未验证 提交 40b05de4 编写于 作者: F frostming

synchronize dependencies function

上级 c787e855
......@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ jobs:
- name: Install dependencies
run: |
python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
python -m pdm install
python -m pdm install -d
- name: Test
run: |
python -m pdm run pytest --cov pdm tests
MIT License
Copyright (c) 2019 Frost Ming
Copyright (c) 2019-2020 Frost Ming
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
from typing import Optional, Tuple
from pdm.installers import Synchronizer
from pdm.project import Project
def do_sync(
project: Project, sections: Tuple[str, ...], dev: bool,
default: bool, dry_run: bool, clean: Optional[bool]
) -> None:
"""Synchronize project
:param project: The project instance.
:param sections: A tuple of optional sections to be synced.
:param dev: whether to include dev-dependecies.
:param default: whether to include default dependencies.
:param dry_run: Print actions without actually running them.
:param clean: whether to remove unneeded packages.
clean = default if clean is None else clean
candidates = {}
for section in sections:
if dev:
if default:
handler = Synchronizer(candidates, project.environment)
handler.synchronize(clean=clean, dry_run=dry_run)
......@@ -3,6 +3,8 @@ import shutil
import subprocess
import click
from pdm.cli import actions
from pdm.exceptions import CommandNotFound
from pdm.project import Project
from pdm.resolver import lock as _lock
......@@ -36,18 +38,17 @@ def lock(project):
"--no-default", "default", flag_value=False, default=True,
help="Don't install dependencies from default seciton."
"--no-lock", "lock", flag_value=False, default=True,
help="Don't do lock if lockfile is not found or outdated."
def install(project, sections, dev, default):
candidates = set()
if default:
if dev:
for section in sections:
installer = project.get_installer()
for can in candidates:
def install(project, sections, dev, default, lock):
if lock and not (
project.lockfile_file.is_file() and project.is_lockfile_hash_match()
actions.do_sync(project, sections, dev, default, False, False)
......@@ -59,5 +60,31 @@ def install(project, sections, dev, default):
def run(project, command, args):
with project.environment.activate():
command = shutil.which(command, path=os.getenv("PATH"))
subprocess.run([command] + list(args))
expanded_command = shutil.which(command, path=os.getenv("PATH"))
if not expanded_command:
raise CommandNotFound(command)
subprocess.run([expanded_command] + list(args))
@cli.command(help="Synchronizes current working set with lock file.")
"-s", "--section", "sections", multiple=True, help="Specify section(s) to install."
"-d", "--dev", default=False, is_flag=True, help="Also install dev dependencies."
"--no-default", "default", flag_value=False, default=True,
help="Don't install dependencies from default seciton."
"--dry-run", is_flag=True, default=False,
help="Only prints actions without actually running them."
"--clean/--no-clean", "clean", default=None,
help="Whether to remove unneeded packages from working set."
def sync(project, sections, dev, default, dry_run, clean):
actions.do_sync(project, sections, dev, default, dry_run, clean)
import hashlib
from functools import wraps
from pathlib import Path
from pip_shims import shims
from pdm.exceptions import ProjectNotInitialized
from pdm.models.caches import CandidateInfoCache, HashCache
def require_initialize(func):
def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs):
if not self.initialized:
raise ProjectNotInitialized()
return func(self, *args, **kwargs)
return wrapper
class Context:
"""A singleton context object that holds some global states.
