未验证 提交 0126af63 编写于 作者: B btwise 提交者: GitHub

Merge pull request #48 from mackie100/master

......@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "KernelArch"; ObjectID = "Edd-Fj-thV"; */
"Edd-Fj-thV.title" = "内核架构";
/* Class = "NSButton"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Type: plist boolean\nDefault value: false\nRequirement: 10.6 (64-bit)\nDescription: Disables PKG_CST_CONFIG_CONTROL (0xE2) MSR modification in AppleIntelCPUPowerManage- ment.kext, commonly causing early kernel panic, when it is locked from writing.\nCertain firmwares lock PKG_CST_CONFIG_CONTROL MSR register. To check its state one can use bundled VerifyMsrE2 tool. Select firmwares have this register locked on some cores only.\nAs modern firmwares provide CFG Lock setting, which allows configuring PKG_CST_CONFIG_CONTROL MSR register lock, this option should be avoided whenever possible. For several APTIO firmwares not displaying CFG Lock setting in the GUI it is possible to access the option directly:\n(a) Download UEFITool and IFR-Extractor.\n(b) Open your firmware image in UEFITool and find CFG Lock unicode string. If it is not present, your firmware may not have this option and you should stop.\n(c) Extract the Setup.bin PE32 Image Section (the one UEFITool found) through Extract Body menu option.\n(d) Run IFR-Extractor on the extracted file (e.g. ./ifrextract Setup.bin Setup.txt).\n(e) Find CFG Lock, VarStoreInfo (VarOffset/VarName): in Setup.txt and remember the offset right after it (e.g. 0x123).\n(f) Download and run Modified GRUB Shell compiled by brainsucker or use a newer version by datasone.\n(g) Enter setup_var 0x123 0x00 command, where 0x123 should be replaced by your actual offset, and reboot.\nWARNING: Variable offsets are unique not only to each motherboard but even to its firmware version. Never ever try to use an offset without checking."; ObjectID = "FUx-RJ-QTK"; */
/* Class = "NSButton"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Type: plist boolean\nDefault value: false\nRequirement: 10.4\nDescription: Disables PKG_CST_CONFIG_CONTROL (0xE2) MSR modification in AppleIntelCPUPowerManage- ment.kext, commonly causing early kernel panic, when it is locked from writing.\nCertain firmwares lock PKG_CST_CONFIG_CONTROL MSR register. To check its state one can use bundled VerifyMsrE2 tool. Select firmwares have this register locked on some cores only.\nAs modern firmwares provide CFG Lock setting, which allows configuring PKG_CST_CONFIG_CONTROL MSR register lock, this option should be avoided whenever possible. For several APTIO firmwares not displaying CFG Lock setting in the GUI it is possible to access the option directly:\n(a) Download UEFITool and IFR-Extractor.\n(b) Open your firmware image in UEFITool and find CFG Lock unicode string. If it is not present, your firmware may not have this option and you should stop.\n(c) Extract the Setup.bin PE32 Image Section (the one UEFITool found) through Extract Body menu option.\n(d) Run IFR-Extractor on the extracted file (e.g. ./ifrextract Setup.bin Setup.txt).\n(e) Find CFG Lock, VarStoreInfo (VarOffset/VarName): in Setup.txt and remember the offset right after it (e.g. 0x123).\n(f) Download and run Modified GRUB Shell compiled by brainsucker or use a newer version by datasone.\n(g) Enter setup_var 0x123 0x00 command, where 0x123 should be replaced by your actual offset, and reboot.\nWARNING: Variable offsets are unique not only to each motherboard but even to its firmware version. Never ever try to use an offset without checking."; ObjectID = "FUx-RJ-QTK"; */
"FUx-RJ-QTK.ibShadowedToolTip" = "请确保你的BIOS中已经关闭了CFG Lock。如果你不会解这个锁,你就选择YES,这个适用于四代以前的机型。\n选择这项一般就不要选后面的XcpmCfgLock选项,解锁的情况下选择NO。";
/* Class = "NSTableColumn"; headerCell.title = "Find"; ObjectID = "GcD-Hq-Pnt"; */
......@@ -131,10 +131,10 @@
/* Class = "NSButton"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Type: plist boolean\nDefault value: false\nRequirement: 10.11 (not required for older)\nDescription: Patch various kexts (AppleUSBXHCI.kext, AppleUSBXHCIPCI.kext, IOUSBHostFamily.kext) to remove USB port count limit of 15 ports.\nNote: This option should avoided whenever possible. USB port limit is imposed by the amount of used bits in locationID format and there is no possible way to workaround this without heavy OS modification. The only valid solution is to limit the amount of used ports to 15 (discarding some)."; ObjectID = "QzX-0b-2d3"; */
"QzX-0b-2d3.ibShadowedToolTip" = "解除15个端口限制,如果USB端口已经定制,请选择NO。";
/* Class = "NSButton"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Type: plist boolean\nFailsafe: false\nRequirement: 10.6 (64-bit)\nDescription: Disables primary checksum (0x58-0x59) writing in AppleRTC.\n\nNote 1: This option will not protect other areas from being overwritten, see RTCMemoryFixup kernel extension if this is desired.\n\nNote 2: This option will not protect areas from being overwritten at firmware stage (e.g. macOS bootloader), see RTC (FIXME) section if this is desired."; ObjectID = "RA3-U5-VwM"; */
/* Class = "NSButton"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Type: plist boolean\nFailsafe: false\nRequirement: 10.4\nDescription: Disables primary checksum (0x58-0x59) writing in AppleRTC.\n\nNote 1: This option will not protect other areas from being overwritten, see RTCMemoryFixup kernel extension if this is desired.\n\nNote 2: This option will not protect areas from being overwritten at firmware stage (e.g. macOS bootloader), see AppleRtcRam protocol description if this is desired."; ObjectID = "RA3-U5-VwM"; */
"RA3-U5-VwM.ibShadowedToolTip" = "在AppleRTC中禁止写入主校验和。\n\n注意 1: 此选项不会保护其他区域不被覆盖,如果需要,请参见RTCMemoryFixup内核扩展。\n\n注意 2: 此选项不能保护区域在固件阶段不被覆盖 (例如 macOS bootloader), 如果需要,请参见RTC(FIXME)部分。";
/* Class = "NSButton"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Type: plist boolean\nDefault value: false\nRequirement: 10.6 (64-bit)\nDescription: Apply icon type patches to IOAHCIPort.kext to force internal disk icons for all AHCI disks.\nNote: This option should be avoided whenever possible. Modern firmwares usually have compatible AHCI controllers."; ObjectID = "SGM-P1-Mz5"; */
/* Class = "NSButton"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Type: plist boolean\nDefault value: false\nRequirement: 10.4\nDescription: Apply icon type patches to IOAHCIPort.kext to force internal disk icons for all AHCI disks.\nNote: This option should be avoided whenever possible. Modern firmwares usually have compatible AHCI controllers."; ObjectID = "SGM-P1-Mz5"; */
"SGM-P1-Mz5.ibShadowedToolTip" = "AHCI控制器相关,现在的主板都对AHCI支持的很好,一般选择NO。";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "ExternalDiskIcons"; ObjectID = "SHQ-fm-Uec"; */
......@@ -161,7 +161,7 @@
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "Cpuid1Data"; ObjectID = "aVm-Of-4z9"; */
"aVm-Of-4z9.title" = "Cpuid1Data";
/* Class = "NSButton"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Type: plist boolean\nFailsafe: false\nRequirement: 10.6 (64-bit)\nDescription: Performs GUID patching for UpdateSMBIOSMode Custom mode. Usually relevant for Dell laptops."; ObjectID = "alh-j7-rix"; */
/* Class = "NSButton"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Type: plist boolean\nFailsafe: false\nRequirement: 10.4\nDescription: Performs GUID patching for UpdateSMBIOSMode Custom mode. Usually relevant for Dell laptops."; ObjectID = "alh-j7-rix"; */
"alh-j7-rix.ibShadowedToolTip" = "对 UpdateSMBIOSMode 自定义模式执行 GUID 修补, 用于戴尔笔记本电脑 (等同于 Clover 的 DellSMBIOSPatch)。";
/* Class = "NSButton"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Type: plist boolean\nFailsafe: false\nRequirement: 10.13 (not required for older)\nDescription: Prevent kernel from printing kext dump in the panic log preventing from observing panic details. Affects 10.13 and above."; ObjectID = "axF-O3-KF9"; */
......@@ -248,7 +248,7 @@
/* Class = "NSTableView"; ibShadowedToolTip = "1. Arch\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Any\nDescription: Kext architecture (Any, i386, x86_64).\n2. BundlePath\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Empty string\nDescription: Kext bundle path (e.g. Lilu.kext or MyKext.kext/Contents/PlugIns/MySubKext.kext).\n3. Comment\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Empty string\nDescription: Arbitrary ASCII string used to provide human readable reference for the entry. It is implementation defined whether this value is used.\n4. Enabled\nType: plist boolean\nFailsafe: false\nDescription: This kernel driver will not be added unless set to true.\n5. ExecutablePath\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Empty string\nDescription: Kext executable path relative to bundle (e.g. Contents/MacOS/Lilu).\n6. MaxKernel\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Empty string\nDescription: Adds kernel driver on specified macOS version or older.\nKernel version can be obtained with uname -r command, and should look like 3 numbers separated by dots, for example 18.7.0 is the kernel version for 10.14.6.\n7. MinKernel\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Empty string\nDescription: Adds kernel driver on specified macOS version or newer.\n\nNote: Refer to Add MaxKernel description for matching logic.\n8. PlistPath\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Empty string\nDescription: Kext Info.plist path relative to bundle (e.g. Contents/Info.plist)."; ObjectID = "pIA-W6-XA0"; */
"pIA-W6-XA0.ibShadowedToolTip" = "这里加载kexts的驱动文件。\n需要注意的是OC的kexts填写必须注意顺序,比如applealc的依赖是lilu,那么lilu必须填在第一个;SMCProcessor.kext依赖于Virtualsmc.kext。那virtualsmc必须放在SMCProcessor.kext之前。\n可以使用右键菜单中的导入预设驱动或编辑好的驱动顺序列表,提前导入驱动列表注意对应驱动文件必须要存在!";
/* Class = "NSButton"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Type: plist boolean \nFailsafe: false\nRequirement: 10.6 (64-bit)\nDescription: Disables AppleIntelCpuPowerManagement.\nNote: This option is a preferred alternative to NullCpuPowerManagement.kext for CPUs without native power management driver in macOS."; ObjectID = "rXc-DS-H2x"; */
/* Class = "NSButton"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Type: plist boolean \nFailsafe: false\nRequirement: 10.4\nDescription: Disables AppleIntelCpuPowerManagement.\nNote: This option is a preferred alternative to NullCpuPowerManagement.kext for CPUs without native power management driver in macOS."; ObjectID = "rXc-DS-H2x"; */
"rXc-DS-H2x.ibShadowedToolTip" = "禁用 AppleIntelCpuPowerManagement.\n对于在macOS中不支持原生电源管理驱动程序的CPU,此选项是NullCpuPowerManagement.kext的首选替代方案。";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "FuzzyMatch"; ObjectID = "srr-gQ-RrN"; */
......@@ -284,7 +284,7 @@
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "Cpuid1Mask"; ObjectID = "xNJ-1G-bdS"; */
"xNJ-1G-bdS.title" = "Cpuid1Mask";
/* Class = "NSButton"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Type: plist boolean\nFailsafe: false\nRequirement: 10.6 (64-bit, not required for older)\nDescription: Apply vendor patches to IOAHCIBlockStorage.kext to enable native features for third-party drives, such as TRIM on SSDs or hibernation support on 10.15 and newer.\nNote: This option may be avoided on user preference. NVMe SSDs are compatible without the change. For AHCI SSDs on modern macOS version there is a dedicated built-in utility called trimforce. Starting from 10.15 this utility creates EnableTRIM variable in APPLE_BOOT_VARIABLE_GUID namespace with 01 00 00 00 value."; ObjectID = "yhV-cY-frg"; */
/* Class = "NSButton"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Type: plist boolean\nFailsafe: false\nRequirement: 10.6 (not required for older)\nDescription: Apply vendor patches to IOAHCIBlockStorage.kext to enable native features for third-party drives, such as TRIM on SSDs or hibernation support on 10.15 and newer.\nNote: This option may be avoided on user preference. NVMe SSDs are compatible without the change. For AHCI SSDs on modern macOS version there is a dedicated built-in utility called trimforce. Starting from 10.15 this utility creates EnableTRIM variable in APPLE_BOOT_VARIABLE_GUID namespace with 01 00 00 00 value."; ObjectID = "yhV-cY-frg"; */
"yhV-cY-frg.ibShadowedToolTip" = "为 SSD 启用 TRIM 指令, NVMe SSD 会自动被 macOS 加载因此不需要, SATA SSD 可以在终端执行 sudo trimforce enable 开启。\n同时修复 macOS 10.15 下非苹果原厂 SSD 无法使用硬盘休眠 (hibernatemode 25)。";
/* Class = "NSPopUpButton"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Type: plist string\nFailsafe: Auto\nDescription: Prefer specified kernel architecture (Auto, i386, i386-user32, x86_64) when available.\n\nOn macOS 10.7 and earlier XNU kernel can boot with architectures different from the usual x86_64. This setting will use the specified architecture to boot macOS when it is supported by the macOS and the configuration:\n• Auto — Choose the preferred architecture automatically.\n• i386 — Use i386 (32-bit) kernel when available.\n• i386-user32 — Use i386 (32-bit) kernel when available and force the use of 32-bit userspace on 64-bit\ncapable processors. On macOS 64-bit capable processors are assumed to support SSSE3. This is not the case for older 64-bit capable Pentium processors, which cause some applications to crash on macOS 10.6.\nThe behaviour corresponds to -legacy kernel boot argument.\n• x86_64 — Use x86_64 (64-bit) kernel when available.\n\nBelow is the algorithm determining the kernel architecture.\n(a) arch argument in image arguments (e.g. when launched via UEFI Shell) or in boot-args variable overrides any compatibility checks and forces the specified architecture, completing this algorithm.\n(b) OpenCore build architecture restricts capabilities to i386 and i386-user32 mode for the 32-bit firmware variant.\n(c) Determined EfiBoot version restricts architecture choice:\n• 10.4-10.5 — i386 or i386-user32\n• 10.6 — i386, i386-user32, or x86_64\n• 10.7 — i386 or x86_64\n• 10.8 or newer — x86_64\n(d) If KernelArch is set to Auto and SSSE3 is not supported by the CPU, capabilities are restricted to i386-user32 if supported by EfiBoot.\n(e) Board identifier (from SMBIOS) based on EfiBoot version disables x86_64 support on an unsupported model if any i386 variant is supported. Auto is not consulted here as the list is not overridable in EfiBoot.\n(f) KernelArch restricts the support to the explicitly specified architecture (when not set to Auto) if the architecture remains present in the capabilities.\n(g) The best supported architecture is chosen in this order: x86_64, i386, i386-user32.\nUnlike macOS 10.7, where select boards identifiers are treated as the i386 only machines, and macOS 10.5 or earlier, where x86_64 is not supported by the macOS kernel, macOS 10.6 is very special. The architecture choice on macOS 10.6 depends on many factors including not only the board identifier, but also macOS product type (client vs server), macOS point release, and RAM amount. The detection of them all is complicated and not practical, because several point releases had genuine bugs and failed to properly perform the server detection in the first place. For this reason OpenCore on macOS 10.6 will fallback to x86_64 architecture whenever it is supported by the board at all, just like on macOS 10.7. As a reference here is the 64-bit Mac model compatibility corresponding to actual EfiBoot behaviour on macOS 10.6.8 and 10.7.5.\n\nNote: 3+2 and 6+4 hotkeys to choose the preferred architecture are unsupported due to being handled by EfiBoot and thus being hard to properly detect."; ObjectID = "zDQ-MU-J9A"; */
