提交 e37a9baa 编写于 作者: M mackie100

Added KeySkipFirstDelay key and description, updated some descriptions

@bluehomewu @btwise
上级 43b75953
......@@ -53,8 +53,8 @@
/* Class = "NSTableColumn"; headerCell.title = "Arch"; ObjectID = "8Qp-io-xPv"; */
"8Qp-io-xPv.headerCell.title" = "Arch";
/* Class = "NSTableView"; ibShadowedToolTip = "1. Arch\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Any (Apply to any supported architecture)\nDescription: Kext block architecture (i386, x86_64).\n2. Comment\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Empty\nDescription: Arbitrary ASCII string used to provide human readable reference for the entry. Whether this value is used is implementation defined.\n3. Enabled\nType: plist boolean\nFailsafe: false\nDescription: This kernel driver will not be blocked unless set to true.\n4. Identifier\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Empty\nDescription: Kext bundle identifier (e.g. com.apple.driver.AppleTyMCEDriver).\n5. MaxKernel\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Empty\nDescription: Blocks kernel driver on specified macOS version or older.\n6. MinKernel\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Empty\nDescription: Blocks kernel driver on specified macOS version or newer."; ObjectID = "8UL-f2-RSc"; */
"8UL-f2-RSc.ibShadowedToolTip" = "1. Arch\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Any (Apply to any supported architecture)\nDescription: Kext block architecture (i386, x86_64).\n2. Comment\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Empty\nDescription: Arbitrary ASCII string used to provide human readable reference for the entry. Whether this value is used is implementation defined.\n3. Enabled\nType: plist boolean\nFailsafe: false\nDescription: This kernel driver will not be blocked unless set to true.\n4. Identifier\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Empty\nDescription: Kext bundle identifier (e.g. com.apple.driver.AppleTyMCEDriver).\n5. MaxKernel\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Empty\nDescription: Blocks kernel driver on specified macOS version or older.\n6. MinKernel\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Empty\nDescription: Blocks kernel driver on specified macOS version or newer.";
/* Class = "NSTableView"; ibShadowedToolTip = "1. Arch\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Any (Apply to any supported architecture)\nDescription: Kext block architecture (i386, x86_64).\n2. Comment\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Empty\nDescription: Arbitrary ASCII string used to provide human readable reference for the entry. Whether this value is used is implementation defined.\n3. Enabled\nType: plist boolean\nFailsafe: false\nDescription: Set to true to add this kernel extension.\n4. Identifier\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Empty\nDescription: Kext bundle identifier (e.g. com.apple.driver.AppleTyMCEDriver).\n5. MaxKernel\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Empty\nDescription: Blocks kernel extension on specified macOS version or older.\n\nNote: Refer to the Add MaxKernel description for matching logic.\n6. MinKernel\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Empty\nDescription: Blocks kernel extension on specified macOS version or newer.\n\nNote: Refer to the Add MaxKernel description for matching logic."; ObjectID = "8UL-f2-RSc"; */
"8UL-f2-RSc.ibShadowedToolTip" = "1. Arch\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Any (Apply to any supported architecture)\nDescription: Kext block architecture (i386, x86_64).\n2. Comment\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Empty\nDescription: Arbitrary ASCII string used to provide human readable reference for the entry. Whether this value is used is implementation defined.\n3. Enabled\nType: plist boolean\nFailsafe: false\nDescription: Set to true to add this kernel extension.\n4. Identifier\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Empty\nDescription: Kext bundle identifier (e.g. com.apple.driver.AppleTyMCEDriver).\n5. MaxKernel\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Empty\nDescription: Blocks kernel extension on specified macOS version or older.\n\nNote: Refer to the Add MaxKernel description for matching logic.\n6. MinKernel\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Empty\nDescription: Blocks kernel extension on specified macOS version or newer.\n\nNote: Refer to the Add MaxKernel description for matching logic.";
/* Class = "NSTableColumn"; headerCell.title = "Arch"; ObjectID = "8fi-fb-Eq7"; */
"8fi-fb-Eq7.headerCell.title" = "Arch";
......@@ -275,11 +275,11 @@
/* Class = "NSTableColumn"; headerCell.title = "Limit"; ObjectID = "nyt-5D-3es"; */
"nyt-5D-3es.headerCell.title" = "Limit";
