提交 6e367341 编写于 作者: M mackie100

Added BlacklistAppleUpdate key and description in miscController.string, updated some descriptions

@btwise @socialskyo @droofy
上级 61655ca3
/* Class = "NSButton"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Type: plist boolean \nFailsafe: false \nDescription: Enables writing to flash memory for all added variables. \nNote: This value is recommended to be enabled on most firmwares, but is left configurable for firmwares that may have issues with NVRAM variable storage garbage collection or alike."; ObjectID = "0qd-Qe-41F"; */
/* Class = "NSButton"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Type: plist boolean \nFailsafe: false \nDescription: Enables writing to flash memory for all added variables. \n\nNote: It is recommended to have this value enabled on most types of firmware but it is left configurable for firmware that may have issues with NVRAM variable storage garbage collection or similar."; ObjectID = "0qd-Qe-41F"; */
"0qd-Qe-41F.ibShadowedToolTip" = "允许为所有添加的变量写入闪存。\n建议在大多数固件上启用此值,如果你的主板bios因为nvram导入垃圾内容,可关闭它.";
/* Class = "NSTableColumn"; headerCell.title = "Key"; ObjectID = "1Hp-YT-QB3"; */
......@@ -80,5 +80,5 @@
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Get from 7C436110-AB2A-4BBB-A880-FE41995C9F82"; ObjectID = "suf-bH-Wor"; */
"suf-bH-Wor.title" = "添加7C436110-AB2A-4BBB-A880-FE41995C9F82数据";
/* Class = "NSTableView"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Other Variables\nThe following variables may be useful for certain configurations or troubleshooting:\n• 7C436110-AB2A-4BBB-A880-FE41995C9F82:boot-args\nKernel arguments, used to pass configuration to Apple kernel and drivers. There are many arguments, which may be found by looking for the use of PE_parse_boot_argn function in the kernel or driver code. Some of the known boot arguments include:\n– acpi_layer=0xFFFFFFFF\n– acpi_level=0xFFFF5F (implies ACPI_ALL_COMPONENTS)\n– arch=i386 (force kernel architecture to i386, see KernelArch)\n– batman=VALUE (AppleSmartBatteryManager debug mask)\n– batman-nosmc=1 (disable AppleSmartBatteryManager SMC interface)\n– cpus=VALUE (maximum number of CPUs used)\n– debug=VALUE (debug mask)\n– io=VALUE (IOKit debug mask)\n– keepsyms=1 (show panic log debug symbols)\n– kextlog=VALUE (kernel extension loading debug mask)\n– nv_disable=1 (disables NVIDIA GPU acceleration)\n– nvda_drv=1 (legacy way to enable NVIDIA web driver, removed in 10.12)\n– npci=0x2000 (legacy, disables kIOPCIConfiguratorPFM64)\n– lapic_dont_panic=1\n– slide=VALUE (manually set KASLR slide)\n– smcdebug=VALUE (AppleSMC debug mask)\n– -amd_no_dgpu_accel (alternative to WhateverGreen’s -radvesa for new GPUs)\n– -nehalem_error_disable\n– -no_compat_check (disable model checking on 10.7+)\n– -s (single mode)\n– -v (verbose mode)\n– -x (safe mode)\nThere are multiple external places summarising macOS argument lists: example 1, example 2.\n• 7C436110-AB2A-4BBB-A880-FE41995C9F82:bootercfg\nBooter arguments, similar to boot-args but for boot.efi. Accepts a set of arguments, which are hexadecimal 64-bit values with or without 0x. At different stages boot.efi will request different debugging (logging) modes (e.g. after ExitBootServices it will only print to serial). Several booter arguments control whether these requests\nwill succeed. The list of known requests is covered below: – 0x00 – INIT.