Global states are evil but make it easier to share configs between
different modules.
def __init__(self):
self.project = None
self._initialized = False
def init(self, project):
self.project = project
self._initialized = True
def initialized(self) -> bool:
return self._initialized
def cache_dir(self) -> Path:
return Path(self.project.config.get("cache_dir"))
def cache(self, name: str) -> Path:
path = self.cache_dir / name
path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
return path
def make_wheel_cache(self) -> shims.WheelCache:
return shims.WheelCache(
self.cache_dir.as_posix(), shims.FormatControl(set(), set()),
def make_candidate_info_cache(self) -> CandidateInfoCache:
python_hash = hashlib.sha1(
file_name = f"package_meta_{python_hash}.json"
return CandidateInfoCache(self.cache_dir / file_name)
def make_hash_cache(self) -> HashCache:
return HashCache(directory=self.cache("hashes").as_posix())
context = Context()
......@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ class ExtrasError(UserWarning):
return f"Extras not found: {self.extras}"
class NoProjectError(PdmException):
class ProjectError(PdmException):
......@@ -79,3 +79,12 @@ class RequirementsConflicted(ResolutionError):
class NoPythonVersion(PdmException):
class CommandNotFound(PdmException):
def __init__(self, command):
self.command = command
def __str__(self):
return f"'{self.command}' is not found in your PATH."
import os
import subprocess
from typing import Dict, List, Tuple
from pip._vendor.pkg_resources import Distribution, WorkingSet
from pip_shims import shims
import distlib.scripts
......@@ -17,13 +19,21 @@ SETUPTOOLS_SHIM = (
def _is_dist_editable(working_set: WorkingSet, dist: Distribution) -> bool:
for entry in working_set.entries:
if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(entry, dist.project_name + ".egg-link")):
return True
return False
class Installer:
# TODO: Support PEP 517 builds
def __init__(self, environment: Environment) -> None:
def __init__(self, environment: Environment, auto_confirm: bool = True) -> None:
self.environment = environment
self.auto_confirm = auto_confirm
def install_candidate(self, candidate: Candidate) -> None:
def install(self, candidate: Candidate) -> None:
print(f"Installing {candidate.name} {candidate.version}...")
if candidate.wheel:
......@@ -58,3 +68,87 @@ class Installer:
def uninstall(self, name: str) -> None:
working_set = self.environment.get_working_set()
ireq = shims.install_req_from_line(name)
print(f"Uninstalling: {name} {working_set.by_key[name].version}")
with self.environment.activate():
pathset = ireq.uninstall(auto_confirm=self.auto_confirm)
if pathset:
class Synchronizer:
"""Synchronize the working set with given installation candidates"""
def __init__(
candidates: Dict[str, Candidate],
environment: Environment,
) -> None:
self.candidates = candidates
self.environment = environment
def get_installer(self) -> Installer:
return Installer(self.environment)
def compare_with_working_set(self) -> Tuple[List[str], List[str], List[str]]:
"""Compares the candidates and return (to_add, to_update, to_remove)"""
working_set = self.environment.get_working_set()
to_update, to_remove = [], []
candidates = self.candidates.copy()
for dist in working_set:
if dist.key not in candidates:
can = candidates.pop(dist.key)
if (
not _is_dist_editable(working_set, dist)
and dist.version != can.version
# XXX: An editable distribution is always considered as consistent.
to_add = list(candidates)
return to_add, to_update, to_remove
def install_candidates(self, candidates: List[Candidate]) -> None:
installer = self.get_installer()
for can in candidates:
def remove_distributions(self, distributions: List[str]) -> None:
installer = self.get_installer()
for name in distributions:
def synchronize(self, clean: bool = True, dry_run: bool = False) -> None:
"""Synchronize the working set with pinned candidates.
:param clean: Whether to remove unneeded packages, defaults to True.