/* Class = "NSTableView"; ibShadowedToolTip = "1. Arch\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Any (Apply to any supported architecture)\nDescription: Kext architecture (i386, x86_64). \n2. BundlePath\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Empty\nDescription: Kext bundle path (e.g. System\\Library \\Extensions \\IONetworkingFamily.kext).\n3. Comment\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Empty\nDescription: Arbitrary ASCII string used to provide human readable reference for the entry. Whether this value is used is implementation defined.\n4. Enabled\nType: plist boolean\nFailsafe: false\nDescription: This kernel driver will not be added when not present unless set to true.\n5. ExecutablePath\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Empty\nDescription: Kext executable path relative to bundle (e.g. Contents/MacOS/IONetworkingFamily).\n6. Identifier\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Empty\nDescription: Kext identifier to perform presence checking before adding (e.g. com.apple.iokit.IONetworkingFamily).\nOnly drivers which identifiers are not be found in the cache will be added.\n7. MaxKernel\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Empty\nDescription: Adds kernel driver on specified macOS version or older.\nNote: Refer to Add Add MaxKernel description for matching logic.\n8. MinKernel\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Empty\nDescription: Adds kernel driver on specified macOS version or newer.\nNote: Refer to Add Add MaxKernel description for matching logic.\n9. PlistPath\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Empty\nDescription: Kext Info.plist path relative to bundle (e.g. Contents/Info.plist)."; ObjectID = "p2g-8y-f45"; */
"p2g-8y-f45.ibShadowedToolTip" = "1. Arch\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Any (Apply to any supported architecture)\nDescription: Kext architecture (i386, x86_64). \n2. BundlePath\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Empty\nDescription: Kext bundle path (e.g. System\\Library \\Extensions \\IONetworkingFamily.kext).\n3. Comment\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Empty\nDescription: Arbitrary ASCII string used to provide human readable reference for the entry. Whether this value is used is implementation defined.\n4. Enabled\nType: plist boolean\nFailsafe: false\nDescription: This kernel driver will not be added when not present unless set to true.\n5. ExecutablePath\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Empty\nDescription: Kext executable path relative to bundle (e.g. Contents/MacOS/IONetworkingFamily).\n6. Identifier\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Empty\nDescription: Kext identifier to perform presence checking before adding (e.g. com.apple.iokit.IONetworkingFamily).\nOnly drivers which identifiers are not be found in the cache will be added.\n7. MaxKernel\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Empty\nDescription: Adds kernel driver on specified macOS version or older.\nNote: Refer to Add Add MaxKernel description for matching logic.\n8. MinKernel\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Empty\nDescription: Adds kernel driver on specified macOS version or newer.\nNote: Refer to Add Add MaxKernel description for matching logic.\n9. PlistPath\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Empty\nDescription: Kext Info.plist path relative to bundle (e.g. Contents/Info.plist).";
/* Class = "NSTableView"; ibShadowedToolTip = "1. Arch\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Any (Apply to any supported architecture)\nDescription: Kext architecture (i386, x86_64). \n2. BundlePath\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Empty\nDescription: Kext bundle path (e.g. System\\Library \\Extensions \\IONetworkingFamily.kext).\n3. Comment\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Empty\nDescription: Arbitrary ASCII string used to provide human readable reference for the entry. Whether this value is used is implementation defined.\n4. Enabled\nType: plist boolean\nFailsafe: false\nDescription: Set to true to load this kernel extension from the system volume when not presen in the kernel cache.\n5. ExecutablePath\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Empty\nDescription: Kext executable path relative to bundle (e.g. Contents/MacOS/IONetworkingFamily).\n6. Identifier\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Empty\nDescription: Kext identifier to perform presence checking before adding (e.g. com.apple.iokit.IONetworkingFamily).\nOnly drivers which identifiers are not be found in the cache will be added.\n7. MaxKernel\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Empty\nDescription: Adds kernel extension on specified macOS version or older.\nNote: Refer to Add Add MaxKernel description for matching logic.\n8. MinKernel\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Empty\nDescription: Adds kernel extension on specified macOS version or newer.\nNote: Refer to Add Add MaxKernel description for matching logic.\n9. PlistPath\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Empty\nDescription: Kext Info.plist path relative to bundle (e.g. Contents/Info.plist)."; ObjectID = "p2g-8y-f45"; */