\n– 0x01 – VERBOSE (e.g. -v, force console logging).\n– 0x02 – EXIT.\n– 0x03 – RESET:OK.\n– 0x04 – RESET:FAIL (e.g. unknown board-id, hibernate mismatch, panic loop, etc.). – 0x05 – RESET:RECOVERY.\n– 0x06 – RECOVERY.\n– 0x07 – REAN:START.\n– 0x08 – REAN:END.\n– 0x09 – DT (can no longer log to DeviceTree).\n– 0x0A – EXITBS:START (forced serial only).\n– 0x0B – EXITBS:END (forced serial only).\n– 0x0C – UNKNOWN.\nIn 10.15 debugging support was mostly broken before 10.15.4 due to some kind of refactoring and introduction of a new debug protocol. Some of the arguments and their values below may not be valid for versions prior to 10.15.4. The list of known arguments is covered below:\n– boot-save-log=VALUE — debug log save mode for normal boot.\n∗ 0\n∗ 1\n∗ 2 — (default).\n∗ 3\n∗ 4 — (save to file).\n– wake-save-log=VALUE — debug log save mode for hibernation wake.\n∗ 0 — disabled.\n∗ 1\n∗ 2 — (default).\n∗ 3 — (unavailable).\n∗ 4 — (save to file, unavailable).\n– breakpoint=VALUE — enables debug breaks (missing in production boot.efi).\n∗ 0 — disables debug breaks on errors (default).\n∗ 1 — enables debug breaks on errors.\n– console=VALUE — enables console logging.\n∗ 0 — disables console logging.\n∗ 1 — enables console logging when debug protocol is missing (default).\n∗ 2 — enables console logging unconditionally (unavailable).\n– embed-log-dt=VALUE — enables DeviceTree logging.\n∗ 0 — disables DeviceTree logging (default).\n∗ 1 — enables DeviceTree logging.\n– kc-read-size=VALUE — Chunk size used for buffered I/O from network or disk for prelinkedkernel reading and related. Set to 1MB (0x100000) by default, can be tuned for faster booting.\n– log-level=VALUE — log level bitmask.\n∗ 0x01 — enables trace logging (default).\n– serial=VALUE — enables serial logging.\n∗ 0 — disables serial logging (default).\n∗ 1 — enables serial logging for EXITBS:END onwards.\n∗ 2 — enables serial logging for EXITBS:START onwards.\n∗ 3 — enables serial logging when debug protocol is missing.\n∗ 4 — enables serial logging unconditionally.\n– timestamps=VALUE — enables timestamp logging.\n∗ 0 — disables timestamp logging.\n∗ 1 — enables timestamp logging (default).\n– log=VALUE — deprecated starting from 10.15.\n∗ 1 — AppleLoggingConOutOrErrSet/AppleLoggingConOutOrErrPrint (classical ConOut/StdErr)\n∗ 2 — AppleLoggingStdErrSet/AppleLoggingStdErrPrint (StdErr or serial?)\n∗ 4 — AppleLoggingFileSet/AppleLoggingFilePrint (BOOTER.LOG/BOOTER.OLD file on EFI partition) – debug=VALUE — deprecated starting from 10.15.\n∗ 1 — enables print something to BOOTER.LOG (stripped code implies there may be a crash)\n∗ 2 — enables perf logging to /efi/debug-log in the device three\n∗ 4 — enables timestamp printing for styled printf calls\n– level=VALUE — deprecated starting from 10.15. Verbosity level of DEBUG output. Everything but 0x80000000 is stripped from the binary, and this is the default value.\nNote: To see verbose output from boot.efi on modern macOS versions enable AppleDebug option. This will save the log to general OpenCore log. For versions before 10.15.4 set bootercfg to log=1. This will print verbose output onscreen.