提交 d11ff057 编写于 作者: V vit9696

Docs: Sync docs with Input changes

上级 f3c85049
......@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ OpenCore Changelog
- Replaced `MatchKernel` with `MinKernel` and `MaxKernel`
- Added `Arguments` to `Tools` and `Entries` sections
- Fixed broken timer for 300 series Intel chipsets
- Added `Input` section for mouse and keyboard aggregation
#### v0.5.0
- Added builtin firmware versions for new models 2019
......@@ -831,7 +831,7 @@ can be downloaded from \href{https://github.com/acidanthera/MaciASL/releases}{Ac
\textbf{Type}: \\texttt{plist\ data}, 4 bytes\\
\textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ data}, 4 bytes\\
\textbf{Failsafe}: All zero\\
\textbf{Description}: Match table signature to be equal to this value
unless all zero.
......@@ -1368,7 +1368,9 @@ blocking.
\textbf{Failsafe}: Empty string\\
\textbf{Description}: Adds kernel driver on specified macOS version or older.
\hypertarget{kernmatch}Kernel version interpretation is implemented as follows:
\hypertarget{kernmatch}Kernel version can be obtained with \texttt{uname -r} command,
and should look like 3 numbers separated by dots, for example \texttt{18.7.0} is the
kernel version for \texttt{10.14.6}. Kernel version interpretation is implemented as follows:
......@@ -3369,6 +3371,14 @@ build -a X64 -b RELEASE -t XCODE5 -p FatPkg/FatPkg.dsc
build -a X64 -b RELEASE -t XCODE5 -p MdeModulePkg/MdeModulePkg.dsc
\textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ dict}\\
\textbf{Failsafe}: None\\
\textbf{Description}: Apply individual settings designed for input (keyboard and mouse) in
\hyperref[uefiinputprops]{Input Properties} section below.
\textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ dict}\\
......@@ -3387,6 +3397,120 @@ build -a X64 -b RELEASE -t XCODE5 -p MdeModulePkg/MdeModulePkg.dsc
\subsection{Input Properties}\label{uefiinputprops}
\textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ integer}\\
\textbf{Failsafe}: \texttt{0}\\
\textbf{Description}: Remove key unless it was submitted during this timeout in milliseconds.
\texttt{AppleKeyMapAggregator} protocol is supposed to contain a fixed length buffer
of currently pressed keys. However, the majority of the drivers only report key
presses as interrupts and pressing and holding the key on the keyboard results in
subsequent submissions of this key with some defined time interval. As a result
we use a timeout to remove once pressed keys from the buffer once the timeout
expires and no new submission of this key happened.
This option allows to set this timeout based on your platform. The recommended
value that works on the majority of the platforms is \texttt{5} milliseconds.
For reference, holding one key on VMware will repeat it roughly every \texttt{2}
milliseconds and the same value for APTIO V is \texttt{3-4} milliseconds. Thus
it is possible to set a slightly lower value on faster platforms
and slightly higher value on slower platforms for more responsive input.
\textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ integer}\\
\textbf{Failsafe}: \texttt{0}\\
\textbf{Description}: Assume simultaneous combination for keys submitted within
this timeout in milliseconds.
Similarly to \texttt{KeyForgetThreshold}, this option works around the sequential
nature of key submission. To be able to recognise simultaneously pressed keys
in the situation when all keys arrive sequentially, we are required to set
a timeout within which we assume the keys were pressed together.
Holding multiple keys results in reports every \texttt{2} and \texttt{1} milliseconds
for VMware and APTIO V respectively. Pressing keys one after the other results in
delays of at least \texttt{6} and \texttt{10} milliseconds for the same platforms.
The recommended value for this option is \texttt{2} milliseconds, but it may be
decreased for faster platforms and increased for slower.
\textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ boolean}\\
\textbf{Failsafe}: \texttt{false}\\
\textbf{Description}: Enable internal keyboard input translation to
\texttt{AppleKeyMapAggregator} protocol.
This option activates the internal keyboard interceptor driver, based on
\texttt{AppleGenericInput} aka \texttt{AptioIntputFix}), to fill
\texttt{AppleKeyMapAggregator} database for input functioning. In case
a separate driver is used, such as \texttt{UsbKbDxe}, this option
should never be enabled.
\textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ string}\\
\textbf{Failsafe}: empty string\\
\textbf{Description}: Set internal keyboard input translation to
\texttt{AppleKeyMapAggregator} protocol mode.
