提交 6df204ae 编写于 作者: M mackie100

Added new Force properties in kernelController.strings, update some...

Added new Force properties in kernelController.strings, update some descriptions in miscand uefi controller

@btwise @droofy @socialskyo
上级 a0bf89aa
......@@ -11,6 +11,9 @@
/* Class = "NSTableColumn"; headerCell.title = "Comment"; ObjectID = "19Q-wm-aZQ"; */
"19Q-wm-aZQ.headerCell.title" = "注释";
/* Class = "NSTableColumn"; headerCell.title = "Identifier"; ObjectID = "4ac-sL-evA"; */
"4ac-sL-evA.headerCell.title" = "Identifier";
/* Class = "NSTableColumn"; headerCell.title = "ExecutablePath"; ObjectID = "5Zf-0g-20b"; */
"5Zf-0g-20b.headerCell.title" = "二进制文件路径";
......@@ -20,6 +23,9 @@
/* Class = "NSButton"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Type: plist boolean\nFailsafe: false\nRequirement: 10.8 (not required for older)\nDescription: Disables IOMapper support in XNU (VT-d), which may conflict with the firmware implementation.\nNote: This option is a preferred alternative to dropping DMAR ACPI table and disabling VT-d in firmware preferences, which does not break VT-d support in other systems in case they need it."; ObjectID = "6Aa-HL-hah"; */
"6Aa-HL-hah.ibShadowedToolTip" = "禁用vt-d,我们在BIOS里已经禁用vt-d了,这里我们选择NO就行了。";
/* Class = "NSTableColumn"; headerCell.title = "ExecutablePath"; ObjectID = "6KC-Ck-oJg"; */
"6KC-Ck-oJg.headerCell.title" = "ExecutablePath";
/* Class = "NSButton"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Type: plist boolean\nFailsafe: false\nRequirement: 10.15 (not required for older)\nDescription: Disables kernel panic on setPowerState timeout.\nAn additional security measure was added to macOS Catalina (10.15) causing kernel panic on power change timeout for Apple drivers. Sometimes it may cause issues on misconfigured hardware, notably digital audio, which sometimes fails to wake up. For debug kernels setpowerstate_panic=0 boot argument should be used, which is otherwise equivalent to this quirk."; ObjectID = "6Mq-wE-cHt"; */
"6Mq-wE-cHt.ibShadowedToolTip" = "修复 macOS Catalina 中由于设备电源状态变化超时而导致的内核崩溃。\n当你遇到睡眠不能唤醒,只有重启后才能睡眠唤醒,请试试选择YES。";
......@@ -62,6 +68,9 @@
/* Class = "NSTabViewItem"; label = "Patch"; ObjectID = "9tr-6R-vGd"; */
"9tr-6R-vGd.label" = "补丁";
/* Class = "NSTabViewItem"; label = "Force"; ObjectID = "Dip-Qx-lAB"; */
"Dip-Qx-lAB.label" = "Force";
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "KernelArch"; ObjectID = "Edd-Fj-thV"; */
"Edd-Fj-thV.title" = "内核架构";
......@@ -98,6 +107,12 @@
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "PowerTimeoutKernelPanic"; ObjectID = "LI0-Hi-oQo"; */
"LI0-Hi-oQo.title" = "PowerTimeoutKernelPanic";
/* Class = "NSTableColumn"; headerCell.title = "Arch"; ObjectID = "N6C-NB-CMk"; */
"N6C-NB-CMk.headerCell.title" = "Arch";
/* Class = "NSTableColumn"; headerCell.title = "Comment"; ObjectID = "Ntg-7A-K1a"; */
"Ntg-7A-K1a.headerCell.title" = "Comment";
/* Class = "NSTableColumn"; headerCell.title = "BundlePath*"; ObjectID = "Oe6-LD-h7w"; */
"Oe6-LD-h7w.headerCell.title" = "捆绑路径 *";
......@@ -119,6 +134,9 @@
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "ExternalDiskIcons"; ObjectID = "SHQ-fm-Uec"; */
"SHQ-fm-Uec.title" = "ExternalDiskIcons";
/* Class = "NSTableColumn"; headerCell.title = "Enabled"; ObjectID = "TcN-ku-fY2"; */
"TcN-ku-fY2.headerCell.title" = "Enabled";
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "Multiple selection allowed"; ObjectID = "VgW-t5-zY9"; */
"VgW-t5-zY9.title" = "可以多项选择(也可以直接拖拽kext驱动包到表格里)";
......@@ -134,6 +152,9 @@
/* Class = "NSTableColumn"; headerCell.title = "Skip"; ObjectID = "aAH-qz-ikl"; */
"aAH-qz-ikl.headerCell.title" = "跳过次数后开始替换";
/* Class = "NSTableColumn"; headerCell.title = "MaxKernel"; ObjectID = "aHq-mU-IMD"; */
"aHq-mU-IMD.headerCell.title" = "MaxKernel";
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "Cpuid1Data"; ObjectID = "aVm-Of-4z9"; */
"aVm-Of-4z9.title" = "Cpuid1Data";
......@@ -152,6 +173,12 @@
/* Class = "NSTableColumn"; headerCell.title = "Base"; ObjectID = "djM-Oe-omR"; */
"djM-Oe-omR.headerCell.title" = "基本";
/* Class = "NSTableColumn"; headerCell.title = "BundlePath*"; ObjectID = "eFP-6O-woi"; */
"eFP-6O-woi.headerCell.title" = "BundlePath*";
/* Class = "NSTableColumn"; headerCell.title = "PlistPath"; ObjectID = "ek6-EY-0uZ"; */
"ek6-EY-0uZ.headerCell.title" = "PlistPath";
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "Loading Resources"; ObjectID = "ewU-gZ-tet"; */
"ewU-gZ-tet.title" = "正在加载资源";
......@@ -161,6 +188,9 @@
/* Class = "NSTableColumn"; headerCell.title = "Arch"; ObjectID = "fUC-fp-4l5"; */
"fUC-fp-4l5.headerCell.title" = "架构";
/* Class = "NSTableColumn"; headerCell.title = "MinKernel"; ObjectID = "fZ7-RW-fxf"; */
"fZ7-RW-fxf.headerCell.title" = "MinKernel";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "CustomSMBIOSGuid"; ObjectID = "faf-ix-5sI"; */
"faf-ix-5sI.title" = "CustomSMBIOSGuid";
......@@ -197,12 +227,18 @@
/* Class = "NSTabViewItem"; label = "Add"; ObjectID = "mWg-wh-eGt"; */
"mWg-wh-eGt.label" = "添加";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "Browse"; ObjectID = "mup-PJ-Q4D"; */
"mup-PJ-Q4D.title" = "Browse";
/* Class = "NSButton"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Type: plist boolean\nFailsafe: false\nRequirement: 10.6 (64-bit)\nDescription: Disables kernel panic on LAPIC interrupts."; ObjectID = "nsg-T6-DJT"; */
"nsg-T6-DJT.ibShadowedToolTip" = "禁用由 AP 核心 lapic 中断造成的内核崩溃, 通常用于「惠普电脑」 (等同于 Clover 的 Kernel LAPIC),无此问题选择NO。";
/* Class = "NSTableColumn"; headerCell.title = "Limit"; ObjectID = "nyt-5D-3es"; */
"nyt-5D-3es.headerCell.title" = "限制";
/* Class = "NSTableView"; ibShadowedToolTip = "1. Arch\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Any\nDescription: Kext architecture (Any, i386, x86_64). \n2. BundlePath\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Empty string\nDescription: Kext bundle path (e.g. System\\Library \\Extensions \\IONetworkingFamily.kext).\n3. Comment\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Empty string\nDescription: Arbitrary ASCII string used to provide human readable reference for the entry. It is implementation defined whether this value is used.\n4. Enabled\nType: plist boolean\nFailsafe: false\nDescription: This kernel driver will not be added when not present unless set to true.\n5. ExecutablePath\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Empty string\nDescription: Kext executable path relative to bundle (e.g. Contents/MacOS/IONetworkingFamily).\n6. Identifier\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Empty string\nDescription: Kext identifier to perform presence checking before adding (e.g. com.apple.iokit.IONetworkingFamily).\nOnly drivers which identifiers are not be found in the cache will be added.\n7. MaxKernel\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Empty string\nDescription: Adds kernel driver on specified macOS version or older.\nNote: Refer to Add Add MaxKernel description for matching logic.\n8. MinKernel\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Empty string\nDescription: Adds kernel driver on specified macOS version or newer.\nNote: Refer to Add Add MaxKernel description for matching logic.\n9. PlistPath\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Empty string\nDescription: Kext Info.plist path relative to bundle (e.g. Contents/Info.plist)."; ObjectID = "p2g-8y-f45"; */
"p2g-8y-f45.ibShadowedToolTip" = "1. Arch\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Any\nDescription: Kext architecture (Any, i386, x86_64). \n2. BundlePath\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Empty string\nDescription: Kext bundle path (e.g. System\\Library \\Extensions \\IONetworkingFamily.kext).\n3. Comment\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Empty string\nDescription: Arbitrary ASCII string used to provide human readable reference for the entry. It is implementation defined whether this value is used.\n4. Enabled\nType: plist boolean\nFailsafe: false\nDescription: This kernel driver will not be added when not present unless set to true.\n5. ExecutablePath\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Empty string\nDescription: Kext executable path relative to bundle (e.g. Contents/MacOS/IONetworkingFamily).\n6. Identifier\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Empty string\nDescription: Kext identifier to perform presence checking before adding (e.g. com.apple.iokit.IONetworkingFamily).\nOnly drivers which identifiers are not be found in the cache will be added.\n7. MaxKernel\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Empty string\nDescription: Adds kernel driver on specified macOS version or older.\nNote: Refer to Add Add MaxKernel description for matching logic.\n8. MinKernel\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Empty string\nDescription: Adds kernel driver on specified macOS version or newer.\nNote: Refer to Add Add MaxKernel description for matching logic.\n9. PlistPath\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Empty string\nDescription: Kext Info.plist path relative to bundle (e.g. Contents/Info.plist).";
/* Class = "NSTableView"; ibShadowedToolTip = "1. Arch\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Any\nDescription: Kext architecture (Any, i386, x86_64).\n2. BundlePath\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Empty string\nDescription: Kext bundle path (e.g. Lilu.kext or MyKext.kext/Contents/PlugIns/MySubKext.kext).\n3. Comment\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Empty string\nDescription: Arbitrary ASCII string used to provide human readable reference for the entry. It is implementation defined whether this value is used.\n4. Enabled\nType: plist boolean\nFailsafe: false\nDescription: This kernel driver will not be added unless set to true.\n5. ExecutablePath\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Empty string\nDescription: Kext executable path relative to bundle (e.g. Contents/MacOS/Lilu).\n6. MaxKernel\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Empty string\nDescription: Adds kernel driver on specified macOS version or older.\nKernel version can be obtained with uname -r command, and should look like 3 numbers separated by dots, for example 18.7.0 is the kernel version for 10.14.6.\n7. MinKernel\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Empty string\nDescription: Adds kernel driver on specified macOS version or newer.\n\nNote: Refer to Add MaxKernel description for matching logic.\n8. PlistPath\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Empty string\nDescription: Kext Info.plist path relative to bundle (e.g. Contents/Info.plist)."; ObjectID = "pIA-W6-XA0"; */
"pIA-W6-XA0.ibShadowedToolTip" = "这里加载kexts的驱动文件。\n需要注意的是OC的kexts填写必须注意顺序,比如applealc的依赖是lilu,那么lilu必须填在第一个;SMCProcessor.kext依赖于Virtualsmc.kext。那virtualsmc必须放在SMCProcessor.kext之前。\n可以使用右键菜单中的导入预设驱动或编辑好的驱动顺序列表,提前导入驱动列表注意对应驱动文件必须要存在!";
......@@ -221,6 +257,9 @@
/* Class = "NSButton"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Type: plist boolean\nFailsafe: false\nRequirement: 10.8 (not required for older)\nDescription: Disables multiple MSR access critical for select CPUs, which have no native XCPM support.\nThis is normally used in conjunction with Emulate section on Haswell-E, Broadwell-E, Skylake-SP, and similar CPUs.\nNote: Additional not provided patches will be required for Ivy Bridge or Pentium CPUs. It is recommended to use AppleIntelCpuPowerManagement.kext for the former."; ObjectID = "v6y-N9-uHT"; */
"v6y-N9-uHT.ibShadowedToolTip" = "主要在没有原生电源管理的CPU上启用,一般是Haswell-E, Broadwell-E, Skylake-X这三种CPU需要填写YES。除此之外的CPU选择NO。";
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "Multiple selection allowed"; ObjectID = "vgG-WU-Sc2"; */
"vgG-WU-Sc2.title" = "Multiple selection allowed";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "ThirdPartyDrives"; ObjectID = "w0k-rY-QSy"; */
"w0k-rY-QSy.title" = "ThirdPartyDrives";
......@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
/* Class = "NSButton"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Type: plist boolean\nFailsafe: false\nDescription: Enable VirtualSMC-compatible authenticated restart.\nAuthenticated restart is a way to reboot FileVault 2 enabled macOS without entering the password. To perform authenticated restart one can use a dedicated terminal command: sudo fdesetup authrestart. It is also used when installing operating system updates.\nVirtualSMC performs authenticated restart by saving disk encryption key split in NVRAM and RTC, which despite being removed as soon as OpenCore starts, may be considered a security risk and thus is optional."; ObjectID = "0sy-D3-AKk"; */
"0sy-D3-AKk.ibShadowedToolTip" = "允许重启 FileVault2 分区时不用再次输密码, 有安全风险。\n与磁盘加密启动相关,一般选NO";
/* Class = "NSTextField"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Type: plist integer, 64 bit \nFailsafe: 0\nDescription: Apple Enclave Identifier.\nSetting this value to any (random) non-zero 64-bit integer will allow using personalised Apple Secure Boot identifiers. This value set and SecureBootModel valid and not Disabled is equivalent to to ahieve Full Security of Apple Secure Boot.\n\nNote: You will have to reinstall the operating system or use the recovery after setting this value to non-zero."; ObjectID = "0yA-ct-dgi"; */
/* Class = "NSTextField"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Type: plist integer, 64 bit\nFailsafe: 0\nDescription: Apple Enclave Identifier.\nSetting this value to any non-zero 64-bit integer will allow using personalised Apple Secure Boot identifiers. If you want to use this setting, make sure to generate a random 64-bit number with a cryptographically secure random number generator. With this value set and SecureBootModel valid and not Disabled it is possible to achieve Full Security of Apple Secure Boot.\n\nNote 1: You will have to reinstall the operating system or use macOS DMG recovery to bless –personalize your installation after setting this value to non-zero. Installing the operating system with ApECID value set to non-zero is only possible through macOS recovery or personalized builds created with asr.\n\nNote 2: Currently the use of this option is unrealiable (apparently to a bug in macOS installer), and thus its use is not recommended."; ObjectID = "0yA-ct-dgi"; */
"0yA-ct-dgi.ibShadowedToolTip" = "Apple Enclave标识符。\n将此值设置为任何(随机)非零的64位整数将允许使用个性化的Apple Secure Boot标识符。设置此值且SecureBootModel有效且未禁用的情况等效于实现Apple Secure Boot的完全安全性。\n\n注意:将值设置为非零后,您将必须重新安装操作系统或使用恢复。";
/* Class = "NSTableColumn"; headerCell.title = "Comment"; ObjectID = "1NZ-HO-WUF"; */
......@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "Unselect All"; ObjectID = "KRE-fs-cVq"; */
"KRE-fs-cVq.title" = "取消全选";
/* Class = "NSPopUpButton"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Type: plist string\nFailsafe: Signed\nDescription: Attempt to provide bootloader persistence.\n\nValid values:\n• Disabled — loading DMG images will fail.\n• Signed — only Apple-signed DMG images will load.\n• Any — any DMG images will mount as normal filesystems."; ObjectID = "KUQ-Na-LT4"; */
/* Class = "NSPopUpButton"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Type: plist string\nFailsafe: Signed\nDescription: Define Disk Image (DMG) loading policy used for macOS Recovery.\n\nValid values:\n• Disabled — loading DMG images will fail. Disabled policy will still let macOS Recovery to load in most cases as there usually are boot.efi files compatible with Apple Secure Boot. Manually images stored in com.apple.recovery.boot directories will not load, however.\n• Signed — only Apple-signed DMG images will load. Due to Apple Secure Boot design Signed policy will let any Apple-signed macOS Recovery to load regardless of Apple Secure Boot state, which may not always be desired.\n• Any — any DMG images will mount as normal filesystems. Any policy is strongly not recommended and will cause a boot failure when Apple Secure Boot is activated."; ObjectID = "KUQ-Na-LT4"; */
"KUQ-Na-LT4.ibShadowedToolTip" = "尝试提供引导加载程序的持久性。\n\n有效值s:\n• Disabled — 加载DMG映像将失败。\n• Signed — 仅Apple签署的DMG映像会加载。\n• Any — 任何DMG映像都将作为普通文件系统挂载。";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "Provides custom rendered titles for boot entries"; ObjectID = "L3h-6q-xRi"; */
......@@ -272,7 +272,7 @@
/* Class = "NSTableColumn"; headerCell.title = "Path*"; ObjectID = "jPS-Bu-Ar4"; */
"jPS-Bu-Ar4.headerCell.title" = "路径*";
/* Class = "NSPopUpButton"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Type: plist string \nFailsafe: Default\nDescription: Apple Secure Boot hardware model.\nDefines Apple Secure Boot hardware model and policy. Specifying this value defines which operating systems will be bootable. Operating systems shipped before the specified model was released will not boot. Valid values:\n\n• Default — Recent available model, currently set to j215.\n• Disabled — No model, Secure Boot will be disabled.\n• j137 — iMacPro1,1 (December 2017)\n• j680 — MacBookPro15,1 (July 2018)\n• j132 — MacBookPro15,2 (July 2018)\n• j174 — Macmini8,1 (October 2018)\n• j140k — MacBookAir8,1 (October 2018)\n• j780 — MacBookPro15,3 (May 2019)\n• j213 — MacBookPro15,4 (July 2019)\n• j140a — MacBookAir8,2 (July 2019)\n• j152f — MacBookPro16,1 (November 2019)\n• j160 — MacPro7,1 (December 2019)\n• j230k — MacBookAir9,1 (March 2020)\n• j214k — MacBookPro16,2 (May 2020)\n• j223 — MacBookPro16,3 (May 2020)\n• j215 — MacBookPro16,4 (June 2020)\n• j185 — iMac20,1 (August 2020)\n• j185f — iMac20,2 (August 2020)\n\nPlatformInfo and SecureBootModel are independent, allowing to enabling Apple Secure Boot with any SMBIOS.\nSetting SecureBootModel to any valid value but Disabled is equivalent to Medium Security of Apple Secure Boot. To achieve Full Security one will need to also specify ApECID value.\n\nNote: Default value will increase with time to support the latest major release operating system. It is not recommended to use ApECID and Default value together."; ObjectID = "l6D-xS-M37"; */
