未验证 提交 da66ed21 编写于 作者: M mzc-hedykim 提交者: GitHub

add a korean ebook link (#6291)

* fix to mistyping 

AWK guide subject mistyping as AWS

* add a ebook link for about springboot

* update an author

* delete an author email address
上级 475bdf6e
......@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@
* [Rust](#rust)
* [Scratch](#scratch)
* [Sed](#Sed)
* [Springboot](#Springboot)
* [Unicode](#unicode)
......@@ -202,6 +203,11 @@
* [sed stream editor](https://mug896.github.io/sed-stream-editor)
### Springboot
* [Springboot 2.X 정리](https://djunnni.gitbook.io/springboot) - 이동준
### Unicode
* [번역 Unicode 이모티콘에 얽힌 이것저것 (이모티콘 표준과 프로그래밍 핸들링)](http://pluu.github.io/blog/android/2020/01/11/unicode-emoji/)
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