......@@ -167,6 +167,9 @@
/* Class = "NSButton"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Add or remove this section from plist\nDefault value: Add"; ObjectID = "PHO-4O-OIP"; */
"PHO-4O-OIP.ibShadowedToolTip" = "从plist添加或删除此部分\n默认值:添加";
/* Class = "NSPopUpButton"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Type: plist string\nFailsafe: Auto\nDescription: Indicates whether system memory is upgradable in PlatformFeature. This controls the visibility of the Memory tab in About This Mac.\n\nValid values:\n• Auto — use the original PlatformFeature value.\n• Upgradable — explicitly unset PT_FEATURE_HAS_SOLDERED_SYSTEM_MEMORY (0x2) in PlatformFeature.\n• Soldered — explicitly set PT_FEATURE_HAS_SOLDERED_SYSTEM_MEMORY (0x2) in PlatformFeature.\n\nNote: On certain Mac models (namely MacBookPro10,x and any MacBookAir), SPMemoryReporter.spreporter will ignore PT_FEATURE_HAS_SOLDERED_SYSTEM_MEMORY and assume that system memory is non-upgradable."; ObjectID = "PPQ-0x-9Ub"; */
"PPQ-0x-9Ub.ibShadowedToolTip" = "Type: plist string\nFailsafe: Auto\nDescription: Indicates whether system memory is upgradable in PlatformFeature. This controls the visibility of the Memory tab in About This Mac.\n\nValid values:\n• Auto — use the original PlatformFeature value.\n• Upgradable — explicitly unset PT_FEATURE_HAS_SOLDERED_SYSTEM_MEMORY (0x2) in PlatformFeature.\n• Soldered — explicitly set PT_FEATURE_HAS_SOLDERED_SYSTEM_MEMORY (0x2) in PlatformFeature.\n\nNote: On certain Mac models (namely MacBookPro10,x and any MacBookAir), SPMemoryReporter.spreporter will ignore PT_FEATURE_HAS_SOLDERED_SYSTEM_MEMORY and assume that system memory is non-upgradable.";
/* Class = "NSSegmentedCell"; PVt-qS-yBp.ibShadowedLabels[0] = "Model Lookup"; ObjectID = "PVt-qS-yBp"; */
"PVt-qS-yBp.ibShadowedLabels[0]" = "机型查询";
......@@ -182,7 +185,7 @@
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "Vendor"; ObjectID = "R7K-qk-Tpk"; */
"R7K-qk-Tpk.title" = "Vendor";
/* Class = "NSTextField"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Type: plist integer, 16-bit\nDefault value: Automatic\nSMBIOS: APPLE_SMBIOS_TABLE_TYPE131 - ProcessorType Description: Combined of Processor Major and Minor types."; ObjectID = "RLW-Hz-QKb"; */
/* Class = "NSTextField"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Type: plist integer, 16-bit\nFailsafe: 0 (Automatic)\nSMBIOS: APPLE_SMBIOS_TABLE_TYPE131 - ProcessorType Description: Combined of Processor Major and Minor types."; ObjectID = "RLW-Hz-QKb"; */
"RLW-Hz-QKb.ibShadowedToolTip" = "默认值:自动\nSMBIOS:APPLE_SMBIOS_TABLE_TYPE131 - ProcessorType描述:处理器主要和次要类型的组合。";
/* Class = "NSTextField"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Type: plist string\nDefault value: OEM specified\nSMBIOS: System Information (Type 1) — Family Description: Family name. May look like iMac Pro."; ObjectID = "Rag-wy-fpE"; */
......@@ -224,7 +227,7 @@
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "from System"; ObjectID = "VKd-ep-fuP"; */
"VKd-ep-fuP.title" = "来自系统";
/* Class = "NSTextField"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Type: plist integer, 64-bit\nDefault value: Automatic\nDescription: Sets FSBFrequency in gEfiProcessorSubClassGuid. Sets CPU FSB frequency."; ObjectID = "W2E-oe-9Uq"; */
/* Class = "NSTextField"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Type: plist integer, 64-bit\nFailsafe: 0 (Automatic)\nDescription: Sets FSBFrequency in gEfiProcessorSubClassGuid. Sets CPU FSB frequency."; ObjectID = "W2E-oe-9Uq"; */
"W2E-oe-9Uq.ibShadowedToolTip" = "默认值:自动\n描述:在gEfiProcessorSubClassGuid中设置FSBFrequency。设置CPU FSB频率。";
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "Board Product"; ObjectID = "WDt-qb-GcR"; */
......@@ -245,7 +248,10 @@
/* Class = "NSButton"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Type: plist boolean\nDefault value: false\nDescription: Update DataHub fields. These fields are read from Generic or DataHub sections depending on Automatic value."; ObjectID = "XRB-18-dHU"; */
"XRB-18-dHU.ibShadowedToolTip" = "必须选YES, 无论\"自动\"选项是否选择!";
/* Class = "NSTextField"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Type: plist integer, 16-bit\nDefault value: Automatic\nSMBIOS: APPLE_SMBIOS_TABLE_TYPE131 - ProcessorType Description: Combined of Processor Major and Minor types."; ObjectID = "YN8-NU-Zgm"; */
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "SystemMemoryStatus"; ObjectID = "Xed-CT-3f5"; */
"Xed-CT-3f5.title" = "SystemMemoryStatus";
/* Class = "NSTextField"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Type: plist integer, 16-bit\nFailsafe: 0 (Automatic)\nSMBIOS: APPLE_SMBIOS_TABLE_TYPE131 - ProcessorType Description: Combined of Processor Major and Minor types."; ObjectID = "YN8-NU-Zgm"; */
"YN8-NU-Zgm.ibShadowedToolTip" = "填写十进制整数值\n\n自动值生成会尝试为当前安装的CPU提供最准确的值。有关完整列表可用值及其限制(该值仅在CPU核心数量匹配时适用)是指Apple SMBIOS,可以在https://github.com/acidanthera/OpenCorePkg/blob/master/Include/Apple/IndustryStandard/AppleSmBios.h查看定义标头\n另请参阅此处以获取Mac型号上使用的CPU列表:https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1x09b5-DGh8ozNwN5ZjAi7TMnOp4TDm6DbmrKu86i_bQ\n\n例如:我的CPU是I5-6400,属于I5系列,四核心,通过查表获知CPU型号为0x0605,转换为十进制数为1541,如果想显示为I7处理器,对应的CPU型号为0x0705,转为十进制整数为1797,这里填1797,重启后就显示为I7处理器";
/* Class = "NSTextField"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Type: plist integer\nDefault value: OEM specified\nSMBIOS: Baseboard (or Module) Information (Type 2) — Board Type\nDescription: Either 0xA (Motherboard (includes processor, memory, and I/O) or 0xB (Processor/Memory Module), refer to Table 15 – Baseboard: Board Type for more details."; ObjectID = "YgB-Sp-EZ5"; */
......@@ -398,7 +404,7 @@
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "Family"; ObjectID = "pbb-64-p0X"; */
"pbb-64-p0X.title" = "Family";
/* Class = "NSTextField"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Type: plist integer, 64-bit\nDefault value: Not installed\nDescription: Sets ARTFrequency in gEfiProcessorSubClassGuid. Sets CPU ART frequency, Skylake and newer."; ObjectID = "qOV-63-yas"; */
/* Class = "NSTextField"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Type: plist integer, 64-bit\nFailsafe: 0 (Automatic)\nDescription: Sets ARTFrequency in gEfiProcessorSubClassGuid. Sets CPU ART frequency, Skylake and newer."; ObjectID = "qOV-63-yas"; */
"qOV-63-yas.ibShadowedToolTip" = "默认值:未安装\n描述:在gEfiProcessorSubClassGuid中设置ARTFrequency。设置CPU ART频率,Skylake和更新。";
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "Firmware"; ObjectID = "qoc-xS-eEN"; */
......@@ -95,6 +95,9 @@
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "AppleSmcIo"; ObjectID = "Ddl-D0-484"; */
"Ddl-D0-484.title" = "AppleSmcIo";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "UnusableMemory — EfiUnusableMemory"; ObjectID = "DwL-VG-qNh"; Note = "Do not localize"; */
"DwL-VG-qNh.title" = "UnusableMemory — EfiUnusableMemory";
/* Class = "NSButton"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Type: plist boolean\nFailsafe: false\nDescription: Swap Command and Option keys during submission.\nThis option may be useful for keyboard layouts with Option key situated to the right of Command key."; ObjectID = "EIc-ff-Thn"; */
"EIc-ff-Thn.ibShadowedToolTip" = "交换 Command 和 Option 键,一般选 NO";
......@@ -140,6 +143,9 @@
/* Class = "NSButton"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Type: plist boolean\nDefault value: false\nDescription: Reinstalls Data Hub protocol with a builtin version. This will delete all previous properties if the protocol was already installed."; ObjectID = "KN0-dq-pSV"; */
"KN0-dq-pSV.ibShadowedToolTip" = "重建datahub,这里选NO。";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "ACPIReclaimMemory — EfiACPIReclaimMemory"; ObjectID = "KsW-za-ip4"; Note = "Do not localize"; */
"KsW-za-ip4.title" = "ACPIReclaimMemory — EfiACPIReclaimMemory";
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "AudioCodec"; ObjectID = "L2f-gE-rBP"; */
"L2f-gE-rBP.title" = "AudioCodec";
......@@ -149,6 +155,9 @@
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "OSInfo"; ObjectID = "Ljq-q2-IwF"; */
"Ljq-q2-IwF.title" = "OSInfo";
/* Class = "NSTableColumn"; headerCell.title = "Type"; ObjectID = "McE-CL-fQD"; */
"McE-CL-fQD.headerCell.title" = "Type";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "DataHub"; ObjectID = "NGa-cY-Uzn"; */
"NGa-cY-Uzn.title" = "DataHub";
......@@ -164,6 +173,9 @@
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "AppleAudio"; ObjectID = "POq-ge-Ugg"; */
"POq-ge-Ugg.title" = "AppleAudio";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "LoaderData — EfiLoaderData"; ObjectID = "PUI-Gl-EfE"; Note = "Do not localize"; */
"PUI-Gl-EfE.title" = "LoaderData — EfiLoaderData";
/* Class = "NSBox"; title = "Quirks"; ObjectID = "PVa-Cc-beC"; */
"PVa-Cc-beC.title" = "Quirks";
......@@ -185,6 +197,9 @@
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "ReleaseUsbOwnership"; ObjectID = "UMT-DK-9B5"; */
"UMT-DK-9B5.title" = "ReleaseUsbOwnership";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "BootServiceCode — EfiBootServicesCode"; ObjectID = "UNS-wv-SeD"; Note = "Do not localize"; */
"UNS-wv-SeD.title" = "BootServiceCode — EfiBootServicesCode";
/* Class = "NSButton"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Type: plist boolean\nDefault value: false\nDescription: Reinstalls device property protocol with a builtin version. This will delete all previous properties if it was already installed. This may be used to ensure full compatibility on VMs or legacy Macs."; ObjectID = "Ueb-hn-jBT"; */
"Ueb-hn-jBT.ibShadowedToolTip" = "一般选NO\n确保在 VM 或旧白苹果上完全兼容。";
......@@ -194,6 +209,9 @@
/* Class = "NSTabViewItem"; label = "Drivers"; ObjectID = "V9Z-z9-Ejd"; */
"V9Z-z9-Ejd.label" = "UEFI驱动";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "MemoryMappedIO — EfiMemoryMappedIO"; ObjectID = "XBh-jM-PDL"; Note = "Do not localize"; */
"XBh-jM-PDL.title" = "MemoryMappedIO — EfiMemoryMappedIO";
/* Class = "NSButton"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Type: plist boolean\nFailsafe: false\nDescription: Reinstalls Apple IMG4 Verification protocol with a builtin version. This protocol is used to verify im4m manifest files used by Apple Secure Boot."; ObjectID = "XQL-ML-llQ"; */
"XQL-ML-llQ.ibShadowedToolTip" = "重新安装具有内置版本的Apple IMG4 Verification协议。 此协议用于验证Apple Secure Boot使用的im4m清单文件。";
......@@ -221,9 +239,15 @@
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "PointerSupportMode"; ObjectID = "anR-lZ-CjV"; */
"anR-lZ-CjV.title" = "PointerSupportMode";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "LoaderCode — EfiLoaderCode"; ObjectID = "b7Y-CD-r7l"; Note = "Do not localize"; */
"b7Y-CD-r7l.title" = "LoaderCode — EfiLoaderCode";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "ProvideConsoleGop"; ObjectID = "bdr-Pu-Crr"; */
"bdr-Pu-Crr.title" = "ProvideConsoleGop";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "RuntimeData — EfiRuntimeServicesData"; ObjectID = "c5S-aW-uXu"; Note = "Do not localize"; */
"c5S-aW-uXu.title" = "RuntimeData — EfiRuntimeServicesData";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "KeySupport"; ObjectID = "cia-MM-Epa"; */
"cia-MM-Epa.title" = "KeySupport";
......@@ -242,12 +266,21 @@
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "KeyMergeThreshold"; ObjectID = "du6-Wl-DOI"; */
"du6-Wl-DOI.title" = "KeyMergeThreshold";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "PalCode — EfiPalCode"; ObjectID = "dzI-am-EZX"; Note = "Do not localize"; */
"dzI-am-EZX.title" = "PalCode — EfiPalCode";
/* Class = "NSButton"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Type: plist boolean\nFailsafe: false\nDescription: Enable internal pointer driver.\nThis option implements standard UEFI pointer protocol (EFI_SIMPLE_POINTER_PROTOCOL) through select OEM protocols. The option may be useful on Z87 ASUS boards, where EFI_SIMPLE_POINTER_PROTOCOL is broken."; ObjectID = "dzp-p6-AHb"; */
"dzp-p6-AHb.ibShadowedToolTip" = "如果你是华硕的z87或者z97,你需要打开PointerSupport这个选项。";
/* Class = "NSButton"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Type: plist boolean\nFailsafe: false\nDescription: Ensure GOP (Graphics Output Protocol) on console handle.\nmacOS bootloader requires GOP or UGA (for 10.4 EfiBoot) to be present on console handle, yet the exact location of the graphics protocol is not covered by the UEFI specification. This option will ensure GOP and UGA, if present, are available on the console handle.\n\nNote: This option will also replace broken GOP protocol on console handle, which may be the case on MacPro5,1 with newer GPUs."; ObjectID = "eGd-xS-rQf"; */
"eGd-xS-rQf.ibShadowedToolTip" = "macOS 引导加载程序要求 GOP (图形输出协议) 存在于控制台句柄上\n大部分的笔记本都不提供 GOP, 台式机的独立显卡可以单独刷入 GOP\n如果选择了啰嗦模式启动之后不出现Verbose详细信息,请启用此项\n开启此选项能最大可能保证 OpenCore UI 和 苹果标志 以正确分辨率显示";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Persistent — EfiPersistentMemory"; ObjectID = "eMM-3b-cBd"; Note = "Do not localize"; */
