未验证 提交 7d84f7fe 编写于 作者: A Akash G Krishnan 提交者: GitHub

Adding in the evaluate postfix notation using Stack (#2598)

* Create evaluate_postfix_notations.py

Adding in the evaluate postfix notation using Stacks
one of the common use with simple stack question
creating a new file for the data structure of stacks

* Create evaluate_postfix_notations.py

Adding in the evaluate postfix notation using Stacks
one of the common use with simple stack question
creating a new file for the data structure of stacks

* Delete evaluate_postfix_notations.py

* Evaluate postfix expression stack clean approach

Sending in the PR again as the Previous request failed in pre commit

* Update evaluate_postfix_notations.py

* Update evaluate_postfix_notations.py

Made changes as per the required for fixing the failing pre-commits.

* Update evaluate_postfix_notations.py

Made changes as suggested by @cclauss

* Update evaluate_postfix_notations.py

fixed pre-commit fails

* Update evaluate_postfix_notations.py

fixing pre-commit fails

* Update evaluate_postfix_notations.py

Deleted trailing white spaces causing pre-commits to fail

* Update data_structures/stacks/evaluate_postfix_notations.py
Co-authored-by: NChristian Clauss <cclauss@me.com>

* Update data_structures/stacks/evaluate_postfix_notations.py
Co-authored-by: NChristian Clauss <cclauss@me.com>
Co-authored-by: NChristian Clauss <cclauss@me.com>
上级 58875674
The Reverse Polish Nation also known as Polish postfix notation
or simply postfix notation.
Classic examples of simple stack implementations
Valid operators are +, -, *, /.
Each operand may be an integer or another expression.
def evaluate_postfix(postfix_notation: list) -> int:
>>> evaluate_postfix(["2", "1", "+", "3", "*"])
>>> evaluate_postfix(["4", "13", "5", "/", "+"])
>>> evaluate_postfix([])
if not postfix_notation:
return 0
operations = {"+", "-", "*", "/"}
stack = []
for token in postfix_notation:
if token in operations:
b, a = stack.pop(), stack.pop()
if token == "+":
stack.append(a + b)
elif token == "-":
stack.append(a - b)
elif token == "*":
stack.append(a * b)
if a * b < 0 and a % b != 0:
stack.append(a // b + 1)
stack.append(a // b)
return stack.pop()
if __name__ == "__main__":
import doctest
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