Commits (7)
    https://gitcode.net/btwise/opencorepkg_mod/-/commit/fed53eac5d48a4207ac0c038069475ed9d07abeb EnableGop: Add support for early Nvidia UEFI VBIOS 2024-01-28T14:22:13+00:00 Mike Beaton mjsbeaton@gmail.com https://gitcode.net/btwise/opencorepkg_mod/-/commit/d26e489dfec7e3ef3b65e2c359454497daf7c24a EnableGop: Remove attempt to truncate Nvidia ROM if it is a round size 2024-01-28T14:22:20+00:00 Mike Beaton mjsbeaton@gmail.com Since nvflash dumps and writes back the whole ROM, and since we are often (and safely) starting with a ROM below 128KB and ending up with one above it, there is no need to try to limit Nvidia ROMs when the initial ROM is a round size. (nvflash will refuse to write it back if it is too large; anything else, such as a first part which becomes too large and overwrites a useful second part, should not happen; this is unlike AMD where all changes have to happen within the first 128KB, and anything above 128KB should not be moved, and is not mapped to memory visible by the CPU.) https://gitcode.net/btwise/opencorepkg_mod/-/commit/dd165c4aa492b590ebc10450828c6cf478f023c2 EnableGop: Futher updates to vBiosInsert.sh truncation logic for Nvidia 2024-01-28T21:07:20+00:00 Mike Beaton mjsbeaton@gmail.com - Remove false positive report of not enough space on multiples of 4KB size (by changing to 64KB multiples) o Still probably a false positive if original ROM size (which is normally a multiple of 512 bytes anyway) is exactly 128KB, since normal total Nvidia VBIOS space is at least 256KB, but... - Allow Nvidia max size override - Fix no overflow check against true max., if size is not a multiple of 4KB (now 64KB) o We would not have hit this in practice before, given actual ROM sizes and actual least available max of 256KB https://gitcode.net/btwise/opencorepkg_mod/-/commit/37f10423318c6d9c1bdf394e4ec61fe2c8aecd98 EnableGop: Improve standard ROM size detection in vBiosInsert.sh 2024-01-29T13:27:42+00:00 ocbuild ocbuild@acidanthera.local https://gitcode.net/btwise/opencorepkg_mod/-/commit/7a3f8cc4269a2f176969534c036b3951c07c3a26 EnableGop: Improve handling of differently sized VBIOS files for AMD and Nvidia 2024-01-29T23:08:26+00:00 ocbuild ocbuild@acidanthera.local https://gitcode.net/btwise/opencorepkg_mod/-/commit/3a2cb0dcf31d89a8a26ae47410d731f5a9a6cff7 Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/acidanthera/OpenCorePkg 2024-01-30T09:55:25+08:00 btwise tyq@qq.com https://gitcode.net/btwise/opencorepkg_mod/-/commit/d5e2de14fe08a13cc8c79ddc073d663b12414054 Merge branch 'master' of https://gitee.com/btwise/OpenCorePkg 2024-01-30T09:56:03+08:00 btwise tyq@qq.com
......@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ OpenCore Changelog
- Fixed Linux EFI stub loading error when using OpenDuet since 0.8.8
- Fixed APFS JumpStart with OpenDuet and `SecureBootModel` `Disabled`
- Added TSC frequency calculation for xen hypervisor, thx @netanelc305
- Supported additional early Nvidia UEFI VBIOS in `EnableGop` `vBiosInsert.sh`
#### v0.9.7
- Updated recovery_urls.txt
......@@ -16,6 +16,8 @@ usage() {
echo " -o {GOP offset} : GOP offset (auto-detected if Homebrew grep is installed)"
echo " Can specify 0x{hex} or {decimal}"
echo " -t {temp dir} : Specify temporary directory, and keep temp files"
echo " -m {max size} : Specify VBIOS max size (Nvidia only)"
echo " (For AMD first 128KB is modified, any remainder is kept)"
echo "Examples:"
echo " ./${SELFNAME} -n -o 0xFC00 nv.rom EnableGop.efi nv_mod.rom"
echo " ./${SELFNAME} -n nv.rom EnableGop.efi nv_mod.rom"
......@@ -46,9 +48,11 @@ fi
while true; do
if [ "$1" = "-a" ] ; then
......@@ -75,6 +79,16 @@ while true; do
echo "No AMD safe size specified" && exit 1
elif [ "$1" = "-m" ] ; then
if [ "$1" != "" ] && ! [ "${1:0:1}" = "-" ] ; then
echo "No max size specified" && exit 1
elif [ "$1" = "-t" ] ; then
if [ "$1" != "" ] && ! [ "${1:0:1}" = "-" ] ; then
......@@ -118,6 +132,10 @@ if [ "$AMD" -eq 0 ] && [ "$NVIDIA" -eq 0 ] ; then
echo "Must specify -a or -n" && exit 1
if [ "$AMD" -eq 1 ] && [ "$TRUNCATE" -eq 1 ] ; then
echo "-m is not valid with -a" && exit 1
if [ "$TEMP_DIR" != "" ] ; then
mkdir -p "$TEMP_DIR" || exit 1
......@@ -129,15 +147,35 @@ fi
ORIGINAL_SIZE=$(stat -f%z "$ROM_FILE") || exit 1
if [ "$AMD" -eq 1 ] ; then
if [ "$ORIGINAL_SIZE" -lt "$((AMD_SAFE_SIZE))" ] ; then
echo " - File size of ${ORIGINAL_SIZE} bytes must be at least safe size of $((AMD_SAFE_SIZE)) bytes; use -s or check file" && exit 1