/* Class = "NSPopUpButton"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Type: plist string \nFailsafe: Default\nDescription: Apple Secure Boot hardware model.\nSets Apple Secure Boot hardware model and policy. Specifying this value defines which operating systems will be bootable. Operating systems shipped before the specified model was released will not boot. Valid values:\n\n• Default — Recent available model, currently set to j137.\n• Disabled — No model, Secure Boot will be disabled.\n• j137 — iMacPro1,1 (December 2017) minimum macOS 10.13.2 (17C2111)\n• j680 — MacBookPro15,1 (July 2018) minimum macOS 10.13.6 (17G2112)\n• j132 — MacBookPro15,2 (July 2018) minimum macOS 10.13.6 (17G2112)\n• j174 — Macmini8,1 (October 2018) minimum macOS 10.14 (18A2063)\n• j140k — MacBookAir8,1 (October 2018) minimum macOS 10.14.1 (18B2084)\n• j780 — MacBookPro15,3 (May 2019) minimum macOS 10.14.5 (18F132)\n• j213 — MacBookPro15,4 (July 2019) minimum macOS 10.14.5 (18F2058)\n• j140a — MacBookAir8,2 (July 2019) minimum macOS 10.14.5 (18F2058)\n• j152f — MacBookPro16,1 (November 2019) minimum macOS 10.15.1 (19B2093)\n• j160 — MacPro7,1 (December 2019) minimum macOS 10.15.1 (19B88)\n• j230k — MacBookAir9,1 (March 2020) minimum macOS 10.15.3 (19D2064)\n• j214k — MacBookPro16,2 (May 2020) minimum macOS 10.15.4 (19E2269)\n• j223 — MacBookPro16,3 (May 2020) minimum macOS 10.15.4 (19E2265)\n• j215 — MacBookPro16,4 (June 2020) minimum macOS 10.15.5 (19F96)\n• j185 — iMac20,1 (August 2020) minimum macOS 10.15.6 (19G2005)\n• j185f — iMac20,2 (August 2020) minimum macOS 10.15.6 (19G2005)\n\nPlatformInfo and SecureBootModel are independent, allowing to enabling Apple Secure Boot with any SMBIOS.\nSetting SecureBootModel to any valid value but Disabled is equivalent to Medium Security of Apple Secure Boot. To achieve Full Security one will need to also specify ApECID value.\n\nEnabling Apple Secure Boot is more demanding to incorrect configurations, buggy macOS installations, and unsupported setups. Things to keep in mind:\n(a) Just like on T2 Macs you will not be able to install any unsigned kernel drivers and several signed kernel drivers including NVIDIA Web Drivers.\n(b) The list of cached drivers may be different, resulting in the need to change the list of Added or Forced kernel drivers. For example, IO80211Family cannot be injected in this case.\n(c) If your platform requires certain settings, but they were not enabled, because the obvious issues did not trigger before, you may get boot failure. Be extra careful with IgnoreInvalidFlexRatio or HashServices.\n(d) Operating systems released before Apple Secure Boot landed (e.g. macOS 10.12 or earlier) will still boot until UEFI Secure Boot is enabled. This is so, because from Apple Secure Boot point they are treated as incompatible and are assumed to be handled by the firmware just like Microsoft Windows is.\n(e) On older CPUs (e.g. before Sandy Bridge) enabling Apple Secure Boot might cause slightly slower loading section.\n(f) Since Default value will increase with time to support the latest major release operating system, it is not recommended to use ApECID and Default value together."; ObjectID = "l6D-xS-M37"; */
"l6D-xS-M37.ibShadowedToolTip" = "Apple安全启动硬件模型。\n定义Apple安全启动硬件模型和策略。 指定此值将定义可引导的操作系统。 在指定型号发布之前出厂的操作系统将无法启动。有效值:\n\n• Default — 最近可用的模型,当前设置为j215。\n• Disabled — 没有型号,安全启动将被禁用。\n• j137 — iMacPro1,1 (2017年12月)\n• j680 — MacBookPro15,1 (2018年七月)\n• j132 — MacBookPro15,2 (2018年七月)\n• j174 — Macmini8,1 (2018年十月)\n• j140k — MacBookAir8,1 (2018年十月)\n• j780 — MacBookPro15,3 (2019年五月)\n• j213 — MacBookPro15,4 (2019年七月)\n• j140a — MacBookAir8,2 (2019年七月)\n• j152f — MacBookPro16,1 (2019年十一月)\n• j160 — MacPro7,1 (2019年十二月)\n• j230k — MacBookAir9,1 (2020年3月)\n• j214k — MacBookPro16,2 (2020年5月)\n• j223 — MacBookPro16,3 (2020年5月)\n• j215 — MacBookPro16,4 (2020年6月)\n• j185 — iMac20,1 (August 2020)\n• j185f — iMac20,2 (2020年8月)\n\nPlatformInfo和SecureBootModel是独立的,从而可以通过任何SMBIOS启用Apple Secure Boot。\n将SecureBootModel设置为任何有效值但Disabled等效于Apple Secure Boot的\"中级安全性\"。 要获得完全安全性,还需要指定ApECID值。\n\n注意: 默认值会随着时间的增加而增加,以支持最新的主发行版操作系统。 不建议同时使用ApECID和默认值。";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "SkipCustomEntryCheck"; ObjectID = "mB0-8o-rL6"; */
......@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@
/* Class = "NSButton"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Type: plist boolean\nFailsafe: false\nDescription: Reinstalls Apple Image Conversion protocol with a builtin version."; ObjectID = "ILy-av-YYi"; */
"ILy-av-YYi.ibShadowedToolTip" = "重建apple图标,一般选择NO。";
/* Class = "NSTabViewItem"; label = "Protocols"; ObjectID = "Ife-ug-MJ5"; */
/* Class = "NSTabViewItem"; label = "ProtocolOverrides"; ObjectID = "Ife-ug-MJ5"; */
"Ife-ug-MJ5.label" = "协议覆盖";
/* Class = "NSButton"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Type: plist boolean\nFailsafe: false\nDescription: Reinstalls Apple Debug Log protocol with a builtin version."; ObjectID = "JLv-Tn-pJQ"; */
......@@ -323,7 +323,7 @@
/* Class = "NSComboBox"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Type: plist string \nFailsafe: Empty string \nDescription: Sets console output mode as specified with the WxH (e.g. 80x24) formatted string.\nSet to empty string not to change console mode. Set to Max to try to use largest available console mode. Currently Builtin text renderer supports only one console mode, so this option is ignored.\n\nNote: This field is best to be left empty on most firmwares."; ObjectID = "lye-vu-fi3"; Note = "Do Not Translate"; */
"lye-vu-fi3.ibShadowedToolTip" = "设置为空字符串不更改控制台模式.设置为Max以尝试使用最大可用控制台模式.\n大多数情况下都选择留空!";
/* Class = "NSPopUpButton"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Type: plist string\nFailsafe: BuiltinGraphics\nDescription: Chooses renderer for text going through standard console output.\nCurrently two renderers are supported: Builtin and System. System renderer uses firmware services for text rendering. Builtin bypassing firmware services and performs text rendering on its own. Different renderers support a different set of options. It is recommended to use Builtin renderer, as it supports HiDPI mode and uses full screen resolution.\nUEFI firmwares generally support ConsoleControl with two rendering modes: Graphics and Text. Some firmwares do not support ConsoleControl and rendering modes. OpenCore and macOS expect text to only be shown in Graphics mode and graphics to be drawn in any mode. Since this is not required by UEFI specification, exact behaviour varies.\nValid values are combinations of text renderer and rendering mode:\n• BuiltinGraphics — Switch to Graphics mode and use Builtin renderer with custom ConsoleControl.\n• SystemGraphics — Switch to Graphics mode and use System renderer with custom ConsoleControl.\n• SystemText — Switch to Text mode and use System renderer with custom ConsoleControl.\n• SystemGeneric — Use System renderer with system ConsoleControl assuming it behaves correctly.\nThe use of BuiltinGraphics is generally straightforward. For most platforms it is necessary to enable ProvideConsoleGop, set Resolution to Max, and optionally configure Scale.\nThe use of System protocols is more complicated. In general the preferred setting is SystemGraphics or SystemText. Enabling ProvideConsoleGop, setting Resolution to Max, enabling ReplaceTabWithSpace is useful on almost all platforms. SanitiseClearScreen, IgnoreTextInGraphics, and ClearScreenOnModeSwitch are more specific, and their use depends on the firmware.\n\nNote: Some Macs, namely MacPro5,1, may have broken console output with newer GPUs, and thus only BuiltinGraphics may work for them."; ObjectID = "mlh-hW-OqT"; */
/* Class = "NSPopUpButton"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Type: plist string\nFailsafe: BuiltinGraphics\nDescription: Chooses renderer for text going through standard console output.\nCurrently two renderers are supported: Builtin and System. System renderer uses firmware services for text rendering. Builtin bypassing firmware services and performs text rendering on its own. Different renderers support a different set of options. It is recommended to use Builtin renderer, as it supports HiDPI mode and uses full screen resolution.\nUEFI firmwares generally support ConsoleControl with two rendering modes: Graphics and Text. Some firmwares do not support ConsoleControl and rendering modes. OpenCore and macOS expect text to only be shown in Graphics mode and graphics to be drawn in any mode. Since this is not required by UEFI specification, exact behaviour varies.\nValid values are combinations of text renderer and rendering mode:\n• BuiltinGraphics — Switch to Graphics mode and use Builtin renderer with custom ConsoleControl.\n• BuiltinText — Switch to Text mode and use Builtin renderer with custom ConsoleControl.\n• SystemGraphics — Switch to Graphics mode and use System renderer with custom ConsoleControl.\n• SystemText — Switch to Text mode and use System renderer with custom ConsoleControl.\n• SystemGeneric — Use System renderer with system ConsoleControl assuming it behaves correctly.\n\nThe use of BuiltinGraphics is generally straightforward. For most platforms it is necessary to enable ProvideConsoleGop, set Resolution to Max. BuiltinText variant is an alternative BuiltinGraphics for some very old and buggy laptop firmwares, which can only draw in Text mode.\n\nThe use of System protocols is more complicated. In general the preferred setting is SystemGraphics or SystemText. Enabling ProvideConsoleGop, setting Resolution to Max, enabling ReplaceTabWithSpace is useful on almost all platforms. SanitiseClearScreen, IgnoreTextInGraphics, and ClearScreenOnModeSwitch are more specific, and their use depends on the firmware.\n\nNote: Some Macs, namely MacPro5,1, may have broken console output with newer GPUs, and thus only BuiltinGraphics may work for them."; ObjectID = "mlh-hW-OqT"; */
"mlh-hW-OqT.ibShadowedToolTip" = "为通过标准控制台输出的文本选择渲染器。\n目前支持两个渲染器: Builtin 和 System. System渲染器使用主板固件自带文字渲染进行文本渲染。 Builtin则绕过固件服务,使用 OpenCore 内置文字渲染执行文本渲染。 不同的渲染器支持不同的选项集。建议使用内置渲染器,因为它支持HiDPI模式并使用全屏分辨率。\n选项内容是文本渲染器和渲染模式的组合:\n• BuiltinGraphics — 使用 OpenCore 内置文字渲染的图形模式, 并同时启用 OpenCore 自带的控制台管理, 支持 HIDPI 和全屏范围显示, 通常效果胜于下面的选项。\n• SystemGraphics — 使用主板固件自带文字渲染的图形模式, 并同时启用 OpenCore 自带的控制台管理。\n• SystemText — 使用主板固件自带文字渲染的文字模式, 并同时启用 OpenCore 自带的控制台管理。\n• SystemGeneric — 使用主板固件自带文字渲染的文字模式和自带的控制台管理。\nBuiltinGraphics的使用通常很简单。对于大多数平台,必须启用ProvideConsoleGop,将分辨率选项设置为Max,并选择配置Scale。\n系统协议的使用更加复杂。通常,首选设置是SystemGraphics或SystemText。启用ProvideConsoleGop,将“分辨率”设置为“最大”,启用“ReplaceTabWithSpace”在几乎所有平台上都很有用。 SanitiseClearScreen,IgnoreTextInGraphics和ClearScreenOnModeSwitch更具体,它们的使用取决于固件。\n\n注意:某些Mac机型,比如MacPro5,1,可能在较新的GPU上的控制台输出已损坏,因此只有BuiltinGraphics可以为它们工作。";
/* Class = "NSTableColumn"; headerCell.title = "Enabled"; ObjectID = "n2P-We-NTM"; */
......@@ -341,7 +341,7 @@
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "AudioSupport"; ObjectID = "oT1-Q2-rhc"; */
"oT1-Q2-rhc.title" = "AudioSupport";
/* Class = "NSButton"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Type: plist boolean\nFailsafe: false\nDescription: Some firmwares clear only part of screen when switching from graphics to text mode, leaving a fragment of previously drawn image visible. This option fills the entire graphics screen with black color before switching to text mode.\n\nNote: This option only applies to System renderer."; ObjectID = "qMh-AF-g0P"; */
/* Class = "NSButton"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Type: plist boolean\nFailsafe: false\nDescription: Some firmwares clear only part of screen when switching from graphics to text mode, leaving a fragment of previously drawn image visible. This option fills the entire graphics screen with black colour before switching to text mode.\n\nNote: This option only applies to System renderer."; ObjectID = "qMh-AF-g0P"; */
"qMh-AF-g0P.ibShadowedToolTip" = "图形模式切换到文本模式时,某些固件仅清除屏幕的一部分,使先前绘制的图像片段可见。 此选项在切换到文本模式之前用黑色填充整个图形屏幕。\n注意:此选项仅适用于系统渲染器才能起作用。";
/* Class = "NSButton"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Type: plist boolean\nFailsafe: false \nDescription: Reinstalls Apple RTC RAM protocol with builtin version.\n\nNote: Builtin version of Apple RTC RAM protocol may filter out I/O attempts to select RTC memory addresses. \nThe list of addresses can be specified in 4D1FDA02-38C7-4A6A-9CC6-4BCCA8B30102:rtc-blacklist variable as a data array."; ObjectID = "r1b-ma-oOs"; */
......@@ -11,6 +11,9 @@
/* Class = "NSTableColumn"; headerCell.title = "Comment"; ObjectID = "19Q-wm-aZQ"; */
"19Q-wm-aZQ.headerCell.title" = "Comment";
/* Class = "NSTableColumn"; headerCell.title = "Identifier"; ObjectID = "4ac-sL-evA"; */
"4ac-sL-evA.headerCell.title" = "Identifier";
/* Class = "NSTableColumn"; headerCell.title = "ExecutablePath"; ObjectID = "5Zf-0g-20b"; */
"5Zf-0g-20b.headerCell.title" = "ExecutablePath";
......@@ -20,6 +23,9 @@
/* Class = "NSButton"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Type: plist boolean\nFailsafe: false\nRequirement: 10.8 (not required for older)\nDescription: Disables IOMapper support in XNU (VT-d), which may conflict with the firmware implementation.\nNote: This option is a preferred alternative to dropping DMAR ACPI table and disabling VT-d in firmware preferences, which does not break VT-d support in other systems in case they need it."; ObjectID = "6Aa-HL-hah"; */
"6Aa-HL-hah.ibShadowedToolTip" = "Type: plist boolean\nFailsafe: false\nRequirement: 10.8 (not required for older)\nDescription: Disables IOMapper support in XNU (VT-d), which may conflict with the firmware implementation.\nNote: This option is a preferred alternative to dropping DMAR ACPI table and disabling VT-d in firmware preferences, which does not break VT-d support in other systems in case they need it.";
/* Class = "NSTableColumn"; headerCell.title = "ExecutablePath"; ObjectID = "6KC-Ck-oJg"; */
"6KC-Ck-oJg.headerCell.title" = "ExecutablePath";
/* Class = "NSButton"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Type: plist boolean\nFailsafe: false\nRequirement: 10.15 (not required for older)\nDescription: Disables kernel panic on setPowerState timeout.\nAn additional security measure was added to macOS Catalina (10.15) causing kernel panic on power change timeout for Apple drivers. Sometimes it may cause issues on misconfigured hardware, notably digital audio, which sometimes fails to wake up. For debug kernels setpowerstate_panic=0 boot argument should be used, which is otherwise equivalent to this quirk."; ObjectID = "6Mq-wE-cHt"; */
"6Mq-wE-cHt.ibShadowedToolTip" = "Type: plist boolean\nFailsafe: false\nRequirement: 10.15 (not required for older)\nDescription: Disables kernel panic on setPowerState timeout.\nAn additional security measure was added to macOS Catalina (10.15) causing kernel panic on power change timeout for Apple drivers. Sometimes it may cause issues on misconfigured hardware, notably digital audio, which sometimes fails to wake up. For debug kernels setpowerstate_panic=0 boot argument should be used, which is otherwise equivalent to this quirk.";
......@@ -62,6 +68,9 @@
/* Class = "NSTabViewItem"; label = "Patch"; ObjectID = "9tr-6R-vGd"; */
"9tr-6R-vGd.label" = "Patch";
/* Class = "NSTabViewItem"; label = "Force"; ObjectID = "Dip-Qx-lAB"; */
"Dip-Qx-lAB.label" = "Force";
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "KernelArch"; ObjectID = "Edd-Fj-thV"; */
"Edd-Fj-thV.title" = "KernelArch";
......@@ -98,6 +107,12 @@
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "PowerTimeoutKernelPanic"; ObjectID = "LI0-Hi-oQo"; */
"LI0-Hi-oQo.title" = "PowerTimeoutKernelPanic";
/* Class = "NSTableColumn"; headerCell.title = "Arch"; ObjectID = "N6C-NB-CMk"; */
"N6C-NB-CMk.headerCell.title" = "Arch";
/* Class = "NSTableColumn"; headerCell.title = "Comment"; ObjectID = "Ntg-7A-K1a"; */
"Ntg-7A-K1a.headerCell.title" = "Comment";
/* Class = "NSTableColumn"; headerCell.title = "BundlePath*"; ObjectID = "Oe6-LD-h7w"; */
"Oe6-LD-h7w.headerCell.title" = "BundlePath*";
......@@ -119,6 +134,9 @@
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "ExternalDiskIcons"; ObjectID = "SHQ-fm-Uec"; */
"SHQ-fm-Uec.title" = "ExternalDiskIcons";
/* Class = "NSTableColumn"; headerCell.title = "Enabled"; ObjectID = "TcN-ku-fY2"; */
"TcN-ku-fY2.headerCell.title" = "Enabled";
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "Multiple selection allowed"; ObjectID = "VgW-t5-zY9"; */