"eMM-3b-cBd.title" = "Persistent — EfiPersistentMemory";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "MemoryMappedIOPortSpace — EfiMemoryMappedIOPortSpace"; ObjectID = "eQX-uX-ZBd"; Note = "Do not localize"; */
"eQX-uX-ZBd.title" = "MemoryMappedIOPortSpace — EfiMemoryMappedIOPortSpace";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "HideVerbose"; ObjectID = "egr-8J-RIS"; */
"egr-8J-RIS.title" = "HideVerbose";
......@@ -278,7 +311,7 @@
/* Class = "NSComboBox"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Type: plist string\nFailsafe: Empty string\nDescription: Sets console output screen resolution.\n• Set to WxH@Bpp (e.g. 1920x1080@32) or WxH (e.g. 1920x1080) formatted string to request custom resolution from GOP if available.\n• Set to empty string not to change screen resolution.\n• Set to Max to try to use largest available screen resolution.\nOn HiDPI screens APPLE_VENDOR_VARIABLE_GUID UIScale NVRAM variable may need to be set to 02 to enable HiDPI scaling in FileVault 2 UEFI password interface and boot screen logo. Refer to Recommended Variables section for more details.\nNote: This will fail when console handle has no GOP protocol. When the firmware does not provide it, it can be added with ProvideConsoleGop set to true."; ObjectID = "hVw-xH-z40"; Note = "Do Not Translate"; */
"hVw-xH-z40.ibShadowedToolTip" = "设置控制台输出屏幕分辨率.\n•设置为空不更改屏幕分辨率.\n•设置为Max以尝试使用最大的可用屏幕分辨率。\n注意:如果控制台句柄没有GOP协议,这将失败,可以将ProvideConsoleGop设置为true进行添加。";
/* Class = "NSTableView"; ibShadowedToolTip = "1. Address\nType: plist integer\nFailsafe: 0\nDescription: Start address of the reserved memory region, which should be allocated as reserved effectively marking the memory of this type inaccessible to the operating system.\nThe addresses written here must be part of the memory map, have EfiConventionalMemory type, and page-aligned (4 KBs).\n2. Comment\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Empty string\nDescription: Arbitrary ASCII string used to provide human readable reference for the entry. It is implementation defined whether this value is used.\n3. Size\nType: plist integer\nFailsafe: 0\nDescription: Size of the reserved memory region, must be page-aligned (4 KBs).\n4. Enabled\nType: plist boolean\nFailsafe: false\nDescription: This region will not be reserved unless set to true."; ObjectID = "hs4-gm-1Ct"; */
/* Class = "NSTableView"; ibShadowedToolTip = "1. Address\nType: plist integer\nFailsafe: 0\nDescription: Start address of the reserved memory region, which should be allocated as reserved effectively marking the memory of this type inaccessible to the operating system.\nThe addresses written here must be part of the memory map, have EfiConventionalMemory type, and page-aligned (4 KBs).\n\nNote: Some firmwares may not allocate memory areas used by S3 (sleep) and S4 (hibernation) code unless CSM is enabled causing wake failures. After comparing the memory maps with CSM disabled and enabled you could find these areas in the lower memory and fix them up by doing the reservation. See Sample.plist for more details.\n\n2. Comment\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Empty string\nDescription: Arbitrary ASCII string used to provide human readable reference for the entry. It is implementation defined whether this value is used.\n3. Size\nType: plist integer\nFailsafe: 0\nDescription: Size of the reserved memory region, must be page-aligned (4 KBs).\n4. Type\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Reserved XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX\nDescription: Memory region type matching the UEFI specification memory descriptor types. Mapping:\n• Reserved — EfiReservedMemoryType\n• LoaderCode — EfiLoaderCode\n• LoaderData — EfiLoaderData\n• BootServiceCode — EfiBootServicesCode\n• BootServiceData — EfiBootServicesData\n• RuntimeCode — EfiRuntimeServicesCode\n• RuntimeData — EfiRuntimeServicesData\n• Available — EfiConventionalMemory\n• Persistent — EfiPersistentMemory\n• UnusableMemory — EfiUnusableMemory\n• ACPIReclaimMemory — EfiACPIReclaimMemory\n• ACPIMemoryNVS — EfiACPIMemoryNVS\n• MemoryMappedIO — EfiMemoryMappedIO\n• MemoryMappedIOPortSpace — EfiMemoryMappedIOPortSpace\n• PalCode — EfiPalCode\n5. Enabled\nType: plist boolean\nFailsafe: false\nDescription: This region will not be reserved unless set to true."; ObjectID = "hs4-gm-1Ct"; */
"hs4-gm-1Ct.ibShadowedToolTip" = "1. 地址\n保留内存区域的起始地址,应将其分配为保留地址,以有效地标记操作系统无法访问的这种类型的内存。\n此处写入的地址必须是内存映射的一部分,具有EfiConventionalMemory类型,并且是页面对齐的(4 KBs)。\n2. 注释\n用于为条目提供参考的任意ASCII字符串。\n3. 大小\n保留内存区域的大小必须是页面对齐的(4 KB)。\n4. 启用\n除非设置为true,否则不会保留该区域。";
/* Class = "NSButton"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Type: plist boolean\nFailsafe: false\nDescription: Reinstalls Apple User Interface Theme protocol with a builtin version."; ObjectID = "iFT-xW-ZaT"; */
......@@ -335,12 +368,18 @@
/* Class = "NSButton"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Type: plist boolean\nFailsafe: false\nDescription: Forcibly wraps Firmware Volume protocols or installs new to support custom cursor images for File Vault 2. Should be set to true to ensure File Vault 2 compatibility on everything but VMs and legacy Macs.\n\nNote: Several virtual machines including VMware may have corrupted cursor image in HiDPI mode and thus may also require this setting to be enabled."; ObjectID = "nvr-JF-3ne"; */
"nvr-JF-3ne.ibShadowedToolTip" = "一般选NO。\n修复 Filevault 的 UI 问题, 设置为 YES 可以获得更好地兼容 FileVault";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Available — EfiConventionalMemory"; ObjectID = "nyc-OA-Vfg"; Note = "Do not localize"; */
"nyc-OA-Vfg.title" = "Available — EfiConventionalMemory";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "DeviceProperties"; ObjectID = "oMi-yN-r8X"; */
"oMi-yN-r8X.title" = "DeviceProperties";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "AudioSupport"; ObjectID = "oT1-Q2-rhc"; */
"oT1-Q2-rhc.title" = "AudioSupport";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "BootServiceData — EfiBootServicesData"; ObjectID = "q2q-z0-cAo"; Note = "Do not localize"; */
"q2q-z0-cAo.title" = "BootServiceData — EfiBootServicesData";
/* Class = "NSButton"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Type: plist boolean\nFailsafe: false\nDescription: Some firmwares clear only part of screen when switching from graphics to text mode, leaving a fragment of previously drawn image visible. This option fills the entire graphics screen with black colour before switching to text mode.\n\nNote: This option only applies to System renderer."; ObjectID = "qMh-AF-g0P"; */
"qMh-AF-g0P.ibShadowedToolTip" = "图形模式切换到文本模式时,某些固件仅清除屏幕的一部分,使先前绘制的图像片段可见。 此选项在切换到文本模式之前用黑色填充整个图形屏幕。\n注意:此选项仅适用于系统渲染器才能起作用。";
......@@ -383,12 +422,21 @@
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "UgaPassThrough"; ObjectID = "vav-dM-ieV"; */
"vav-dM-ieV.title" = "UgaPassThrough";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "ACPIMemoryNVS — EfiACPIMemoryNVS"; ObjectID = "wdW-0Y-LKj"; Note = "Do not localize"; */
"wdW-0Y-LKj.title" = "ACPIMemoryNVS — EfiACPIMemoryNVS";
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "ExitBootServicesDelay"; ObjectID = "wxD-TC-lrQ"; */
"wxD-TC-lrQ.title" = "ExitBootServicesDelay";
/* Class = "NSTextField"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Type: plist integer\nFailsafe: 0\nDescription: Remove key unless it was submitted during this timeout in milliseconds.\nAppleKeyMapAggregator protocol is supposed to contain a fixed length buffer of currently pressed keys. However, the majority of the drivers only report key presses as interrupts and pressing and holding the key on the keyboard results in subsequent submissions of this key with some defined time interval. As a result we use a timeout to remove once pressed keys from the buffer once the timeout expires and no new submission of this key happened.\nThis option allows to set this timeout based on your platform. The recommended value that works on the majority of the platforms is 5 milliseconds. For reference, holding one key on VMware will repeat it roughly every 2 milliseconds and the same value for APTIO V is 3-4 milliseconds. Thus it is possible to set a slightly lower value on faster platforms and slightly higher value on slower platforms for more responsive input.\n\nNote: Some platforms may require different values, higher or lower. For example, when detecting key misses in OpenCanopy try increasing this value (e.g. to 10), and when detecting key stall, try decreasing this value. Since every platform is different it may be reasonable to check every value from 1 to 25."; ObjectID = "xNH-9V-3kd"; */
"xNH-9V-3kd.ibShadowedToolTip" = "按住按键后每个键之间的时间间隔 (单位: 毫秒)\n此选项允许根据您的平台设置此超时。 在大多数平台上均可使用的建议值为5毫秒。 作为参考,在VMware上按住一个键大约每2毫秒重复一次,而APTIO V的相同值是3-4毫秒。 因此,可以在较快的平台上设置稍低的值,而在较慢的平台上设置稍高的值,以提高响应速度。";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "RuntimeCode — EfiRuntimeServicesCode"; ObjectID = "xWU-hM-Ed8"; Note = "Do not localize"; */
"xWU-hM-Ed8.title" = "RuntimeCode — EfiRuntimeServicesCode";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Reserved — EfiReservedMemoryType"; ObjectID = "xhv-Jg-JKE"; Note = "Do not localize"; */
"xhv-Jg-JKE.title" = "Reserved — EfiReservedMemoryType";
/* Class = "NSTextField"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Type: plist integer\nDefault value: 0\nDescription: Adds delay in microseconds after EXIT_BOOT_SERVICES event.\nThis is a very ugly quirk to circumvent \"Still waiting for root device\" message on select APTIO IV firmwares, namely ASUS Z87-Pro, when using FileVault 2 in particular. It seems that for some reason they execute code in parallel to EXIT_BOOT_SERVICES, which results in SATA controller being inaccessible from macOS. A better approach should be found in some future. Expect 3-5 seconds to be enough in case the quirk is needed."; ObjectID = "yXm-Kd-A6O"; */
"yXm-Kd-A6O.ibShadowedToolTip" = "可以绕过选定的APTIO IV固件,即ASUS Z87-Pro上出现的\"Still waiting for root device\" 的提示信息,特别是在使用FileVault 2时。由于某种原因,导致无法从macOS访问SATA控制器。应该在将来找到更好的方法。如果使用此,则需要设置3-5秒才可以。\n一般保持默认值 0,不要随便更改!";
......@@ -167,6 +167,9 @@
/* Class = "NSButton"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Add or remove this section from plist\nDefault value: Add"; ObjectID = "PHO-4O-OIP"; */
"PHO-4O-OIP.ibShadowedToolTip" = "Add or remove this section from plist\nDefault value: Add";
/* Class = "NSPopUpButton"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Type: plist string\nFailsafe: Auto\nDescription: Indicates whether system memory is upgradable in PlatformFeature. This controls the visibility of the Memory tab in About This Mac.\n\nValid values:\n• Auto — use the original PlatformFeature value.\n• Upgradable — explicitly unset PT_FEATURE_HAS_SOLDERED_SYSTEM_MEMORY (0x2) in PlatformFeature.\n• Soldered — explicitly set PT_FEATURE_HAS_SOLDERED_SYSTEM_MEMORY (0x2) in PlatformFeature.\n\nNote: On certain Mac models (namely MacBookPro10,x and any MacBookAir), SPMemoryReporter.spreporter will ignore PT_FEATURE_HAS_SOLDERED_SYSTEM_MEMORY and assume that system memory is non-upgradable."; ObjectID = "PPQ-0x-9Ub"; */
"PPQ-0x-9Ub.ibShadowedToolTip" = "Type: plist string\nFailsafe: Auto\nDescription: Indicates whether system memory is upgradable in PlatformFeature. This controls the visibility of the Memory tab in About This Mac.\n\nValid values:\n• Auto — use the original PlatformFeature value.\n• Upgradable — explicitly unset PT_FEATURE_HAS_SOLDERED_SYSTEM_MEMORY (0x2) in PlatformFeature.\n• Soldered — explicitly set PT_FEATURE_HAS_SOLDERED_SYSTEM_MEMORY (0x2) in PlatformFeature.\n\nNote: On certain Mac models (namely MacBookPro10,x and any MacBookAir), SPMemoryReporter.spreporter will ignore PT_FEATURE_HAS_SOLDERED_SYSTEM_MEMORY and assume that system memory is non-upgradable.";
/* Class = "NSSegmentedCell"; PVt-qS-yBp.ibShadowedLabels[0] = "Model Lookup"; ObjectID = "PVt-qS-yBp"; */
"PVt-qS-yBp.ibShadowedLabels[0]" = "Model Lookup";
......@@ -182,8 +185,8 @@
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "Vendor"; ObjectID = "R7K-qk-Tpk"; */
"R7K-qk-Tpk.title" = "Vendor";
/* Class = "NSTextField"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Type: plist integer, 16-bit\nDefault value: Automatic\nSMBIOS: APPLE_SMBIOS_TABLE_TYPE131 - ProcessorType Description: Combined of Processor Major and Minor types."; ObjectID = "RLW-Hz-QKb"; */
"RLW-Hz-QKb.ibShadowedToolTip" = "Type: plist integer, 16-bit\nDefault value: Automatic\nSMBIOS: APPLE_SMBIOS_TABLE_TYPE131 - ProcessorType Description: Combined of Processor Major and Minor types.";
/* Class = "NSTextField"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Type: plist integer, 16-bit\nFailsafe: 0 (Automatic)\nSMBIOS: APPLE_SMBIOS_TABLE_TYPE131 - ProcessorType Description: Combined of Processor Major and Minor types."; ObjectID = "RLW-Hz-QKb"; */
"RLW-Hz-QKb.ibShadowedToolTip" = "Type: plist integer, 16-bit\nFailsafe: 0 (Automatic)\nSMBIOS: APPLE_SMBIOS_TABLE_TYPE131 - ProcessorType Description: Combined of Processor Major and Minor types.";
/* Class = "NSTextField"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Type: plist string\nDefault value: OEM specified\nSMBIOS: System Information (Type 1) — Family Description: Family name. May look like iMac Pro."; ObjectID = "Rag-wy-fpE"; */
"Rag-wy-fpE.ibShadowedToolTip" = "Type: plist string\nDefault value: OEM specified\nSMBIOS: System Information (Type 1) — Family Description: Family name. May look like iMac Pro.";
......@@ -224,8 +227,8 @@
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "from System"; ObjectID = "VKd-ep-fuP"; */
"VKd-ep-fuP.title" = "from System";
/* Class = "NSTextField"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Type: plist integer, 64-bit\nDefault value: Automatic\nDescription: Sets FSBFrequency in gEfiProcessorSubClassGuid. Sets CPU FSB frequency."; ObjectID = "W2E-oe-9Uq"; */
"W2E-oe-9Uq.ibShadowedToolTip" = "Type: plist integer, 64-bit\nDefault value: Automatic\nDescription: Sets FSBFrequency in gEfiProcessorSubClassGuid. Sets CPU FSB frequency.";
/* Class = "NSTextField"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Type: plist integer, 64-bit\nFailsafe: 0 (Automatic)\nDescription: Sets FSBFrequency in gEfiProcessorSubClassGuid. Sets CPU FSB frequency."; ObjectID = "W2E-oe-9Uq"; */