# For AMD we can only modify the first 128KB, anything above 128KB
# should not be moved, and is not mapped to memory visible by the CPU
# for loading EFI drivers.
dd bs=1 if="$ROM_FILE" of="$tmpdir/modify_part.rom" count=$(($AMD_SAFE_SIZE)) 2>/dev/null || exit 1
dd bs=1 if="$ROM_FILE" of="$tmpdir/keep_part.rom" skip=$(($AMD_SAFE_SIZE)) 2>/dev/null || exit 1
# Also works, with empty keep_part.rom, in the atypical case where we
# are provided with only the used part of the ROM below 128KB.
dd bs=1 if="$ROM_FILE" of="$tmpdir/modify_part.rom" count="$AMD_SAFE_SIZE" 2>/dev/null || exit 1
dd bs=1 if="$ROM_FILE" of="$tmpdir/keep_part.rom" skip="$AMD_SAFE_SIZE" 2>/dev/null || exit 1
if [ "$TRUNCATE" -eq 0 ] ; then
# If original size is a plausible ROM size (exact power of two, 64KB or
# larger; 64KB chosen partly for neat regexp) treat it as the full available
# size of the VBIOS chip unless overridden with -m.
printf '%x' "$ORIGINAL_SIZE" | grep -Eq "^(1|2|4|8)0000+$" && TRUNCATE=1
if [ "$TRUNCATE" -eq 1 ] ; then
echo "Detected standard ROM size."
if [ "$ORIGINAL_SIZE" -gt "$((NVIDIA_SAFE_SIZE))" ] ; then
echo " - File size of ${ORIGINAL_SIZE} bytes must be no more than $((NVIDIA_SAFE_SIZE)) bytes; use -m or check file" && exit 1
cp "$ROM_FILE" "$tmpdir/modify_part.rom" || exit 1
echo -n > "$tmpdir/keep_part.rom" || exit 1
if [ "$GOP_OFFSET" = "-" ] ; then
......@@ -172,20 +210,38 @@ else
if [ "$NVIDIA" -eq 1 ] ; then
echo "Adding Nvidia header..."
dd bs=1 if="$tmpdir/insert.rom" of="$tmpdir/insert_first_part" count=$((0x38)) 2>/dev/null || exit 1
dd bs=1 if="$tmpdir/insert.rom" of="$tmpdir/insert_last_part" skip=$((0x38)) 2>/dev/null || exit 1
# TODO: truncation logic must be fixed for when there is not enough spare padding in output of EfiRom
# TODO: truncation logic should be fixed for when there is not enough spare padding in output of EfiRom;
# we currently assume without checking that there is enough space to fit in the NPDE header (if not,
# script will report failure to verify with UEFIRomExtract below).
INSERT_SIZE=$(stat -f%z "$tmpdir/insert.rom") || exit 1
# add NPDE from original GOP
dd bs=1 if="$tmpdir/original_last_part.rom" of="$tmpdir/insert_first_part" skip=$((0x38)) seek=$((0x38)) count=$((0x18)) 2>/dev/null || exit 1
# Calculate NPDE size from original GOP and add to new image
EfiImageOffset=$(dd if="$tmpdir/original_last_part.rom" ibs=1 skip=$((0x16)) count=2 2>/dev/null | od -t u4 -An | xargs)
if [ "$EfiImageOffset" -eq $((0x50)) ] ; then
elif [ "$EfiImageOffset" -eq $((0x4C)) ] ; then
elif [ "$EfiImageOffset" -eq $((0x38)) ] ; then
# Note: We need at least 0x14 NPDE size for the patch-ups we do below for size and end-marker to make sense
printf "Unsupported EFI Image Offset 0x%x, cannot calculate NPDE Size!\n" "$EfiImageOffset"
exit 1
if [ "$NVIDIA" -eq 1 ] && [ "$NpdeSize" -ne 0 ] ; then
echo "Adding Nvidia header..."