"VgW-t5-zY9.title" = "Multiple selection allowed";
......@@ -134,6 +152,9 @@
/* Class = "NSTableColumn"; headerCell.title = "Skip"; ObjectID = "aAH-qz-ikl"; */
"aAH-qz-ikl.headerCell.title" = "Skip";
/* Class = "NSTableColumn"; headerCell.title = "MaxKernel"; ObjectID = "aHq-mU-IMD"; */
"aHq-mU-IMD.headerCell.title" = "MaxKernel";
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "Cpuid1Data"; ObjectID = "aVm-Of-4z9"; */
"aVm-Of-4z9.title" = "Cpuid1Data";
......@@ -152,6 +173,12 @@
/* Class = "NSTableColumn"; headerCell.title = "Base"; ObjectID = "djM-Oe-omR"; */
"djM-Oe-omR.headerCell.title" = "Base";
/* Class = "NSTableColumn"; headerCell.title = "BundlePath*"; ObjectID = "eFP-6O-woi"; */
"eFP-6O-woi.headerCell.title" = "BundlePath*";
/* Class = "NSTableColumn"; headerCell.title = "PlistPath"; ObjectID = "ek6-EY-0uZ"; */
"ek6-EY-0uZ.headerCell.title" = "PlistPath";
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "Loading Resources"; ObjectID = "ewU-gZ-tet"; */
"ewU-gZ-tet.title" = "Loading Resources";
......@@ -161,6 +188,9 @@
/* Class = "NSTableColumn"; headerCell.title = "Arch"; ObjectID = "fUC-fp-4l5"; */
"fUC-fp-4l5.headerCell.title" = "Arch";
/* Class = "NSTableColumn"; headerCell.title = "MinKernel"; ObjectID = "fZ7-RW-fxf"; */
"fZ7-RW-fxf.headerCell.title" = "MinKernel";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "CustomSMBIOSGuid"; ObjectID = "faf-ix-5sI"; */
"faf-ix-5sI.title" = "CustomSMBIOSGuid";
......@@ -197,12 +227,18 @@
/* Class = "NSTabViewItem"; label = "Add"; ObjectID = "mWg-wh-eGt"; */
"mWg-wh-eGt.label" = "Add";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "Browse"; ObjectID = "mup-PJ-Q4D"; */
"mup-PJ-Q4D.title" = "Browse";
/* Class = "NSButton"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Type: plist boolean\nFailsafe: false\nRequirement: 10.6 (64-bit)\nDescription: Disables kernel panic on LAPIC interrupts."; ObjectID = "nsg-T6-DJT"; */
"nsg-T6-DJT.ibShadowedToolTip" = "Type: plist boolean\nFailsafe: false\nRequirement: 10.6 (64-bit)\nDescription: Disables kernel panic on LAPIC interrupts.";
/* Class = "NSTableColumn"; headerCell.title = "Limit"; ObjectID = "nyt-5D-3es"; */
"nyt-5D-3es.headerCell.title" = "Limit";
/* Class = "NSTableView"; ibShadowedToolTip = "1. Arch\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Any\nDescription: Kext architecture (Any, i386, x86_64). \n2. BundlePath\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Empty string\nDescription: Kext bundle path (e.g. System\\Library \\Extensions \\IONetworkingFamily.kext).\n3. Comment\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Empty string\nDescription: Arbitrary ASCII string used to provide human readable reference for the entry. It is implementation defined whether this value is used.\n4. Enabled\nType: plist boolean\nFailsafe: false\nDescription: This kernel driver will not be added when not present unless set to true.\n5. ExecutablePath\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Empty string\nDescription: Kext executable path relative to bundle (e.g. Contents/MacOS/IONetworkingFamily).\n6. Identifier\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Empty string\nDescription: Kext identifier to perform presence checking before adding (e.g. com.apple.iokit.IONetworkingFamily).\nOnly drivers which identifiers are not be found in the cache will be added.\n7. MaxKernel\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Empty string\nDescription: Adds kernel driver on specified macOS version or older.\nNote: Refer to Add Add MaxKernel description for matching logic.\n8. MinKernel\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Empty string\nDescription: Adds kernel driver on specified macOS version or newer.\nNote: Refer to Add Add MaxKernel description for matching logic.\n9. PlistPath\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Empty string\nDescription: Kext Info.plist path relative to bundle (e.g. Contents/Info.plist)."; ObjectID = "p2g-8y-f45"; */
"p2g-8y-f45.ibShadowedToolTip" = "1. Arch\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Any\nDescription: Kext architecture (Any, i386, x86_64). \n2. BundlePath\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Empty string\nDescription: Kext bundle path (e.g. System\\Library \\Extensions \\IONetworkingFamily.kext).\n3. Comment\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Empty string\nDescription: Arbitrary ASCII string used to provide human readable reference for the entry. It is implementation defined whether this value is used.\n4. Enabled\nType: plist boolean\nFailsafe: false\nDescription: This kernel driver will not be added when not present unless set to true.\n5. ExecutablePath\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Empty string\nDescription: Kext executable path relative to bundle (e.g. Contents/MacOS/IONetworkingFamily).\n6. Identifier\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Empty string\nDescription: Kext identifier to perform presence checking before adding (e.g. com.apple.iokit.IONetworkingFamily).\nOnly drivers which identifiers are not be found in the cache will be added.\n7. MaxKernel\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Empty string\nDescription: Adds kernel driver on specified macOS version or older.\nNote: Refer to Add Add MaxKernel description for matching logic.\n8. MinKernel\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Empty string\nDescription: Adds kernel driver on specified macOS version or newer.\nNote: Refer to Add Add MaxKernel description for matching logic.\n9. PlistPath\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Empty string\nDescription: Kext Info.plist path relative to bundle (e.g. Contents/Info.plist).";
/* Class = "NSTableView"; ibShadowedToolTip = "1. Arch\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Any\nDescription: Kext architecture (Any, i386, x86_64).\n2. BundlePath\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Empty string\nDescription: Kext bundle path (e.g. Lilu.kext or MyKext.kext/Contents/PlugIns/MySubKext.kext).\n3. Comment\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Empty string\nDescription: Arbitrary ASCII string used to provide human readable reference for the entry. It is implementation defined whether this value is used.\n4. Enabled\nType: plist boolean\nFailsafe: false\nDescription: This kernel driver will not be added unless set to true.\n5. ExecutablePath\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Empty string\nDescription: Kext executable path relative to bundle (e.g. Contents/MacOS/Lilu).\n6. MaxKernel\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Empty string\nDescription: Adds kernel driver on specified macOS version or older.\nKernel version can be obtained with uname -r command, and should look like 3 numbers separated by dots, for example 18.7.0 is the kernel version for 10.14.6.\n7. MinKernel\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Empty string\nDescription: Adds kernel driver on specified macOS version or newer.\n\nNote: Refer to Add MaxKernel description for matching logic.\n8. PlistPath\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Empty string\nDescription: Kext Info.plist path relative to bundle (e.g. Contents/Info.plist)."; ObjectID = "pIA-W6-XA0"; */
"pIA-W6-XA0.ibShadowedToolTip" = "1. Arch\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Any\nDescription: Kext architecture (Any, i386, x86_64).\n2. BundlePath\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Empty string\nDescription: Kext bundle path (e.g. Lilu.kext or MyKext.kext/Contents/PlugIns/MySubKext.kext).\n3. Comment\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Empty string\nDescription: Arbitrary ASCII string used to provide human readable reference for the entry. It is implementation defined whether this value is used.\n4. Enabled\nType: plist boolean\nFailsafe: false\nDescription: This kernel driver will not be added unless set to true.\n5. ExecutablePath\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Empty string\nDescription: Kext executable path relative to bundle (e.g. Contents/MacOS/Lilu).\n6. MaxKernel\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Empty string\nDescription: Adds kernel driver on specified macOS version or older.\nKernel version can be obtained with uname -r command, and should look like 3 numbers separated by dots, for example 18.7.0 is the kernel version for 10.14.6.\n7. MinKernel\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Empty string\nDescription: Adds kernel driver on specified macOS version or newer.\n\nNote: Refer to Add MaxKernel description for matching logic.\n8. PlistPath\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Empty string\nDescription: Kext Info.plist path relative to bundle (e.g. Contents/Info.plist).";
......@@ -221,6 +257,9 @@
/* Class = "NSButton"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Type: plist boolean\nFailsafe: false\nRequirement: 10.8 (not required for older)\nDescription: Disables multiple MSR access critical for select CPUs, which have no native XCPM support.\nThis is normally used in conjunction with Emulate section on Haswell-E, Broadwell-E, Skylake-SP, and similar CPUs.\nNote: Additional not provided patches will be required for Ivy Bridge or Pentium CPUs. It is recommended to use AppleIntelCpuPowerManagement.kext for the former."; ObjectID = "v6y-N9-uHT"; */
"v6y-N9-uHT.ibShadowedToolTip" = "Type: plist boolean\nFailsafe: false\nRequirement: 10.8 (not required for older)\nDescription: Disables multiple MSR access critical for select CPUs, which have no native XCPM support.\nThis is normally used in conjunction with Emulate section on Haswell-E, Broadwell-E, Skylake-SP, and similar CPUs.\nNote: Additional not provided patches will be required for Ivy Bridge or Pentium CPUs. It is recommended to use AppleIntelCpuPowerManagement.kext for the former.";
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "Multiple selection allowed"; ObjectID = "vgG-WU-Sc2"; */
"vgG-WU-Sc2.title" = "Multiple selection allowed";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "ThirdPartyDrives"; ObjectID = "w0k-rY-QSy"; */
"w0k-rY-QSy.title" = "ThirdPartyDrives";
......@@ -5,8 +5,8 @@
/* Class = "NSButton"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Type: plist boolean\nFailsafe: false\nDescription: Enable VirtualSMC-compatible authenticated restart.\nAuthenticated restart is a way to reboot FileVault 2 enabled macOS without entering the password. To perform authenticated restart one can use a dedicated terminal command: sudo fdesetup authrestart. It is also used when installing operating system updates.\nVirtualSMC performs authenticated restart by saving disk encryption key split in NVRAM and RTC, which despite being removed as soon as OpenCore starts, may be considered a security risk and thus is optional."; ObjectID = "0sy-D3-AKk"; */
"0sy-D3-AKk.ibShadowedToolTip" = "Type: plist boolean\nFailsafe: false\nDescription: Enable VirtualSMC-compatible authenticated restart.\nAuthenticated restart is a way to reboot FileVault 2 enabled macOS without entering the password. To perform authenticated restart one can use a dedicated terminal command: sudo fdesetup authrestart. It is also used when installing operating system updates.\nVirtualSMC performs authenticated restart by saving disk encryption key split in NVRAM and RTC, which despite being removed as soon as OpenCore starts, may be considered a security risk and thus is optional.";
/* Class = "NSTextField"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Type: plist integer, 64 bit \nFailsafe: 0\nDescription: Apple Enclave Identifier.\nSetting this value to any (random) non-zero 64-bit integer will allow using personalised Apple Secure Boot identifiers. This value set and SecureBootModel valid and not Disabled is equivalent to to ahieve Full Security of Apple Secure Boot.\n\nNote: You will have to reinstall the operating system or use the recovery after setting this value to non-zero."; ObjectID = "0yA-ct-dgi"; */
"0yA-ct-dgi.ibShadowedToolTip" = "Type: plist integer, 64 bit \nFailsafe: 0\nDescription: Apple Enclave Identifier.\nSetting this value to any (random) non-zero 64-bit integer will allow using personalised Apple Secure Boot identifiers. This value set and SecureBootModel valid and not Disabled is equivalent to to ahieve Full Security of Apple Secure Boot.\n\nNote: You will have to reinstall the operating system or use the recovery after setting this value to non-zero.";
/* Class = "NSTextField"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Type: plist integer, 64 bit\nFailsafe: 0\nDescription: Apple Enclave Identifier.\nSetting this value to any non-zero 64-bit integer will allow using personalised Apple Secure Boot identifiers. If you want to use this setting, make sure to generate a random 64-bit number with a cryptographically secure random number generator. With this value set and SecureBootModel valid and not Disabled it is possible to achieve Full Security of Apple Secure Boot.\n\nNote 1: You will have to reinstall the operating system or use macOS DMG recovery to bless –personalize your installation after setting this value to non-zero. Installing the operating system with ApECID value set to non-zero is only possible through macOS recovery or personalized builds created with asr.\n\nNote 2: Currently the use of this option is unrealiable (apparently to a bug in macOS installer), and thus its use is not recommended."; ObjectID = "0yA-ct-dgi"; */
"0yA-ct-dgi.ibShadowedToolTip" = "Type: plist integer, 64 bit\nFailsafe: 0\nDescription: Apple Enclave Identifier.\nSetting this value to any non-zero 64-bit integer will allow using personalised Apple Secure Boot identifiers. If you want to use this setting, make sure to generate a random 64-bit number with a cryptographically secure random number generator. With this value set and SecureBootModel valid and not Disabled it is possible to achieve Full Security of Apple Secure Boot.\n\nNote 1: You will have to reinstall the operating system or use macOS DMG recovery to bless –personalize your installation after setting this value to non-zero. Installing the operating system with ApECID value set to non-zero is only possible through macOS recovery or personalized builds created with asr.\n\nNote 2: Currently the use of this option is unrealiable (apparently to a bug in macOS installer), and thus its use is not recommended.";
/* Class = "NSTableColumn"; headerCell.title = "Comment"; ObjectID = "1NZ-HO-WUF"; */
"1NZ-HO-WUF.headerCell.title" = "Comment";
......@@ -113,8 +113,8 @@
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "Unselect All"; ObjectID = "KRE-fs-cVq"; */
"KRE-fs-cVq.title" = "Unselect All";
/* Class = "NSPopUpButton"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Type: plist string\nFailsafe: Signed\nDescription: Attempt to provide bootloader persistence.\n\nValid values:\n• Disabled — loading DMG images will fail.\n• Signed — only Apple-signed DMG images will load.\n• Any — any DMG images will mount as normal filesystems."; ObjectID = "KUQ-Na-LT4"; */
"KUQ-Na-LT4.ibShadowedToolTip" = "Type: plist string\nFailsafe: Signed\nDescription: Attempt to provide bootloader persistence.\n\nValid values:\n• Disabled — loading DMG images will fail.\n• Signed — only Apple-signed DMG images will load.\n• Any — any DMG images will mount as normal filesystems.";
/* Class = "NSPopUpButton"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Type: plist string\nFailsafe: Signed\nDescription: Define Disk Image (DMG) loading policy used for macOS Recovery.\n\nValid values:\n• Disabled — loading DMG images will fail. Disabled policy will still let macOS Recovery to load in most cases as there usually are boot.efi files compatible with Apple Secure Boot. Manually images stored in com.apple.recovery.boot directories will not load, however.\n• Signed — only Apple-signed DMG images will load. Due to Apple Secure Boot design Signed policy will let any Apple-signed macOS Recovery to load regardless of Apple Secure Boot state, which may not always be desired.\n• Any — any DMG images will mount as normal filesystems. Any policy is strongly not recommended and will cause a boot failure when Apple Secure Boot is activated."; ObjectID = "KUQ-Na-LT4"; */
"KUQ-Na-LT4.ibShadowedToolTip" = "Type: plist string\nFailsafe: Signed\nDescription: Define Disk Image (DMG) loading policy used for macOS Recovery.\n\nValid values:\n• Disabled — loading DMG images will fail. Disabled policy will still let macOS Recovery to load in most cases as there usually are boot.efi files compatible with Apple Secure Boot. Manually images stored in com.apple.recovery.boot directories will not load, however.\n• Signed — only Apple-signed DMG images will load. Due to Apple Secure Boot design Signed policy will let any Apple-signed macOS Recovery to load regardless of Apple Secure Boot state, which may not always be desired.\n• Any — any DMG images will mount as normal filesystems. Any policy is strongly not recommended and will cause a boot failure when Apple Secure Boot is activated.";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "Provides custom rendered titles for boot entries"; ObjectID = "L3h-6q-xRi"; */