"W2E-oe-9Uq.ibShadowedToolTip" = "Type: plist integer, 64-bit\nFailsafe: 0 (Automatic)\nDescription: Sets FSBFrequency in gEfiProcessorSubClassGuid. Sets CPU FSB frequency.";
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "Board Product"; ObjectID = "WDt-qb-GcR"; */
"WDt-qb-GcR.title" = "Board Product";
......@@ -245,8 +248,11 @@
/* Class = "NSButton"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Type: plist boolean\nDefault value: false\nDescription: Update DataHub fields. These fields are read from Generic or DataHub sections depending on Automatic value."; ObjectID = "XRB-18-dHU"; */
"XRB-18-dHU.ibShadowedToolTip" = "Type: plist boolean\nDefault value: false\nDescription: Update DataHub fields. These fields are read from Generic or DataHub sections depending on Automatic value.";
/* Class = "NSTextField"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Type: plist integer, 16-bit\nDefault value: Automatic\nSMBIOS: APPLE_SMBIOS_TABLE_TYPE131 - ProcessorType Description: Combined of Processor Major and Minor types."; ObjectID = "YN8-NU-Zgm"; */
"YN8-NU-Zgm.ibShadowedToolTip" = "Type: plist integer, 16-bit\nDefault value: Automatic\nSMBIOS: APPLE_SMBIOS_TABLE_TYPE131 - ProcessorType Description: Combined of Processor Major and Minor types.";
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "SystemMemoryStatus"; ObjectID = "Xed-CT-3f5"; */
"Xed-CT-3f5.title" = "SystemMemoryStatus";
/* Class = "NSTextField"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Type: plist integer, 16-bit\nFailsafe: 0 (Automatic)\nSMBIOS: APPLE_SMBIOS_TABLE_TYPE131 - ProcessorType Description: Combined of Processor Major and Minor types."; ObjectID = "YN8-NU-Zgm"; */
"YN8-NU-Zgm.ibShadowedToolTip" = "Type: plist integer, 16-bit\nFailsafe: 0 (Automatic)\nSMBIOS: APPLE_SMBIOS_TABLE_TYPE131 - ProcessorType Description: Combined of Processor Major and Minor types.";
/* Class = "NSTextField"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Type: plist integer\nDefault value: OEM specified\nSMBIOS: Baseboard (or Module) Information (Type 2) — Board Type\nDescription: Either 0xA (Motherboard (includes processor, memory, and I/O) or 0xB (Processor/Memory Module), refer to Table 15 – Baseboard: Board Type for more details."; ObjectID = "YgB-Sp-EZ5"; */
"YgB-Sp-EZ5.ibShadowedToolTip" = "Type: plist integer\nDefault value: OEM specified\nSMBIOS: Baseboard (or Module) Information (Type 2) — Board Type\nDescription: Either 0xA (Motherboard (includes processor, memory, and I/O) or 0xB (Processor/Memory Module), refer to Table 15 – Baseboard: Board Type for more details.";
......@@ -398,8 +404,8 @@
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "Family"; ObjectID = "pbb-64-p0X"; */
"pbb-64-p0X.title" = "Family";
/* Class = "NSTextField"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Type: plist integer, 64-bit\nDefault value: Not installed\nDescription: Sets ARTFrequency in gEfiProcessorSubClassGuid. Sets CPU ART frequency, Skylake and newer."; ObjectID = "qOV-63-yas"; */
"qOV-63-yas.ibShadowedToolTip" = "Type: plist integer, 64-bit\nDefault value: Not installed\nDescription: Sets ARTFrequency in gEfiProcessorSubClassGuid. Sets CPU ART frequency, Skylake and newer.";
/* Class = "NSTextField"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Type: plist integer, 64-bit\nFailsafe: 0 (Automatic)\nDescription: Sets ARTFrequency in gEfiProcessorSubClassGuid. Sets CPU ART frequency, Skylake and newer."; ObjectID = "qOV-63-yas"; */
"qOV-63-yas.ibShadowedToolTip" = "Type: plist integer, 64-bit\nFailsafe: 0 (Automatic)\nDescription: Sets ARTFrequency in gEfiProcessorSubClassGuid. Sets CPU ART frequency, Skylake and newer.";
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "Firmware"; ObjectID = "qoc-xS-eEN"; */
"qoc-xS-eEN.title" = "Firmware";
......@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "KernelArch"; ObjectID = "Edd-Fj-thV"; */
"Edd-Fj-thV.title" = "KernelArch";
/* Class = "NSButton"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Type: plist boolean\nDefault value: false\nRequirement: 10.6 (64-bit)\nDescription: Disables PKG_CST_CONFIG_CONTROL (0xE2) MSR modification in AppleIntelCPUPowerManage- ment.kext, commonly causing early kernel panic, when it is locked from writing.\nCertain firmwares lock PKG_CST_CONFIG_CONTROL MSR register. To check its state one can use bundled VerifyMsrE2 tool. Select firmwares have this register locked on some cores only.\nAs modern firmwares provide CFG Lock setting, which allows configuring PKG_CST_CONFIG_CONTROL MSR register lock, this option should be avoided whenever possible. For several APTIO firmwares not displaying CFG Lock setting in the GUI it is possible to access the option directly:\n(a) Download UEFITool and IFR-Extractor.\n(b) Open your firmware image in UEFITool and find CFG Lock unicode string. If it is not present, your firmware may not have this option and you should stop.\n(c) Extract the Setup.bin PE32 Image Section (the one UEFITool found) through Extract Body menu option.\n(d) Run IFR-Extractor on the extracted file (e.g. ./ifrextract Setup.bin Setup.txt).\n(e) Find CFG Lock, VarStoreInfo (VarOffset/VarName): in Setup.txt and remember the offset right after it (e.g. 0x123).\n(f) Download and run Modified GRUB Shell compiled by brainsucker or use a newer version by datasone.\n(g) Enter setup_var 0x123 0x00 command, where 0x123 should be replaced by your actual offset, and reboot.\nWARNING: Variable offsets are unique not only to each motherboard but even to its firmware version. Never ever try to use an offset without checking."; ObjectID = "FUx-RJ-QTK"; */
/* Class = "NSButton"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Type: plist boolean\nDefault value: false\nRequirement: 10.4\nDescription: Disables PKG_CST_CONFIG_CONTROL (0xE2) MSR modification in AppleIntelCPUPowerManage- ment.kext, commonly causing early kernel panic, when it is locked from writing.\nCertain firmwares lock PKG_CST_CONFIG_CONTROL MSR register. To check its state one can use bundled VerifyMsrE2 tool. Select firmwares have this register locked on some cores only.\nAs modern firmwares provide CFG Lock setting, which allows configuring PKG_CST_CONFIG_CONTROL MSR register lock, this option should be avoided whenever possible. For several APTIO firmwares not displaying CFG Lock setting in the GUI it is possible to access the option directly:\n(a) Download UEFITool and IFR-Extractor.\n(b) Open your firmware image in UEFITool and find CFG Lock unicode string. If it is not present, your firmware may not have this option and you should stop.\n(c) Extract the Setup.bin PE32 Image Section (the one UEFITool found) through Extract Body menu option.\n(d) Run IFR-Extractor on the extracted file (e.g. ./ifrextract Setup.bin Setup.txt).\n(e) Find CFG Lock, VarStoreInfo (VarOffset/VarName): in Setup.txt and remember the offset right after it (e.g. 0x123).\n(f) Download and run Modified GRUB Shell compiled by brainsucker or use a newer version by datasone.\n(g) Enter setup_var 0x123 0x00 command, where 0x123 should be replaced by your actual offset, and reboot.\nWARNING: Variable offsets are unique not only to each motherboard but even to its firmware version. Never ever try to use an offset without checking."; ObjectID = "FUx-RJ-QTK"; */
"FUx-RJ-QTK.ibShadowedToolTip" = "Type: plist boolean\nDefault value: false\nRequirement: 10.6 (64-bit)\nDescription: Disables PKG_CST_CONFIG_CONTROL (0xE2) MSR modification in AppleIntelCPUPowerManage- ment.kext, commonly causing early kernel panic, when it is locked from writing.\nCertain firmwares lock PKG_CST_CONFIG_CONTROL MSR register. To check its state one can use bundled VerifyMsrE2 tool. Select firmwares have this register locked on some cores only.\nAs modern firmwares provide CFG Lock setting, which allows configuring PKG_CST_CONFIG_CONTROL MSR register lock, this option should be avoided whenever possible. For several APTIO firmwares not displaying CFG Lock setting in the GUI it is possible to access the option directly:\n(a) Download UEFITool and IFR-Extractor.\n(b) Open your firmware image in UEFITool and find CFG Lock unicode string. If it is not present, your firmware may not have this option and you should stop.\n(c) Extract the Setup.bin PE32 Image Section (the one UEFITool found) through Extract Body menu option.\n(d) Run IFR-Extractor on the extracted file (e.g. ./ifrextract Setup.bin Setup.txt).\n(e) Find CFG Lock, VarStoreInfo (VarOffset/VarName): in Setup.txt and remember the offset right after it (e.g. 0x123).\n(f) Download and run Modified GRUB Shell compiled by brainsucker or use a newer version by datasone.\n(g) Enter setup_var 0x123 0x00 command, where 0x123 should be replaced by your actual offset, and reboot.\nWARNING: Variable offsets are unique not only to each motherboard but even to its firmware version. Never ever try to use an offset without checking.";
/* Class = "NSTableColumn"; headerCell.title = "Find"; ObjectID = "GcD-Hq-Pnt"; */
......@@ -131,10 +131,10 @@
/* Class = "NSButton"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Type: plist boolean\nDefault value: false\nRequirement: 10.11 (not required for older)\nDescription: Patch various kexts (AppleUSBXHCI.kext, AppleUSBXHCIPCI.kext, IOUSBHostFamily.kext) to remove USB port count limit of 15 ports.\nNote: This option should avoided whenever possible. USB port limit is imposed by the amount of used bits in locationID format and there is no possible way to workaround this without heavy OS modification. The only valid solution is to limit the amount of used ports to 15 (discarding some)."; ObjectID = "QzX-0b-2d3"; */
"QzX-0b-2d3.ibShadowedToolTip" = "Type: plist boolean \nValeur par défaut: false \nDescription: Corrigez divers kexts (AppleUSBXHCI.kext, AppleUSBXHCIPCI.kext, IOUSBHostFamily.kext) pour supprimer la limite du nombre de ports USB de 15 ports. \nRemarque: cette option doit être évitée autant que possible. La limite du port USB est imposée par la quantité de bits utilisés au format locationID et il n'y a aucun moyen de contourner cela sans modification lourde du système d'exploitation. La seule solution valable consiste à limiter la quantité de ports utilisés à 15 (en en supprimant certains).";
/* Class = "NSButton"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Type: plist boolean\nFailsafe: false\nRequirement: 10.6 (64-bit)\nDescription: Disables primary checksum (0x58-0x59) writing in AppleRTC.\n\nNote 1: This option will not protect other areas from being overwritten, see RTCMemoryFixup kernel extension if this is desired.\n\nNote 2: This option will not protect areas from being overwritten at firmware stage (e.g. macOS bootloader), see RTC (FIXME) section if this is desired."; ObjectID = "RA3-U5-VwM"; */
/* Class = "NSButton"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Type: plist boolean\nFailsafe: false\nRequirement: 10.4\nDescription: Disables primary checksum (0x58-0x59) writing in AppleRTC.\n\nNote 1: This option will not protect other areas from being overwritten, see RTCMemoryFixup kernel extension if this is desired.\n\nNote 2: This option will not protect areas from being overwritten at firmware stage (e.g. macOS bootloader), see AppleRtcRam protocol description if this is desired."; ObjectID = "RA3-U5-VwM"; */
"RA3-U5-VwM.ibShadowedToolTip" = "Type: plist boolean \nFailsafe: false \nDescription: désactive l'écriture de la somme de contrôle principale (0x58-0x59) dans AppleRTC. \n \nRemarque 1: cette option ne protégera pas les autres zones contre l'écrasement, voir l'extension du noyau RTCMemoryFixup si cela est souhaité. \n \nRemarque 2: cette option ne protégera pas les zones contre l'écrasement au stade du micrologiciel (par exemple, le chargeur de démarrage macOS), voir la section RTC (FIXME) si cela est souhaité.";
/* Class = "NSButton"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Type: plist boolean\nDefault value: false\nRequirement: 10.6 (64-bit)\nDescription: Apply icon type patches to IOAHCIPort.kext to force internal disk icons for all AHCI disks.\nNote: This option should be avoided whenever possible. Modern firmwares usually have compatible AHCI controllers."; ObjectID = "SGM-P1-Mz5"; */
/* Class = "NSButton"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Type: plist boolean\nDefault value: false\nRequirement: 10.4\nDescription: Apply icon type patches to IOAHCIPort.kext to force internal disk icons for all AHCI disks.\nNote: This option should be avoided whenever possible. Modern firmwares usually have compatible AHCI controllers."; ObjectID = "SGM-P1-Mz5"; */
"SGM-P1-Mz5.ibShadowedToolTip" = "En ce qui concerne les contrôleurs AHCI, les cartes mères actuelles prennent très bien en charge AHCI, choisissez généralement NON";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "ExternalDiskIcons"; ObjectID = "SHQ-fm-Uec"; */
......@@ -161,7 +161,7 @@
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "Cpuid1Data"; ObjectID = "aVm-Of-4z9"; */
"aVm-Of-4z9.title" = "Cpuid1Data";
/* Class = "NSButton"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Type: plist boolean\nFailsafe: false\nRequirement: 10.6 (64-bit)\nDescription: Performs GUID patching for UpdateSMBIOSMode Custom mode. Usually relevant for Dell laptops."; ObjectID = "alh-j7-rix"; */
/* Class = "NSButton"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Type: plist boolean\nFailsafe: false\nRequirement: 10.4\nDescription: Performs GUID patching for UpdateSMBIOSMode Custom mode. Usually relevant for Dell laptops."; ObjectID = "alh-j7-rix"; */
"alh-j7-rix.ibShadowedToolTip" = "Effectuez la correction GUID du mode personnalisé UpdateSMBIOSMode pour les ordinateurs portables Dell (équivalent au DellSMBIOSPatch de Clover).";
/* Class = "NSButton"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Type: plist boolean\nFailsafe: false\nRequirement: 10.13 (not required for older)\nDescription: Prevent kernel from printing kext dump in the panic log preventing from observing panic details. Affects 10.13 and above."; ObjectID = "axF-O3-KF9"; */
......@@ -248,7 +248,7 @@
