提交 2f8c0918 编写于 作者: 指向BIOS的野指针's avatar 指向BIOS的野指针

change a dir name

上级 7b39ff6f
......@@ -17,13 +17,13 @@ extern std::string monitor_device;
#define SIGREQRECV 35
#define REQMAGIC 0xa68c5cce7be74433
#define BWLDIR (std::string("/dev/bwl(") + monitor_device + ")")
#define PAGEDIR (std::string("/dev/bwl(") + monitor_device + ")/pages/")
#define FRMDIR (std::string("/dev/bwl(") + monitor_device + ")/frames/")
#define BWLDIR (std::string("/dev/bwl") + monitor_device + "")
#define PAGEDIR (std::string("/dev/bwl") + monitor_device + "/pages/")
#define FRMDIR (std::string("/dev/bwl") + monitor_device + "/frames/")
#define SHMBWLDIR (std::string("/dev_bwl(") + monitor_device + ")")
#define SHMPAGEDIR (std::string("/dev_bwl(") + monitor_device + ")_pages_")
#define SHMFRMDIR (std::string("/dev_bwl(") + monitor_device + ")_frames_")
#define SHMBWLDIR (std::string("/dev_bwl") + monitor_device + "")
#define SHMPAGEDIR (std::string("/dev_bwl") + monitor_device + "_pages_")
#define SHMFRMDIR (std::string("/dev_bwl") + monitor_device + "_frames_")
namespace bwl
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