\item \texttt{Auto} --- Performs automatic choice as available with the following preference: \texttt{AMI}, \texttt{V2}, \texttt{V1}.
\item \texttt{V1} --- Uses UEFI standard legacy input protocol \texttt{EFI\_SIMPLE\_TEXT\_INPUT\_PROTOCOL}.
\item \texttt{V2} --- Uses UEFI standard modern input protocol \texttt{EFI\_SIMPLE\_TEXT\_INPUT\_EX\_PROTOCOL}.
\item \texttt{AMI} --- Uses APTIO input protocol \texttt{AMI\_EFIKEYCODE\_PROTOCOL}.
\textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ boolean}\\
\textbf{Failsafe}: \texttt{false}\\
\textbf{Description}: Swap \texttt{Command} and \texttt{Option} keys during submission.
This option may be useful for keyboard layouts with \texttt{Option} key situated to the right
of \texttt{Command} key.
\textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ boolean}\\
\textbf{Failsafe}: \texttt{false}\\
\textbf{Description}: Enable internal pointer driver.
This option implements standard UEFI pointer protocol (\texttt{EFI\_SIMPLE\_POINTER\_PROTOCOL})
through select OEM protocols. The option may be useful on Z87 ASUS boards, where
\texttt{EFI\_SIMPLE\_POINTER\_PROTOCOL} is broken.
\textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ string}\\
\textbf{Failsafe}: empty string\\
\textbf{Description}: Set OEM protocol used for internal pointer driver.
Currently the only supported variant is \texttt{ASUS}, using specialised protocol available
on select Z87 and Z97 ASUS boards. More details can be found in
\textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ integer}\\
\textbf{Failsafe}: \texttt{0}\\
\textbf{Description}: Set architecture timer resolution.
This option allows to update firmware architecture timer period with the specified value
in \texttt{100} nanosecond units. Setting a lower value generally improves performance
and responsiveness of the interface and input handling.
The recommended value is \texttt{50000} (\texttt{5} milliseconds) or slightly higher. ASUS
boards use \texttt{60000} for the interface. Apple boards use \texttt{100000}.
\subsection{Protocols Properties}\label{uefiprotoprops}
%DIF DEL PreviousConfiguration.tex Wed Sep 25 12:29:43 2019
%DIF ADD ../Configuration.tex Wed Sep 25 18:18:55 2019
%DIF DEL PreviousConfiguration.tex Fri Sep 6 23:59:43 2019
%DIF ADD ../Configuration.tex Sun Oct 6 14:45:06 2019
......@@ -105,6 +105,8 @@
\providecommand{\DIFaddend}{\global\booltrue{DIFkeeppage}\global\boolfalse{DIFchange}} %DIF PREAMBLE
\providecommand{\DIFdelbegin}{\global\booltrue{DIFkeeppage}\global\booltrue{DIFchange}} %DIF PREAMBLE
\providecommand{\DIFdelend}{\global\booltrue{DIFkeeppage}\global\boolfalse{DIFchange}} %DIF PREAMBLE
\providecommand{\DIFmodbegin}{\global\booltrue{DIFkeeppage}\global\booltrue{DIFchange}} %DIF PREAMBLE
\providecommand{\DIFmodend}{\global\booltrue{DIFkeeppage}\global\boolfalse{DIFchange}} %DIF PREAMBLE
\providecommand{\DIFaddFL}[1]{\DIFadd{#1}} %DIF PREAMBLE
\providecommand{\DIFdelFL}[1]{\DIFdel{#1}} %DIF PREAMBLE
......@@ -116,17 +118,21 @@
\providecommand{\DIFadd}[1]{\texorpdfstring{\DIFaddtex{#1}}{#1}} %DIF PREAMBLE
\providecommand{\DIFdel}[1]{\texorpdfstring{\DIFdeltex{#1}}{}} %DIF PREAMBLE
\lstdefinelanguage{codediff}{ %DIF PREAMBLE
moredelim=**[is][\color{red}]{*!----}{----!*}, %DIF PREAMBLE
moredelim=**[is][\color{blue}]{*!++++}{++++!*} %DIF PREAMBLE
\RequirePackage{listings} %DIF PREAMBLE
\RequirePackage{color} %DIF PREAMBLE
\lstdefinelanguage{DIFcode}{ %DIF PREAMBLE
moredelim=[il][\color{red}\sout]{\%DIF\ <\ }, %DIF PREAMBLE