"L3h-6q-xRi.title" = "Provides custom rendered titles for boot entries";
......@@ -272,8 +272,8 @@
/* Class = "NSTableColumn"; headerCell.title = "Path*"; ObjectID = "jPS-Bu-Ar4"; */
"jPS-Bu-Ar4.headerCell.title" = "Path*";
/* Class = "NSPopUpButton"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Type: plist string \nFailsafe: Default\nDescription: Apple Secure Boot hardware model.\nDefines Apple Secure Boot hardware model and policy. Specifying this value defines which operating systems will be bootable. Operating systems shipped before the specified model was released will not boot. Valid values:\n\n• Default — Recent available model, currently set to j215.\n• Disabled — No model, Secure Boot will be disabled.\n• j137 — iMacPro1,1 (December 2017)\n• j680 — MacBookPro15,1 (July 2018)\n• j132 — MacBookPro15,2 (July 2018)\n• j174 — Macmini8,1 (October 2018)\n• j140k — MacBookAir8,1 (October 2018)\n• j780 — MacBookPro15,3 (May 2019)\n• j213 — MacBookPro15,4 (July 2019)\n• j140a — MacBookAir8,2 (July 2019)\n• j152f — MacBookPro16,1 (November 2019)\n• j160 — MacPro7,1 (December 2019)\n• j230k — MacBookAir9,1 (March 2020)\n• j214k — MacBookPro16,2 (May 2020)\n• j223 — MacBookPro16,3 (May 2020)\n• j215 — MacBookPro16,4 (June 2020)\n• j185 — iMac20,1 (August 2020)\n• j185f — iMac20,2 (August 2020)\n\nPlatformInfo and SecureBootModel are independent, allowing to enabling Apple Secure Boot with any SMBIOS.\nSetting SecureBootModel to any valid value but Disabled is equivalent to Medium Security of Apple Secure Boot. To achieve Full Security one will need to also specify ApECID value.\n\nNote: Default value will increase with time to support the latest major release operating system. It is not recommended to use ApECID and Default value together."; ObjectID = "l6D-xS-M37"; */
"l6D-xS-M37.ibShadowedToolTip" = "Type: plist string \nFailsafe: Default\nDescription: Apple Secure Boot hardware model.\nDefines Apple Secure Boot hardware model and policy. Specifying this value defines which operating systems will be bootable. Operating systems shipped before the specified model was released will not boot. Valid values:\n\n• Default — Recent available model, currently set to j215.\n• Disabled — No model, Secure Boot will be disabled.\n• j137 — iMacPro1,1 (December 2017)\n• j680 — MacBookPro15,1 (July 2018)\n• j132 — MacBookPro15,2 (July 2018)\n• j174 — Macmini8,1 (October 2018)\n• j140k — MacBookAir8,1 (October 2018)\n• j780 — MacBookPro15,3 (May 2019)\n• j213 — MacBookPro15,4 (July 2019)\n• j140a — MacBookAir8,2 (July 2019)\n• j152f — MacBookPro16,1 (November 2019)\n• j160 — MacPro7,1 (December 2019)\n• j230k — MacBookAir9,1 (March 2020)\n• j214k — MacBookPro16,2 (May 2020)\n• j223 — MacBookPro16,3 (May 2020)\n• j215 — MacBookPro16,4 (June 2020)\n• j185 — iMac20,1 (August 2020)\n• j185f — iMac20,2 (August 2020)\n\nPlatformInfo and SecureBootModel are independent, allowing to enabling Apple Secure Boot with any SMBIOS.\nSetting SecureBootModel to any valid value but Disabled is equivalent to Medium Security of Apple Secure Boot. To achieve Full Security one will need to also specify ApECID value.\n\nNote: Default value will increase with time to support the latest major release operating system. It is not recommended to use ApECID and Default value together.";
/* Class = "NSPopUpButton"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Type: plist string \nFailsafe: Default\nDescription: Apple Secure Boot hardware model.\nSets Apple Secure Boot hardware model and policy. Specifying this value defines which operating systems will be bootable. Operating systems shipped before the specified model was released will not boot. Valid values:\n\n• Default — Recent available model, currently set to j137.\n• Disabled — No model, Secure Boot will be disabled.\n• j137 — iMacPro1,1 (December 2017) minimum macOS 10.13.2 (17C2111)\n• j680 — MacBookPro15,1 (July 2018) minimum macOS 10.13.6 (17G2112)\n• j132 — MacBookPro15,2 (July 2018) minimum macOS 10.13.6 (17G2112)\n• j174 — Macmini8,1 (October 2018) minimum macOS 10.14 (18A2063)\n• j140k — MacBookAir8,1 (October 2018) minimum macOS 10.14.1 (18B2084)\n• j780 — MacBookPro15,3 (May 2019) minimum macOS 10.14.5 (18F132)\n• j213 — MacBookPro15,4 (July 2019) minimum macOS 10.14.5 (18F2058)\n• j140a — MacBookAir8,2 (July 2019) minimum macOS 10.14.5 (18F2058)\n• j152f — MacBookPro16,1 (November 2019) minimum macOS 10.15.1 (19B2093)\n• j160 — MacPro7,1 (December 2019) minimum macOS 10.15.1 (19B88)\n• j230k — MacBookAir9,1 (March 2020) minimum macOS 10.15.3 (19D2064)\n• j214k — MacBookPro16,2 (May 2020) minimum macOS 10.15.4 (19E2269)\n• j223 — MacBookPro16,3 (May 2020) minimum macOS 10.15.4 (19E2265)\n• j215 — MacBookPro16,4 (June 2020) minimum macOS 10.15.5 (19F96)\n• j185 — iMac20,1 (August 2020) minimum macOS 10.15.6 (19G2005)\n• j185f — iMac20,2 (August 2020) minimum macOS 10.15.6 (19G2005)\n\nPlatformInfo and SecureBootModel are independent, allowing to enabling Apple Secure Boot with any SMBIOS.\nSetting SecureBootModel to any valid value but Disabled is equivalent to Medium Security of Apple Secure Boot. To achieve Full Security one will need to also specify ApECID value.\n\nEnabling Apple Secure Boot is more demanding to incorrect configurations, buggy macOS installations, and unsupported setups. Things to keep in mind:\n(a) Just like on T2 Macs you will not be able to install any unsigned kernel drivers and several signed kernel drivers including NVIDIA Web Drivers.\n(b) The list of cached drivers may be different, resulting in the need to change the list of Added or Forced kernel drivers. For example, IO80211Family cannot be injected in this case.\n(c) If your platform requires certain settings, but they were not enabled, because the obvious issues did not trigger before, you may get boot failure. Be extra careful with IgnoreInvalidFlexRatio or HashServices.\n(d) Operating systems released before Apple Secure Boot landed (e.g. macOS 10.12 or earlier) will still boot until UEFI Secure Boot is enabled. This is so, because from Apple Secure Boot point they are treated as incompatible and are assumed to be handled by the firmware just like Microsoft Windows is.\n(e) On older CPUs (e.g. before Sandy Bridge) enabling Apple Secure Boot might cause slightly slower loading section.\n(f) Since Default value will increase with time to support the latest major release operating system, it is not recommended to use ApECID and Default value together."; ObjectID = "l6D-xS-M37"; */
"l6D-xS-M37.ibShadowedToolTip" = "Type: plist string \nFailsafe: Default\nDescription: Apple Secure Boot hardware model.\nSets Apple Secure Boot hardware model and policy. Specifying this value defines which operating systems will be bootable. Operating systems shipped before the specified model was released will not boot. Valid values:\n\n• Default — Recent available model, currently set to j137.\n• Disabled — No model, Secure Boot will be disabled.\n• j137 — iMacPro1,1 (December 2017) minimum macOS 10.13.2 (17C2111)\n• j680 — MacBookPro15,1 (July 2018) minimum macOS 10.13.6 (17G2112)\n• j132 — MacBookPro15,2 (July 2018) minimum macOS 10.13.6 (17G2112)\n• j174 — Macmini8,1 (October 2018) minimum macOS 10.14 (18A2063)\n• j140k — MacBookAir8,1 (October 2018) minimum macOS 10.14.1 (18B2084)\n• j780 — MacBookPro15,3 (May 2019) minimum macOS 10.14.5 (18F132)\n• j213 — MacBookPro15,4 (July 2019) minimum macOS 10.14.5 (18F2058)\n• j140a — MacBookAir8,2 (July 2019) minimum macOS 10.14.5 (18F2058)\n• j152f — MacBookPro16,1 (November 2019) minimum macOS 10.15.1 (19B2093)\n• j160 — MacPro7,1 (December 2019) minimum macOS 10.15.1 (19B88)\n• j230k — MacBookAir9,1 (March 2020) minimum macOS 10.15.3 (19D2064)\n• j214k — MacBookPro16,2 (May 2020) minimum macOS 10.15.4 (19E2269)\n• j223 — MacBookPro16,3 (May 2020) minimum macOS 10.15.4 (19E2265)\n• j215 — MacBookPro16,4 (June 2020) minimum macOS 10.15.5 (19F96)\n• j185 — iMac20,1 (August 2020) minimum macOS 10.15.6 (19G2005)\n• j185f — iMac20,2 (August 2020) minimum macOS 10.15.6 (19G2005)\n\nPlatformInfo and SecureBootModel are independent, allowing to enabling Apple Secure Boot with any SMBIOS.\nSetting SecureBootModel to any valid value but Disabled is equivalent to Medium Security of Apple Secure Boot. To achieve Full Security one will need to also specify ApECID value.\n\nEnabling Apple Secure Boot is more demanding to incorrect configurations, buggy macOS installations, and unsupported setups. Things to keep in mind:\n(a) Just like on T2 Macs you will not be able to install any unsigned kernel drivers and several signed kernel drivers including NVIDIA Web Drivers.\n(b) The list of cached drivers may be different, resulting in the need to change the list of Added or Forced kernel drivers. For example, IO80211Family cannot be injected in this case.\n(c) If your platform requires certain settings, but they were not enabled, because the obvious issues did not trigger before, you may get boot failure. Be extra careful with IgnoreInvalidFlexRatio or HashServices.\n(d) Operating systems released before Apple Secure Boot landed (e.g. macOS 10.12 or earlier) will still boot until UEFI Secure Boot is enabled. This is so, because from Apple Secure Boot point they are treated as incompatible and are assumed to be handled by the firmware just like Microsoft Windows is.\n(e) On older CPUs (e.g. before Sandy Bridge) enabling Apple Secure Boot might cause slightly slower loading section.\n(f) Since Default value will increase with time to support the latest major release operating system, it is not recommended to use ApECID and Default value together.";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "SkipCustomEntryCheck"; ObjectID = "mB0-8o-rL6"; */
"mB0-8o-rL6.title" = "SkipCustomEntryCheck";
......@@ -323,8 +323,8 @@
/* Class = "NSComboBox"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Type: plist string \nFailsafe: Empty string \nDescription: Sets console output mode as specified with the WxH (e.g. 80x24) formatted string.\nSet to empty string not to change console mode. Set to Max to try to use largest available console mode. Currently Builtin text renderer supports only one console mode, so this option is ignored.\n\nNote: This field is best to be left empty on most firmwares."; ObjectID = "lye-vu-fi3"; Note = "Do Not Translate"; */
"lye-vu-fi3.ibShadowedToolTip" = "Type: plist string \nFailsafe: Empty string \nDescription: Sets console output mode as specified with the WxH (e.g. 80x24) formatted string.\nSet to empty string not to change console mode. Set to Max to try to use largest available console mode. Currently Builtin text renderer supports only one console mode, so this option is ignored.\n\nNote: This field is best to be left empty on most firmwares.";
/* Class = "NSPopUpButton"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Type: plist string\nFailsafe: BuiltinGraphics\nDescription: Chooses renderer for text going through standard console output.\nCurrently two renderers are supported: Builtin and System. System renderer uses firmware services for text rendering. Builtin bypassing firmware services and performs text rendering on its own. Different renderers support a different set of options. It is recommended to use Builtin renderer, as it supports HiDPI mode and uses full screen resolution.\nUEFI firmwares generally support ConsoleControl with two rendering modes: Graphics and Text. Some firmwares do not support ConsoleControl and rendering modes. OpenCore and macOS expect text to only be shown in Graphics mode and graphics to be drawn in any mode. Since this is not required by UEFI specification, exact behaviour varies.\nValid values are combinations of text renderer and rendering mode:\n• BuiltinGraphics — Switch to Graphics mode and use Builtin renderer with custom ConsoleControl.\n• SystemGraphics — Switch to Graphics mode and use System renderer with custom ConsoleControl.\n• SystemText — Switch to Text mode and use System renderer with custom ConsoleControl.\n• SystemGeneric — Use System renderer with system ConsoleControl assuming it behaves correctly.\nThe use of BuiltinGraphics is generally straightforward. For most platforms it is necessary to enable ProvideConsoleGop, set Resolution to Max, and optionally configure Scale.\nThe use of System protocols is more complicated. In general the preferred setting is SystemGraphics or SystemText. Enabling ProvideConsoleGop, setting Resolution to Max, enabling ReplaceTabWithSpace is useful on almost all platforms. SanitiseClearScreen, IgnoreTextInGraphics, and ClearScreenOnModeSwitch are more specific, and their use depends on the firmware.\n\nNote: Some Macs, namely MacPro5,1, may have broken console output with newer GPUs, and thus only BuiltinGraphics may work for them."; ObjectID = "mlh-hW-OqT"; */
"mlh-hW-OqT.ibShadowedToolTip" = "Type: plist string\nFailsafe: BuiltinGraphics\nDescription: Chooses renderer for text going through standard console output.\nCurrently two renderers are supported: Builtin and System. System renderer uses firmware services for text rendering. Builtin bypassing firmware services and performs text rendering on its own. Different renderers support a different set of options. It is recommended to use Builtin renderer, as it supports HiDPI mode and uses full screen resolution.\nUEFI firmwares generally support ConsoleControl with two rendering modes: Graphics and Text. Some firmwares do not support ConsoleControl and rendering modes. OpenCore and macOS expect text to only be shown in Graphics mode and graphics to be drawn in any mode. Since this is not required by UEFI specification, exact behaviour varies.\nValid values are combinations of text renderer and rendering mode:\n• BuiltinGraphics — Switch to Graphics mode and use Builtin renderer with custom ConsoleControl.\n• SystemGraphics — Switch to Graphics mode and use System renderer with custom ConsoleControl.\n• SystemText — Switch to Text mode and use System renderer with custom ConsoleControl.\n• SystemGeneric — Use System renderer with system ConsoleControl assuming it behaves correctly.\nThe use of BuiltinGraphics is generally straightforward. For most platforms it is necessary to enable ProvideConsoleGop, set Resolution to Max, and optionally configure Scale.\nThe use of System protocols is more complicated. In general the preferred setting is SystemGraphics or SystemText. Enabling ProvideConsoleGop, setting Resolution to Max, enabling ReplaceTabWithSpace is useful on almost all platforms. SanitiseClearScreen, IgnoreTextInGraphics, and ClearScreenOnModeSwitch are more specific, and their use depends on the firmware.\n\nNote: Some Macs, namely MacPro5,1, may have broken console output with newer GPUs, and thus only BuiltinGraphics may work for them.";
/* Class = "NSPopUpButton"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Type: plist string\nFailsafe: BuiltinGraphics\nDescription: Chooses renderer for text going through standard console output.\nCurrently two renderers are supported: Builtin and System. System renderer uses firmware services for text rendering. Builtin bypassing firmware services and performs text rendering on its own. Different renderers support a different set of options. It is recommended to use Builtin renderer, as it supports HiDPI mode and uses full screen resolution.\nUEFI firmwares generally support ConsoleControl with two rendering modes: Graphics and Text. Some firmwares do not support ConsoleControl and rendering modes. OpenCore and macOS expect text to only be shown in Graphics mode and graphics to be drawn in any mode. Since this is not required by UEFI specification, exact behaviour varies.\nValid values are combinations of text renderer and rendering mode:\n• BuiltinGraphics — Switch to Graphics mode and use Builtin renderer with custom ConsoleControl.\n• BuiltinText — Switch to Text mode and use Builtin renderer with custom ConsoleControl.\n• SystemGraphics — Switch to Graphics mode and use System renderer with custom ConsoleControl.\n• SystemText — Switch to Text mode and use System renderer with custom ConsoleControl.\n• SystemGeneric — Use System renderer with system ConsoleControl assuming it behaves correctly.\n\nThe use of BuiltinGraphics is generally straightforward. For most platforms it is necessary to enable ProvideConsoleGop, set Resolution to Max. BuiltinText variant is an alternative BuiltinGraphics for some very old and buggy laptop firmwares, which can only draw in Text mode.\n\nThe use of System protocols is more complicated. In general the preferred setting is SystemGraphics or SystemText. Enabling ProvideConsoleGop, setting Resolution to Max, enabling ReplaceTabWithSpace is useful on almost all platforms. SanitiseClearScreen, IgnoreTextInGraphics, and ClearScreenOnModeSwitch are more specific, and their use depends on the firmware.\n\nNote: Some Macs, namely MacPro5,1, may have broken console output with newer GPUs, and thus only BuiltinGraphics may work for them."; ObjectID = "mlh-hW-OqT"; */