"p2g-8y-f45.ibShadowedToolTip" = "1. Arch\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Any (Apply to any supported architecture)\nDescription: Kext architecture (i386, x86_64). \n2. BundlePath\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Empty\nDescription: Kext bundle path (e.g. System\\Library \\Extensions \\IONetworkingFamily.kext).\n3. Comment\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Empty\nDescription: Arbitrary ASCII string used to provide human readable reference for the entry. Whether this value is used is implementation defined.\n4. Enabled\nType: plist boolean\nFailsafe: false\nDescription: Set to true to load this kernel extension from the system volume when not presen in the kernel cache.\n5. ExecutablePath\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Empty\nDescription: Kext executable path relative to bundle (e.g. Contents/MacOS/IONetworkingFamily).\n6. Identifier\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Empty\nDescription: Kext identifier to perform presence checking before adding (e.g. com.apple.iokit.IONetworkingFamily).\nOnly drivers which identifiers are not be found in the cache will be added.\n7. MaxKernel\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Empty\nDescription: Adds kernel extension on specified macOS version or older.\nNote: Refer to Add Add MaxKernel description for matching logic.\n8. MinKernel\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Empty\nDescription: Adds kernel extension on specified macOS version or newer.\nNote: Refer to Add Add MaxKernel description for matching logic.\n9. PlistPath\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Empty\nDescription: Kext Info.plist path relative to bundle (e.g. Contents/Info.plist).";
/* Class = "NSTableView"; ibShadowedToolTip = "1. Arch\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Any (Apply to any supported architecture)\nDescription: Kext architecture (i386, x86_64).\n2. BundlePath\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Empty\nDescription: Kext bundle path (e.g. Lilu.kext or MyKext.kext/Contents/PlugIns/MySubKext.kext).\n3. Comment\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Empty\nDescription: Arbitrary ASCII string used to provide human readable reference for the entry. Whether this value is used is implementation defined.\n4. Enabled\nType: plist boolean\nFailsafe: false\nDescription: This kernel driver will not be added unless set to true.\n5. ExecutablePath\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Empty\nDescription: Kext executable path relative to bundle (e.g. Contents/MacOS/Lilu).\n6. MaxKernel\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Empty\nDescription: Adds kernel driver on specified macOS version or older.\nKernel version can be obtained with uname -r command, and should look like 3 numbers separated by dots, for example 18.7.0 is the kernel version for 10.14.6.\n7. MinKernel\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Empty\nDescription: Adds kernel driver on specified macOS version or newer.\n\nNote: Refer to Add MaxKernel description for matching logic.\n8. PlistPath\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Empty\nDescription: Kext Info.plist path relative to bundle (e.g. Contents/Info.plist)."; ObjectID = "pIA-W6-XA0"; */
"pIA-W6-XA0.ibShadowedToolTip" = "1. Arch\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Any (Apply to any supported architecture)\nDescription: Kext architecture (i386, x86_64).\n2. BundlePath\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Empty\nDescription: Kext bundle path (e.g. Lilu.kext or MyKext.kext/Contents/PlugIns/MySubKext.kext).\n3. Comment\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Empty\nDescription: Arbitrary ASCII string used to provide human readable reference for the entry. Whether this value is used is implementation defined.\n4. Enabled\nType: plist boolean\nFailsafe: false\nDescription: This kernel driver will not be added unless set to true.\n5. ExecutablePath\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Empty\nDescription: Kext executable path relative to bundle (e.g. Contents/MacOS/Lilu).\n6. MaxKernel\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Empty\nDescription: Adds kernel driver on specified macOS version or older.\nKernel version can be obtained with uname -r command, and should look like 3 numbers separated by dots, for example 18.7.0 is the kernel version for 10.14.6.\n7. MinKernel\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Empty\nDescription: Adds kernel driver on specified macOS version or newer.\n\nNote: Refer to Add MaxKernel description for matching logic.\n8. PlistPath\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Empty\nDescription: Kext Info.plist path relative to bundle (e.g. Contents/Info.plist).";