moredelim=[il][\color{blue}\uwave]{\%DIF\ >\ } %DIF PREAMBLE
\lstdefinestyle{codediff}{ %DIF PREAMBLE
belowcaptionskip=.25\baselineskip, %DIF PREAMBLE
language=codediff, %DIF PREAMBLE
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language=DIFcode, %DIF PREAMBLE
basicstyle=\ttfamily, %DIF PREAMBLE
columns=fullflexible, %DIF PREAMBLE
keepspaces=true, %DIF PREAMBLE
keepspaces=true %DIF PREAMBLE
\lstnewenvironment{DIFverbatim}{\lstset{style=DIFverbatimstyle}}{} %DIF PREAMBLE
\lstnewenvironment{DIFverbatim*}{\lstset{style=DIFverbatimstyle,showspaces=true}}{} %DIF PREAMBLE
......@@ -890,7 +896,10 @@ can be downloaded from \href{https://github.com/acidanthera/MaciASL/releases}{Ac
\textbf{Type}: \\texttt{plist\ data}, 4 bytes\\
\textbf{Type}: \DIFdelbegin %DIFDELCMD < \\%%%
\DIFdel{texttt}%DIFDELCMD < {%%%
\DIFdel{plist\ data}%DIFDELCMD < }%%%
\DIFdelend \DIFaddbegin \texttt{\DIFadd{plist\ data}}\DIFaddend , 4 bytes\\
\textbf{Failsafe}: All zero\\
\textbf{Description}: Match table signature to be equal to this value
unless all zero.
......@@ -1426,12 +1435,12 @@ blocking.
\textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ string}\\
\textbf{Failsafe}: Empty string\\
\textbf{Description}: Adds kernel driver on \DIFdelbegin \DIFdel{selected macOS version only.
The selection happens based on prefix match with the kernel version, i.
}\DIFdelend \DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{specified macOS version or older.
The selection happens based on prefix match with }\DIFdelend \DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{specified macOS version or older.
\hypertarget{kernmatch}\DIFadd{Kernel version interpretation is implemented as follows:
\hypertarget{kernmatch}\DIFadd{Kernel version can be obtained with }\texttt{\DIFadd{uname -r}} \DIFadd{command,
and should look like 3 numbers separated by dots, for example }\texttt{\DIFadd{18.7.0}} \DIFadd{is }\DIFaddend the
kernel version \DIFdelbegin \DIFdel{, i. e. }\DIFdelend \DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{for }\texttt{\DIFadd{10.14.6}}\DIFadd{. Kernel version interpretation is implemented as follows:
......@@ -1466,14 +1475,15 @@ e.
\DIFadd{Here $ParseDarwinVersion$ argument is assumed to be 3 integers obtained by splitting Darwin kernel version
string from left to right by the }\texttt{\DIFadd{.}} \DIFadd{symbol. $FindDarwinVersion$ function looks up
Darwin kernel version by locating }\texttt{\DIFadd{"Darwin Kernel Version $\kappa$.$\lambda$.$\mu$"}} \DIFadd{string
Darwin kernel version by locating }\DIFaddend \texttt{\DIFdelbegin \DIFdel{16.7.0}\DIFdelend \DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{"Darwin Kernel Version $\kappa$.$\lambda$.$\mu$"}\DIFaddend } \DIFdelbegin \DIFdel{will match macOS 10.12.6 and }\texttt{\DIFdel{16.}} %DIFAUXCMD
\DIFdel{will match
any macOS 10.12.
x version }\DIFdelend \DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{string
in the kernel image.
\DIFaddend \texttt{\DIFdelbegin \DIFdel{16.7.0}\DIFdelend \DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{MinKernel}\DIFaddend }\DIFdelbegin \DIFdel{will match macOS 10.12.6 and }\texttt{\DIFdel{16.}} %DIFAUXCMD
\DIFdel{will match
any macOS 10.12.x version }\DIFdelend \DIFaddbegin \\
\textbf{\DIFadd{Type}}\DIFadd{: }\texttt{\DIFadd{plist\ string}}\\
\textbf{\DIFadd{Failsafe}}\DIFadd{: Empty string}\\
\textbf{\DIFadd{Description}}\DIFadd{: Adds kernel driver on specified macOS version or newer}\DIFaddend .
