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$! INSTALL-SSL.COM -- Installs the files in a given directory tree
$! Author: Richard Levitte <>
$! Time of creation: 22-MAY-1998 10:13
$! P1  root of the directory tree
$! P2  "64" for 64-bit pointers.
$! Announce/identify.
$ proc = f$environment( "procedure")
$ write sys$output "@@@ "+ -
   f$parse( proc, , , "name")+ f$parse( proc, , , "type")
$ on error then goto tidy
$ on control_c then goto tidy
$ if p1 .eqs. ""
$ then
$   write sys$output "First argument missing."
$   write sys$output -
     "It should be the directory where you want things installed."
$   exit
$ endif
$ if (f$getsyi( "cpu") .lt. 128)
$ then
$     arch = "VAX"
$ else
$     arch = f$edit( f$getsyi( "arch_name"), "upcase")
$     if (arch .eqs. "") then arch = "UNK"
$ endif
$ archd = arch
$ lib32 = "32"
$ shr = "_SHR32"
$ if (p2 .nes. "")
$ then
$   if (p2 .eqs. "64")
$   then
$     archd = arch+ "_64"
$     lib32 = ""
$     shr = "_SHR"
$   else
$     if (p2 .nes. "32")
$     then
$       write sys$output "Second argument invalid."
$       write sys$output "It should be "32", "64", or nothing."
$       exit
$     endif
$   endif
$ endif
$ root = f$parse( p1, "[]A.;0", , , "syntax_only, no_conceal") - "A.;0"
$ root_dev = f$parse(root,,,"device","syntax_only")
$ root_dir = f$parse(root,,,"directory","syntax_only") - -
   "[000000." - "][" - "[" - "]"
$ root = root_dev + "[" + root_dir
$ define /nolog wrk_sslroot 'root'.] /trans=conc
$ define /nolog wrk_sslinclude wrk_sslroot:[include]
$ define /nolog wrk_sslxexe wrk_sslroot:['archd'_exe]
$ define /nolog wrk_sslxlib wrk_sslroot:['arch'_lib]
$ if f$parse("wrk_sslroot:[000000]") .eqs. "" then -
   create /directory /log wrk_sslroot:[000000]
$ if f$parse("wrk_sslinclude:") .eqs. "" then -
   create /directory /log wrk_sslinclude:
$ if f$parse("wrk_sslxexe:") .eqs. "" then -
   create /directory /log wrk_sslxexe:
$ if f$parse("wrk_sslxlib:") .eqs. "" then -
   create /directory /log wrk_sslxlib:
Richard Levitte 已提交
$ exheader := ssl.h, ssl2.h, ssl3.h, ssl23.h, tls1.h, dtls1.h, kssl.h, srtp.h
77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136
$ e_exe := ssl_task
$ libs := ssl_libssl
$ xexe_dir := [-.'archd'.exe.ssl]
$ copy /protection = w:re 'exheader' wrk_sslinclude: /log
$ i = 0
$ loop_exe:
$   e = f$edit( f$element( i, ",", e_exe), "trim")
$   i = i + 1
$   if e .eqs. "," then goto loop_exe_end
$   set noon
$   file = xexe_dir+ e+ ".exe"
$   if f$search( file) .nes. ""
$   then
$     copy /protection = w:re 'file' wrk_sslxexe: /log
$   endif
$   set on
$ goto loop_exe
$ loop_exe_end:
$ i = 0
$ loop_lib: 
$   e = f$edit(f$element(i, ",", libs),"trim")
$   i = i + 1
$   if e .eqs. "," then goto loop_lib_end
$   set noon
$! Object library.
$   file = xexe_dir+ e+ lib32+ ".olb"
$   if f$search( file) .nes. ""
$   then
$     copy /protection = w:re 'file' wrk_sslxlib: /log
$   endif
$! Shareable image.
$   file = xexe_dir+ e+ shr+ ".exe"
$   if f$search( file) .nes. ""
$   then
$     copy /protection = w:re 'file' wrk_sslxlib: /log
$   endif
$   set on
$ goto loop_lib
$ loop_lib_end:
$ tidy:
$ call deass wrk_sslroot
$ call deass wrk_sslinclude
$ call deass wrk_sslxexe
$ call deass wrk_sslxlib
$ exit
$ deass: subroutine
$ if (f$trnlnm( p1, "LNM$PROCESS") .nes. "")
$ then
$   deassign /process 'p1'
$ endif
$ endsubroutine