dd bs=1 if="$tmpdir/original_last_part.rom" of="$tmpdir/insert_first_part" skip=$((0x38)) seek=$((0x38)) count="$NpdeSize" 2>/dev/null || exit 1
cat "$tmpdir/insert_first_part" "$tmpdir/insert_last_part" > "$tmpdir/insert_oversize.rom" || exit 1
# Note: `truncate` command is not present by default on macOS
dd bs=1 if="$tmpdir/insert_oversize.rom" of="$tmpdir/insert_fixed.rom" count="$INSERT_SIZE" 2>/dev/null || exit 1
# patch size in NPDE
# Patch size in NPDE
dd bs=1 if="$tmpdir/insert.rom" of="$tmpdir/insert_fixed.rom" skip=$((0x2)) seek=$((0x48)) count=1 conv=notrunc 2>/dev/null || exit 1
cp "$tmpdir/insert.rom" "$tmpdir/insert_fixed.rom" || exit 1
......@@ -194,29 +250,29 @@ fi
# patch with vendor and device id from original GOP
dd bs=1 if="$tmpdir/original_last_part.rom" of="$tmpdir/insert_fixed.rom" skip=$((0x20)) seek=$((0x20)) count=4 conv=notrunc 2>/dev/null || exit 1
if [ "$NVIDIA" -eq 1 ] ; then
# patch size in PCIR
if [ "$NVIDIA" -eq 1 ] && [ "$NpdeSize" -ne 0 ] ; then
# Patch EFI image offset in PCIR
dd bs=1 if="$tmpdir/original_last_part.rom" of="$tmpdir/insert_fixed.rom" skip=$((0x16)) seek=$((0x16)) count=1 conv=notrunc 2>/dev/null || exit 1
# patch end marker in NPDE in fixed ROM (leave PCIR correct and EFI extractable from fixed ROM)
# Patch end marker in NPDE in fixed ROM (leave PCIR correct and EFI extractable from fixed ROM)
echo -n -e '\x00' | dd bs=1 of="$tmpdir/insert_fixed.rom" seek=$((0x4A)) conv=notrunc 2>/dev/null || exit 1
echo "Combining..."
cat "$tmpdir/original_first_part.rom" "$tmpdir/insert_fixed.rom" "$tmpdir/original_last_part.rom" > "$tmpdir/combined.rom" || exit 1
if [ "$AMD" -eq 1 ] ; then
printf '%x' "$ORIGINAL_SIZE" | grep -q "000$" && TRUNCATE=1
if [ "$TRUNCATE" -eq 1 ] ; then
echo "Detected standard ROM size, truncating to original size..."
# If new ROM is larger than truncate size, determine overflow by seeing
# whether truncated ROM still has padding.
# For Nvidia we would need to parse and navigate NVGI and NPDE headers
# to calculate true occupied VBIOS space. To calcuate AMD occupation below
# 128KB limit, we could navigate normal PCI expansion ROM headers.
COMBINED_SIZE=$(stat -f%z "$tmpdir/combined.rom") || exit 1
if [ "$COMBINED_SIZE" -le "$(($TRUNCATE_SIZE))" ] ; then
if [ "$TRUNCATE" -eq 1 ] ; then
echo "Truncating to original size..."
dd bs=1 if="$tmpdir/combined.rom" of="$tmpdir/truncated.rom" count="$TRUNCATE_SIZE" 2>/dev/null || exit 1
COUNT=$(hexdump -v -e '1/8 " %016X\n"' "$tmpdir/truncated.rom" | tail -n 8 | grep "FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF" | wc -l)
......@@ -231,7 +287,11 @@ if [ "$TRUNCATE" -eq 1 ] ; then
echo " - Not enough space within $((TRUNCATE_SIZE / 1024))k limit - aborting!" && exit 1
cat "$tmpdir/truncated.rom" "$tmpdir/keep_part.rom" > "$OUT_FILE" || exit 1
if [ "$AMD" -eq 1 ] ; then
cat "$tmpdir/truncated.rom" "$tmpdir/keep_part.rom" > "$OUT_FILE" || exit 1
cp "$tmpdir/truncated.rom" "$OUT_FILE" || exit 1
cp "$tmpdir/combined.rom" "$OUT_FILE" || exit 1