提交 dceac387 编写于 作者: 写代码的明哥's avatar 写代码的明哥

添加 PDF 生成脚本

上级 9c029eb1
import os
import glob
import fileinput
import linecache
from functools import partial
repo_dir = os.getcwd()
source_dir = os.path.join(repo_dir, "source")
all_md_path = os.path.join(repo_dir, "python-guide.pdf",)
count = 0
with open(all_md_path, "w") as all_md:
write = partial(print, file=all_md, end="")
for c_no in sorted(glob.glob("c*")):
if c_no == "chapters" or c_no == "conf.py":
# 读取并记下章节名
c_name = linecache.getline(os.path.join(source_dir, "chapters", f"{c_no.replace('c', 'p')}.rst"), 2)
write(f"# {c_name}\n\n", file=all_md)
# 读取每一节的内容
all_md_file = sorted(glob.glob(f"{source_dir}/{c_no}/*.md"))
for line in fileinput.input(all_md_file):
if "20200804124133" in line or "20200607174235" in line:
if fileinput.isfirstline():
count += 1
if count%5 == 0:
write("![](http://image.iswbm.com/20210606214719.png)", end="\n\n")
if line.startswith("# "):
line = line.replace("# ", "## ")
elif line.startswith("## "):
line = line.replace("## ", "### ")
elif line.startswith("### "):
line = line.replace("### ", "#### ")
elif "gif" in line:
line = line.replace("![]", "![该图为GIF,请前往 python.iswbm.com 浏览]")
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