today=monday, tomorrow=3", "today!=2", 1 },
{ "today=monday, tomorrow=3", "today!='monday'", 0 },
{ "today=monday, tomorrow=3", "today!='monday'", -1 },
{ "today=monday, tomorrow=3", "tomorrow=3", 1 },
{ "n=0x3", "n=3", 1 },
{ "n=0x3", "n=-3", 0 },
{ "n=0x3", "n=-3", -1 },
{ "n=0x33", "n=51", 1 },
{ "n=033", "n=27", 1 },
{ "n=0", "n=00", 1 },
{ "n=0x0", "n=0", 1 },
{ "n=0, sky=blue", "?n=0, sky=blue", 2 },
{ "n=1, sky=blue", "?n=0, sky=blue", 1 },
static int test_property_parse(int n)
......@@ -100,7 +105,7 @@ static int test_property_parse(int n)
&& TEST_ptr(p = ossl_parse_property(NULL, parser_tests[n].defn))
&& TEST_ptr(q = ossl_parse_query(NULL, parser_tests[n].query))
&& TEST_int_eq(ossl_property_match(q, p), parser_tests[n].e))
&& TEST_int_eq(ossl_property_match_count(q, p), parser_tests[n].e))
r = 1;
......@@ -148,7 +153,7 @@ static int test_property_merge(int n)
&& TEST_ptr(q_global = ossl_parse_query(NULL, merge_tests[n].q_global))
&& TEST_ptr(q_local = ossl_parse_query(NULL, merge_tests[n].q_local))
&& TEST_ptr(q_combined = ossl_property_merge(q_local, q_global))
&& TEST_true(ossl_property_match(q_combined, prop)))
&& TEST_int_ge(ossl_property_match_count(q_combined, prop), 0))
r = 1;
......@@ -184,10 +189,16 @@ static const struct {
int e;
} definition_tests[] = {
{ "alpha", "alpha=yes", 1 },
{ "alpha=no", "alpha", 0 },
{ "alpha=no", "alpha", -1 },
{ "alpha=1", "alpha=1", 1 },
{ "alpha=2", "alpha=1", 0 },
{ "alpha", "omega", 0 }
{ "alpha=2", "alpha=1",-1 },
{ "alpha", "omega", -1 },
{ "alpha", "?omega", 0 },
{ "alpha", "?omega=1", 0 },
{ "alpha", "?omega=no", 1 },
{ "alpha", "?omega=yes", 0 },
{ "alpha, omega", "?omega=yes", 1 },
{ "alpha, omega", "?omega=no", 0 }
static int test_definition_compares(int n)
......@@ -200,7 +211,7 @@ static int test_definition_compares(int n)
&& add_property_names("alpha", "omega", NULL)
&& TEST_ptr(d = ossl_parse_property(NULL, definition_tests[n].defn))
&& TEST_ptr(q = ossl_parse_query(NULL, definition_tests[n].query))
&& TEST_int_eq(ossl_property_match(q, d), definition_tests[n].e);
&& TEST_int_eq(ossl_property_match_count(q, d), definition_tests[n].e);
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