/* Class = "NSTableView"; ibShadowedToolTip = "1. Arch\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Any (Apply to any supported architecture)\nDescription: Kext architecture (i386, x86_64).\n2. BundlePath\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Empty\nDescription: Kext bundle path (e.g. Lilu.kext or MyKext.kext/Contents/PlugIns/MySubKext.kext).\n3. Comment\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Empty\nDescription: Arbitrary ASCII string used to provide human readable reference for the entry. Whether this value is used is implementation defined.\n4. Enabled\nType: plist boolean\nFailsafe: false\nDescription: Set to true to add this kernel extension.\n5. ExecutablePath\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Empty\nDescription: Kext executable path relative to bundle (e.g. Contents/MacOS/Lilu).\n6. MaxKernel\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Empty\nDescription: Adds kernel extension on specified macOS version or older.\nKernel version can be obtained with uname -r command, and should look like 3 numbers separated by dots, for example 18.7.0 is the kernel version for 10.14.6.\n7. MinKernel\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Empty\nDescription: Adds kernel extension on specified macOS version or newer.\n\nNote: Refer to Add MaxKernel description for matching logic.\n8. PlistPath\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Empty\nDescription: Kext Info.plist path relative to bundle (e.g. Contents/Info.plist)."; ObjectID = "pIA-W6-XA0"; */
"pIA-W6-XA0.ibShadowedToolTip" = "1. Arch\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Any (Apply to any supported architecture)\nDescription: Kext architecture (i386, x86_64).\n2. BundlePath\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Empty\nDescription: Kext bundle path (e.g. Lilu.kext or MyKext.kext/Contents/PlugIns/MySubKext.kext).\n3. Comment\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Empty\nDescription: Arbitrary ASCII string used to provide human readable reference for the entry. Whether this value is used is implementation defined.\n4. Enabled\nType: plist boolean\nFailsafe: false\nDescription: Set to true to add this kernel extension.\n5. ExecutablePath\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Empty\nDescription: Kext executable path relative to bundle (e.g. Contents/MacOS/Lilu).\n6. MaxKernel\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Empty\nDescription: Adds kernel extension on specified macOS version or older.\nKernel version can be obtained with uname -r command, and should look like 3 numbers separated by dots, for example 18.7.0 is the kernel version for 10.14.6.\n7. MinKernel\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Empty\nDescription: Adds kernel extension on specified macOS version or newer.\n\nNote: Refer to Add MaxKernel description for matching logic.\n8. PlistPath\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Empty\nDescription: Kext Info.plist path relative to bundle (e.g. Contents/Info.plist).";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "FuzzyMatch"; ObjectID = "srr-gQ-RrN"; */
"srr-gQ-RrN.title" = "FuzzyMatch";
......@@ -314,8 +314,8 @@
/* Class = "NSTableColumn"; headerCell.title = "Path*"; ObjectID = "jPS-Bu-Ar4"; */
"jPS-Bu-Ar4.headerCell.title" = "Path*";
/* Class = "NSPopUpButton"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Type: plist string \nFailsafe: Default\nDescription: Apple Secure Boot hardware model.\n\nSets Apple Secure Boot hardware model and policy. Specifying this value defines which operating systems will be bootable. Operating systems shipped before the specified model was released will not boot.\n\nValid values:\n• Default — Recent available model, currently set to j137.\n• Disabled — No model, Secure Boot will be disabled.\n• j137 — iMacPro1,1 (December 2017) minimum macOS 10.13.2 (17C2111)\n• j680 — MacBookPro15,1 (July 2018) minimum macOS 10.13.6 (17G2112)\n• j132 — MacBookPro15,2 (July 2018) minimum macOS 10.13.6 (17G2112)\n• j174 — Macmini8,1 (October 2018) minimum macOS 10.14 (18A2063)\n• j140k — MacBookAir8,1 (October 2018) minimum macOS 10.14.1 (18B2084)\n• j780 — MacBookPro15,3 (May 2019) minimum macOS 10.14.5 (18F132)\n• j213 — MacBookPro15,4 (July 2019) minimum macOS 10.14.5 (18F2058)\n• j140a — MacBookAir8,2 (July 2019) minimum macOS 10.14.5 (18F2058)\n• j152f — MacBookPro16,1 (November 2019) minimum macOS 10.15.1 (19B2093)\n• j160 — MacPro7,1 (December 2019) minimum macOS 10.15.1 (19B88)\n• j230k — MacBookAir9,1 (March 2020) minimum macOS 10.15.3 (19D2064)\n• j214k — MacBookPro16,2 (May 2020) minimum macOS 10.15.4 (19E2269)\n• j223 — MacBookPro16,3 (May 2020) minimum macOS 10.15.4 (19E2265)\n• j215 — MacBookPro16,4 (June 2020) minimum macOS 10.15.5 (19F96)\n• j185 — iMac20,1 (August 2020) minimum macOS 10.15.6 (19G2005)\n• j185f — iMac20,2 (August 2020) minimum macOS 10.15.6 (19G2005)\n• x86legacy — Macs and VMs without T2 chip minimum macOS 11.0\n\nPlatformInfo and SecureBootModel are independent, allowing to enabling Apple Secure Boot with any SMBIOS.