"mlh-hW-OqT.ibShadowedToolTip" = "Type: plist string\nFailsafe: BuiltinGraphics\nDescription: Chooses renderer for text going through standard console output.\nCurrently two renderers are supported: Builtin and System. System renderer uses firmware services for text rendering. Builtin bypassing firmware services and performs text rendering on its own. Different renderers support a different set of options. It is recommended to use Builtin renderer, as it supports HiDPI mode and uses full screen resolution.\nUEFI firmwares generally support ConsoleControl with two rendering modes: Graphics and Text. Some firmwares do not support ConsoleControl and rendering modes. OpenCore and macOS expect text to only be shown in Graphics mode and graphics to be drawn in any mode. Since this is not required by UEFI specification, exact behaviour varies.\nValid values are combinations of text renderer and rendering mode:\n• BuiltinGraphics — Switch to Graphics mode and use Builtin renderer with custom ConsoleControl.\n• BuiltinText — Switch to Text mode and use Builtin renderer with custom ConsoleControl.\n• SystemGraphics — Switch to Graphics mode and use System renderer with custom ConsoleControl.\n• SystemText — Switch to Text mode and use System renderer with custom ConsoleControl.\n• SystemGeneric — Use System renderer with system ConsoleControl assuming it behaves correctly.\n\nThe use of BuiltinGraphics is generally straightforward. For most platforms it is necessary to enable ProvideConsoleGop, set Resolution to Max. BuiltinText variant is an alternative BuiltinGraphics for some very old and buggy laptop firmwares, which can only draw in Text mode.\n\nThe use of System protocols is more complicated. In general the preferred setting is SystemGraphics or SystemText. Enabling ProvideConsoleGop, setting Resolution to Max, enabling ReplaceTabWithSpace is useful on almost all platforms. SanitiseClearScreen, IgnoreTextInGraphics, and ClearScreenOnModeSwitch are more specific, and their use depends on the firmware.\n\nNote: Some Macs, namely MacPro5,1, may have broken console output with newer GPUs, and thus only BuiltinGraphics may work for them.";
/* Class = "NSTableColumn"; headerCell.title = "Enabled"; ObjectID = "n2P-We-NTM"; */
"n2P-We-NTM.headerCell.title" = "Enabled";
......@@ -11,6 +11,9 @@
/* Class = "NSTableColumn"; headerCell.title = "Comment"; ObjectID = "19Q-wm-aZQ"; */
"19Q-wm-aZQ.headerCell.title" = "Commentaire";
/* Class = "NSTableColumn"; headerCell.title = "Identifier"; ObjectID = "4ac-sL-evA"; */
"4ac-sL-evA.headerCell.title" = "Identifier";
/* Class = "NSTableColumn"; headerCell.title = "ExecutablePath"; ObjectID = "5Zf-0g-20b"; */
"5Zf-0g-20b.headerCell.title" = "Chemin du fichier binaire";
......@@ -20,6 +23,9 @@
/* Class = "NSButton"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Type: plist boolean\nFailsafe: false\nRequirement: 10.8 (not required for older)\nDescription: Disables IOMapper support in XNU (VT-d), which may conflict with the firmware implementation.\nNote: This option is a preferred alternative to dropping DMAR ACPI table and disabling VT-d in firmware preferences, which does not break VT-d support in other systems in case they need it."; ObjectID = "6Aa-HL-hah"; */
"6Aa-HL-hah.ibShadowedToolTip" = "Désactivez vt-d, nous avons désactivé vt-d dans le BIOS.";
/* Class = "NSTableColumn"; headerCell.title = "ExecutablePath"; ObjectID = "6KC-Ck-oJg"; */
"6KC-Ck-oJg.headerCell.title" = "ExecutablePath";
/* Class = "NSButton"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Type: plist boolean\nFailsafe: false\nRequirement: 10.15 (not required for older)\nDescription: Disables kernel panic on setPowerState timeout.\nAn additional security measure was added to macOS Catalina (10.15) causing kernel panic on power change timeout for Apple drivers. Sometimes it may cause issues on misconfigured hardware, notably digital audio, which sometimes fails to wake up. For debug kernels setpowerstate_panic=0 boot argument should be used, which is otherwise equivalent to this quirk."; ObjectID = "6Mq-wE-cHt"; */
"6Mq-wE-cHt.ibShadowedToolTip" = "Correction d'un plantage du noyau dans macOS Catalina en raison du délai d'expiration de l'état d'alimentation de l'appareil. \nLorsque vous rencontrez le sommeil et ne pouvez pas vous réveiller, vous ne pouvez vous réveiller qu'après avoir redémarré. Veuillez essayer de sélectionner OUI.";
......@@ -62,6 +68,9 @@
/* Class = "NSTabViewItem"; label = "Patch"; ObjectID = "9tr-6R-vGd"; */
"9tr-6R-vGd.label" = "Patch";
/* Class = "NSTabViewItem"; label = "Force"; ObjectID = "Dip-Qx-lAB"; */
"Dip-Qx-lAB.label" = "Force";
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "KernelArch"; ObjectID = "Edd-Fj-thV"; */
"Edd-Fj-thV.title" = "KernelArch";
......@@ -98,6 +107,12 @@
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "PowerTimeoutKernelPanic"; ObjectID = "LI0-Hi-oQo"; */
"LI0-Hi-oQo.title" = "PowerTimeoutKernelPanic";
/* Class = "NSTableColumn"; headerCell.title = "Arch"; ObjectID = "N6C-NB-CMk"; */
"N6C-NB-CMk.headerCell.title" = "Arch";
/* Class = "NSTableColumn"; headerCell.title = "Comment"; ObjectID = "Ntg-7A-K1a"; */
"Ntg-7A-K1a.headerCell.title" = "Comment";
/* Class = "NSTableColumn"; headerCell.title = "BundlePath*"; ObjectID = "Oe6-LD-h7w"; */
"Oe6-LD-h7w.headerCell.title" = "Chemin du paquet *";
......@@ -119,6 +134,9 @@
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "ExternalDiskIcons"; ObjectID = "SHQ-fm-Uec"; */
"SHQ-fm-Uec.title" = "ExternalDiskIcons";
/* Class = "NSTableColumn"; headerCell.title = "Enabled"; ObjectID = "TcN-ku-fY2"; */
"TcN-ku-fY2.headerCell.title" = "Enabled";
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "Multiple selection allowed"; ObjectID = "VgW-t5-zY9"; */
"VgW-t5-zY9.title" = "Sélection multiple autorisée";
......@@ -134,6 +152,9 @@
/* Class = "NSTableColumn"; headerCell.title = "Skip"; ObjectID = "aAH-qz-ikl"; */
"aAH-qz-ikl.headerCell.title" = "Passer";
/* Class = "NSTableColumn"; headerCell.title = "MaxKernel"; ObjectID = "aHq-mU-IMD"; */
"aHq-mU-IMD.headerCell.title" = "MaxKernel";
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "Cpuid1Data"; ObjectID = "aVm-Of-4z9"; */
"aVm-Of-4z9.title" = "Cpuid1Data";
......@@ -152,6 +173,12 @@
/* Class = "NSTableColumn"; headerCell.title = "Base"; ObjectID = "djM-Oe-omR"; */
"djM-Oe-omR.headerCell.title" = "Base";
/* Class = "NSTableColumn"; headerCell.title = "BundlePath*"; ObjectID = "eFP-6O-woi"; */
"eFP-6O-woi.headerCell.title" = "BundlePath*";
/* Class = "NSTableColumn"; headerCell.title = "PlistPath"; ObjectID = "ek6-EY-0uZ"; */
"ek6-EY-0uZ.headerCell.title" = "PlistPath";
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "Loading Resources"; ObjectID = "ewU-gZ-tet"; */
"ewU-gZ-tet.title" = "Loading Resources";
......@@ -161,6 +188,9 @@
/* Class = "NSTableColumn"; headerCell.title = "Arch"; ObjectID = "fUC-fp-4l5"; */
"fUC-fp-4l5.headerCell.title" = "Arch";
/* Class = "NSTableColumn"; headerCell.title = "MinKernel"; ObjectID = "fZ7-RW-fxf"; */
"fZ7-RW-fxf.headerCell.title" = "MinKernel";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "CustomSMBIOSGuid"; ObjectID = "faf-ix-5sI"; */
"faf-ix-5sI.title" = "CustomSMBIOSGuid";
......@@ -197,12 +227,18 @@
/* Class = "NSTabViewItem"; label = "Add"; ObjectID = "mWg-wh-eGt"; */
"mWg-wh-eGt.label" = "Ajouter";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "Browse"; ObjectID = "mup-PJ-Q4D"; */
"mup-PJ-Q4D.title" = "Browse";
/* Class = "NSButton"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Type: plist boolean\nFailsafe: false\nRequirement: 10.6 (64-bit)\nDescription: Disables kernel panic on LAPIC interrupts."; ObjectID = "nsg-T6-DJT"; */
"nsg-T6-DJT.ibShadowedToolTip" = "Désactivez le plantage du noyau causé par l'interruption lapique du noyau AP. Il est généralement utilisé pour les \"ordinateurs HP\" (équivalent au noyau LAPIC de Clover). Sélectionnez NON si vous ne rencontrez pas ce problème.";
/* Class = "NSTableColumn"; headerCell.title = "Limit"; ObjectID = "nyt-5D-3es"; */
"nyt-5D-3es.headerCell.title" = "Limite";
/* Class = "NSTableView"; ibShadowedToolTip = "1. Arch\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Any\nDescription: Kext architecture (Any, i386, x86_64). \n2. BundlePath\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Empty string\nDescription: Kext bundle path (e.g. System\\Library \\Extensions \\IONetworkingFamily.kext).\n3. Comment\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Empty string\nDescription: Arbitrary ASCII string used to provide human readable reference for the entry. It is implementation defined whether this value is used.\n4. Enabled\nType: plist boolean\nFailsafe: false\nDescription: This kernel driver will not be added when not present unless set to true.\n5. ExecutablePath\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Empty string\nDescription: Kext executable path relative to bundle (e.g. Contents/MacOS/IONetworkingFamily).\n6. Identifier\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Empty string\nDescription: Kext identifier to perform presence checking before adding (e.g. com.apple.iokit.IONetworkingFamily).\nOnly drivers which identifiers are not be found in the cache will be added.\n7. MaxKernel\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Empty string\nDescription: Adds kernel driver on specified macOS version or older.\nNote: Refer to Add Add MaxKernel description for matching logic.\n8. MinKernel\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Empty string\nDescription: Adds kernel driver on specified macOS version or newer.\nNote: Refer to Add Add MaxKernel description for matching logic.\n9. PlistPath\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Empty string\nDescription: Kext Info.plist path relative to bundle (e.g. Contents/Info.plist)."; ObjectID = "p2g-8y-f45"; */
"p2g-8y-f45.ibShadowedToolTip" = "1. Arch\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Any\nDescription: Kext architecture (Any, i386, x86_64). \n2. BundlePath\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Empty string\nDescription: Kext bundle path (e.g. System\\Library \\Extensions \\IONetworkingFamily.kext).\n3. Comment\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Empty string\nDescription: Arbitrary ASCII string used to provide human readable reference for the entry. It is implementation defined whether this value is used.\n4. Enabled\nType: plist boolean\nFailsafe: false\nDescription: This kernel driver will not be added when not present unless set to true.\n5. ExecutablePath\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Empty string\nDescription: Kext executable path relative to bundle (e.g. Contents/MacOS/IONetworkingFamily).\n6. Identifier\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Empty string\nDescription: Kext identifier to perform presence checking before adding (e.g. com.apple.iokit.IONetworkingFamily).\nOnly drivers which identifiers are not be found in the cache will be added.\n7. MaxKernel\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Empty string\nDescription: Adds kernel driver on specified macOS version or older.\nNote: Refer to Add Add MaxKernel description for matching logic.\n8. MinKernel\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Empty string\nDescription: Adds kernel driver on specified macOS version or newer.\nNote: Refer to Add Add MaxKernel description for matching logic.\n9. PlistPath\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Empty string\nDescription: Kext Info.plist path relative to bundle (e.g. Contents/Info.plist).";
/* Class = "NSTableView"; ibShadowedToolTip = "1. Arch\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Any\nDescription: Kext architecture (Any, i386, x86_64).\n2. BundlePath\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Empty string\nDescription: Kext bundle path (e.g. Lilu.kext or MyKext.kext/Contents/PlugIns/MySubKext.kext).\n3. Comment\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Empty string\nDescription: Arbitrary ASCII string used to provide human readable reference for the entry. It is implementation defined whether this value is used.\n4. Enabled\nType: plist boolean\nFailsafe: false\nDescription: This kernel driver will not be added unless set to true.\n5. ExecutablePath\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Empty string\nDescription: Kext executable path relative to bundle (e.g. Contents/MacOS/Lilu).\n6. MaxKernel\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Empty string\nDescription: Adds kernel driver on specified macOS version or older.\nKernel version can be obtained with uname -r command, and should look like 3 numbers separated by dots, for example 18.7.0 is the kernel version for 10.14.6.\n7. MinKernel\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Empty string\nDescription: Adds kernel driver on specified macOS version or newer.\n\nNote: Refer to Add MaxKernel description for matching logic.\n8. PlistPath\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Empty string\nDescription: Kext Info.plist path relative to bundle (e.g. Contents/Info.plist)."; ObjectID = "pIA-W6-XA0"; */
"pIA-W6-XA0.ibShadowedToolTip" = "Ici, nous devons remplir les informations pertinentes des kexts. Il convient de noter que les kexts de l'OC doivent être remplis dans l'ordre. Par exemple, la dépendance d'applealc est lilu, puis lilu doit être rempli en premier; SMCProcessor.kext dépend de Virtualsmc.kext. Ce virtualsmc doit être placé avant SMCProcessor.kext.";
......@@ -221,6 +257,9 @@
/* Class = "NSButton"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Type: plist boolean\nFailsafe: false\nRequirement: 10.8 (not required for older)\nDescription: Disables multiple MSR access critical for select CPUs, which have no native XCPM support.\nThis is normally used in conjunction with Emulate section on Haswell-E, Broadwell-E, Skylake-SP, and similar CPUs.\nNote: Additional not provided patches will be required for Ivy Bridge or Pentium CPUs. It is recommended to use AppleIntelCpuPowerManagement.kext for the former."; ObjectID = "v6y-N9-uHT"; */
"v6y-N9-uHT.ibShadowedToolTip" = "Il est principalement activé sur les processeurs sans gestion de l'alimentation native.En règle générale, trois types de processeurs, Haswell-E, Broadwell-E et Skylake-X, doivent remplir OUI. Pour les autres CPU, sélectionnez NON.";
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "Multiple selection allowed"; ObjectID = "vgG-WU-Sc2"; */
"vgG-WU-Sc2.title" = "Multiple selection allowed";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "ThirdPartyDrives"; ObjectID = "w0k-rY-QSy"; */
"w0k-rY-QSy.title" = "ThirdPartyDrives";
......@@ -254,7 +254,7 @@
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "MinimumVolume"; ObjectID = "ehu-K3-gbY"; */
"ehu-K3-gbY.title" = "MinimumVolume";
/* Class = "NSButton"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Type: plist boolean\nFailsafe: false\nDescription: Remove duplicate entries BootOrder variable in EFI_GLOBAL_VARIABLE_GUID.\n\nThis quirk requires RequestBootVarRouting to be enabled and therefore OC_FIRMWARE_RUNTIME protocol imple- mented in OpenRuntime.efi.\nBy redirecting Boot prefixed variables to a separate GUID namespace with the help of RequestBootVarRouting quirk we achieve multiple goals:\n• Operating systems are jailed and only controlled by OpenCore boot environment to enhance security.\n• Operating systems do not mess with OpenCore boot priority, and guarantee fluent updates and hibernation\nwakes for cases that require reboots with OpenCore in the middle.\n• Potentially incompatible boot entries, such as macOS entries, are not deleted or anyhow corrupted.\nHowever, some firmwares do their own boot option scanning upon startup by checking file presence on the available disks. Quite often this scanning includes non-standard locations, such as Windows Bootloader paths. Normally it is not an issue, but some firmwares, ASUS firmwares on APTIO V in particular, have bugs. For them scanning is implemented improperly, and firmware preferences may get accidentally corrupted due to BootOrder entry duplication (each option will be added twice) making it impossible to boot without cleaning NVRAM.\nTo trigger the bug one should have some valid boot options (e.g. OpenCore) and then install Windows with RequestBootVarRouting enabled. As Windows bootloader option will not be created by Windows installer, the firmware will attempt to create it itself, and then corrupt its boot option list.\nThis quirk removes all duplicates in BootOrder variable attempting to resolve the consequences of the bugs upon OpenCore loading. It is recommended to use this key along with BootProtect option."; ObjectID = "esT-oy-xWe"; */
/* Class = "NSButton"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Type: plist boolean\nFailsafe: false\nDescription: Provide UGA protocol instances on top of GOP protocol.\n\nSome firmwares do not implement legacy UGA protocol, but it may be required for screen output by older EFI applications like EfiBoot from 10.4."; ObjectID = "ejz-UL-xuF"; */