/* Class = "NSTableView"; ibShadowedToolTip = "1. Arch\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Any\nDescription: Kext architecture (Any, i386, x86_64).\n2. BundlePath\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Empty string\nDescription: Kext bundle path (e.g. Lilu.kext or MyKext.kext/Contents/PlugIns/MySubKext.kext).\n3. Comment\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Empty string\nDescription: Arbitrary ASCII string used to provide human readable reference for the entry. It is implementation defined whether this value is used.\n4. Enabled\nType: plist boolean\nFailsafe: false\nDescription: This kernel driver will not be added unless set to true.\n5. ExecutablePath\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Empty string\nDescription: Kext executable path relative to bundle (e.g. Contents/MacOS/Lilu).\n6. MaxKernel\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Empty string\nDescription: Adds kernel driver on specified macOS version or older.\nKernel version can be obtained with uname -r command, and should look like 3 numbers separated by dots, for example 18.7.0 is the kernel version for 10.14.6.\n7. MinKernel\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Empty string\nDescription: Adds kernel driver on specified macOS version or newer.\n\nNote: Refer to Add MaxKernel description for matching logic.\n8. PlistPath\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Empty string\nDescription: Kext Info.plist path relative to bundle (e.g. Contents/Info.plist)."; ObjectID = "pIA-W6-XA0"; */
"pIA-W6-XA0.ibShadowedToolTip" = "Ici, nous devons remplir les informations pertinentes des kexts. Il convient de noter que les kexts de l'OC doivent être remplis dans l'ordre. Par exemple, la dépendance d'applealc est lilu, puis lilu doit être rempli en premier; SMCProcessor.kext dépend de Virtualsmc.kext. Ce virtualsmc doit être placé avant SMCProcessor.kext.";
/* Class = "NSButton"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Type: plist boolean \nFailsafe: false\nRequirement: 10.6 (64-bit)\nDescription: Disables AppleIntelCpuPowerManagement.\nNote: This option is a preferred alternative to NullCpuPowerManagement.kext for CPUs without native power management driver in macOS."; ObjectID = "rXc-DS-H2x"; */
/* Class = "NSButton"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Type: plist boolean \nFailsafe: false\nRequirement: 10.4\nDescription: Disables AppleIntelCpuPowerManagement.\nNote: This option is a preferred alternative to NullCpuPowerManagement.kext for CPUs without native power management driver in macOS."; ObjectID = "rXc-DS-H2x"; */
"rXc-DS-H2x.ibShadowedToolTip" = "Désactivez AppleIntelCpuPowerManagement. \nLes processeurs qui ne prennent pas en charge les pilotes natifs de gestion de l'alimentation dans macOS, cette option est l'alternative préférée à NullCpuPowerManagement.kext.";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "FuzzyMatch"; ObjectID = "srr-gQ-RrN"; */
......@@ -284,7 +284,7 @@
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "Cpuid1Mask"; ObjectID = "xNJ-1G-bdS"; */
"xNJ-1G-bdS.title" = "Cpuid1Mask";
/* Class = "NSButton"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Type: plist boolean\nFailsafe: false\nRequirement: 10.6 (64-bit, not required for older)\nDescription: Apply vendor patches to IOAHCIBlockStorage.kext to enable native features for third-party drives, such as TRIM on SSDs or hibernation support on 10.15 and newer.\nNote: This option may be avoided on user preference. NVMe SSDs are compatible without the change. For AHCI SSDs on modern macOS version there is a dedicated built-in utility called trimforce. Starting from 10.15 this utility creates EnableTRIM variable in APPLE_BOOT_VARIABLE_GUID namespace with 01 00 00 00 value."; ObjectID = "yhV-cY-frg"; */
/* Class = "NSButton"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Type: plist boolean\nFailsafe: false\nRequirement: 10.6 (not required for older)\nDescription: Apply vendor patches to IOAHCIBlockStorage.kext to enable native features for third-party drives, such as TRIM on SSDs or hibernation support on 10.15 and newer.\nNote: This option may be avoided on user preference. NVMe SSDs are compatible without the change. For AHCI SSDs on modern macOS version there is a dedicated built-in utility called trimforce. Starting from 10.15 this utility creates EnableTRIM variable in APPLE_BOOT_VARIABLE_GUID namespace with 01 00 00 00 value."; ObjectID = "yhV-cY-frg"; */
"yhV-cY-frg.ibShadowedToolTip" = "Activez la commande TRIM pour le SSD. Le SSD NVMe sera automatiquement chargé par macOS, il n'est donc pas nécessaire. Pour les SSD SATA, vous pouvez exécuter sudo trimforce enable dans le terminal pour l'activer. \nCorrection simultanée de l'hibernation du disque dur (mode hibernate 25) pour les SSD d'origine non Apple sous macOS 10.15.";
/* Class = "NSPopUpButton"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Type: plist string\nFailsafe: Auto\nDescription: Prefer specified kernel architecture (Auto, i386, i386-user32, x86_64) when available.\n\nOn macOS 10.7 and earlier XNU kernel can boot with architectures different from the usual x86_64. This setting will use the specified architecture to boot macOS when it is supported by the macOS and the configuration:\n• Auto — Choose the preferred architecture automatically.\n• i386 — Use i386 (32-bit) kernel when available.\n• i386-user32 — Use i386 (32-bit) kernel when available and force the use of 32-bit userspace on 64-bit\ncapable processors. On macOS 64-bit capable processors are assumed to support SSSE3. This is not the case for older 64-bit capable Pentium processors, which cause some applications to crash on macOS 10.6.\nThe behaviour corresponds to -legacy kernel boot argument.\n• x86_64 — Use x86_64 (64-bit) kernel when available.\n\nBelow is the algorithm determining the kernel architecture.\n(a) arch argument in image arguments (e.g. when launched via UEFI Shell) or in boot-args variable overrides any compatibility checks and forces the specified architecture, completing this algorithm.\n(b) OpenCore build architecture restricts capabilities to i386 and i386-user32 mode for the 32-bit firmware variant.\n(c) Determined EfiBoot version restricts architecture choice:\n• 10.4-10.5 — i386 or i386-user32\n• 10.6 — i386, i386-user32, or x86_64\n• 10.7 — i386 or x86_64\n• 10.8 or newer — x86_64\n(d) If KernelArch is set to Auto and SSSE3 is not supported by the CPU, capabilities are restricted to i386-user32 if supported by EfiBoot.\n(e) Board identifier (from SMBIOS) based on EfiBoot version disables x86_64 support on an unsupported model if any i386 variant is supported. Auto is not consulted here as the list is not overridable in EfiBoot.\n(f) KernelArch restricts the support to the explicitly specified architecture (when not set to Auto) if the architecture remains present in the capabilities.\n(g) The best supported architecture is chosen in this order: x86_64, i386, i386-user32.\nUnlike macOS 10.7, where select boards identifiers are treated as the i386 only machines, and macOS 10.5 or earlier, where x86_64 is not supported by the macOS kernel, macOS 10.6 is very special. The architecture choice on macOS 10.6 depends on many factors including not only the board identifier, but also macOS product type (client vs server), macOS point release, and RAM amount. The detection of them all is complicated and not practical, because several point releases had genuine bugs and failed to properly perform the server detection in the first place. For this reason OpenCore on macOS 10.6 will fallback to x86_64 architecture whenever it is supported by the board at all, just like on macOS 10.7. As a reference here is the 64-bit Mac model compatibility corresponding to actual EfiBoot behaviour on macOS 10.6.8 and 10.7.5.\n\nNote: 3+2 and 6+4 hotkeys to choose the preferred architecture are unsupported due to being handled by EfiBoot and thus being hard to properly detect."; ObjectID = "zDQ-MU-J9A"; */
......@@ -167,6 +167,9 @@
/* Class = "NSButton"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Add or remove this section from plist\nDefault value: Add"; ObjectID = "PHO-4O-OIP"; */
"PHO-4O-OIP.ibShadowedToolTip" = "Ajouter ou supprimer cette section de plist \ndefault: ajouter";
/* Class = "NSPopUpButton"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Type: plist string\nFailsafe: Auto\nDescription: Indicates whether system memory is upgradable in PlatformFeature. This controls the visibility of the Memory tab in About This Mac.\n\nValid values:\n• Auto — use the original PlatformFeature value.\n• Upgradable — explicitly unset PT_FEATURE_HAS_SOLDERED_SYSTEM_MEMORY (0x2) in PlatformFeature.\n• Soldered — explicitly set PT_FEATURE_HAS_SOLDERED_SYSTEM_MEMORY (0x2) in PlatformFeature.\n\nNote: On certain Mac models (namely MacBookPro10,x and any MacBookAir), SPMemoryReporter.spreporter will ignore PT_FEATURE_HAS_SOLDERED_SYSTEM_MEMORY and assume that system memory is non-upgradable."; ObjectID = "PPQ-0x-9Ub"; */
"PPQ-0x-9Ub.ibShadowedToolTip" = "Type: plist string\nFailsafe: Auto\nDescription: Indicates whether system memory is upgradable in PlatformFeature. This controls the visibility of the Memory tab in About This Mac.\n\nValid values:\n• Auto — use the original PlatformFeature value.\n• Upgradable — explicitly unset PT_FEATURE_HAS_SOLDERED_SYSTEM_MEMORY (0x2) in PlatformFeature.\n• Soldered — explicitly set PT_FEATURE_HAS_SOLDERED_SYSTEM_MEMORY (0x2) in PlatformFeature.\n\nNote: On certain Mac models (namely MacBookPro10,x and any MacBookAir), SPMemoryReporter.spreporter will ignore PT_FEATURE_HAS_SOLDERED_SYSTEM_MEMORY and assume that system memory is non-upgradable.";
/* Class = "NSSegmentedCell"; PVt-qS-yBp.ibShadowedLabels[0] = "Model Lookup"; ObjectID = "PVt-qS-yBp"; */
"PVt-qS-yBp.ibShadowedLabels[0]" = "Requête de modèle";
......@@ -182,7 +185,7 @@
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "Vendor"; ObjectID = "R7K-qk-Tpk"; */
"R7K-qk-Tpk.title" = "Vendor";
/* Class = "NSTextField"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Type: plist integer, 16-bit\nDefault value: Automatic\nSMBIOS: APPLE_SMBIOS_TABLE_TYPE131 - ProcessorType Description: Combined of Processor Major and Minor types."; ObjectID = "RLW-Hz-QKb"; */
/* Class = "NSTextField"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Type: plist integer, 16-bit\nFailsafe: 0 (Automatic)\nSMBIOS: APPLE_SMBIOS_TABLE_TYPE131 - ProcessorType Description: Combined of Processor Major and Minor types."; ObjectID = "RLW-Hz-QKb"; */
"RLW-Hz-QKb.ibShadowedToolTip" = "Valeur par défaut: automatique \nSMBIOS: APPLE_SMBIOS_TABLE_TYPE131-ProcessorType Description: Combinaison des types de processeur principal et secondaire.";
/* Class = "NSTextField"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Type: plist string\nDefault value: OEM specified\nSMBIOS: System Information (Type 1) — Family Description: Family name. May look like iMac Pro."; ObjectID = "Rag-wy-fpE"; */
......@@ -224,7 +227,7 @@
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "from System"; ObjectID = "VKd-ep-fuP"; */
"VKd-ep-fuP.title" = "Depuis le système";
/* Class = "NSTextField"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Type: plist integer, 64-bit\nDefault value: Automatic\nDescription: Sets FSBFrequency in gEfiProcessorSubClassGuid. Sets CPU FSB frequency."; ObjectID = "W2E-oe-9Uq"; */
/* Class = "NSTextField"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Type: plist integer, 64-bit\nFailsafe: 0 (Automatic)\nDescription: Sets FSBFrequency in gEfiProcessorSubClassGuid. Sets CPU FSB frequency."; ObjectID = "W2E-oe-9Uq"; */
"W2E-oe-9Uq.ibShadowedToolTip" = "Valeur par défaut: automatique \n Description: définissez FSBFrequency dans gEfiProcessorSubClassGuid. Réglez la fréquence CPU FSB.";
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "Board Product"; ObjectID = "WDt-qb-GcR"; */
......@@ -245,7 +248,10 @@
/* Class = "NSButton"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Type: plist boolean\nDefault value: false\nDescription: Update DataHub fields. These fields are read from Generic or DataHub sections depending on Automatic value."; ObjectID = "XRB-18-dHU"; */
"XRB-18-dHU.ibShadowedToolTip" = "Vous devez sélectionner OUI, que l'option \"Auto\" soit sélectionnée ou non!";
/* Class = "NSTextField"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Type: plist integer, 16-bit\nDefault value: Automatic\nSMBIOS: APPLE_SMBIOS_TABLE_TYPE131 - ProcessorType Description: Combined of Processor Major and Minor types."; ObjectID = "YN8-NU-Zgm"; */
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "SystemMemoryStatus"; ObjectID = "Xed-CT-3f5"; */
"Xed-CT-3f5.title" = "SystemMemoryStatus";
/* Class = "NSTextField"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Type: plist integer, 16-bit\nFailsafe: 0 (Automatic)\nSMBIOS: APPLE_SMBIOS_TABLE_TYPE131 - ProcessorType Description: Combined of Processor Major and Minor types."; ObjectID = "YN8-NU-Zgm"; */
"YN8-NU-Zgm.ibShadowedToolTip" = "Type: plist integer, 16-bit\nDefault value: Automatic\nSMBIOS: APPLE_SMBIOS_TABLE_TYPE131 - ProcessorType Description: Combined of Processor Major and Minor types.";
/* Class = "NSTextField"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Type: plist integer\nDefault value: OEM specified\nSMBIOS: Baseboard (or Module) Information (Type 2) — Board Type\nDescription: Either 0xA (Motherboard (includes processor, memory, and I/O) or 0xB (Processor/Memory Module), refer to Table 15 – Baseboard: Board Type for more details."; ObjectID = "YgB-Sp-EZ5"; */
......@@ -398,7 +404,7 @@
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "Family"; ObjectID = "pbb-64-p0X"; */
"pbb-64-p0X.title" = "Family";
/* Class = "NSTextField"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Type: plist integer, 64-bit\nDefault value: Not installed\nDescription: Sets ARTFrequency in gEfiProcessorSubClassGuid. Sets CPU ART frequency, Skylake and newer."; ObjectID = "qOV-63-yas"; */
/* Class = "NSTextField"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Type: plist integer, 64-bit\nFailsafe: 0 (Automatic)\nDescription: Sets ARTFrequency in gEfiProcessorSubClassGuid. Sets CPU ART frequency, Skylake and newer."; ObjectID = "qOV-63-yas"; */
"qOV-63-yas.ibShadowedToolTip" = "Valeur par défaut: non installé \n Description: définissez ARTFrequency dans gEfiProcessorSubClassGuid. Définissez la fréquence CPU ART, Skylake et mettez à jour.";