\nSetting SecureBootModel to any valid value but Disabled is equivalent to Medium Security of Apple Secure Boot. The ApECID value must also be specified to achieve Full Security.\n\nNote that enabling Apple Secure Boot is demanding on invalid configurations, faulty macOS installations, and on unsupported setups.\n\nThings to consider:\n(a) As with T2 Macs, unsigned kernel drivers and several signed kernel drivers, including NVIDIA Web Drivers, cannot be installed.\n(b) The list of cached drivers may be different, resulting in a need to change the list of Added or Forced kernel drivers. For example, IO80211Family cannot be injected in this case.\n(c) System volume alterations on operating systems with sealing, such as macOS 11, may result in the operating system being unbootable. Do not try to disable system volume encryption unless Apple Secure Boot is disabled.\n(d) Boot failures might occur when the platform requires certain settings, but they have not been enabled because the associated issues were not discovered earlier. Be extra careful with IgnoreInvalidFlexRatio or HashServices.\n(e) Operating systems released before Apple Secure Boot was released (e.g. macOS 10.12 or earlier), will still boot until UEFI Secure Boot is enabled. This is so because Apple Secure Boot treats these as incompatible and they are then handled by the firmware (as Microsoft Windows is).\n(f) On older CPUs (e.g. before Sandy Bridge), enabling Apple Secure Boot might cause slightly slower loading (by up to 1 second).\n(g) As the Default value will increase with time to support the latest major released operating system, it is not recommended to use the ApECID and the Default settings together.\n(h) Installing macOS with Apple Secure Boot enabled is not possible while using HFS+ target volumes. This may include HFS+ formatted drives when no spare APFS drive is available.\n\nThe installed operating system may have sometimes outdated Apple Secure Boot manifests on the Preboot partition, resulting in boot failures. This is likely to be the case when an “OCB: Apple Secure Boot prohibits this boot entry, enforcing!” message is logged.\n\nWhen this happens, either reinstall the operating system or copy the manifests (files with .im4m extension, such as boot.efi.j137.im4m) from /usr/standalone/i386 to /Volumes/Preboot/<UUID>/System/Library/CoreServices. Here, <UUID> is the system volume identifier. On HFS+ installations, the manifests should be copied to /System/Library/CoreServices on the system volume.\n\nFor more details on how to configure Apple Secure Boot with UEFI Secure Boot, refer to the UEFI Secure Boot"; ObjectID = "l6D-xS-M37"; */
"l6D-xS-M37.ibShadowedToolTip" = "Type: plist string \nFailsafe: Default\nDescription: Apple Secure Boot hardware model.\n\nSets Apple Secure Boot hardware model and policy. Specifying this value defines which operating systems will be bootable. Operating systems shipped before the specified model was released will not boot.\n\nValid values:\n• Default — Recent available model, currently set to j137.\n• Disabled — No model, Secure Boot will be disabled.\n• j137 — iMacPro1,1 (December 2017) minimum macOS 10.13.2 (17C2111)\n• j680 — MacBookPro15,1 (July 2018) minimum macOS 10.13.6 (17G2112)\n• j132 — MacBookPro15,2 (July 2018) minimum macOS 10.13.6 (17G2112)\n• j174 — Macmini8,1 (October 2018) minimum macOS 10.14 (18A2063)\n• j140k — MacBookAir8,1 (October 2018) minimum macOS 10.14.1 (18B2084)\n• j780 — MacBookPro15,3 (May 2019) minimum macOS 10.14.5 (18F132)\n• j213 — MacBookPro15,4 (July 2019) minimum macOS 10.14.5 (18F2058)\n• j140a — MacBookAir8,2 (July 2019) minimum macOS 10.14.5 (18F2058)\n• j152f — MacBookPro16,1 (November 2019) minimum macOS 10.15.1 (19B2093)\n• j160 — MacPro7,1 (December 2019) minimum macOS 10.15.1 (19B88)\n• j230k — MacBookAir9,1 (March 2020) minimum macOS 10.15.3 (19D2064)\n• j214k — MacBookPro16,2 (May 2020) minimum macOS 10.15.4 (19E2269)\n• j223 — MacBookPro16,3 (May 2020) minimum macOS 10.15.4 (19E2265)\n• j215 — MacBookPro16,4 (June 2020) minimum macOS 10.15.5 (19F96)\n• j185 — iMac20,1 (August 2020) minimum macOS 10.15.6 (19G2005)\n• j185f — iMac20,2 (August 2020) minimum macOS 10.15.6 (19G2005)\n• x86legacy — Macs and VMs without T2 chip minimum macOS 11.0\n\nPlatformInfo and SecureBootModel are independent, allowing to enabling Apple Secure Boot with any SMBIOS.\nSetting SecureBootModel to any valid value but Disabled is equivalent to Medium Security of Apple Secure Boot. The ApECID value must also be specified to achieve Full Security.\n\nNote that enabling Apple Secure Boot is demanding on invalid configurations, faulty macOS installations, and on unsupported setups.