提交 a1a8bd6c 编写于 作者: M Mike Beaton

Debug: Add support for UE image format

上级 88ada4d9
......@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ OpenCore Changelog
- Updated `AppleEfiSignTool` to work with new PE COFF loader
- Fixed recovery failing to boot on some systems
- Updated `ProvideCurrentCpuInfo` quirk to support CPUID leaf 0x2 cache size reporting on Mac OS X 10.5 and 10.6
- Updated `efidebug.tool` to support new standard image format
#### v0.9.6
- Updated builtin firmware versions for SMBIOS and the rest
......@@ -193,41 +193,19 @@ class ReloadUefi(gdb.Command):
h_addr = h_addr + int(dosh['e_lfanew'])
return gdb.Value(h_addr).cast(head_t)
# Returns a dictionary with PE sections.
def pe_sections(self, opt, file, _):
sect_t = self.ptype('EFI_IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER')
sections = (opt.address + 1).cast(sect_t)
sects = {}
for i in range(file['NumberOfSections']):
name = UefiMisc.parse_utf8(sections[i]['Name'])
addr = int(sections[i]['VirtualAddress'])
if name != '':
sects[name] = addr
return sects
# Returns True if pe_headers refer to a PE32+ image.
def pe_is_64(self, pe_headers):
return pe_headers['Pe32']['OptionalHeader']['Magic'] == self.PE32PLUS_MAGIC
# Returns the PE fileheader.
def pe_file(self, pe):
return pe['Pe32Plus']['FileHeader'] if self.pe_is_64(pe) else pe['Pe32']['FileHeader']
return pe_headers['Pe32']['Magic'] == self.PE32PLUS_MAGIC
# Returns the PE(not so) optional header.
# Returns the PE combined common and (not so) optional header.
def pe_optional(self, pe):
return pe['Pe32Plus']['OptionalHeader'] if self.pe_is_64(pe) else pe['Pe32']['OptionalHeader']
def pe_combined(self, pe):
return pe['Pe32Plus'] if self.pe_is_64(pe) else pe['Pe32']
# Returns the symbol file name for a PE image.
......@@ -235,8 +213,8 @@ class ReloadUefi(gdb.Command):
def pe_parse_debug(self, base):
pe = self.pe_headers(base)
opt = self.pe_optional(pe)
debug_dir_entry = opt['DataDirectory'][6]
combined = self.pe_combined(pe)
debug_dir_entry = combined['DataDirectory'][6]
dep = debug_dir_entry['VirtualAddress'] + int(base)
dep = dep.cast(self.ptype('EFI_IMAGE_DEBUG_DIRECTORY_ENTRY'))
cvp = dep.dereference()['RVA'] + int(base)
......@@ -250,9 +228,9 @@ class ReloadUefi(gdb.Command):
return gdb.Value(self.EINVAL)
# Prepares gdb symbol load command with proper section information.
# Prepares gdb symbol load command.
def get_sym_cmd(self, file, base, sections, macho):
def get_sym_cmd(self, file, base):
return f'add-symbol-file {file} -o 0x{base:x}'
......@@ -265,25 +243,42 @@ class ReloadUefi(gdb.Command):
def parse_image(self, image, syms):
base = image['ImageBase']
pe = self.pe_headers(base)
opt = self.pe_optional(pe)
file = self.pe_file(pe)
combined = self.pe_combined(pe)
sym_name = self.pe_parse_debug(base)
sections = self.pe_sections(opt, file, base)
# For ELF and Mach-O-derived images...
if self.offset_by_headers:
base = base + opt['SizeOfHeaders']
base = base + combined['SizeOfHeaders']
if sym_name != self.EINVAL:
sym_name = sym_name.cast(self.ptype('CHAR8')).string()
sym_name_dbg = re.sub(r'\.dll$', '.debug', sym_name)
macho = False
if os.path.isdir(sym_name + '.dSYM'):
sym_name += '.dSYM/Contents/Resources/DWARF/' + os.path.basename(sym_name)
macho = True
elif sym_name_dbg != sym_name and os.path.exists(sym_name_dbg):
# TODO: implement .elf handling.
sym_name = sym_name_dbg
syms.append(self.get_sym_cmd(sym_name, int(base), sections, macho))
self.add_sym(sym_name, base, syms)