......@@ -3457,7 +3467,16 @@ build -a X64 -b RELEASE -t XCODE5 -p MdeModulePkg/MdeModulePkg.dsc
\DIFaddbegin \texttt{\DIFadd{Input}}\\
\textbf{\DIFadd{Type}}\DIFadd{: }\texttt{\DIFadd{plist\ dict}}\\
\textbf{\DIFadd{Failsafe}}\DIFadd{: None}\\
\textbf{\DIFadd{Description}}\DIFadd{: Apply individual settings designed for input (keyboard and mouse) in
}\hyperref[uefiinputprops]{Input Properties} \DIFadd{section below.
\DIFaddend \texttt{Protocols}\\
\textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ dict}\\
\textbf{Failsafe}: None\\
\textbf{Description}: Force builtin versions of select protocols described
......@@ -3474,7 +3493,139 @@ build -a X64 -b RELEASE -t XCODE5 -p MdeModulePkg/MdeModulePkg.dsc
\subsection{Protocols Properties}\label{uefiprotoprops}
\DIFaddbegin \subsection{\DIFadd{Input Properties}}\label{uefiinputprops}
\textbf{\DIFadd{Type}}\DIFadd{: }\texttt{\DIFadd{plist\ integer}}\\
\textbf{\DIFadd{Failsafe}}\DIFadd{: }\texttt{\DIFadd{0}}\\
\textbf{\DIFadd{Description}}\DIFadd{: Remove key unless it was submitted during this timeout in milliseconds.
\texttt{\DIFadd{AppleKeyMapAggregator}} \DIFadd{protocol is supposed to contain a fixed length buffer
of currently pressed keys. However, the majority of the drivers only report key
presses as interrupts and pressing and holding the key on the keyboard results in
subsequent submissions of this key with some defined time interval. As a result
we use a timeout to remove once pressed keys from the buffer once the timeout
expires and no new submission of this key happened.
\DIFadd{This option allows to set this timeout based on your platform. The recommended
value that works on the majority of the platforms is }\texttt{\DIFadd{5}} \DIFadd{milliseconds.
For reference, holding one key on VMware will repeat it roughly every }\texttt{\DIFadd{2}}
\DIFadd{milliseconds and the same value for APTIO V is }\texttt{\DIFadd{3-4}} \DIFadd{milliseconds. Thus
it is possible to set a slightly lower value on faster platforms
and slightly higher value on slower platforms for more responsive input.
\textbf{\DIFadd{Type}}\DIFadd{: }\texttt{\DIFadd{plist\ integer}}\\
\textbf{\DIFadd{Failsafe}}\DIFadd{: }\texttt{\DIFadd{0}}\\
\textbf{\DIFadd{Description}}\DIFadd{: Assume simultaneous combination for keys submitted within
this timeout in milliseconds.
\DIFadd{Similarly to }\texttt{\DIFadd{KeyForgetThreshold}}\DIFadd{, this option works around the sequential
nature of key submission. To be able to recognise simultaneously pressed keys
in the situation when all keys arrive sequentially, we are required to set
a timeout within which we assume the keys were pressed together.
\DIFadd{Holding multiple keys results in reports every }\texttt{\DIFadd{2}} \DIFadd{and }\texttt{\DIFadd{1}} \DIFadd{milliseconds
for VMware and APTIO V respectively. Pressing keys one after the other results in
delays of at least }\texttt{\DIFadd{6}} \DIFadd{and }\texttt{\DIFadd{10}} \DIFadd{milliseconds for the same platforms.
The recommended value for this option is }\texttt{\DIFadd{2}} \DIFadd{milliseconds, but it may be
decreased for faster platforms and increased for slower.
\textbf{\DIFadd{Type}}\DIFadd{: }\texttt{\DIFadd{plist\ boolean}}\\
\textbf{\DIFadd{Failsafe}}\DIFadd{: }\texttt{\DIFadd{false}}\\
\textbf{\DIFadd{Description}}\DIFadd{: Enable internal keyboard input translation to
}\texttt{\DIFadd{AppleKeyMapAggregator}} \DIFadd{protocol.
\DIFadd{This option activates the internal keyboard interceptor driver, based on
}\texttt{\DIFadd{AppleGenericInput}} \DIFadd{aka }\texttt{\DIFadd{AptioIntputFix}}\DIFadd{), to fill
}\texttt{\DIFadd{AppleKeyMapAggregator}} \DIFadd{database for input functioning. In case
a separate driver is used, such as }\texttt{\DIFadd{UsbKbDxe}}\DIFadd{, this option
should never be enabled.