\n\nThings to consider:\n(a) As with T2 Macs, unsigned kernel drivers and several signed kernel drivers, including NVIDIA Web Drivers, cannot be installed.\n(b) The list of cached drivers may be different, resulting in a need to change the list of Added or Forced kernel drivers. For example, IO80211Family cannot be injected in this case.\n(c) System volume alterations on operating systems with sealing, such as macOS 11, may result in the operating system being unbootable. Do not try to disable system volume encryption unless Apple Secure Boot is disabled.\n(d) Boot failures might occur when the platform requires certain settings, but they have not been enabled because the associated issues were not discovered earlier. Be extra careful with IgnoreInvalidFlexRatio or HashServices.\n(e) Operating systems released before Apple Secure Boot was released (e.g. macOS 10.12 or earlier), will still boot until UEFI Secure Boot is enabled. This is so because Apple Secure Boot treats these as incompatible and they are then handled by the firmware (as Microsoft Windows is).\n(f) On older CPUs (e.g. before Sandy Bridge), enabling Apple Secure Boot might cause slightly slower loading (by up to 1 second).\n(g) As the Default value will increase with time to support the latest major released operating system, it is not recommended to use the ApECID and the Default settings together.\n(h) Installing macOS with Apple Secure Boot enabled is not possible while using HFS+ target volumes. This may include HFS+ formatted drives when no spare APFS drive is available.\n\nThe installed operating system may have sometimes outdated Apple Secure Boot manifests on the Preboot partition, resulting in boot failures. This is likely to be the case when an “OCB: Apple Secure Boot prohibits this boot entry, enforcing!” message is logged.\n\nWhen this happens, either reinstall the operating system or copy the manifests (files with .im4m extension, such as boot.efi.j137.im4m) from /usr/standalone/i386 to /Volumes/Preboot/<UUID>/System/Library/CoreServices. Here, <UUID> is the system volume identifier. On HFS+ installations, the manifests should be copied to /System/Library/CoreServices on the system volume.\n\nFor more details on how to configure Apple Secure Boot with UEFI Secure Boot, refer to the UEFI Secure Boot";
/* Class = "NSPopUpButton"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Type: plist string \nFailsafe: Default\nDescription: Apple Secure Boot hardware model.\n\nSets Apple Secure Boot hardware model and policy. Specifying this value defines which operating systems will be bootable. Operating systems shipped before the specified model was released will not boot.\n\nValid values:\n• Default — Recent available model, currently set to j137.\n• Disabled — No model, Secure Boot will be disabled.\n• j137 — iMacPro1,1 (December 2017) minimum macOS 10.13.2 (17C2111)\n• j680 — MacBookPro15,1 (July 2018) minimum macOS 10.13.6 (17G2112)\n• j132 — MacBookPro15,2 (July 2018) minimum macOS 10.13.6 (17G2112)\n• j174 — Macmini8,1 (October 2018) minimum macOS 10.14 (18A2063)\n• j140k — MacBookAir8,1 (October 2018) minimum macOS 10.14.1 (18B2084)\n• j780 — MacBookPro15,3 (May 2019) minimum macOS 10.14.5 (18F132)\n• j213 — MacBookPro15,4 (July 2019) minimum macOS 10.14.5 (18F2058)\n• j140a — MacBookAir8,2 (July 2019) minimum macOS 10.14.5 (18F2058)\n• j152f — MacBookPro16,1 (November 2019) minimum macOS 10.15.1 (19B2093)\n• j160 — MacPro7,1 (December 2019) minimum macOS 10.15.1 (19B88)\n• j230k — MacBookAir9,1 (March 2020) minimum macOS 10.15.3 (19D2064)\n• j214k — MacBookPro16,2 (May 2020) minimum macOS 10.15.4 (19E2269)\n• j223 — MacBookPro16,3 (May 2020) minimum macOS 10.15.4 (19E2265)\n• j215 — MacBookPro16,4 (June 2020) minimum macOS 10.15.5 (19F96)\n• j185 — iMac20,1 (August 2020) minimum macOS 10.15.6 (19G2005)\n• j185f — iMac20,2 (August 2020) minimum macOS 10.15.6 (19G2005)\n• x86legacy — Macs and VMs without T2 chip minimum macOS 11.0\n\nPlatformInfo and SecureBootModel are independent, allowing to enabling Apple Secure Boot with any SMBIOS.\nSetting SecureBootModel to any valid value but Disabled is equivalent to Medium Security of Apple Secure Boot. The ApECID value must also be specified to achieve Full Security.\n\nNote that enabling Apple Secure Boot is demanding on invalid configurations, faulty macOS installations, and on unsupported setups.\n\nThings to consider:\n(a) As with T2 Macs, all unsigned kernel extensions as well as several signed kernel extensions, including NVIDIA Web Drivers, cannot be installed.\n(b) The list of cached kernel extensions may be different, resulting in a need to change the list of Added or Forced kernel extensions. For example, IO80211Family cannot be injected in this case.\n(c) System volume alterations on operating systems with sealing, such as macOS 11, may result in the operating system being unbootable. Do not try to disable system volume encryption unless Apple Secure Boot is disabled.