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "Firmware"; ObjectID = "qoc-xS-eEN"; */
......@@ -95,6 +95,9 @@
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "AppleSmcIo"; ObjectID = "Ddl-D0-484"; */
"Ddl-D0-484.title" = "AppleSmcIo";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "UnusableMemory — EfiUnusableMemory"; ObjectID = "DwL-VG-qNh"; Note = "Do not localize"; */
"DwL-VG-qNh.title" = "UnusableMemory — EfiUnusableMemory";
/* Class = "NSButton"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Type: plist boolean\nFailsafe: false\nDescription: Swap Command and Option keys during submission.\nThis option may be useful for keyboard layouts with Option key situated to the right of Command key."; ObjectID = "EIc-ff-Thn"; */
"EIc-ff-Thn.ibShadowedToolTip" = "Commutez les touches Commande et Option, sélectionnez généralement NON";
......@@ -140,6 +143,9 @@
/* Class = "NSButton"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Type: plist boolean\nDefault value: false\nDescription: Reinstalls Data Hub protocol with a builtin version. This will delete all previous properties if the protocol was already installed."; ObjectID = "KN0-dq-pSV"; */
"KN0-dq-pSV.ibShadowedToolTip" = "Reconstruisez le datahub, sélectionnez NON ici.";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "ACPIReclaimMemory — EfiACPIReclaimMemory"; ObjectID = "KsW-za-ip4"; Note = "Do not localize"; */
"KsW-za-ip4.title" = "ACPIReclaimMemory — EfiACPIReclaimMemory";
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "AudioCodec"; ObjectID = "L2f-gE-rBP"; */
"L2f-gE-rBP.title" = "AudioCodec";
......@@ -149,6 +155,9 @@
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "OSInfo"; ObjectID = "Ljq-q2-IwF"; */
"Ljq-q2-IwF.title" = "OSInfo";
/* Class = "NSTableColumn"; headerCell.title = "Type"; ObjectID = "McE-CL-fQD"; */
"McE-CL-fQD.headerCell.title" = "Type";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "DataHub"; ObjectID = "NGa-cY-Uzn"; */
"NGa-cY-Uzn.title" = "DataHub";
......@@ -164,6 +173,9 @@
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "AppleAudio"; ObjectID = "POq-ge-Ugg"; */
"POq-ge-Ugg.title" = "AppleAudio";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "LoaderData — EfiLoaderData"; ObjectID = "PUI-Gl-EfE"; Note = "Do not localize"; */
"PUI-Gl-EfE.title" = "LoaderData — EfiLoaderData";
/* Class = "NSBox"; title = "Quirks"; ObjectID = "PVa-Cc-beC"; */
"PVa-Cc-beC.title" = "Quirks";
......@@ -185,6 +197,9 @@
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "ReleaseUsbOwnership"; ObjectID = "UMT-DK-9B5"; */
"UMT-DK-9B5.title" = "ReleaseUsbOwnership";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "BootServiceCode — EfiBootServicesCode"; ObjectID = "UNS-wv-SeD"; Note = "Do not localize"; */
"UNS-wv-SeD.title" = "BootServiceCode — EfiBootServicesCode";
/* Class = "NSButton"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Type: plist boolean\nDefault value: false\nDescription: Reinstalls device property protocol with a builtin version. This will delete all previous properties if it was already installed. This may be used to ensure full compatibility on VMs or legacy Macs."; ObjectID = "Ueb-hn-jBT"; */
"Ueb-hn-jBT.ibShadowedToolTip" = "Sélectionnez généralement NO \n pour garantir une compatibilité totale sur la machine virtuelle ou la vieille pomme blanche.";
......@@ -194,6 +209,9 @@
/* Class = "NSTabViewItem"; label = "Drivers"; ObjectID = "V9Z-z9-Ejd"; */
"V9Z-z9-Ejd.label" = "Pilote UEFI";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "MemoryMappedIO — EfiMemoryMappedIO"; ObjectID = "XBh-jM-PDL"; Note = "Do not localize"; */
"XBh-jM-PDL.title" = "MemoryMappedIO — EfiMemoryMappedIO";
/* Class = "NSButton"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Type: plist boolean\nFailsafe: false\nDescription: Reinstalls Apple IMG4 Verification protocol with a builtin version. This protocol is used to verify im4m manifest files used by Apple Secure Boot."; ObjectID = "XQL-ML-llQ"; */
"XQL-ML-llQ.ibShadowedToolTip" = "Type: plist boolean\nFailsafe: false\nDescription: Reinstalls Apple IMG4 Verification protocol with a builtin version. This protocol is used to verify im4m manifest files used by Apple Secure Boot.";
......@@ -221,9 +239,15 @@
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "PointerSupportMode"; ObjectID = "anR-lZ-CjV"; */
"anR-lZ-CjV.title" = "PointerSupportMode";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "LoaderCode — EfiLoaderCode"; ObjectID = "b7Y-CD-r7l"; Note = "Do not localize"; */
"b7Y-CD-r7l.title" = "LoaderCode — EfiLoaderCode";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "ProvideConsoleGop"; ObjectID = "bdr-Pu-Crr"; */
"bdr-Pu-Crr.title" = "ProvideConsoleGop";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "RuntimeData — EfiRuntimeServicesData"; ObjectID = "c5S-aW-uXu"; Note = "Do not localize"; */
"c5S-aW-uXu.title" = "RuntimeData — EfiRuntimeServicesData";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "KeySupport"; ObjectID = "cia-MM-Epa"; */
"cia-MM-Epa.title" = "KeySupport";
......@@ -242,12 +266,21 @@
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "KeyMergeThreshold"; ObjectID = "du6-Wl-DOI"; */
"du6-Wl-DOI.title" = "KeyMergeThreshold";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "PalCode — EfiPalCode"; ObjectID = "dzI-am-EZX"; Note = "Do not localize"; */
"dzI-am-EZX.title" = "PalCode — EfiPalCode";
/* Class = "NSButton"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Type: plist boolean\nFailsafe: false\nDescription: Enable internal pointer driver.\nThis option implements standard UEFI pointer protocol (EFI_SIMPLE_POINTER_PROTOCOL) through select OEM protocols. The option may be useful on Z87 ASUS boards, where EFI_SIMPLE_POINTER_PROTOCOL is broken."; ObjectID = "dzp-p6-AHb"; */
"dzp-p6-AHb.ibShadowedToolTip" = "Si vous êtes un ASUS z87 ou z97, vous devez activer l'option PointerSupport.";
/* Class = "NSButton"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Type: plist boolean\nFailsafe: false\nDescription: Ensure GOP (Graphics Output Protocol) on console handle.\nmacOS bootloader requires GOP or UGA (for 10.4 EfiBoot) to be present on console handle, yet the exact location of the graphics protocol is not covered by the UEFI specification. This option will ensure GOP and UGA, if present, are available on the console handle.\n\nNote: This option will also replace broken GOP protocol on console handle, which may be the case on MacPro5,1 with newer GPUs."; ObjectID = "eGd-xS-rQf"; */
"eGd-xS-rQf.ibShadowedToolTip" = "Avant de sélectionner l'écran système, vous pouvez voir des informations sur votre erreur de configuration de configuration. Vous pouvez ajuster votre configuration en fonction de ces informations, ou vous pouvez choisir OUI pour ignorer. Il est recommandé de choisir OUI.";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Persistent — EfiPersistentMemory"; ObjectID = "eMM-3b-cBd"; Note = "Do not localize"; */
"eMM-3b-cBd.title" = "Persistent — EfiPersistentMemory";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "MemoryMappedIOPortSpace — EfiMemoryMappedIOPortSpace"; ObjectID = "eQX-uX-ZBd"; Note = "Do not localize"; */
"eQX-uX-ZBd.title" = "MemoryMappedIOPortSpace — EfiMemoryMappedIOPortSpace";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "HideVerbose"; ObjectID = "egr-8J-RIS"; */
"egr-8J-RIS.title" = "HideVerbose";
......@@ -278,7 +311,7 @@
/* Class = "NSComboBox"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Type: plist string\nFailsafe: Empty string\nDescription: Sets console output screen resolution.\n• Set to WxH@Bpp (e.g. 1920x1080@32) or WxH (e.g. 1920x1080) formatted string to request custom resolution from GOP if available.\n• Set to empty string not to change screen resolution.\n• Set to Max to try to use largest available screen resolution.\nOn HiDPI screens APPLE_VENDOR_VARIABLE_GUID UIScale NVRAM variable may need to be set to 02 to enable HiDPI scaling in FileVault 2 UEFI password interface and boot screen logo. Refer to Recommended Variables section for more details.\nNote: This will fail when console handle has no GOP protocol. When the firmware does not provide it, it can be added with ProvideConsoleGop set to true."; ObjectID = "hVw-xH-z40"; Note = "Do Not Translate"; */
"hVw-xH-z40.ibShadowedToolTip" = "Définir la résolution d'écran de sortie de la console. \n • Définir sur vide pour ne pas modifier la résolution d'écran. \n • Définir sur Max pour essayer d'utiliser la plus grande résolution d'écran disponible. \n Remarque: si le descripteur de la console ne possède pas de protocole GOP, cela échouera. Vous pouvez définir la valeur True de ProviderConsoleGop pour l'ajouter.";
/* Class = "NSTableView"; ibShadowedToolTip = "1. Address\nType: plist integer\nFailsafe: 0\nDescription: Start address of the reserved memory region, which should be allocated as reserved effectively marking the memory of this type inaccessible to the operating system.\nThe addresses written here must be part of the memory map, have EfiConventionalMemory type, and page-aligned (4 KBs).\n2. Comment\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Empty string\nDescription: Arbitrary ASCII string used to provide human readable reference for the entry. It is implementation defined whether this value is used.\n3. Size\nType: plist integer\nFailsafe: 0\nDescription: Size of the reserved memory region, must be page-aligned (4 KBs).\n4. Enabled\nType: plist boolean\nFailsafe: false\nDescription: This region will not be reserved unless set to true."; ObjectID = "hs4-gm-1Ct"; */
/* Class = "NSTableView"; ibShadowedToolTip = "1. Address\nType: plist integer\nFailsafe: 0\nDescription: Start address of the reserved memory region, which should be allocated as reserved effectively marking the memory of this type inaccessible to the operating system.\nThe addresses written here must be part of the memory map, have EfiConventionalMemory type, and page-aligned (4 KBs).\n\nNote: Some firmwares may not allocate memory areas used by S3 (sleep) and S4 (hibernation) code unless CSM is enabled causing wake failures. After comparing the memory maps with CSM disabled and enabled you could find these areas in the lower memory and fix them up by doing the reservation. See Sample.plist for more details.\n\n2. Comment\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Empty string\nDescription: Arbitrary ASCII string used to provide human readable reference for the entry. It is implementation defined whether this value is used.\n3. Size\nType: plist integer\nFailsafe: 0\nDescription: Size of the reserved memory region, must be page-aligned (4 KBs).\n4. Type\nType: plist string\nFailsafe: Reserved XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX\nDescription: Memory region type matching the UEFI specification memory descriptor types. Mapping:\n• Reserved — EfiReservedMemoryType\n• LoaderCode — EfiLoaderCode\n• LoaderData — EfiLoaderData\n• BootServiceCode — EfiBootServicesCode\n• BootServiceData — EfiBootServicesData\n• RuntimeCode — EfiRuntimeServicesCode\n• RuntimeData — EfiRuntimeServicesData\n• Available — EfiConventionalMemory\n• Persistent — EfiPersistentMemory\n• UnusableMemory — EfiUnusableMemory\n• ACPIReclaimMemory — EfiACPIReclaimMemory\n• ACPIMemoryNVS — EfiACPIMemoryNVS\n• MemoryMappedIO — EfiMemoryMappedIO\n• MemoryMappedIOPortSpace — EfiMemoryMappedIOPortSpace\n• PalCode — EfiPalCode\n5. Enabled\nType: plist boolean\nFailsafe: false\nDescription: This region will not be reserved unless set to true."; ObjectID = "hs4-gm-1Ct"; */
"hs4-gm-1Ct.ibShadowedToolTip" = "1. Adresse \nType: entier plist \nFailsafe: 0 \nDescription: Adresse de début de la région de mémoire réservée, qui doit être allouée comme réservée, ce qui marque efficacement la mémoire de ce type inaccessible au système d'exploitation. \nLes adresses écrites ici doivent faire partie de la carte mémoire, ont le type EfiConventionalMemory et sont alignés sur la page (4 Ko). \n2. Commentaire \nType: chaîne de plist \nFailsafe: chaîne vide \nDescription: chaîne ASCII arbitraire utilisée pour fournir une référence lisible par l'homme pour l'entrée. Il est défini par l'implémentation si cette valeur est utilisée. \n3. Taille \nType: entier plist \nFailsafe: 0 \nDescription: La taille de la zone de mémoire réservée doit être alignée sur la page (4 Ko). \n4. Activé \nType: plist boolean \nFailsafe: false \nDescription: Cette région ne sera pas réservée sauf si elle est définie sur true.";
/* Class = "NSButton"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Type: plist boolean\nFailsafe: false\nDescription: Reinstalls Apple User Interface Theme protocol with a builtin version."; ObjectID = "iFT-xW-ZaT"; */
......@@ -335,12 +368,18 @@
/* Class = "NSButton"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Type: plist boolean\nFailsafe: false\nDescription: Forcibly wraps Firmware Volume protocols or installs new to support custom cursor images for File Vault 2. Should be set to true to ensure File Vault 2 compatibility on everything but VMs and legacy Macs.\n\nNote: Several virtual machines including VMware may have corrupted cursor image in HiDPI mode and thus may also require this setting to be enabled."; ObjectID = "nvr-JF-3ne"; */
"nvr-JF-3ne.ibShadowedToolTip" = "Sélectionnez généralement NON. \n Fixer les problèmes d'interface utilisateur avec Filevault, défini sur OUI pour une meilleure compatibilité avec FileVault";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Available — EfiConventionalMemory"; ObjectID = "nyc-OA-Vfg"; Note = "Do not localize"; */
"nyc-OA-Vfg.title" = "Available — EfiConventionalMemory";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "DeviceProperties"; ObjectID = "oMi-yN-r8X"; */
"oMi-yN-r8X.title" = "DeviceProperties";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "AudioSupport"; ObjectID = "oT1-Q2-rhc"; */
"oT1-Q2-rhc.title" = "AudioSupport";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "BootServiceData — EfiBootServicesData"; ObjectID = "q2q-z0-cAo"; Note = "Do not localize"; */
"q2q-z0-cAo.title" = "BootServiceData — EfiBootServicesData";