\n• 7C436110-AB2A-4BBB-A880-FE41995C9F82:bootercfg-once\nBooter arguments override removed after first launch. Otherwise equivalent to bootercfg.\n• 7C436110-AB2A-4BBB-A880-FE41995C9F82:efiboot-perf-record\nEnable performance log saving in boot.efi. Performance log is saved to physical memory and is pointed by efiboot-perf-record-data and efiboot-perf-record-size variables. Starting from 10.15.4 it can also be saved to OpenCore log by AppleDebug option.\n• 7C436110-AB2A-4BBB-A880-FE41995C9F82:fmm-computer-name Current saved host name. ASCII string.\n• 7C436110-AB2A-4BBB-A880-FE41995C9F82:nvda_drv\nNVIDIA Web Driver control variable. Takes ASCII digit 1 or 0 to enable or disable installed driver.\n• 7C436110-AB2A-4BBB-A880-FE41995C9F82:run-efi-updater \nOverride EFI firmware updating support in macOS (MultiUpdater, ThorUtil, and so on). Setting this to No or alternative boolean-castable value will prevent any firmware updates in macOS starting with 10.10 at least.\n• 7C436110-AB2A-4BBB-A880-FE41995C9F82:StartupMute\nMute startup chime sound in firmware audio support. 8-bit integer. The value of 0x00 means unmuted. Missing variable or any other value means muted. This variable only affects Gibraltar machines (T2).\n• 7C436110-AB2A-4BBB-A880-FE41995C9F82:SystemAudioVolume\nSystem audio volume level for firmware audio support. 8-bit integer. The bit of 0x80 means muted. Lower bits are used to encode volume range specific to installed audio codec. The value is capped by MaximumBootBeepVolume AppleHDA layout value to avoid too loud audio playback in the firmware."; ObjectID = "tq7-BQ-JU5"; */
/* Class = "NSTableView"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Other Variables\nThe following variables may be useful for certain configurations or troubleshooting:\n• 7C436110-AB2A-4BBB-A880-FE41995C9F82:boot-args\nKernel arguments, used to pass configuration to Apple kernel and drivers. There are many arguments, which may be found by looking for the use of PE_parse_boot_argn function in the kernel or driver code. Some of the known boot arguments include:\n– acpi_layer=0xFFFFFFFF\n– acpi_level=0xFFFF5F (implies ACPI_ALL_COMPONENTS)\n– arch=i386 (force kernel architecture to i386, see KernelArch)\n– batman=VALUE (AppleSmartBatteryManager debug mask)\n– batman-nosmc=1 (disable AppleSmartBatteryManager SMC interface)\n– cpus=VALUE (maximum number of CPUs used)\n– debug=VALUE (debug mask)\n– io=VALUE (IOKit debug mask)\n– keepsyms=1 (show panic log debug symbols)\n– kextlog=VALUE (kernel extension loading debug mask)\n– nvram-log=1 (enables AppleEFINVRAM logs)\n– nv_disable=1 (disables NVIDIA GPU acceleration)\n– nvda_drv=1 (legacy way to enable NVIDIA web driver, removed in 10.12)\n– npci=0x2000 (legacy, disables kIOPCIConfiguratorPFM64)\n– lapic_dont_panic=1\n– slide=VALUE (manually set KASLR slide)\n– smcdebug=VALUE (AppleSMC debug mask)\n– -amd_no_dgpu_accel (alternative to WhateverGreen’s -radvesa for new GPUs)\n– -nehalem_error_disable\n– -no_compat_check (disable model checking on 10.7+)\n– -s (single mode)\n– -v (verbose mode)\n– -x (safe mode)\nThere are multiple external places summarising macOS argument lists: example 1, example 2.