"esT-oy-xWe.ibShadowedToolTip" = "Type: plist boolean \nFailsafe: false \nDescription: Supprimez les entrées en double Variable BootOrder dans EFI_GLOBAL_VARIABLE_GUID. \n \nCette bizarrerie nécessite l'activation de RequestBootVarRouting et donc le protocole OC_FIRMWARE_RUNTIME mis en œuvre dans les variables OpenRuntime.efi à \ préfixe OpenRuntime.efi. un espace de noms GUID séparé à l'aide de la requête RequestBootVarRouting, nous atteignons plusieurs objectifs: \n • Les systèmes d'exploitation sont emprisonnés et uniquement contrôlés par l'environnement de démarrage OpenCore pour améliorer la sécurité. \n • Les systèmes d'exploitation ne gâchent pas la priorité de démarrage d'OpenCore et garantissent des mises à jour fluides et hibernation \nprévoit pour les cas qui nécessitent un redémarrage avec OpenCore au milieu. \n • Les entrées de démarrage potentiellement incompatibles, telles que les entrées macOS, ne sont pas supprimées ni corrompues. \nCependant, certains firmwares effectuent leur propre option de démarrage lors du démarrage en vérifiant le fichier présence sur les disques disponibles. Souvent, cette analyse inclut des emplacements non standard, tels que les chemins d'accès du chargeur de démarrage Windows. Normalement, ce n'est pas un problème, mais certains firmwares, notamment les firmwares ASUS sur APTIO V, ont des bugs. Pour eux, la numérisation n'est pas implémentée correctement et les préférences du micrologiciel peuvent être accidentellement corrompues en raison de la duplication des entrées BootOrder (chaque option sera ajoutée deux fois), ce qui rend impossible le démarrage sans nettoyer la NVRAM. \nPour déclencher le bogue, il faut avoir des options de démarrage valides (par exemple OpenCore), puis installez Windows avec RequestBootVarRouting activé. Comme l'option de chargeur de démarrage Windows ne sera pas créée par le programme d'installation de Windows, le micrologiciel tentera de le créer lui-même, puis corrompra sa liste d'options de démarrage. \nCette bizarrerie supprime tous les doublons dans la variable BootOrder tentant de résoudre les conséquences des bogues lors du chargement d'OpenCore. Il est recommandé d'utiliser cette clé avec l'option BootProtect.";
/* Class = "NSButton"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Type: plist boolean\nFailsafe: false\nDescription: Remove duplicate entries BootOrder variable in EFI_GLOBAL_VARIABLE_GUID.\n\nThis quirk requires RequestBootVarRouting to be enabled and therefore OC_FIRMWARE_RUNTIME protocol imple- mented in OpenRuntime.efi.\nBy redirecting Boot prefixed variables to a separate GUID namespace with the help of RequestBootVarRouting quirk we achieve multiple goals:\n• Operating systems are jailed and only controlled by OpenCore boot environment to enhance security.\n• Operating systems do not mess with OpenCore boot priority, and guarantee fluent updates and hibernation\nwakes for cases that require reboots with OpenCore in the middle.\n• Potentially incompatible boot entries, such as macOS entries, are not deleted or anyhow corrupted.\nHowever, some firmwares do their own boot option scanning upon startup by checking file presence on the available disks. Quite often this scanning includes non-standard locations, such as Windows Bootloader paths. Normally it is not an issue, but some firmwares, ASUS firmwares on APTIO V in particular, have bugs. For them scanning is implemented improperly, and firmware preferences may get accidentally corrupted due to BootOrder entry duplication (each option will be added twice) making it impossible to boot without resetting NVRAM.\nTo trigger the bug one should have some valid boot options (e.g. OpenCore) and then install Windows with RequestBootVarRouting enabled. As Windows bootloader option will not be created by Windows installer, the firmware will attempt to create it itself, and then corrupt its boot option list.\nThis quirk removes all duplicates in BootOrder variable attempting to resolve the consequences of the bugs upon OpenCore loading. It is recommended to use this key along with BootProtect option."; ObjectID = "esT-oy-xWe"; */
......@@ -323,7 +323,7 @@
/* Class = "NSComboBox"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Type: plist string \nFailsafe: Empty string \nDescription: Sets console output mode as specified with the WxH (e.g. 80x24) formatted string.\nSet to empty string not to change console mode. Set to Max to try to use largest available console mode. Currently Builtin text renderer supports only one console mode, so this option is ignored.\n\nNote: This field is best to be left empty on most firmwares."; ObjectID = "lye-vu-fi3"; Note = "Do Not Translate"; */
"lye-vu-fi3.ibShadowedToolTip" = "La définition d'une chaîne vide ne modifie pas le mode de la console. Définissez sur Max pour essayer d'utiliser le plus grand mode de console disponible. \n Dans la plupart des cas, laissez-le vide!";
/* Class = "NSPopUpButton"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Type: plist string\nFailsafe: BuiltinGraphics\nDescription: Chooses renderer for text going through standard console output.\nCurrently two renderers are supported: Builtin and System. System renderer uses firmware services for text rendering. Builtin bypassing firmware services and performs text rendering on its own. Different renderers support a different set of options. It is recommended to use Builtin renderer, as it supports HiDPI mode and uses full screen resolution.\nUEFI firmwares generally support ConsoleControl with two rendering modes: Graphics and Text. Some firmwares do not support ConsoleControl and rendering modes. OpenCore and macOS expect text to only be shown in Graphics mode and graphics to be drawn in any mode. Since this is not required by UEFI specification, exact behaviour varies.\nValid values are combinations of text renderer and rendering mode:\n• BuiltinGraphics — Switch to Graphics mode and use Builtin renderer with custom ConsoleControl.\n• SystemGraphics — Switch to Graphics mode and use System renderer with custom ConsoleControl.\n• SystemText — Switch to Text mode and use System renderer with custom ConsoleControl.\n• SystemGeneric — Use System renderer with system ConsoleControl assuming it behaves correctly.\nThe use of BuiltinGraphics is generally straightforward. For most platforms it is necessary to enable ProvideConsoleGop, set Resolution to Max, and optionally configure Scale.\nThe use of System protocols is more complicated. In general the preferred setting is SystemGraphics or SystemText. Enabling ProvideConsoleGop, setting Resolution to Max, enabling ReplaceTabWithSpace is useful on almost all platforms. SanitiseClearScreen, IgnoreTextInGraphics, and ClearScreenOnModeSwitch are more specific, and their use depends on the firmware.\n\nNote: Some Macs, namely MacPro5,1, may have broken console output with newer GPUs, and thus only BuiltinGraphics may work for them."; ObjectID = "mlh-hW-OqT"; */
/* Class = "NSPopUpButton"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Type: plist string\nFailsafe: BuiltinGraphics\nDescription: Chooses renderer for text going through standard console output.\nCurrently two renderers are supported: Builtin and System. System renderer uses firmware services for text rendering. Builtin bypassing firmware services and performs text rendering on its own. Different renderers support a different set of options. It is recommended to use Builtin renderer, as it supports HiDPI mode and uses full screen resolution.\nUEFI firmwares generally support ConsoleControl with two rendering modes: Graphics and Text. Some firmwares do not support ConsoleControl and rendering modes. OpenCore and macOS expect text to only be shown in Graphics mode and graphics to be drawn in any mode. Since this is not required by UEFI specification, exact behaviour varies.\nValid values are combinations of text renderer and rendering mode:\n• BuiltinGraphics — Switch to Graphics mode and use Builtin renderer with custom ConsoleControl.\n• BuiltinText — Switch to Text mode and use Builtin renderer with custom ConsoleControl.\n• SystemGraphics — Switch to Graphics mode and use System renderer with custom ConsoleControl.\n• SystemText — Switch to Text mode and use System renderer with custom ConsoleControl.\n• SystemGeneric — Use System renderer with system ConsoleControl assuming it behaves correctly.\n\nThe use of BuiltinGraphics is generally straightforward. For most platforms it is necessary to enable ProvideConsoleGop, set Resolution to Max. BuiltinText variant is an alternative BuiltinGraphics for some very old and buggy laptop firmwares, which can only draw in Text mode.\n\nThe use of System protocols is more complicated. In general the preferred setting is SystemGraphics or SystemText. Enabling ProvideConsoleGop, setting Resolution to Max, enabling ReplaceTabWithSpace is useful on almost all platforms. SanitiseClearScreen, IgnoreTextInGraphics, and ClearScreenOnModeSwitch are more specific, and their use depends on the firmware.\n\nNote: Some Macs, namely MacPro5,1, may have broken console output with newer GPUs, and thus only BuiltinGraphics may work for them."; ObjectID = "mlh-hW-OqT"; */
"mlh-hW-OqT.ibShadowedToolTip" = "Sélectionnez un rendu pour la sortie de texte via la console standard. \n Deux rendus sont actuellement pris en charge: intégré et système. Le rendu système utilise des services de micrologiciel pour le rendu de texte. La fonction intégrée contourne le service de micrologiciel et effectue le rendu de texte de son propre chef. Différents moteurs de rendu prennent en charge différents ensembles d'options. Il est recommandé d'utiliser le moteur de rendu intégré car il prend en charge le mode HiDPI et utilise une résolution plein écran. \n Le contenu de l'option est une combinaison de rendu de texte et de mode de rendu: \n • BuiltinGraphics - passez en mode \"graphiques\" et utilisez le rendu intégré avec un ConsoleControl personnalisé. \n • SystemGraphics-passez en mode \"graphiques\", puis Utilisez le rendu système avec un ConsoleControl personnalisé. \n • SystemText - basculez en mode texte et utilisez le rendu système avec un ConsoleControl personnalisé. \n • SystemGeneric - utilisez le rendu système avec le système ConsoleControl et supposez que son comportement est correct. \n BuiltinGraphics est généralement simple à utiliser. Pour la plupart des plates-formes, ProviderConsoleGop doit être activé, définir l'option de résolution sur Max et choisir de configurer Scale. \n L'utilisation des protocoles système est plus compliquée. Habituellement, le paramètre préféré est SystemGraphics ou SystemText. L'activation de ProviderConsoleGop, la définition de «Résolution» sur «Max» et l'activation de «ReplaceTabWithSpace» sont utiles sur presque toutes les plateformes. SanitiseClearScreen, IgnoreTextInGraphics et ClearScreenOnModeSwitch sont plus spécifiques et leur utilisation dépend du firmware. \n \n Remarque: Certains modèles de Mac, tels que MacPro5,1, peuvent avoir une sortie de console corrompue sur des GPU plus récents, donc seuls BuiltinGraphics fonctionnera pour eux.";
/* Class = "NSTableColumn"; headerCell.title = "Enabled"; ObjectID = "n2P-We-NTM"; */
......@@ -11,6 +11,9 @@
/* Class = "NSTableColumn"; headerCell.title = "Comment"; ObjectID = "19Q-wm-aZQ"; */
"19Q-wm-aZQ.headerCell.title" = "코멘트";
/* Class = "NSTableColumn"; headerCell.title = "Identifier"; ObjectID = "4ac-sL-evA"; */
"4ac-sL-evA.headerCell.title" = "Identifier";
/* Class = "NSTableColumn"; headerCell.title = "ExecutablePath"; ObjectID = "5Zf-0g-20b"; */
"5Zf-0g-20b.headerCell.title" = "적용위치";
......@@ -20,6 +23,9 @@
/* Class = "NSButton"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Type: plist boolean\nFailsafe: false\nRequirement: 10.8 (not required for older)\nDescription: Disables IOMapper support in XNU (VT-d), which may conflict with the firmware implementation.\nNote: This option is a preferred alternative to dropping DMAR ACPI table and disabling VT-d in firmware preferences, which does not break VT-d support in other systems in case they need it."; ObjectID = "6Aa-HL-hah"; */
"6Aa-HL-hah.ibShadowedToolTip" = "Type: plist boolean\nFailsafe: false\nRequirement: 10.8 (not required for older)\nDescription: Disables IOMapper support in XNU (VT-d), which may conflict with the firmware implementation.\nNote: This option is a preferred alternative to dropping DMAR ACPI table and disabling VT-d in firmware preferences, which does not break VT-d support in other systems in case they need it.";
/* Class = "NSTableColumn"; headerCell.title = "ExecutablePath"; ObjectID = "6KC-Ck-oJg"; */
"6KC-Ck-oJg.headerCell.title" = "ExecutablePath";
/* Class = "NSButton"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Type: plist boolean\nFailsafe: false\nRequirement: 10.15 (not required for older)\nDescription: Disables kernel panic on setPowerState timeout.\nAn additional security measure was added to macOS Catalina (10.15) causing kernel panic on power change timeout for Apple drivers. Sometimes it may cause issues on misconfigured hardware, notably digital audio, which sometimes fails to wake up. For debug kernels setpowerstate_panic=0 boot argument should be used, which is otherwise equivalent to this quirk."; ObjectID = "6Mq-wE-cHt"; */
"6Mq-wE-cHt.ibShadowedToolTip" = "Type: plist boolean\nFailsafe: false\nRequirement: 10.15 (not required for older)\nDescription: Disables kernel panic on setPowerState timeout.\nAn additional security measure was added to macOS Catalina (10.15) causing kernel panic on power change timeout for Apple drivers. Sometimes it may cause issues on misconfigured hardware, notably digital audio, which sometimes fails to wake up. For debug kernels setpowerstate_panic=0 boot argument should be used, which is otherwise equivalent to this quirk.";
......@@ -62,6 +68,9 @@
/* Class = "NSTabViewItem"; label = "Patch"; ObjectID = "9tr-6R-vGd"; */
"9tr-6R-vGd.label" = "패치";
/* Class = "NSTabViewItem"; label = "Force"; ObjectID = "Dip-Qx-lAB"; */
"Dip-Qx-lAB.label" = "Force";
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "KernelArch"; ObjectID = "Edd-Fj-thV"; */
"Edd-Fj-thV.title" = "KernelArch";
......@@ -98,6 +107,12 @@
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "PowerTimeoutKernelPanic"; ObjectID = "LI0-Hi-oQo"; */
"LI0-Hi-oQo.title" = "PowerTimeoutKernelPanic";
/* Class = "NSTableColumn"; headerCell.title = "Arch"; ObjectID = "N6C-NB-CMk"; */
"N6C-NB-CMk.headerCell.title" = "Arch";
/* Class = "NSTableColumn"; headerCell.title = "Comment"; ObjectID = "Ntg-7A-K1a"; */
"Ntg-7A-K1a.headerCell.title" = "Comment";
/* Class = "NSTableColumn"; headerCell.title = "BundlePath*"; ObjectID = "Oe6-LD-h7w"; */
"Oe6-LD-h7w.headerCell.title" = "파일위치*";
......@@ -119,6 +134,9 @@
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "ExternalDiskIcons"; ObjectID = "SHQ-fm-Uec"; */
"SHQ-fm-Uec.title" = "ExternalDiskIcons";
/* Class = "NSTableColumn"; headerCell.title = "Enabled"; ObjectID = "TcN-ku-fY2"; */
"TcN-ku-fY2.headerCell.title" = "Enabled";
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "Multiple selection allowed"; ObjectID = "VgW-t5-zY9"; */
"VgW-t5-zY9.title" = "동시 선택 가능";
......@@ -134,6 +152,9 @@
/* Class = "NSTableColumn"; headerCell.title = "Skip"; ObjectID = "aAH-qz-ikl"; */
"aAH-qz-ikl.headerCell.title" = "무시";
/* Class = "NSTableColumn"; headerCell.title = "MaxKernel"; ObjectID = "aHq-mU-IMD"; */
"aHq-mU-IMD.headerCell.title" = "MaxKernel";
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "Cpuid1Data"; ObjectID = "aVm-Of-4z9"; */
"aVm-Of-4z9.title" = "Cpuid1Data";
......@@ -152,6 +173,12 @@
/* Class = "NSTableColumn"; headerCell.title = "Base"; ObjectID = "djM-Oe-omR"; */
"djM-Oe-omR.headerCell.title" = "Base";
/* Class = "NSTableColumn"; headerCell.title = "BundlePath*"; ObjectID = "eFP-6O-woi"; */
"eFP-6O-woi.headerCell.title" = "BundlePath*";
/* Class = "NSTableColumn"; headerCell.title = "PlistPath"; ObjectID = "ek6-EY-0uZ"; */
"ek6-EY-0uZ.headerCell.title" = "PlistPath";
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "Loading Resources"; ObjectID = "ewU-gZ-tet"; */
"ewU-gZ-tet.title" = "리소스 불러오는중";
......@@ -161,6 +188,9 @@
/* Class = "NSTableColumn"; headerCell.title = "Arch"; ObjectID = "fUC-fp-4l5"; */
"fUC-fp-4l5.headerCell.title" = "Arch";
/* Class = "NSTableColumn"; headerCell.title = "MinKernel"; ObjectID = "fZ7-RW-fxf"; */
"fZ7-RW-fxf.headerCell.title" = "MinKernel";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "CustomSMBIOSGuid"; ObjectID = "faf-ix-5sI"; */
"faf-ix-5sI.title" = "CustomSMBIOSGuid";
......@@ -197,12 +227,18 @@
/* Class = "NSTabViewItem"; label = "Add"; ObjectID = "mWg-wh-eGt"; */
"mWg-wh-eGt.label" = "추가";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "Browse"; ObjectID = "mup-PJ-Q4D"; */
"mup-PJ-Q4D.title" = "Browse";
/* Class = "NSButton"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Type: plist boolean\nFailsafe: false\nRequirement: 10.6 (64-bit)\nDescription: Disables kernel panic on LAPIC interrupts."; ObjectID = "nsg-T6-DJT"; */
"nsg-T6-DJT.ibShadowedToolTip" = "Type: plist boolean\nFailsafe: false\nRequirement: 10.6 (64-bit)\nDescription: Disables kernel panic on LAPIC interrupts.";
/* Class = "NSTableColumn"; headerCell.title = "Limit"; ObjectID = "nyt-5D-3es"; */
"nyt-5D-3es.headerCell.title" = "Limit";