/* Class = "NSButton"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Type: plist boolean\nFailsafe: false\nDescription: Some firmwares clear only part of screen when switching from graphics to text mode, leaving a fragment of previously drawn image visible. This option fills the entire graphics screen with black colour before switching to text mode.\n\nNote: This option only applies to System renderer."; ObjectID = "qMh-AF-g0P"; */
"qMh-AF-g0P.ibShadowedToolTip" = "Lorsque le mode graphique passe en mode texte, certains micrologiciels n'effacent qu'une partie de l'écran, rendant visibles les fragments d'image précédemment dessinés. Cette option remplit tout l'écran graphique de noir avant de passer en mode texte. \n Remarque: cette option fonctionne uniquement avec le rendu système.";
......@@ -383,12 +422,21 @@
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "UgaPassThrough"; ObjectID = "vav-dM-ieV"; */
"vav-dM-ieV.title" = "UgaPassThrough";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "ACPIMemoryNVS — EfiACPIMemoryNVS"; ObjectID = "wdW-0Y-LKj"; Note = "Do not localize"; */
"wdW-0Y-LKj.title" = "ACPIMemoryNVS — EfiACPIMemoryNVS";
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "ExitBootServicesDelay"; ObjectID = "wxD-TC-lrQ"; */
"wxD-TC-lrQ.title" = "ExitBootServicesDelay";
/* Class = "NSTextField"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Type: plist integer\nFailsafe: 0\nDescription: Remove key unless it was submitted during this timeout in milliseconds.\nAppleKeyMapAggregator protocol is supposed to contain a fixed length buffer of currently pressed keys. However, the majority of the drivers only report key presses as interrupts and pressing and holding the key on the keyboard results in subsequent submissions of this key with some defined time interval. As a result we use a timeout to remove once pressed keys from the buffer once the timeout expires and no new submission of this key happened.\nThis option allows to set this timeout based on your platform. The recommended value that works on the majority of the platforms is 5 milliseconds. For reference, holding one key on VMware will repeat it roughly every 2 milliseconds and the same value for APTIO V is 3-4 milliseconds. Thus it is possible to set a slightly lower value on faster platforms and slightly higher value on slower platforms for more responsive input.\n\nNote: Some platforms may require different values, higher or lower. For example, when detecting key misses in OpenCanopy try increasing this value (e.g. to 10), and when detecting key stall, try decreasing this value. Since every platform is different it may be reasonable to check every value from 1 to 25."; ObjectID = "xNH-9V-3kd"; */
"xNH-9V-3kd.ibShadowedToolTip" = "Intervalle de temps entre chaque touche après l'avoir appuyée (unité: millisecondes) \n Cette option permet de définir ce délai en fonction de votre plateforme. Une valeur recommandée de 5 ms est disponible sur la plupart des plateformes. Pour référence, la détention d'une clé sur VMware se répète toutes les 2 millisecondes environ, tandis que la même valeur pour APTIO V est de 3 à 4 millisecondes. Par conséquent, vous pouvez définir une valeur légèrement inférieure sur une plateforme plus rapide et une valeur légèrement supérieure sur une plateforme plus lente pour améliorer la vitesse de réponse.";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "RuntimeCode — EfiRuntimeServicesCode"; ObjectID = "xWU-hM-Ed8"; Note = "Do not localize"; */
"xWU-hM-Ed8.title" = "RuntimeCode — EfiRuntimeServicesCode";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Reserved — EfiReservedMemoryType"; ObjectID = "xhv-Jg-JKE"; Note = "Do not localize"; */
"xhv-Jg-JKE.title" = "Reserved — EfiReservedMemoryType";
/* Class = "NSTextField"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Type: plist integer\nDefault value: 0\nDescription: Adds delay in microseconds after EXIT_BOOT_SERVICES event.\nThis is a very ugly quirk to circumvent \"Still waiting for root device\" message on select APTIO IV firmwares, namely ASUS Z87-Pro, when using FileVault 2 in particular. It seems that for some reason they execute code in parallel to EXIT_BOOT_SERVICES, which results in SATA controller being inaccessible from macOS. A better approach should be found in some future. Expect 3-5 seconds to be enough in case the quirk is needed."; ObjectID = "yXm-Kd-A6O"; */
"yXm-Kd-A6O.ibShadowedToolTip" = "Vous pouvez contourner le message \n Toujours en attente du périphérique racine\n qui apparaît sur le micrologiciel APTIO IV sélectionné, c'est-à-dire ASUS Z87-Pro, en particulier lorsque vous utilisez FileVault 2. Pour une raison quelconque, le contrôleur SATA n'est pas accessible à partir de macOS. Une meilleure approche devrait être trouvée à l'avenir. Si vous l'utilisez, vous devez le régler pendant 3 à 5 secondes. \n Généralement, conservez la valeur par défaut de 0, ne la modifiez pas par hasard!";
......@@ -167,6 +167,9 @@
/* Class = "NSButton"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Add or remove this section from plist\nDefault value: Add"; ObjectID = "PHO-4O-OIP"; */
"PHO-4O-OIP.ibShadowedToolTip" = "Add or remove this section from plist\nDefault value: Add";
/* Class = "NSPopUpButton"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Type: plist string\nFailsafe: Auto\nDescription: Indicates whether system memory is upgradable in PlatformFeature. This controls the visibility of the Memory tab in About This Mac.\n\nValid values:\n• Auto — use the original PlatformFeature value.\n• Upgradable — explicitly unset PT_FEATURE_HAS_SOLDERED_SYSTEM_MEMORY (0x2) in PlatformFeature.\n• Soldered — explicitly set PT_FEATURE_HAS_SOLDERED_SYSTEM_MEMORY (0x2) in PlatformFeature.\n\nNote: On certain Mac models (namely MacBookPro10,x and any MacBookAir), SPMemoryReporter.spreporter will ignore PT_FEATURE_HAS_SOLDERED_SYSTEM_MEMORY and assume that system memory is non-upgradable."; ObjectID = "PPQ-0x-9Ub"; */
"PPQ-0x-9Ub.ibShadowedToolTip" = "Type: plist string\nFailsafe: Auto\nDescription: Indicates whether system memory is upgradable in PlatformFeature. This controls the visibility of the Memory tab in About This Mac.\n\nValid values:\n• Auto — use the original PlatformFeature value.\n• Upgradable — explicitly unset PT_FEATURE_HAS_SOLDERED_SYSTEM_MEMORY (0x2) in PlatformFeature.\n• Soldered — explicitly set PT_FEATURE_HAS_SOLDERED_SYSTEM_MEMORY (0x2) in PlatformFeature.\n\nNote: On certain Mac models (namely MacBookPro10,x and any MacBookAir), SPMemoryReporter.spreporter will ignore PT_FEATURE_HAS_SOLDERED_SYSTEM_MEMORY and assume that system memory is non-upgradable.";
/* Class = "NSSegmentedCell"; PVt-qS-yBp.ibShadowedLabels[0] = "Model Lookup"; ObjectID = "PVt-qS-yBp"; */
"PVt-qS-yBp.ibShadowedLabels[0]" = "Model Lookup";
......@@ -182,8 +185,8 @@
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "Vendor"; ObjectID = "R7K-qk-Tpk"; */
"R7K-qk-Tpk.title" = "Vendor";
/* Class = "NSTextField"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Type: plist integer, 16-bit\nDefault value: Automatic\nSMBIOS: APPLE_SMBIOS_TABLE_TYPE131 - ProcessorType Description: Combined of Processor Major and Minor types."; ObjectID = "RLW-Hz-QKb"; */
"RLW-Hz-QKb.ibShadowedToolTip" = "Type: plist integer, 16-bit\nDefault value: Automatic\nSMBIOS: APPLE_SMBIOS_TABLE_TYPE131 - ProcessorType Description: Combined of Processor Major and Minor types.";
/* Class = "NSTextField"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Type: plist integer, 16-bit\nFailsafe: 0 (Automatic)\nSMBIOS: APPLE_SMBIOS_TABLE_TYPE131 - ProcessorType Description: Combined of Processor Major and Minor types."; ObjectID = "RLW-Hz-QKb"; */
"RLW-Hz-QKb.ibShadowedToolTip" = "Type: plist integer, 16-bit\nFailsafe: 0 (Automatic)\nSMBIOS: APPLE_SMBIOS_TABLE_TYPE131 - ProcessorType Description: Combined of Processor Major and Minor types.";
/* Class = "NSTextField"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Type: plist string\nDefault value: OEM specified\nSMBIOS: System Information (Type 1) — Family Description: Family name. May look like iMac Pro."; ObjectID = "Rag-wy-fpE"; */
"Rag-wy-fpE.ibShadowedToolTip" = "Type: plist string\nDefault value: OEM specified\nSMBIOS: System Information (Type 1) — Family Description: Family name. May look like iMac Pro.";
......@@ -224,8 +227,8 @@
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "from System"; ObjectID = "VKd-ep-fuP"; */
"VKd-ep-fuP.title" = "from System";
/* Class = "NSTextField"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Type: plist integer, 64-bit\nDefault value: Automatic\nDescription: Sets FSBFrequency in gEfiProcessorSubClassGuid. Sets CPU FSB frequency."; ObjectID = "W2E-oe-9Uq"; */
"W2E-oe-9Uq.ibShadowedToolTip" = "Type: plist integer, 64-bit\nDefault value: Automatic\nDescription: Sets FSBFrequency in gEfiProcessorSubClassGuid. Sets CPU FSB frequency.";
/* Class = "NSTextField"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Type: plist integer, 64-bit\nFailsafe: 0 (Automatic)\nDescription: Sets FSBFrequency in gEfiProcessorSubClassGuid. Sets CPU FSB frequency."; ObjectID = "W2E-oe-9Uq"; */
"W2E-oe-9Uq.ibShadowedToolTip" = "Type: plist integer, 64-bit\nFailsafe: 0 (Automatic)\nDescription: Sets FSBFrequency in gEfiProcessorSubClassGuid. Sets CPU FSB frequency.";
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "Board Product"; ObjectID = "WDt-qb-GcR"; */
"WDt-qb-GcR.title" = "Board Product";
......@@ -245,8 +248,11 @@
/* Class = "NSButton"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Type: plist boolean\nDefault value: false\nDescription: Update DataHub fields. These fields are read from Generic or DataHub sections depending on Automatic value."; ObjectID = "XRB-18-dHU"; */
"XRB-18-dHU.ibShadowedToolTip" = "Type: plist boolean\nDefault value: false\nDescription: Update DataHub fields. These fields are read from Generic or DataHub sections depending on Automatic value.";
/* Class = "NSTextField"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Type: plist integer, 16-bit\nDefault value: Automatic\nSMBIOS: APPLE_SMBIOS_TABLE_TYPE131 - ProcessorType Description: Combined of Processor Major and Minor types."; ObjectID = "YN8-NU-Zgm"; */
"YN8-NU-Zgm.ibShadowedToolTip" = "Type: plist integer, 16-bit\nDefault value: Automatic\nSMBIOS: APPLE_SMBIOS_TABLE_TYPE131 - ProcessorType Description: Combined of Processor Major and Minor types.";
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "SystemMemoryStatus"; ObjectID = "Xed-CT-3f5"; */
"Xed-CT-3f5.title" = "SystemMemoryStatus";
/* Class = "NSTextField"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Type: plist integer, 16-bit\nFailsafe: 0 (Automatic)\nSMBIOS: APPLE_SMBIOS_TABLE_TYPE131 - ProcessorType Description: Combined of Processor Major and Minor types."; ObjectID = "YN8-NU-Zgm"; */
"YN8-NU-Zgm.ibShadowedToolTip" = "Type: plist integer, 16-bit\nFailsafe: 0 (Automatic)\nSMBIOS: APPLE_SMBIOS_TABLE_TYPE131 - ProcessorType Description: Combined of Processor Major and Minor types.";
/* Class = "NSTextField"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Type: plist integer\nDefault value: OEM specified\nSMBIOS: Baseboard (or Module) Information (Type 2) — Board Type\nDescription: Either 0xA (Motherboard (includes processor, memory, and I/O) or 0xB (Processor/Memory Module), refer to Table 15 – Baseboard: Board Type for more details."; ObjectID = "YgB-Sp-EZ5"; */
"YgB-Sp-EZ5.ibShadowedToolTip" = "Type: plist integer\nDefault value: OEM specified\nSMBIOS: Baseboard (or Module) Information (Type 2) — Board Type\nDescription: Either 0xA (Motherboard (includes processor, memory, and I/O) or 0xB (Processor/Memory Module), refer to Table 15 – Baseboard: Board Type for more details.";
......@@ -398,8 +404,8 @@
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "Family"; ObjectID = "pbb-64-p0X"; */
"pbb-64-p0X.title" = "Family";
/* Class = "NSTextField"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Type: plist integer, 64-bit\nDefault value: Not installed\nDescription: Sets ARTFrequency in gEfiProcessorSubClassGuid. Sets CPU ART frequency, Skylake and newer."; ObjectID = "qOV-63-yas"; */
"qOV-63-yas.ibShadowedToolTip" = "Type: plist integer, 64-bit\nDefault value: Not installed\nDescription: Sets ARTFrequency in gEfiProcessorSubClassGuid. Sets CPU ART frequency, Skylake and newer.";
/* Class = "NSTextField"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Type: plist integer, 64-bit\nFailsafe: 0 (Automatic)\nDescription: Sets ARTFrequency in gEfiProcessorSubClassGuid. Sets CPU ART frequency, Skylake and newer."; ObjectID = "qOV-63-yas"; */
"qOV-63-yas.ibShadowedToolTip" = "Type: plist integer, 64-bit\nFailsafe: 0 (Automatic)\nDescription: Sets ARTFrequency in gEfiProcessorSubClassGuid. Sets CPU ART frequency, Skylake and newer.";
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "Firmware"; ObjectID = "qoc-xS-eEN"; */
"qoc-xS-eEN.title" = "Firmware";
......@@ -95,6 +95,9 @@
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "AppleSmcIo"; ObjectID = "Ddl-D0-484"; */
"Ddl-D0-484.title" = "AppleSmcIo";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "UnusableMemory — EfiUnusableMemory"; ObjectID = "DwL-VG-qNh"; Note = "Do not localize"; */
"DwL-VG-qNh.title" = "UnusableMemory — EfiUnusableMemory";
/* Class = "NSButton"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Type: plist boolean\nFailsafe: false\nDescription: Swap Command and Option keys during submission.\nThis option may be useful for keyboard layouts with Option key situated to the right of Command key."; ObjectID = "EIc-ff-Thn"; */
"EIc-ff-Thn.ibShadowedToolTip" = "Type: plist boolean\nFailsafe: false\nDescription: Swap Command and Option keys during submission.\nThis option may be useful for keyboard layouts with Option key situated to the right of Command key.";
......@@ -140,6 +143,9 @@
/* Class = "NSButton"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Type: plist boolean\nDefault value: false\nDescription: Reinstalls Data Hub protocol with a builtin version. This will delete all previous properties if the protocol was already installed."; ObjectID = "KN0-dq-pSV"; */