\n(d) Boot failures might occur when the platform requires certain settings, but they have not been enabled because the associated issues were not discovered earlier. Be extra careful with IgnoreInvalidFlexRatio or HashServices.\n(e) Operating systems released before Apple Secure Boot was released (e.g. macOS 10.12 or earlier), will still boot until UEFI Secure Boot is enabled. This is so because Apple Secure Boot treats these as incompatible and they are then handled by the firmware (as Microsoft Windows is).\n(f) On older CPUs (e.g. before Sandy Bridge), enabling Apple Secure Boot might cause slightly slower loading (by up to 1 second).\n(g) As the Default value will increase with time to support the latest major released operating system, it is not recommended to use the ApECID and the Default settings together.\n(h) Installing macOS with Apple Secure Boot enabled is not possible while using HFS+ target volumes. This may include HFS+ formatted drives when no spare APFS drive is available.\n\nThe installed operating system may have sometimes outdated Apple Secure Boot manifests on the Preboot partition, resulting in boot failures. This is likely to be the case when an “OCB: Apple Secure Boot prohibits this boot entry, enforcing!” message is logged.\n\nWhen this happens, either reinstall the operating system or copy the manifests (files with .im4m extension, such as boot.efi.j137.im4m) from /usr/standalone/i386 to /Volumes/Preboot/<UUID>/System/Library/CoreServices. Here, <UUID> is the system volume identifier. On HFS+ installations, the manifests should be copied to /System/Library/CoreServices on the system volume.\n\nFor more details on how to configure Apple Secure Boot with UEFI Secure Boot, refer to the UEFI Secure Boot"; ObjectID = "l6D-xS-M37"; */
"l6D-xS-M37.ibShadowedToolTip" = "Type: plist string \nFailsafe: Default\nDescription: Apple Secure Boot hardware model.\n\nSets Apple Secure Boot hardware model and policy. Specifying this value defines which operating systems will be bootable. Operating systems shipped before the specified model was released will not boot.\n\nValid values:\n• Default — Recent available model, currently set to j137.\n• Disabled — No model, Secure Boot will be disabled.\n• j137 — iMacPro1,1 (December 2017) minimum macOS 10.13.2 (17C2111)\n• j680 — MacBookPro15,1 (July 2018) minimum macOS 10.13.6 (17G2112)\n• j132 — MacBookPro15,2 (July 2018) minimum macOS 10.13.6 (17G2112)\n• j174 — Macmini8,1 (October 2018) minimum macOS 10.14 (18A2063)\n• j140k — MacBookAir8,1 (October 2018) minimum macOS 10.14.1 (18B2084)\n• j780 — MacBookPro15,3 (May 2019) minimum macOS 10.14.5 (18F132)\n• j213 — MacBookPro15,4 (July 2019) minimum macOS 10.14.5 (18F2058)\n• j140a — MacBookAir8,2 (July 2019) minimum macOS 10.14.5 (18F2058)\n• j152f — MacBookPro16,1 (November 2019) minimum macOS 10.15.1 (19B2093)\n• j160 — MacPro7,1 (December 2019) minimum macOS 10.15.1 (19B88)\n• j230k — MacBookAir9,1 (March 2020) minimum macOS 10.15.3 (19D2064)\n• j214k — MacBookPro16,2 (May 2020) minimum macOS 10.15.4 (19E2269)\n• j223 — MacBookPro16,3 (May 2020) minimum macOS 10.15.4 (19E2265)\n• j215 — MacBookPro16,4 (June 2020) minimum macOS 10.15.5 (19F96)\n• j185 — iMac20,1 (August 2020) minimum macOS 10.15.6 (19G2005)\n• j185f — iMac20,2 (August 2020) minimum macOS 10.15.6 (19G2005)\n• x86legacy — Macs and VMs without T2 chip minimum macOS 11.0\n\nPlatformInfo and SecureBootModel are independent, allowing to enabling Apple Secure Boot with any SMBIOS.\nSetting SecureBootModel to any valid value but Disabled is equivalent to Medium Security of Apple Secure Boot. The ApECID value must also be specified to achieve Full Security.\n\nNote that enabling Apple Secure Boot is demanding on invalid configurations, faulty macOS installations, and on unsupported setups.\n\nThings to consider:\n(a) As with T2 Macs, all unsigned kernel extensions as well as several signed kernel extensions, including NVIDIA Web Drivers, cannot be installed.\n(b) The list of cached kernel extensions may be different, resulting in a need to change the list of Added or Forced kernel extensions. For example, IO80211Family cannot be injected in this case.\n(c) System volume alterations on operating systems with sealing, such as macOS 11, may result in the operating system being unbootable. Do not try to disable system volume encryption unless Apple Secure Boot is disabled.\n(d) Boot failures might occur when the platform requires certain settings, but they have not been enabled because the associated issues were not discovered earlier. Be extra careful with IgnoreInvalidFlexRatio or HashServices.\n(e) Operating systems released before Apple Secure Boot was released (e.g. macOS 10.12 or earlier), will still boot until UEFI Secure Boot is enabled. This is so because Apple Secure Boot treats these as incompatible and they are then handled by the firmware (as Microsoft Windows is).