# Add symbol load command with additional processing for correct file location.
def add_sym(self, sym_name, base, syms):
sym_name = sym_name.cast(self.ptype('CHAR8')).string()
sym_name_dbg = re.sub(r'\.dll$', '.debug', sym_name)
# macho = False
if os.path.isdir(sym_name + '.dSYM'):
sym_name += '.dSYM/Contents/Resources/DWARF/' + os.path.basename(sym_name)
# macho = True
elif sym_name_dbg != sym_name and os.path.exists(sym_name_dbg):
# TODO: implement .elf handling.
sym_name = sym_name_dbg
syms.append(self.get_sym_cmd(sym_name, int(base)))
# Use debug info from new image loader.
def use_new_debug_info(self, entry, syms):
pdb_path = entry['PdbPath']
if pdb_path:
debug_base = entry['DebugBase']
self.add_sym(pdb_path, debug_base, syms)
print('No symbol file')
# Parses table EFI_DEBUG_IMAGE_INFO structures, builds
......@@ -297,9 +292,13 @@ class ReloadUefi(gdb.Command):
print(f'Found {count} images...')
while index != count:
entry = edii[index]
if entry['ImageInfoType'].dereference() == 1:
image_type = entry['ImageInfoType'].dereference()
if image_type == 1:
entry = entry['NormalImage']
self.parse_image(entry['LoadedImageProtocolInstance'], syms)
elif image_type == 2:
entry = entry['NormalImage2']
self.use_new_debug_info(entry, syms)
print(f"Skipping unknown EFI_DEBUG_IMAGE_INFO(Type {str(entry['ImageInfoType'].dereference())})")
index += 1
......@@ -234,9 +234,10 @@ class ReloadUefi:
# Returns a dictionary with PE sections.
def pe_sections(self, opt, file, _):
def pe_sections(self, combined, file, _):
sect_t = self.ptype('EFI_IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER')
sections_addr = opt.GetLoadAddress() + opt.GetByteSize()
common = self.get_child_member_with_name(combined, 'CommonHeader')
sections_addr = common.GetLoadAddress() + common.GetByteSize() + self.get_field(file, 'SizeOfOptionalHeader')
sections = self.typed_ptr(sect_t, sections_addr)
sects = OrderedDict()
for i in range(self.get_field(file, 'NumberOfSections')):
......@@ -253,7 +254,7 @@ class ReloadUefi:
def pe_is_64(self, pe_headers):
magic = pe_headers.GetValueForExpressionPath('.Pe32.OptionalHeader.Magic').GetValueAsUnsigned()
magic = pe_headers.GetValueForExpressionPath('.Pe32.Magic').GetValueAsUnsigned()
return magic == self.PE32PLUS_MAGIC
......@@ -271,12 +272,11 @@ class ReloadUefi:
# Returns the PE (not so) optional header.
def pe_optional(self, pe):
def pe_combined(self, pe):
if self.pe_is_64(pe):
obj = self.get_child_member_with_name(pe, 'Pe32Plus')
return self.get_child_member_with_name(pe, 'Pe32Plus')
obj = self.get_child_member_with_name(pe, 'Pe32')
return self.get_child_member_with_name(obj, 'OptionalHeader')
return self.get_child_member_with_name(pe, 'Pe32')
# Returns the symbol file name for a PE image.
......@@ -284,8 +284,8 @@ class ReloadUefi:
def pe_parse_debug(self, base):
pe = self.pe_headers(base)
opt = self.pe_optional(pe)
debug_dir_entry = opt.GetValueForExpressionPath('.DataDirectory[6]')
combined = self.pe_combined(pe)
debug_dir_entry = combined.GetValueForExpressionPath('.DataDirectory[6]')
dep = self.get_field(debug_dir_entry, 'VirtualAddress') + base
dep = self.typed_ptr(self.ptype('EFI_IMAGE_DEBUG_DIRECTORY_ENTRY'), dep)
cvp = self.get_field(dep, 'RVA') + base
......@@ -303,10 +303,10 @@ class ReloadUefi:
return self.EINVAL
# Prepares symbol load command with proper section information.
# Prepares lldb symbol load command.
# Currently supports Mach-O and single-section files.
def get_sym_cmd(self, filename, orgbase, *_):
def get_sym_cmd(self, filename, orgbase):
if filename.endswith('.pdb'):
dll_file = filename.replace('.pdb', '.dll')
module_cmd = f'target modules add -s {filename} {dll_file}'
......@@ -324,12 +324,10 @@ class ReloadUefi:
def parse_image(self, image, syms):
orgbase = base = self.get_field(image, 'ImageBase')
base = self.get_field(image, 'ImageBase')
pe = self.pe_headers(base)
opt = self.pe_optional(pe)
file = self.pe_file(pe)
combined = self.pe_combined(pe)
sym_address = self.pe_parse_debug(base)
sections = self.pe_sections(opt, file, base)
if sym_address == 0:
# llvm-objcopy --add-gnu-debuglink=a/x.debug a/x.dll does not update
......@@ -337,6 +335,8 @@ class ReloadUefi:
# with a /\d+ name containing:
# - ASCII debug file name (x.debug) padded by 4 bytes
# - CRC32
file = self.pe_file(pe)
sections = self.pe_sections(combined, file, base)
last_section = next(reversed(sections))
if re.match(r'^/\d+$', last_section):
sym_address = sections[last_section]
......@@ -352,8 +352,15 @@ class ReloadUefi:
# For ELF and Mach-O-derived images...
if self.offset_by_headers:
base = base + self.get_field(opt, 'SizeOfHeaders')
base = base + self.get_field(combined, 'SizeOfHeaders')
if sym_name != self.EINVAL:
self.add_sym(sym_name, base, syms)
# Add symbol load command with additional processing for correct file location.
def add_sym(self, sym_name, base, syms):
macho = os.path.isdir(sym_name + '.dSYM')
if macho:
real_sym = sym_name
......@@ -370,10 +377,24 @@ class ReloadUefi:
if real_sym:
syms.append(self.get_sym_cmd(real_sym, orgbase, sections, macho, base))
syms.append(self.get_sym_cmd(real_sym, base))
print(f'No symbol file {sym_name}')
# Use debug info from new image loader.
def use_new_debug_info(self, entry, syms):
sym_address = self.get_child_member_with_name(entry, 'PdbPath')
if sym_address:
sym_ptr = self.cast_ptr(self.ptype('char'), sym_address)
sym_name = UefiMisc.parse_utf8(self.get_field(sym_ptr))
debug_base = self.get_field(entry, 'DebugBase')
self.add_sym(sym_name, debug_base, syms)
print('No symbol file')
# Parses table EFI_DEBUG_IMAGE_INFO structures, builds
# a list of add-symbol-file commands, and reloads debugger
......@@ -390,6 +411,9 @@ class ReloadUefi:
if image_type == 1:
entry = self.get_child_member_with_name(entry, 'NormalImage')
self.parse_image(self.get_child_member_with_name(entry, 'LoadedImageProtocolInstance'), syms)
elif image_type == 2:
entry = self.get_child_member_with_name(entry, 'NormalImage2')
self.use_new_debug_info(entry, syms)
print(f'Skipping unknown EFI_DEBUG_IMAGE_INFO (ImageInfoType {image_type})')
index = index + 1
......@@ -399,6 +423,7 @@ class ReloadUefi:
# Parses EFI_DEBUG_IMAGE_INFO_TABLE_HEADER, in order to load
# image symbols.
......@@ -420,7 +445,7 @@ class ReloadUefi:
def parse_est(self, est):
est_t = self.ptype('EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE')
est = self.cast_ptr(est_t, est)
print(f"Connected to {UefiMisc.parse_utf16(self.get_field(est, 'FirmwareVendor'))}(Rev. 0x{self.get_field(est, 'FirmwareRevision'):x}")
print(f"Connected to {UefiMisc.parse_utf16(self.get_field(est, 'FirmwareVendor'))}(Rev. 0x{self.get_field(est, 'FirmwareRevision'):x})")
print(f"ConfigurationTable @ 0x{self.get_field(est, 'ConfigurationTable'):x}, 0x{self.get_field(est, 'NumberOfTableEntries'):x} entries")
dh = self.search_config(self.get_child_member_with_name(est, 'ConfigurationTable'), self.get_field(est, 'NumberOfTableEntries'), self.DEBUG_GUID)
if dh == self.EINVAL:
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