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add: indonesian nodejs book (#5640)

* add: indonesian nodejs book

* add: indonesian nodejs book
上级 e6524c8b
......@@ -95,6 +95,7 @@
### Node.js
* [Belajar Dengan Jenius Amazon Web Service & Node.js](https://github.com/gungunfebrianza/Belajar-Dengan-Jenius-Node.js/releases/download/1.2/Belajar.Dengan.Jenius.Javascript.Node.pdf) - Gun Gun Febrianza (PDF)
* [Belajar Node.js](http://idjs.github.io/belajar-nodejs/)
* [Node.js Handbook: Berbahasa Indonesia](https://play.google.com/store/books/details/Bona_Tua_Node_js_Handbook?id=9WhZDwAAQBAJ) - Bona Tua, Google Play Books (*account required*)
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