\n(f) On older CPUs (e.g. before Sandy Bridge), enabling Apple Secure Boot might cause slightly slower loading (by up to 1 second).\n(g) As the Default value will increase with time to support the latest major released operating system, it is not recommended to use the ApECID and the Default settings together.\n(h) Installing macOS with Apple Secure Boot enabled is not possible while using HFS+ target volumes. This may include HFS+ formatted drives when no spare APFS drive is available.\n\nThe installed operating system may have sometimes outdated Apple Secure Boot manifests on the Preboot partition, resulting in boot failures. This is likely to be the case when an “OCB: Apple Secure Boot prohibits this boot entry, enforcing!” message is logged.\n\nWhen this happens, either reinstall the operating system or copy the manifests (files with .im4m extension, such as boot.efi.j137.im4m) from /usr/standalone/i386 to /Volumes/Preboot/<UUID>/System/Library/CoreServices. Here, <UUID> is the system volume identifier. On HFS+ installations, the manifests should be copied to /System/Library/CoreServices on the system volume.\n\nFor more details on how to configure Apple Secure Boot with UEFI Secure Boot, refer to the UEFI Secure Boot";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "EnablePassword"; ObjectID = "lLV-4d-gWP"; */
"lLV-4d-gWP.title" = "EnablePassword";
......@@ -104,6 +104,9 @@
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "AppleSmcIo"; ObjectID = "Ddl-D0-484"; */
"Ddl-D0-484.title" = "AppleSmcIo";
/* Class = "NSButton"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Type: plist boolean\nFailsafe: false\nDescription: Suppress initial delay before key repeat in OpenCore implementation of Apple Event protocol.\n\nWhen combining OpenCore KeySupport with the Apple Event protocol, key repeat behaviour may show one additional slow key repeat before normal key repeat starts. Enabling this option works around this problem by suppressing the initial repeat delay in the OpenCore Apple Event implementation. This option is recommended to be set when using KeySupport mode, in most cases, and is not recommended to be set on any systems which are not using KeySupport mode."; ObjectID = "Dz8-ew-orw"; */
"Dz8-ew-orw.ibShadowedToolTip" = "Type: plist boolean\nFailsafe: false\nDescription: Suppress initial delay before key repeat in OpenCore implementation of Apple Event protocol.\n\nWhen combining OpenCore KeySupport with the Apple Event protocol, key repeat behaviour may show one additional slow key repeat before normal key repeat starts. Enabling this option works around this problem by suppressing the initial repeat delay in the OpenCore Apple Event implementation. This option is recommended to be set when using KeySupport mode, in most cases, and is not recommended to be set on any systems which are not using KeySupport mode.";
/* Class = "NSButton"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Type: plist boolean\nFailsafe: false\nDescription: Swap Command and Option keys during submission.\nThis option may be useful for keyboard layouts with Option key situated to the right of Command key."; ObjectID = "EIc-ff-Thn"; */
"EIc-ff-Thn.ibShadowedToolTip" = "Type: plist boolean\nFailsafe: false\nDescription: Swap Command and Option keys during submission.\nThis option may be useful for keyboard layouts with Option key situated to the right of Command key.";
......@@ -275,6 +278,9 @@
/* Class = "NSButton"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Type: plist boolean\nFailsafe: false\nDescription: Ensure GOP (Graphics Output Protocol) on console handle.\nmacOS bootloader requires GOP or UGA (for 10.4 EfiBoot) to be present on console handle, yet the exact location of the graphics protocol is not covered by the UEFI specification. This option will ensure GOP and UGA, if present, are available on the console handle.\n\nNote: This option will also replace incompatible implementations of GOP on the console handle, as may be the case on the MacPro5,1 when using modern GPUs."; ObjectID = "eGd-xS-rQf"; */
"eGd-xS-rQf.ibShadowedToolTip" = "Type: plist boolean\nFailsafe: false\nDescription: Ensure GOP (Graphics Output Protocol) on console handle.\nmacOS bootloader requires GOP or UGA (for 10.4 EfiBoot) to be present on console handle, yet the exact location of the graphics protocol is not covered by the UEFI specification. This option will ensure GOP and UGA, if present, are available on the console handle.\n\nNote: This option will also replace incompatible implementations of GOP on the console handle, as may be the case on the MacPro5,1 when using modern GPUs.";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "KeySkipFirstDelay"; ObjectID = "eKj-mi-o4K"; */
"eKj-mi-o4K.title" = "KeySkipFirstDelay";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "HideVerbose"; ObjectID = "egr-8J-RIS"; */
"egr-8J-RIS.title" = "HideVerbose";
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