\n• 7C436110-AB2A-4BBB-A880-FE41995C9F82:bootercfg\nBooter arguments, similar to boot-args but for boot.efi. Accepts a set of arguments, which are hexadecimal 64-bit values with or without 0x. At different stages boot.efi will request different debugging (logging) modes (e.g. after ExitBootServices it will only print to serial). Several booter arguments control whether these requests\nwill succeed. The list of known requests is covered below: – 0x00 – INIT.\n– 0x01 – VERBOSE (e.g. -v, force console logging).\n– 0x02 – EXIT.\n– 0x03 – RESET:OK.\n– 0x04 – RESET:FAIL (e.g. unknown board-id, hibernate mismatch, panic loop, etc.). – 0x05 – RESET:RECOVERY.\n– 0x06 – RECOVERY.\n– 0x07 – REAN:START.\n– 0x08 – REAN:END.\n– 0x09 – DT (can no longer log to DeviceTree).\n– 0x0A – EXITBS:START (forced serial only).\n– 0x0B – EXITBS:END (forced serial only).\n– 0x0C – UNKNOWN.\nIn 10.15 debugging support was mostly broken before 10.15.4 due to some kind of refactoring and introduction of a new debug protocol. Some of the arguments and their values below may not be valid for versions prior to 10.15.4. The list of known arguments is covered below:\n– boot-save-log=VALUE — debug log save mode for normal boot.\n∗ 0\n∗ 1\n∗ 2 — (default).\n∗ 3\n∗ 4 — (save to file).\n– wake-save-log=VALUE — debug log save mode for hibernation wake.\n∗ 0 — disabled.\n∗ 1\n∗ 2 — (default).\n∗ 3 — (unavailable).\n∗ 4 — (save to file, unavailable).\n– breakpoint=VALUE — enables debug breaks (missing in production boot.efi).\n∗ 0 — disables debug breaks on errors (default).\n∗ 1 — enables debug breaks on errors.\n– console=VALUE — enables console logging.\n∗ 0 — disables console logging.\n∗ 1 — enables console logging when debug protocol is missing (default).\n∗ 2 — enables console logging unconditionally (unavailable).\n– embed-log-dt=VALUE — enables DeviceTree logging.\n∗ 0 — disables DeviceTree logging (default).\n∗ 1 — enables DeviceTree logging.\n– kc-read-size=VALUE — Chunk size used for buffered I/O from network or disk for prelinkedkernel reading and related. Set to 1MB (0x100000) by default, can be tuned for faster booting.\n– log-level=VALUE — log level bitmask.\n∗ 0x01 — enables trace logging (default).\n– serial=VALUE — enables serial logging.\n∗ 0 — disables serial logging (default).\n∗ 1 — enables serial logging for EXITBS:END onwards.\n∗ 2 — enables serial logging for EXITBS:START onwards.\n∗ 3 — enables serial logging when debug protocol is missing.\n∗ 4 — enables serial logging unconditionally.\n– timestamps=VALUE — enables timestamp logging.\n∗ 0 — disables timestamp logging.\n∗ 1 — enables timestamp logging (default).\n– log=VALUE — deprecated starting from 10.15.\n∗ 1 — AppleLoggingConOutOrErrSet/AppleLoggingConOutOrErrPrint (classical ConOut/StdErr)\n∗ 2 — AppleLoggingStdErrSet/AppleLoggingStdErrPrint (StdErr or serial?)\n∗ 4 — AppleLoggingFileSet/AppleLoggingFilePrint (BOOTER.LOG/BOOTER.OLD file on EFI partition) – debug=VALUE — deprecated starting from 10.15.