\textbf{\DIFadd{Type}}\DIFadd{: }\texttt{\DIFadd{plist\ string}}\\
\textbf{\DIFadd{Failsafe}}\DIFadd{: empty string}\\
\textbf{\DIFadd{Description}}\DIFadd{: Set internal keyboard input translation to
}\texttt{\DIFadd{AppleKeyMapAggregator}} \DIFadd{protocol mode.
\item \texttt{\DIFadd{Auto}} \DIFadd{--- Performs automatic choice as available with the following preference: }\texttt{\DIFadd{AMI}}\DIFadd{, }\texttt{\DIFadd{V2}}\DIFadd{, }\texttt{\DIFadd{V1}}\DIFadd{.
}\item \texttt{\DIFadd{V1}} \DIFadd{--- Uses UEFI standard legacy input protocol }\texttt{\DIFadd{EFI\_SIMPLE\_TEXT\_INPUT\_PROTOCOL}}\DIFadd{.
}\item \texttt{\DIFadd{V2}} \DIFadd{--- Uses UEFI standard modern input protocol }\texttt{\DIFadd{EFI\_SIMPLE\_TEXT\_INPUT\_EX\_PROTOCOL}}\DIFadd{.
}\item \texttt{\DIFadd{AMI}} \DIFadd{--- Uses APTIO input protocol }\texttt{\DIFadd{AMI\_EFIKEYCODE\_PROTOCOL}}\DIFadd{.
\textbf{\DIFadd{Type}}\DIFadd{: }\texttt{\DIFadd{plist\ boolean}}\\
\textbf{\DIFadd{Failsafe}}\DIFadd{: }\texttt{\DIFadd{false}}\\
\textbf{\DIFadd{Description}}\DIFadd{: Swap }\texttt{\DIFadd{Command}} \DIFadd{and }\texttt{\DIFadd{Option}} \DIFadd{keys during submission.
\DIFadd{This option may be useful for keyboard layouts with }\texttt{\DIFadd{Option}} \DIFadd{key situated to the right
of }\texttt{\DIFadd{Command}} \DIFadd{key.
\textbf{\DIFadd{Type}}\DIFadd{: }\texttt{\DIFadd{plist\ boolean}}\\
\textbf{\DIFadd{Failsafe}}\DIFadd{: }\texttt{\DIFadd{false}}\\
\textbf{\DIFadd{Description}}\DIFadd{: Enable internal pointer driver.
\DIFadd{This option implements standard UEFI pointer protocol (}\texttt{\DIFadd{EFI\_SIMPLE\_POINTER\_PROTOCOL}}\DIFadd{)
through select OEM protocols. The option may be useful on Z87 ASUS boards, where
}\texttt{\DIFadd{EFI\_SIMPLE\_POINTER\_PROTOCOL}} \DIFadd{is broken.
\textbf{\DIFadd{Type}}\DIFadd{: }\texttt{\DIFadd{plist\ string}}\\
\textbf{\DIFadd{Failsafe}}\DIFadd{: empty string}\\
\textbf{\DIFadd{Description}}\DIFadd{: Set OEM protocol used for internal pointer driver.
\DIFadd{Currently the only supported variant is }\texttt{\DIFadd{ASUS}}\DIFadd{, using specialised protocol available
on select Z87 and Z97 ASUS boards. More details can be found in
\textbf{\DIFadd{Type}}\DIFadd{: }\texttt{\DIFadd{plist\ integer}}\\
\textbf{\DIFadd{Failsafe}}\DIFadd{: }\texttt{\DIFadd{0}}\\
\textbf{\DIFadd{Description}}\DIFadd{: Set architecture timer resolution.
\DIFadd{This option allows to update firmware architecture timer period with the specified value
in }\texttt{\DIFadd{100}} \DIFadd{nanosecond units. Setting a lower value generally improves performance
and responsiveness of the interface and input handling.
\DIFadd{The recommended value is }\texttt{\DIFadd{50000}} \DIFadd{(}\texttt{\DIFadd{5}} \DIFadd{milliseconds) or slightly higher. ASUS
boards use }\texttt{\DIFadd{60000}} \DIFadd{for the interface. Apple boards use }\texttt{\DIFadd{100000}}\DIFadd{.
\DIFaddend \subsection{Protocols Properties}\label{uefiprotoprops}
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