:param dry_run: If set to True, only prints actions without actually do them.
to_add, to_update, to_remove = self.compare_with_working_set()
lists_to_check = [to_add, to_update]
if clean:
if not any(lists_to_check):
print("All packages are synced to date, nothing to do.")
if to_add:
print("Packages to be added:", ", ".join(to_add))
if not dry_run:
[can for k, can in self.candidates.items() if k in to_add]
if to_update:
print("Packages to be updated:", ", ".join(to_update))
if not dry_run:
[can for k, can in self.candidates.items() if k in to_update]
if to_remove:
print("Packages to be removed:", ", ".join(to_remove))
if not dry_run:
......@@ -49,7 +49,6 @@ class Candidate:
self._requires_python = None
self.wheel = None
self.build_dir = None
self.metadata = None
def __hash__(self):
import hashlib
from __future__ import annotations
import os
import sys
import sysconfig
from contextlib import contextmanager
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Dict, List, Optional
from pip._internal.req import req_uninstall
from pip._internal.utils import misc
from pip._vendor import pkg_resources
from pip_shims import shims
from distlib.wheel import Wheel
from pdm.context import context
from pdm.exceptions import NoPythonVersion, WheelBuildError
from pdm.models.caches import CandidateInfoCache, HashCache
from pdm.models.specifiers import PySpecSet
from pdm.project.config import Config
from pdm.types import Source
from pdm.utils import (
_allow_all_wheels, cached_property, convert_hashes, create_tracked_tempdir, get_finder, get_python_version,
from pythonfinder import Finder
from vistir.contextmanagers import temp_environ
from vistir.path import normalize_path
from pdm.models.specifiers import PySpecSet
from distlib.wheel import Wheel
from pdm.project.config import Config
from pdm.types import Source
class Environment:
......@@ -26,30 +33,6 @@ class Environment:
self.python_requires = python_requires
self.config = config
def cache_dir(self) -> Path:
return Path(self.config.get("cache_dir"))
def cache(self, name: str) -> Path:
path = self.cache_dir / name
path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
return path
def make_wheel_cache(self) -> shims.WheelCache:
return shims.WheelCache(
self.cache_dir.as_posix(), shims.FormatControl(set(), set()),
def make_candidate_info_cache(self) -> CandidateInfoCache:
python_hash = hashlib.sha1(
file_name = f"package_meta_{python_hash}.json"
return CandidateInfoCache(self.cache_dir / file_name)
def make_hash_cache(self) -> HashCache:
return HashCache(directory=self.cache("hashes").as_posix())
def python_executable(self) -> str:
"""Get the Python interpreter path."""
......@@ -98,7 +81,21 @@ class Environment:
os.environ["PATH"] = os.pathsep.join(
[python_root, paths["scripts"], os.environ["PATH"]]
working_set = self.get_working_set()
_old_ws = pkg_resources.working_set
pkg_resources.working_set = working_set
# HACK: Replace the is_local with environment version so that packages can
# be removed correctly.
_is_local = misc.is_local
misc.is_local = req_uninstall.is_local = self.is_local
misc.is_local = req_uninstall.is_local = _is_local
pkg_resources.working_set = _old_ws
def is_local(self, path) -> bool:
return normalize_path(path).startswith(
def packages_path(self) -> Path:
......@@ -120,8 +117,8 @@ class Environment:
build_dir = src_dir
build_dir = create_tracked_tempdir(prefix="pdm-build")
download_dir = self.cache("pkgs")
wheel_download_dir = self.cache("wheels")
download_dir = context.cache("pkgs")
wheel_download_dir = context.cache("wheels")
return {
"build_dir": build_dir,
"src_dir": src_dir,
......@@ -152,7 +149,7 @@ class Environment:
python_version = get_python_version(self.python_executable)[:2]
finder = get_finder(
......@@ -192,7 +189,7 @@ class Environment:
if ireq.link.is_wheel:
return Wheel(
(self.cache("wheels") / ireq.link.filename).as_posix()
(context.cache("wheels") / ireq.link.filename).as_posix()
# VCS url is unpacked, now build the egg-info
if ireq.editable and ireq.req.is_vcs:
......@@ -212,10 +209,14 @@ class Environment:
with shims.make_preparer(
finder=finder, session=finder.session, **kwargs
) as preparer:
wheel_cache = self.make_wheel_cache()
wheel_cache = context.make_wheel_cache()
builder = shims.WheelBuilder(preparer=preparer, wheel_cache=wheel_cache)
output_dir = create_tracked_tempdir(prefix="pdm-ephem")
wheel_path = builder._build_one(ireq, output_dir)
if not wheel_path or not os.path.exists(wheel_path):
raise WheelBuildError(str(ireq))
return Wheel(wheel_path)
def get_working_set(self) -> pkg_resources.WorkingSet:
paths = self.get_paths()
return pkg_resources.WorkingSet([paths["platlib"]])
......@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import sys
from functools import wraps
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Callable, Iterable, List, Optional, Tuple
from pdm.context import context
from pdm.exceptions import CandidateInfoNotFound, CorruptedCacheError
from pdm.models.candidates import Candidate
from pdm.models.requirements import Requirement, filter_requirements_with_extras, parse_requirement
......@@ -31,8 +32,8 @@ class BaseRepository:
def __init__(self, sources: List[Source], environment: Environment) -> None:
self.sources = sources
self.environment = environment
self._candidate_info_cache = self.environment.make_candidate_info_cache()
self._hash_cache = self.environment.make_hash_cache()
self._candidate_info_cache = context.make_candidate_info_cache()
self._hash_cache = context.make_hash_cache()
def get_filtered_sources(self, req: Requirement) -> List[Source]:
if not req.index:
......@@ -4,7 +4,8 @@ from pathlib import Path
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Dict, List, Optional
import tomlkit
from pdm.installers import Installer
from pdm.context import context
from pdm.exceptions import ProjectError
from pdm.models.candidates import Candidate
from pdm.models.environment import Environment
from pdm.models.repositories import BaseRepository, PyPIRepository
......@@ -63,6 +64,7 @@ class Project:
self._pyproject = None # type: Optional[TOMLDocument]
self._lockfile = None # type: Optional[TOMLDocument]
self._config = None # type: Optional[Config]
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return f"<Project '{self.root.as_posix()}'>"
......@@ -80,7 +82,9 @@ class Project:
def lockfile(self):
# type: () -> TOMLDocument
if not self._lockfile and self.lockfile_file.exists():
if not self.lockfile_file.is_file():
raise ProjectError("Lock file does not exist.")
if not self._lockfile:
data = tomlkit.parse(self.lockfile_file.read_text("utf-8"))
self._lockfile = data
return self._lockfile
......@@ -168,9 +172,11 @@ class Project:
self._lockfile = None
def get_locked_candidates(self, section: Optional[str] = None) -> List[Candidate]:
def get_locked_candidates(
self, section: Optional[str] = None
) -> Dict[str, Candidate]:
section = section or "default"
result = []
result = {}
for package in [dict(p) for p in self.lockfile["package"]]:
if section not in package["sections"]:
......@@ -188,7 +194,7 @@ class Project:
f"{package_name} {version}", []
result[req.key] = can
return result
def is_lockfile_hash_match(self) -> bool:
......@@ -200,6 +206,3 @@ class Project:
pyproject_content = tomlkit.dumps(self.pyproject)
content_hash = hasher(pyproject_content.encode("utf-8")).hexdigest()
return content_hash == hash_value
def get_installer(self) -> Installer:
return Installer(self.environment)
......@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ from pip_shims.backports import get_session, resolve_possible_shim
from pip_shims.shims import InstallCommand, PackageFinder, TargetPython
from distlib.wheel import Wheel
from pdm.exceptions import NoProjectError
from pdm.exceptions import ProjectError
from pdm.types import Source
......@@ -314,7 +314,7 @@ def find_project_root(cwd: str = ".", max_depth: int = 5):
path = path.parent
raise NoProjectError(
raise ProjectError(
f"No pyproject.toml is found from directory '{original_path.as_posix}'"
import logging
from pdm.installers import Installer
from pdm.project import Project
from pdm.resolver import lock
project = Project()
# lock(project)
installer = project.get_installer()
for can in project.get_locked_candidates():
installer = Installer(project.environment)
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