\n∗ 1 — enables print something to BOOTER.LOG (stripped code implies there may be a crash)\n∗ 2 — enables perf logging to /efi/debug-log in the device three\n∗ 4 — enables timestamp printing for styled printf calls\n– level=VALUE — deprecated starting from 10.15. Verbosity level of DEBUG output. Everything but 0x80000000 is stripped from the binary, and this is the default value.\nNote: To see verbose output from boot.efi on modern macOS versions enable AppleDebug option. This will save the log to general OpenCore log. For versions before 10.15.4 set bootercfg to log=1. This will print verbose output onscreen.\n• 7C436110-AB2A-4BBB-A880-FE41995C9F82:bootercfg-once\nBooter arguments override removed after first launch. Otherwise equivalent to bootercfg.\n• 7C436110-AB2A-4BBB-A880-FE41995C9F82:efiboot-perf-record\nEnable performance log saving in boot.efi. Performance log is saved to physical memory and is pointed by efiboot-perf-record-data and efiboot-perf-record-size variables. Starting from 10.15.4 it can also be saved to OpenCore log by AppleDebug option.\n• 7C436110-AB2A-4BBB-A880-FE41995C9F82:fmm-computer-name Current saved host name. ASCII string.\n• 7C436110-AB2A-4BBB-A880-FE41995C9F82:nvda_drv\nNVIDIA Web Driver control variable. Takes ASCII digit 1 or 0 to enable or disable installed driver.\n• 7C436110-AB2A-4BBB-A880-FE41995C9F82:run-efi-updater \nOverride EFI firmware updating support in macOS (MultiUpdater, ThorUtil, and so on). Setting this to No or alternative boolean-castable value will prevent any firmware updates in macOS starting with 10.10 at least.\n• 7C436110-AB2A-4BBB-A880-FE41995C9F82:StartupMute\nMute startup chime sound in firmware audio support. 8-bit integer. The value of 0x00 means unmuted. Missing variable or any other value means muted. This variable only affects Gibraltar machines (T2).\n• 7C436110-AB2A-4BBB-A880-FE41995C9F82:SystemAudioVolume\nSystem audio volume level for firmware audio support. 8-bit integer. The bit of 0x80 means muted. Lower bits are used to encode volume range specific to installed audio codec. The value is capped by MaximumBootBeepVolume AppleHDA layout value to avoid too loud audio playback in the firmware."; ObjectID = "tq7-BQ-JU5"; */
"tq7-BQ-JU5.ibShadowedToolTip" = "以下变量可能对某些配置或故障排除很有用\n• 7C436110-AB2A-4BBB-A880-FE41995C9F82\n1、boot-args\n内核参数,用于将配置传递给Apple内核和驱动程序。有很多参数,一些已知的引导参数包括:\n–acpi_layer=0xFFFFFFFF\n–acpi_level=0xFFFF5F(表示ACPI_ALL_COMPONENTS)\n–batman = 值(AppleSmartBatteryManager调试掩码)\n–batman-nosmc=1(禁用AppleSmartBatteryManager SMC接口)\n–cpus=值(使用的最大CPU数量)\n–debug=值(调试掩码)\n–io=值(IOKit调试掩码)\n–keepsyms=1(显示紧急日志调试符号)\n–kextlog=值(内核扩展加载调试掩码)\n–nv_disable=1(禁用NVIDIA GPU加速)\n–nvda_drv=1(启用NVIDIA Web驱动程序的旧方法,已在10.12中删除)\n–npci=0x2000(旧方法,禁用kIOPCIConfiguratorPFM64)\n–lapic_dont_panic=1\n–slide=值(手动设置KASLR slide)\n–smcdebug=值(AppleSMC调试掩码)\n-amd_no_dgpu_accel(替代WhateverGreen的-radvesa用于新GPU)\n-nehalem_error_disable\n-no_compat_check(禁用机型检查)\n-s(单用户模式)\n-v(啰嗦模式)\n-x(安全模式)\n2、bootercfg\n引导程序参数,类似于boot-args,但包含boot.efi。接受一组参数,这些参数是带有或不带有0x前缀的十六进制64位值,主要用于日志记录控制:\nlog=值\n一般在启动时不输出任何日志,使用logo=0\ndebug=值\n一般在启动时不输出任何日志,使用debug=0\nlevel=值\n一般不使用任何日志,使用level=0。\n3、bootercfg-once\n首次启动后,引导程序参数将被覆盖。否则等效于bootercfg。\n4、fmm-computer-name\n当前保存的计算机名。\n5、nvda_drv\n启用NVIDIA Web Driver,只在10.13.x里使用。";
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