/* Class = "NSTableView"; ibShadowedToolTip = "1. Arch\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Any\nDescription: Kext architecture (Any, i386, x86_64). \n2. BundlePath\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Empty string\nDescription: Kext bundle path (e.g. System\\Library \\Extensions \\IONetworkingFamily.kext).\n3. Comment\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Empty string\nDescription: Arbitrary ASCII string used to provide human readable reference for the entry. It is implementation defined whether this value is used.\n4. Enabled\nType: plist boolean\nFailsafe: false\nDescription: This kernel driver will not be added when not present unless set to true.\n5. ExecutablePath\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Empty string\nDescription: Kext executable path relative to bundle (e.g. Contents/MacOS/IONetworkingFamily).\n6. Identifier\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Empty string\nDescription: Kext identifier to perform presence checking before adding (e.g. com.apple.iokit.IONetworkingFamily).\nOnly drivers which identifiers are not be found in the cache will be added.\n7. MaxKernel\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Empty string\nDescription: Adds kernel driver on specified macOS version or older.\nNote: Refer to Add Add MaxKernel description for matching logic.\n8. MinKernel\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Empty string\nDescription: Adds kernel driver on specified macOS version or newer.\nNote: Refer to Add Add MaxKernel description for matching logic.\n9. PlistPath\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Empty string\nDescription: Kext Info.plist path relative to bundle (e.g. Contents/Info.plist)."; ObjectID = "p2g-8y-f45"; */
"p2g-8y-f45.ibShadowedToolTip" = "1. Arch\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Any\nDescription: Kext architecture (Any, i386, x86_64). \n2. BundlePath\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Empty string\nDescription: Kext bundle path (e.g. System\\Library \\Extensions \\IONetworkingFamily.kext).\n3. Comment\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Empty string\nDescription: Arbitrary ASCII string used to provide human readable reference for the entry. It is implementation defined whether this value is used.\n4. Enabled\nType: plist boolean\nFailsafe: false\nDescription: This kernel driver will not be added when not present unless set to true.\n5. ExecutablePath\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Empty string\nDescription: Kext executable path relative to bundle (e.g. Contents/MacOS/IONetworkingFamily).\n6. Identifier\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Empty string\nDescription: Kext identifier to perform presence checking before adding (e.g. com.apple.iokit.IONetworkingFamily).\nOnly drivers which identifiers are not be found in the cache will be added.\n7. MaxKernel\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Empty string\nDescription: Adds kernel driver on specified macOS version or older.\nNote: Refer to Add Add MaxKernel description for matching logic.\n8. MinKernel\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Empty string\nDescription: Adds kernel driver on specified macOS version or newer.\nNote: Refer to Add Add MaxKernel description for matching logic.\n9. PlistPath\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Empty string\nDescription: Kext Info.plist path relative to bundle (e.g. Contents/Info.plist).";
/* Class = "NSTableView"; ibShadowedToolTip = "1. Arch\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Any\nDescription: Kext architecture (Any, i386, x86_64).\n2. BundlePath\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Empty string\nDescription: Kext bundle path (e.g. Lilu.kext or MyKext.kext/Contents/PlugIns/MySubKext.kext).\n3. Comment\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Empty string\nDescription: Arbitrary ASCII string used to provide human readable reference for the entry. It is implementation defined whether this value is used.\n4. Enabled\nType: plist boolean\nFailsafe: false\nDescription: This kernel driver will not be added unless set to true.\n5. ExecutablePath\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Empty string\nDescription: Kext executable path relative to bundle (e.g. Contents/MacOS/Lilu).\n6. MaxKernel\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Empty string\nDescription: Adds kernel driver on specified macOS version or older.\nKernel version can be obtained with uname -r command, and should look like 3 numbers separated by dots, for example 18.7.0 is the kernel version for 10.14.6.\n7. MinKernel\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Empty string\nDescription: Adds kernel driver on specified macOS version or newer.\n\nNote: Refer to Add MaxKernel description for matching logic.\n8. PlistPath\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Empty string\nDescription: Kext Info.plist path relative to bundle (e.g. Contents/Info.plist)."; ObjectID = "pIA-W6-XA0"; */
"pIA-W6-XA0.ibShadowedToolTip" = "1. Arch\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Any\nDescription: Kext architecture (Any, i386, x86_64).\n2. BundlePath\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Empty string\nDescription: Kext bundle path (e.g. Lilu.kext or MyKext.kext/Contents/PlugIns/MySubKext.kext).\n3. Comment\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Empty string\nDescription: Arbitrary ASCII string used to provide human readable reference for the entry. It is implementation defined whether this value is used.\n4. Enabled\nType: plist boolean\nFailsafe: false\nDescription: This kernel driver will not be added unless set to true.\n5. ExecutablePath\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Empty string\nDescription: Kext executable path relative to bundle (e.g. Contents/MacOS/Lilu).\n6. MaxKernel\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Empty string\nDescription: Adds kernel driver on specified macOS version or older.\nKernel version can be obtained with uname -r command, and should look like 3 numbers separated by dots, for example 18.7.0 is the kernel version for 10.14.6.\n7. MinKernel\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Empty string\nDescription: Adds kernel driver on specified macOS version or newer.\n\nNote: Refer to Add MaxKernel description for matching logic.\n8. PlistPath\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Empty string\nDescription: Kext Info.plist path relative to bundle (e.g. Contents/Info.plist).";
......@@ -221,6 +257,9 @@
/* Class = "NSButton"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Type: plist boolean\nFailsafe: false\nRequirement: 10.8 (not required for older)\nDescription: Disables multiple MSR access critical for select CPUs, which have no native XCPM support.\nThis is normally used in conjunction with Emulate section on Haswell-E, Broadwell-E, Skylake-SP, and similar CPUs.\nNote: Additional not provided patches will be required for Ivy Bridge or Pentium CPUs. It is recommended to use AppleIntelCpuPowerManagement.kext for the former."; ObjectID = "v6y-N9-uHT"; */
"v6y-N9-uHT.ibShadowedToolTip" = "Type: plist boolean\nFailsafe: false\nRequirement: 10.8 (not required for older)\nDescription: Disables multiple MSR access critical for select CPUs, which have no native XCPM support.\nThis is normally used in conjunction with Emulate section on Haswell-E, Broadwell-E, Skylake-SP, and similar CPUs.\nNote: Additional not provided patches will be required for Ivy Bridge or Pentium CPUs. It is recommended to use AppleIntelCpuPowerManagement.kext for the former.";
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "Multiple selection allowed"; ObjectID = "vgG-WU-Sc2"; */
"vgG-WU-Sc2.title" = "Multiple selection allowed";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "ThirdPartyDrives"; ObjectID = "w0k-rY-QSy"; */
"w0k-rY-QSy.title" = "ThirdPartyDrives";
......@@ -5,8 +5,8 @@
/* Class = "NSButton"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Type: plist boolean\nFailsafe: false\nDescription: Enable VirtualSMC-compatible authenticated restart.\nAuthenticated restart is a way to reboot FileVault 2 enabled macOS without entering the password. To perform authenticated restart one can use a dedicated terminal command: sudo fdesetup authrestart. It is also used when installing operating system updates.\nVirtualSMC performs authenticated restart by saving disk encryption key split in NVRAM and RTC, which despite being removed as soon as OpenCore starts, may be considered a security risk and thus is optional."; ObjectID = "0sy-D3-AKk"; */
"0sy-D3-AKk.ibShadowedToolTip" = "Type: plist boolean\nFailsafe: false\nDescription: Enable VirtualSMC-compatible authenticated restart.\nAuthenticated restart is a way to reboot FileVault 2 enabled macOS without entering the password. To perform authenticated restart one can use a dedicated terminal command: sudo fdesetup authrestart. It is also used when installing operating system updates.\nVirtualSMC performs authenticated restart by saving disk encryption key split in NVRAM and RTC, which despite being removed as soon as OpenCore starts, may be considered a security risk and thus is optional.";
/* Class = "NSTextField"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Type: plist integer, 64 bit \nFailsafe: 0\nDescription: Apple Enclave Identifier.\nSetting this value to any (random) non-zero 64-bit integer will allow using personalised Apple Secure Boot identifiers. This value set and SecureBootModel valid and not Disabled is equivalent to to ahieve Full Security of Apple Secure Boot.\n\nNote: You will have to reinstall the operating system or use the recovery after setting this value to non-zero."; ObjectID = "0yA-ct-dgi"; */
"0yA-ct-dgi.ibShadowedToolTip" = "Type: plist integer, 64 bit \nFailsafe: 0\nDescription: Apple Enclave Identifier.\nSetting this value to any (random) non-zero 64-bit integer will allow using personalised Apple Secure Boot identifiers. This value set and SecureBootModel valid and not Disabled is equivalent to to ahieve Full Security of Apple Secure Boot.\n\nNote: You will have to reinstall the operating system or use the recovery after setting this value to non-zero.";
/* Class = "NSTextField"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Type: plist integer, 64 bit\nFailsafe: 0\nDescription: Apple Enclave Identifier.\nSetting this value to any non-zero 64-bit integer will allow using personalised Apple Secure Boot identifiers. If you want to use this setting, make sure to generate a random 64-bit number with a cryptographically secure random number generator. With this value set and SecureBootModel valid and not Disabled it is possible to achieve Full Security of Apple Secure Boot.\n\nNote 1: You will have to reinstall the operating system or use macOS DMG recovery to bless –personalize your installation after setting this value to non-zero. Installing the operating system with ApECID value set to non-zero is only possible through macOS recovery or personalized builds created with asr.\n\nNote 2: Currently the use of this option is unrealiable (apparently to a bug in macOS installer), and thus its use is not recommended."; ObjectID = "0yA-ct-dgi"; */
"0yA-ct-dgi.ibShadowedToolTip" = "Type: plist integer, 64 bit\nFailsafe: 0\nDescription: Apple Enclave Identifier.\nSetting this value to any non-zero 64-bit integer will allow using personalised Apple Secure Boot identifiers. If you want to use this setting, make sure to generate a random 64-bit number with a cryptographically secure random number generator. With this value set and SecureBootModel valid and not Disabled it is possible to achieve Full Security of Apple Secure Boot.\n\nNote 1: You will have to reinstall the operating system or use macOS DMG recovery to bless –personalize your installation after setting this value to non-zero. Installing the operating system with ApECID value set to non-zero is only possible through macOS recovery or personalized builds created with asr.\n\nNote 2: Currently the use of this option is unrealiable (apparently to a bug in macOS installer), and thus its use is not recommended.";
/* Class = "NSTableColumn"; headerCell.title = "Comment"; ObjectID = "1NZ-HO-WUF"; */
"1NZ-HO-WUF.headerCell.title" = "Comment";
......@@ -113,8 +113,8 @@
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "Unselect All"; ObjectID = "KRE-fs-cVq"; */
"KRE-fs-cVq.title" = "모두 선택취소";
/* Class = "NSPopUpButton"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Type: plist string\nFailsafe: Signed\nDescription: Attempt to provide bootloader persistence.\n\nValid values:\n• Disabled — loading DMG images will fail.\n• Signed — only Apple-signed DMG images will load.\n• Any — any DMG images will mount as normal filesystems."; ObjectID = "KUQ-Na-LT4"; */
"KUQ-Na-LT4.ibShadowedToolTip" = "Type: plist string\nFailsafe: Signed\nDescription: Attempt to provide bootloader persistence.\n\nValid values:\n• Disabled — loading DMG images will fail.\n• Signed — only Apple-signed DMG images will load.\n• Any — any DMG images will mount as normal filesystems.";
/* Class = "NSPopUpButton"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Type: plist string\nFailsafe: Signed\nDescription: Define Disk Image (DMG) loading policy used for macOS Recovery.\n\nValid values:\n• Disabled — loading DMG images will fail. Disabled policy will still let macOS Recovery to load in most cases as there usually are boot.efi files compatible with Apple Secure Boot. Manually images stored in com.apple.recovery.boot directories will not load, however.\n• Signed — only Apple-signed DMG images will load. Due to Apple Secure Boot design Signed policy will let any Apple-signed macOS Recovery to load regardless of Apple Secure Boot state, which may not always be desired.\n• Any — any DMG images will mount as normal filesystems. Any policy is strongly not recommended and will cause a boot failure when Apple Secure Boot is activated."; ObjectID = "KUQ-Na-LT4"; */
"KUQ-Na-LT4.ibShadowedToolTip" = "Type: plist string\nFailsafe: Signed\nDescription: Define Disk Image (DMG) loading policy used for macOS Recovery.\n\nValid values:\n• Disabled — loading DMG images will fail. Disabled policy will still let macOS Recovery to load in most cases as there usually are boot.efi files compatible with Apple Secure Boot. Manually images stored in com.apple.recovery.boot directories will not load, however.\n• Signed — only Apple-signed DMG images will load. Due to Apple Secure Boot design Signed policy will let any Apple-signed macOS Recovery to load regardless of Apple Secure Boot state, which may not always be desired.\n• Any — any DMG images will mount as normal filesystems. Any policy is strongly not recommended and will cause a boot failure when Apple Secure Boot is activated.";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "Provides custom rendered titles for boot entries"; ObjectID = "L3h-6q-xRi"; */
"L3h-6q-xRi.title" = "Provides custom rendered titles for boot entries";
......@@ -272,8 +272,8 @@
/* Class = "NSTableColumn"; headerCell.title = "Path*"; ObjectID = "jPS-Bu-Ar4"; */
"jPS-Bu-Ar4.headerCell.title" = "Path*";
/* Class = "NSPopUpButton"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Type: plist string \nFailsafe: Default\nDescription: Apple Secure Boot hardware model.\nDefines Apple Secure Boot hardware model and policy. Specifying this value defines which operating systems will be bootable. Operating systems shipped before the specified model was released will not boot. Valid values:\n\n• Default — Recent available model, currently set to j215.\n• Disabled — No model, Secure Boot will be disabled.\n• j137 — iMacPro1,1 (December 2017)\n• j680 — MacBookPro15,1 (July 2018)\n• j132 — MacBookPro15,2 (July 2018)\n• j174 — Macmini8,1 (October 2018)\n• j140k — MacBookAir8,1 (October 2018)\n• j780 — MacBookPro15,3 (May 2019)\n• j213 — MacBookPro15,4 (July 2019)\n• j140a — MacBookAir8,2 (July 2019)\n• j152f — MacBookPro16,1 (November 2019)\n• j160 — MacPro7,1 (December 2019)\n• j230k — MacBookAir9,1 (March 2020)\n• j214k — MacBookPro16,2 (May 2020)\n• j223 — MacBookPro16,3 (May 2020)\n• j215 — MacBookPro16,4 (June 2020)\n• j185 — iMac20,1 (August 2020)\n• j185f — iMac20,2 (August 2020)\n\nPlatformInfo and SecureBootModel are independent, allowing to enabling Apple Secure Boot with any SMBIOS.\nSetting SecureBootModel to any valid value but Disabled is equivalent to Medium Security of Apple Secure Boot. To achieve Full Security one will need to also specify ApECID value.\n\nNote: Default value will increase with time to support the latest major release operating system. It is not recommended to use ApECID and Default value together."; ObjectID = "l6D-xS-M37"; */