"KN0-dq-pSV.ibShadowedToolTip" = "Type: plist boolean\nDefault value: false\nDescription: Reinstalls Data Hub protocol with a builtin version. This will delete all previous properties if the protocol was already installed.";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "ACPIReclaimMemory — EfiACPIReclaimMemory"; ObjectID = "KsW-za-ip4"; Note = "Do not localize"; */
"KsW-za-ip4.title" = "ACPIReclaimMemory — EfiACPIReclaimMemory";
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "AudioCodec"; ObjectID = "L2f-gE-rBP"; */
"L2f-gE-rBP.title" = "AudioCodec";
......@@ -149,6 +155,9 @@
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "OSInfo"; ObjectID = "Ljq-q2-IwF"; */
"Ljq-q2-IwF.title" = "OSInfo";
/* Class = "NSTableColumn"; headerCell.title = "Type"; ObjectID = "McE-CL-fQD"; */
"McE-CL-fQD.headerCell.title" = "Type";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "DataHub"; ObjectID = "NGa-cY-Uzn"; */
"NGa-cY-Uzn.title" = "DataHub";
......@@ -164,6 +173,9 @@
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "AppleAudio"; ObjectID = "POq-ge-Ugg"; */
"POq-ge-Ugg.title" = "AppleAudio";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "LoaderData — EfiLoaderData"; ObjectID = "PUI-Gl-EfE"; Note = "Do not localize"; */
"PUI-Gl-EfE.title" = "LoaderData — EfiLoaderData";
/* Class = "NSBox"; title = "Quirks"; ObjectID = "PVa-Cc-beC"; */
"PVa-Cc-beC.title" = "Quirks";
......@@ -185,6 +197,9 @@
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "ReleaseUsbOwnership"; ObjectID = "UMT-DK-9B5"; */
"UMT-DK-9B5.title" = "ReleaseUsbOwnership";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "BootServiceCode — EfiBootServicesCode"; ObjectID = "UNS-wv-SeD"; Note = "Do not localize"; */
"UNS-wv-SeD.title" = "BootServiceCode — EfiBootServicesCode";
/* Class = "NSButton"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Type: plist boolean\nDefault value: false\nDescription: Reinstalls device property protocol with a builtin version. This will delete all previous properties if it was already installed. This may be used to ensure full compatibility on VMs or legacy Macs."; ObjectID = "Ueb-hn-jBT"; */
"Ueb-hn-jBT.ibShadowedToolTip" = "Type: plist boolean\nDefault value: false\nDescription: Reinstalls device property protocol with a builtin version. This will delete all previous properties if it was already installed. This may be used to ensure full compatibility on VMs or legacy Macs.";
......@@ -194,6 +209,9 @@
/* Class = "NSTabViewItem"; label = "Drivers"; ObjectID = "V9Z-z9-Ejd"; */
"V9Z-z9-Ejd.label" = "Drivers";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "MemoryMappedIO — EfiMemoryMappedIO"; ObjectID = "XBh-jM-PDL"; Note = "Do not localize"; */
"XBh-jM-PDL.title" = "MemoryMappedIO — EfiMemoryMappedIO";
/* Class = "NSButton"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Type: plist boolean\nFailsafe: false\nDescription: Reinstalls Apple IMG4 Verification protocol with a builtin version. This protocol is used to verify im4m manifest files used by Apple Secure Boot."; ObjectID = "XQL-ML-llQ"; */
"XQL-ML-llQ.ibShadowedToolTip" = "Type: plist boolean\nFailsafe: false\nDescription: Reinstalls Apple IMG4 Verification protocol with a builtin version. This protocol is used to verify im4m manifest files used by Apple Secure Boot.";
......@@ -221,9 +239,15 @@
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "PointerSupportMode"; ObjectID = "anR-lZ-CjV"; */
"anR-lZ-CjV.title" = "PointerSupportMode";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "LoaderCode — EfiLoaderCode"; ObjectID = "b7Y-CD-r7l"; Note = "Do not localize"; */
"b7Y-CD-r7l.title" = "LoaderCode — EfiLoaderCode";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "ProvideConsoleGop"; ObjectID = "bdr-Pu-Crr"; */
"bdr-Pu-Crr.title" = "ProvideConsoleGop";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "RuntimeData — EfiRuntimeServicesData"; ObjectID = "c5S-aW-uXu"; Note = "Do not localize"; */
"c5S-aW-uXu.title" = "RuntimeData — EfiRuntimeServicesData";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "KeySupport"; ObjectID = "cia-MM-Epa"; */
"cia-MM-Epa.title" = "KeySupport";
......@@ -242,12 +266,21 @@
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "KeyMergeThreshold"; ObjectID = "du6-Wl-DOI"; */
"du6-Wl-DOI.title" = "KeyMergeThreshold";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "PalCode — EfiPalCode"; ObjectID = "dzI-am-EZX"; Note = "Do not localize"; */
"dzI-am-EZX.title" = "PalCode — EfiPalCode";
/* Class = "NSButton"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Type: plist boolean\nFailsafe: false\nDescription: Enable internal pointer driver.\nThis option implements standard UEFI pointer protocol (EFI_SIMPLE_POINTER_PROTOCOL) through select OEM protocols. The option may be useful on Z87 ASUS boards, where EFI_SIMPLE_POINTER_PROTOCOL is broken."; ObjectID = "dzp-p6-AHb"; */
"dzp-p6-AHb.ibShadowedToolTip" = "Type: plist boolean\nFailsafe: false\nDescription: Enable internal pointer driver.\nThis option implements standard UEFI pointer protocol (EFI_SIMPLE_POINTER_PROTOCOL) through select OEM protocols. The option may be useful on Z87 ASUS boards, where EFI_SIMPLE_POINTER_PROTOCOL is broken.";
/* Class = "NSButton"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Type: plist boolean\nFailsafe: false\nDescription: Ensure GOP (Graphics Output Protocol) on console handle.\nmacOS bootloader requires GOP or UGA (for 10.4 EfiBoot) to be present on console handle, yet the exact location of the graphics protocol is not covered by the UEFI specification. This option will ensure GOP and UGA, if present, are available on the console handle.\n\nNote: This option will also replace broken GOP protocol on console handle, which may be the case on MacPro5,1 with newer GPUs."; ObjectID = "eGd-xS-rQf"; */
"eGd-xS-rQf.ibShadowedToolTip" = "Type: plist boolean\nFailsafe: false\nDescription: Ensure GOP (Graphics Output Protocol) on console handle.\nmacOS bootloader requires GOP or UGA (for 10.4 EfiBoot) to be present on console handle, yet the exact location of the graphics protocol is not covered by the UEFI specification. This option will ensure GOP and UGA, if present, are available on the console handle.\n\nNote: This option will also replace broken GOP protocol on console handle, which may be the case on MacPro5,1 with newer GPUs.";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Persistent — EfiPersistentMemory"; ObjectID = "eMM-3b-cBd"; Note = "Do not localize"; */
"eMM-3b-cBd.title" = "Persistent — EfiPersistentMemory";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "MemoryMappedIOPortSpace — EfiMemoryMappedIOPortSpace"; ObjectID = "eQX-uX-ZBd"; Note = "Do not localize"; */
"eQX-uX-ZBd.title" = "MemoryMappedIOPortSpace — EfiMemoryMappedIOPortSpace";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "HideVerbose"; ObjectID = "egr-8J-RIS"; */
"egr-8J-RIS.title" = "HideVerbose";
......@@ -335,12 +368,18 @@
/* Class = "NSButton"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Type: plist boolean\nFailsafe: false\nDescription: Forcibly wraps Firmware Volume protocols or installs new to support custom cursor images for File Vault 2. Should be set to true to ensure File Vault 2 compatibility on everything but VMs and legacy Macs.\n\nNote: Several virtual machines including VMware may have corrupted cursor image in HiDPI mode and thus may also require this setting to be enabled."; ObjectID = "nvr-JF-3ne"; */
"nvr-JF-3ne.ibShadowedToolTip" = "Type: plist boolean\nFailsafe: false\nDescription: Forcibly wraps Firmware Volume protocols or installs new to support custom cursor images for File Vault 2. Should be set to true to ensure File Vault 2 compatibility on everything but VMs and legacy Macs.\n\nNote: Several virtual machines including VMware may have corrupted cursor image in HiDPI mode and thus may also require this setting to be enabled.";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Available — EfiConventionalMemory"; ObjectID = "nyc-OA-Vfg"; Note = "Do not localize"; */
"nyc-OA-Vfg.title" = "Available — EfiConventionalMemory";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "DeviceProperties"; ObjectID = "oMi-yN-r8X"; */
"oMi-yN-r8X.title" = "DeviceProperties";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "AudioSupport"; ObjectID = "oT1-Q2-rhc"; */
"oT1-Q2-rhc.title" = "AudioSupport";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "BootServiceData — EfiBootServicesData"; ObjectID = "q2q-z0-cAo"; Note = "Do not localize"; */
"q2q-z0-cAo.title" = "BootServiceData — EfiBootServicesData";
/* Class = "NSButton"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Type: plist boolean\nFailsafe: false\nDescription: Some firmwares clear only part of screen when switching from graphics to text mode, leaving a fragment of previously drawn image visible. This option fills the entire graphics screen with black colour before switching to text mode.\n\nNote: This option only applies to System renderer."; ObjectID = "qMh-AF-g0P"; */
"qMh-AF-g0P.ibShadowedToolTip" = "Type: plist boolean\nFailsafe: false\nDescription: Some firmwares clear only part of screen when switching from graphics to text mode, leaving a fragment of previously drawn image visible. This option fills the entire graphics screen with black colour before switching to text mode.\n\nNote: This option only applies to System renderer.";
......@@ -383,12 +422,21 @@
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "UgaPassThrough"; ObjectID = "vav-dM-ieV"; */
"vav-dM-ieV.title" = "UgaPassThrough";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "ACPIMemoryNVS — EfiACPIMemoryNVS"; ObjectID = "wdW-0Y-LKj"; Note = "Do not localize"; */
"wdW-0Y-LKj.title" = "ACPIMemoryNVS — EfiACPIMemoryNVS";
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "ExitBootServicesDelay"; ObjectID = "wxD-TC-lrQ"; */
"wxD-TC-lrQ.title" = "ExitBootServicesDelay";
/* Class = "NSTextField"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Type: plist integer\nFailsafe: 0\nDescription: Remove key unless it was submitted during this timeout in milliseconds.\nAppleKeyMapAggregator protocol is supposed to contain a fixed length buffer of currently pressed keys. However, the majority of the drivers only report key presses as interrupts and pressing and holding the key on the keyboard results in subsequent submissions of this key with some defined time interval. As a result we use a timeout to remove once pressed keys from the buffer once the timeout expires and no new submission of this key happened.\nThis option allows to set this timeout based on your platform. The recommended value that works on the majority of the platforms is 5 milliseconds. For reference, holding one key on VMware will repeat it roughly every 2 milliseconds and the same value for APTIO V is 3-4 milliseconds. Thus it is possible to set a slightly lower value on faster platforms and slightly higher value on slower platforms for more responsive input.\n\nNote: Some platforms may require different values, higher or lower. For example, when detecting key misses in OpenCanopy try increasing this value (e.g. to 10), and when detecting key stall, try decreasing this value. Since every platform is different it may be reasonable to check every value from 1 to 25."; ObjectID = "xNH-9V-3kd"; */
"xNH-9V-3kd.ibShadowedToolTip" = "Type: plist integer\nFailsafe: 0\nDescription: Remove key unless it was submitted during this timeout in milliseconds.\nAppleKeyMapAggregator protocol is supposed to contain a fixed length buffer of currently pressed keys. However, the majority of the drivers only report key presses as interrupts and pressing and holding the key on the keyboard results in subsequent submissions of this key with some defined time interval. As a result we use a timeout to remove once pressed keys from the buffer once the timeout expires and no new submission of this key happened.\nThis option allows to set this timeout based on your platform. The recommended value that works on the majority of the platforms is 5 milliseconds. For reference, holding one key on VMware will repeat it roughly every 2 milliseconds and the same value for APTIO V is 3-4 milliseconds. Thus it is possible to set a slightly lower value on faster platforms and slightly higher value on slower platforms for more responsive input.\n\nNote: Some platforms may require different values, higher or lower. For example, when detecting key misses in OpenCanopy try increasing this value (e.g. to 10), and when detecting key stall, try decreasing this value. Since every platform is different it may be reasonable to check every value from 1 to 25.";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "RuntimeCode — EfiRuntimeServicesCode"; ObjectID = "xWU-hM-Ed8"; Note = "Do not localize"; */
"xWU-hM-Ed8.title" = "RuntimeCode — EfiRuntimeServicesCode";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Reserved — EfiReservedMemoryType"; ObjectID = "xhv-Jg-JKE"; Note = "Do not localize"; */
"xhv-Jg-JKE.title" = "Reserved — EfiReservedMemoryType";
/* Class = "NSTextField"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Type: plist integer\nDefault value: 0\nDescription: Adds delay in microseconds after EXIT_BOOT_SERVICES event.\nThis is a very ugly quirk to circumvent \"Still waiting for root device\" message on select APTIO IV firmwares, namely ASUS Z87-Pro, when using FileVault 2 in particular. It seems that for some reason they execute code in parallel to EXIT_BOOT_SERVICES, which results in SATA controller being inaccessible from macOS. A better approach should be found in some future. Expect 3-5 seconds to be enough in case the quirk is needed."; ObjectID = "yXm-Kd-A6O"; */
"yXm-Kd-A6O.ibShadowedToolTip" = "Type: plist integer\nDefault value: 0\nDescription: Adds delay in microseconds after EXIT_BOOT_SERVICES event.\nThis is a very ugly quirk to circumvent \"Still waiting for root device\" message on select APTIO IV firmwares, namely ASUS Z87-Pro, when using FileVault 2 in particular. It seems that for some reason they execute code in parallel to EXIT_BOOT_SERVICES, which results in SATA controller being inaccessible from macOS. A better approach should be found in some future. Expect 3-5 seconds to be enough in case the quirk is needed.";
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