"l6D-xS-M37.ibShadowedToolTip" = "Type: plist string \nFailsafe: Default\nDescription: Apple Secure Boot hardware model.\nDefines Apple Secure Boot hardware model and policy. Specifying this value defines which operating systems will be bootable. Operating systems shipped before the specified model was released will not boot. Valid values:\n\n• Default — Recent available model, currently set to j215.\n• Disabled — No model, Secure Boot will be disabled.\n• j137 — iMacPro1,1 (December 2017)\n• j680 — MacBookPro15,1 (July 2018)\n• j132 — MacBookPro15,2 (July 2018)\n• j174 — Macmini8,1 (October 2018)\n• j140k — MacBookAir8,1 (October 2018)\n• j780 — MacBookPro15,3 (May 2019)\n• j213 — MacBookPro15,4 (July 2019)\n• j140a — MacBookAir8,2 (July 2019)\n• j152f — MacBookPro16,1 (November 2019)\n• j160 — MacPro7,1 (December 2019)\n• j230k — MacBookAir9,1 (March 2020)\n• j214k — MacBookPro16,2 (May 2020)\n• j223 — MacBookPro16,3 (May 2020)\n• j215 — MacBookPro16,4 (June 2020)\n• j185 — iMac20,1 (August 2020)\n• j185f — iMac20,2 (August 2020)\n\nPlatformInfo and SecureBootModel are independent, allowing to enabling Apple Secure Boot with any SMBIOS.\nSetting SecureBootModel to any valid value but Disabled is equivalent to Medium Security of Apple Secure Boot. To achieve Full Security one will need to also specify ApECID value.\n\nNote: Default value will increase with time to support the latest major release operating system. It is not recommended to use ApECID and Default value together.";
/* Class = "NSPopUpButton"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Type: plist string \nFailsafe: Default\nDescription: Apple Secure Boot hardware model.\nSets Apple Secure Boot hardware model and policy. Specifying this value defines which operating systems will be bootable. Operating systems shipped before the specified model was released will not boot. Valid values:\n\n• Default — Recent available model, currently set to j137.\n• Disabled — No model, Secure Boot will be disabled.\n• j137 — iMacPro1,1 (December 2017) minimum macOS 10.13.2 (17C2111)\n• j680 — MacBookPro15,1 (July 2018) minimum macOS 10.13.6 (17G2112)\n• j132 — MacBookPro15,2 (July 2018) minimum macOS 10.13.6 (17G2112)\n• j174 — Macmini8,1 (October 2018) minimum macOS 10.14 (18A2063)\n• j140k — MacBookAir8,1 (October 2018) minimum macOS 10.14.1 (18B2084)\n• j780 — MacBookPro15,3 (May 2019) minimum macOS 10.14.5 (18F132)\n• j213 — MacBookPro15,4 (July 2019) minimum macOS 10.14.5 (18F2058)\n• j140a — MacBookAir8,2 (July 2019) minimum macOS 10.14.5 (18F2058)\n• j152f — MacBookPro16,1 (November 2019) minimum macOS 10.15.1 (19B2093)\n• j160 — MacPro7,1 (December 2019) minimum macOS 10.15.1 (19B88)\n• j230k — MacBookAir9,1 (March 2020) minimum macOS 10.15.3 (19D2064)\n• j214k — MacBookPro16,2 (May 2020) minimum macOS 10.15.4 (19E2269)\n• j223 — MacBookPro16,3 (May 2020) minimum macOS 10.15.4 (19E2265)\n• j215 — MacBookPro16,4 (June 2020) minimum macOS 10.15.5 (19F96)\n• j185 — iMac20,1 (August 2020) minimum macOS 10.15.6 (19G2005)\n• j185f — iMac20,2 (August 2020) minimum macOS 10.15.6 (19G2005)\n\nPlatformInfo and SecureBootModel are independent, allowing to enabling Apple Secure Boot with any SMBIOS.\nSetting SecureBootModel to any valid value but Disabled is equivalent to Medium Security of Apple Secure Boot. To achieve Full Security one will need to also specify ApECID value.\n\nEnabling Apple Secure Boot is more demanding to incorrect configurations, buggy macOS installations, and unsupported setups. Things to keep in mind:\n(a) Just like on T2 Macs you will not be able to install any unsigned kernel drivers and several signed kernel drivers including NVIDIA Web Drivers.\n(b) The list of cached drivers may be different, resulting in the need to change the list of Added or Forced kernel drivers. For example, IO80211Family cannot be injected in this case.\n(c) If your platform requires certain settings, but they were not enabled, because the obvious issues did not trigger before, you may get boot failure. Be extra careful with IgnoreInvalidFlexRatio or HashServices.\n(d) Operating systems released before Apple Secure Boot landed (e.g. macOS 10.12 or earlier) will still boot until UEFI Secure Boot is enabled. This is so, because from Apple Secure Boot point they are treated as incompatible and are assumed to be handled by the firmware just like Microsoft Windows is.\n(e) On older CPUs (e.g. before Sandy Bridge) enabling Apple Secure Boot might cause slightly slower loading section.\n(f) Since Default value will increase with time to support the latest major release operating system, it is not recommended to use ApECID and Default value together."; ObjectID = "l6D-xS-M37"; */
"l6D-xS-M37.ibShadowedToolTip" = "Type: plist string \nFailsafe: Default\nDescription: Apple Secure Boot hardware model.\nSets Apple Secure Boot hardware model and policy. Specifying this value defines which operating systems will be bootable. Operating systems shipped before the specified model was released will not boot. Valid values:\n\n• Default — Recent available model, currently set to j137.\n• Disabled — No model, Secure Boot will be disabled.\n• j137 — iMacPro1,1 (December 2017) minimum macOS 10.13.2 (17C2111)\n• j680 — MacBookPro15,1 (July 2018) minimum macOS 10.13.6 (17G2112)\n• j132 — MacBookPro15,2 (July 2018) minimum macOS 10.13.6 (17G2112)\n• j174 — Macmini8,1 (October 2018) minimum macOS 10.14 (18A2063)\n• j140k — MacBookAir8,1 (October 2018) minimum macOS 10.14.1 (18B2084)\n• j780 — MacBookPro15,3 (May 2019) minimum macOS 10.14.5 (18F132)\n• j213 — MacBookPro15,4 (July 2019) minimum macOS 10.14.5 (18F2058)\n• j140a — MacBookAir8,2 (July 2019) minimum macOS 10.14.5 (18F2058)\n• j152f — MacBookPro16,1 (November 2019) minimum macOS 10.15.1 (19B2093)\n• j160 — MacPro7,1 (December 2019) minimum macOS 10.15.1 (19B88)\n• j230k — MacBookAir9,1 (March 2020) minimum macOS 10.15.3 (19D2064)\n• j214k — MacBookPro16,2 (May 2020) minimum macOS 10.15.4 (19E2269)\n• j223 — MacBookPro16,3 (May 2020) minimum macOS 10.15.4 (19E2265)\n• j215 — MacBookPro16,4 (June 2020) minimum macOS 10.15.5 (19F96)\n• j185 — iMac20,1 (August 2020) minimum macOS 10.15.6 (19G2005)\n• j185f — iMac20,2 (August 2020) minimum macOS 10.15.6 (19G2005)\n\nPlatformInfo and SecureBootModel are independent, allowing to enabling Apple Secure Boot with any SMBIOS.\nSetting SecureBootModel to any valid value but Disabled is equivalent to Medium Security of Apple Secure Boot. To achieve Full Security one will need to also specify ApECID value.\n\nEnabling Apple Secure Boot is more demanding to incorrect configurations, buggy macOS installations, and unsupported setups. Things to keep in mind:\n(a) Just like on T2 Macs you will not be able to install any unsigned kernel drivers and several signed kernel drivers including NVIDIA Web Drivers.\n(b) The list of cached drivers may be different, resulting in the need to change the list of Added or Forced kernel drivers. For example, IO80211Family cannot be injected in this case.\n(c) If your platform requires certain settings, but they were not enabled, because the obvious issues did not trigger before, you may get boot failure. Be extra careful with IgnoreInvalidFlexRatio or HashServices.\n(d) Operating systems released before Apple Secure Boot landed (e.g. macOS 10.12 or earlier) will still boot until UEFI Secure Boot is enabled. This is so, because from Apple Secure Boot point they are treated as incompatible and are assumed to be handled by the firmware just like Microsoft Windows is.\n(e) On older CPUs (e.g. before Sandy Bridge) enabling Apple Secure Boot might cause slightly slower loading section.\n(f) Since Default value will increase with time to support the latest major release operating system, it is not recommended to use ApECID and Default value together.";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "SkipCustomEntryCheck"; ObjectID = "mB0-8o-rL6"; */
"mB0-8o-rL6.title" = "SkipCustomEntryCheck";
......@@ -323,8 +323,8 @@
/* Class = "NSComboBox"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Type: plist string \nFailsafe: Empty string \nDescription: Sets console output mode as specified with the WxH (e.g. 80x24) formatted string.\nSet to empty string not to change console mode. Set to Max to try to use largest available console mode. Currently Builtin text renderer supports only one console mode, so this option is ignored.\n\nNote: This field is best to be left empty on most firmwares."; ObjectID = "lye-vu-fi3"; Note = "Do Not Translate"; */
"lye-vu-fi3.ibShadowedToolTip" = "Type: plist string \nFailsafe: Empty string \nDescription: Sets console output mode as specified with the WxH (e.g. 80x24) formatted string.\nSet to empty string not to change console mode. Set to Max to try to use largest available console mode. Currently Builtin text renderer supports only one console mode, so this option is ignored.\n\nNote: This field is best to be left empty on most firmwares.";
/* Class = "NSPopUpButton"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Type: plist string\nFailsafe: BuiltinGraphics\nDescription: Chooses renderer for text going through standard console output.\nCurrently two renderers are supported: Builtin and System. System renderer uses firmware services for text rendering. Builtin bypassing firmware services and performs text rendering on its own. Different renderers support a different set of options. It is recommended to use Builtin renderer, as it supports HiDPI mode and uses full screen resolution.\nUEFI firmwares generally support ConsoleControl with two rendering modes: Graphics and Text. Some firmwares do not support ConsoleControl and rendering modes. OpenCore and macOS expect text to only be shown in Graphics mode and graphics to be drawn in any mode. Since this is not required by UEFI specification, exact behaviour varies.\nValid values are combinations of text renderer and rendering mode:\n• BuiltinGraphics — Switch to Graphics mode and use Builtin renderer with custom ConsoleControl.\n• SystemGraphics — Switch to Graphics mode and use System renderer with custom ConsoleControl.\n• SystemText — Switch to Text mode and use System renderer with custom ConsoleControl.\n• SystemGeneric — Use System renderer with system ConsoleControl assuming it behaves correctly.\nThe use of BuiltinGraphics is generally straightforward. For most platforms it is necessary to enable ProvideConsoleGop, set Resolution to Max, and optionally configure Scale.\nThe use of System protocols is more complicated. In general the preferred setting is SystemGraphics or SystemText. Enabling ProvideConsoleGop, setting Resolution to Max, enabling ReplaceTabWithSpace is useful on almost all platforms. SanitiseClearScreen, IgnoreTextInGraphics, and ClearScreenOnModeSwitch are more specific, and their use depends on the firmware.\n\nNote: Some Macs, namely MacPro5,1, may have broken console output with newer GPUs, and thus only BuiltinGraphics may work for them."; ObjectID = "mlh-hW-OqT"; */
"mlh-hW-OqT.ibShadowedToolTip" = "Type: plist string\nFailsafe: BuiltinGraphics\nDescription: Chooses renderer for text going through standard console output.\nCurrently two renderers are supported: Builtin and System. System renderer uses firmware services for text rendering. Builtin bypassing firmware services and performs text rendering on its own. Different renderers support a different set of options. It is recommended to use Builtin renderer, as it supports HiDPI mode and uses full screen resolution.\nUEFI firmwares generally support ConsoleControl with two rendering modes: Graphics and Text. Some firmwares do not support ConsoleControl and rendering modes. OpenCore and macOS expect text to only be shown in Graphics mode and graphics to be drawn in any mode. Since this is not required by UEFI specification, exact behaviour varies.\nValid values are combinations of text renderer and rendering mode:\n• BuiltinGraphics — Switch to Graphics mode and use Builtin renderer with custom ConsoleControl.\n• SystemGraphics — Switch to Graphics mode and use System renderer with custom ConsoleControl.\n• SystemText — Switch to Text mode and use System renderer with custom ConsoleControl.\n• SystemGeneric — Use System renderer with system ConsoleControl assuming it behaves correctly.\nThe use of BuiltinGraphics is generally straightforward. For most platforms it is necessary to enable ProvideConsoleGop, set Resolution to Max, and optionally configure Scale.\nThe use of System protocols is more complicated. In general the preferred setting is SystemGraphics or SystemText. Enabling ProvideConsoleGop, setting Resolution to Max, enabling ReplaceTabWithSpace is useful on almost all platforms. SanitiseClearScreen, IgnoreTextInGraphics, and ClearScreenOnModeSwitch are more specific, and their use depends on the firmware.\n\nNote: Some Macs, namely MacPro5,1, may have broken console output with newer GPUs, and thus only BuiltinGraphics may work for them.";
/* Class = "NSPopUpButton"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Type: plist string\nFailsafe: BuiltinGraphics\nDescription: Chooses renderer for text going through standard console output.\nCurrently two renderers are supported: Builtin and System. System renderer uses firmware services for text rendering. Builtin bypassing firmware services and performs text rendering on its own. Different renderers support a different set of options. It is recommended to use Builtin renderer, as it supports HiDPI mode and uses full screen resolution.\nUEFI firmwares generally support ConsoleControl with two rendering modes: Graphics and Text. Some firmwares do not support ConsoleControl and rendering modes. OpenCore and macOS expect text to only be shown in Graphics mode and graphics to be drawn in any mode. Since this is not required by UEFI specification, exact behaviour varies.\nValid values are combinations of text renderer and rendering mode:\n• BuiltinGraphics — Switch to Graphics mode and use Builtin renderer with custom ConsoleControl.\n• BuiltinText — Switch to Text mode and use Builtin renderer with custom ConsoleControl.\n• SystemGraphics — Switch to Graphics mode and use System renderer with custom ConsoleControl.\n• SystemText — Switch to Text mode and use System renderer with custom ConsoleControl.\n• SystemGeneric — Use System renderer with system ConsoleControl assuming it behaves correctly.\n\nThe use of BuiltinGraphics is generally straightforward. For most platforms it is necessary to enable ProvideConsoleGop, set Resolution to Max. BuiltinText variant is an alternative BuiltinGraphics for some very old and buggy laptop firmwares, which can only draw in Text mode.\n\nThe use of System protocols is more complicated. In general the preferred setting is SystemGraphics or SystemText. Enabling ProvideConsoleGop, setting Resolution to Max, enabling ReplaceTabWithSpace is useful on almost all platforms. SanitiseClearScreen, IgnoreTextInGraphics, and ClearScreenOnModeSwitch are more specific, and their use depends on the firmware.\n\nNote: Some Macs, namely MacPro5,1, may have broken console output with newer GPUs, and thus only BuiltinGraphics may work for them."; ObjectID = "mlh-hW-OqT"; */
"mlh-hW-OqT.ibShadowedToolTip" = "Type: plist string\nFailsafe: BuiltinGraphics\nDescription: Chooses renderer for text going through standard console output.\nCurrently two renderers are supported: Builtin and System. System renderer uses firmware services for text rendering. Builtin bypassing firmware services and performs text rendering on its own. Different renderers support a different set of options. It is recommended to use Builtin renderer, as it supports HiDPI mode and uses full screen resolution.\nUEFI firmwares generally support ConsoleControl with two rendering modes: Graphics and Text. Some firmwares do not support ConsoleControl and rendering modes. OpenCore and macOS expect text to only be shown in Graphics mode and graphics to be drawn in any mode. Since this is not required by UEFI specification, exact behaviour varies.\nValid values are combinations of text renderer and rendering mode:\n• BuiltinGraphics — Switch to Graphics mode and use Builtin renderer with custom ConsoleControl.\n• BuiltinText — Switch to Text mode and use Builtin renderer with custom ConsoleControl.\n• SystemGraphics — Switch to Graphics mode and use System renderer with custom ConsoleControl.\n• SystemText — Switch to Text mode and use System renderer with custom ConsoleControl.\n• SystemGeneric — Use System renderer with system ConsoleControl assuming it behaves correctly.\n\nThe use of BuiltinGraphics is generally straightforward. For most platforms it is necessary to enable ProvideConsoleGop, set Resolution to Max. BuiltinText variant is an alternative BuiltinGraphics for some very old and buggy laptop firmwares, which can only draw in Text mode.\n\nThe use of System protocols is more complicated. In general the preferred setting is SystemGraphics or SystemText. Enabling ProvideConsoleGop, setting Resolution to Max, enabling ReplaceTabWithSpace is useful on almost all platforms. SanitiseClearScreen, IgnoreTextInGraphics, and ClearScreenOnModeSwitch are more specific, and their use depends on the firmware.\n\nNote: Some Macs, namely MacPro5,1, may have broken console output with newer GPUs, and thus only BuiltinGraphics may work for them.";
/* Class = "NSTableColumn"; headerCell.title = "Enabled"; ObjectID = "n2P-We-NTM"; */
"n2P-We-NTM.headerCell.title" = "Enabled";
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