提交 3bd1f612 编写于 作者: A Axel H 提交者: Frost Ming

feat(scripts): added composite tasks support (#1117)

上级 95c436f8
......@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ $ pdm run start -h
Flask server started at
PDM supports 3 types of scripts:
PDM supports 4 types of scripts:
### `cmd`
......@@ -85,6 +85,32 @@ The function can be supplied with literal arguments:
foobar = {call = "foo_package.bar_module:main('dev')"}
### `composite`
This script kind execute other defined scripts:
lint = "flake8"
test = "pytest"
all = {composite = ["lint", "test"]}
Running `pdm run all` will run `lint` first and then `test` if `lint` succeeded.
You can also provide arguments to the called scripts:
lint = "flake8"
test = "pytest"
all = {composite = ["lint mypackage/", "test -v tests/"]}
!!! note
Argument passed on the command line are given to each called task.
### `env`
All environment variables set in the current shell can be seen by `pdm run` and will be expanded when executed.
......@@ -98,6 +124,9 @@ start.env = {FOO = "bar", FLASK_ENV = "development"}
Note how we use [TOML's syntax](https://github.com/toml-lang/toml) to define a composite dictionary.
!!! note
Environment variables specified on a composite task level will override those defined by called tasks.
### `env_file`
You can also store all environment variables in a dotenv file and let PDM read it:
......@@ -108,6 +137,9 @@ start.cmd = "flask run -p 54321"
start.env_file = ".env"
!!! note
A dotenv file specified on a composite task level will override those defined by called tasks.
### `site_packages`
To make sure the running environment is properly isolated from the outer Python interpreter,
......@@ -183,3 +215,7 @@ Under certain situations PDM will look for some special hook scripts for executi
If there exists an `install` scripts under `[tool.pdm.scripts]` table, `pre_install`
scripts can be triggered by both `pdm install` and `pdm run install`. So it is
recommended to not use the preserved names.
!!! note
Composite tasks can also have pre and post scripts.
Called tasks will run their own pre and post scripts.
Add a `composite` script kind allowing to run multiple defined scripts in a single command as well as reusing scripts but overriding `env` or `env_file`.
......@@ -26,6 +26,19 @@ class TaskOptions(TypedDict, total=False):
site_packages: bool
def exec_opts(*options: TaskOptions | None) -> dict[str, Any]:
return dict(
env={k: v for opts in options if opts for k, v in opts.get("env", {}).items()},
k: v
for opts in options
if opts
for k, v in opts.items()
if k not in ("env", "help")
class Task(NamedTuple):
kind: str
name: str
......@@ -39,7 +52,7 @@ class Task(NamedTuple):
class TaskRunner:
"""The task runner for pdm project"""
TYPES = ["cmd", "shell", "call"]
TYPES = ["cmd", "shell", "call", "composite"]
OPTIONS = ["env", "env_file", "help", "site_packages"]
def __init__(self, project: Project) -> None:
......@@ -161,9 +174,10 @@ class TaskRunner:
signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, s)
return process.returncode
def _run_task(self, task: Task, args: Sequence[str] = ()) -> int:
def _run_task(
self, task: Task, args: Sequence[str] = (), opts: TaskOptions | None = None
) -> int:
kind, _, value, options = task
options.pop("help", None)
shell = False
if kind == "cmd":
if not isinstance(value, list):
......@@ -189,38 +203,51 @@ class TaskRunner:
f"import sys, {module} as {short_name};"
] + list(args)
if "env" in self.global_options:
options["env"] = {**self.global_options["env"], **options.get("env", {})}
options["env_file"] = options.get(
"env_file", self.global_options.get("env_file")
elif kind == "composite":
assert isinstance(value, list)
f"Running {task}: [green]{str(args)}[/]",
if kind == "composite":
for script in value:
splitted = shlex.split(script)
cmd = splitted[0]
subargs = splitted[1:] + args # type: ignore
code = self.run(cmd, subargs, options)
if code != 0:
return code
return code
return self._run_process(
args, chdir=True, shell=shell, **options # type: ignore
**exec_opts(self.global_options, options, opts),
def run(self, command: str, args: Sequence[str]) -> int:
def run(
self, command: str, args: Sequence[str], opts: TaskOptions | None = None
) -> int:
task = self._get_task(command)
if task is not None:
pre_task = self._get_task(f"pre_{command}")
if pre_task is not None:
code = self._run_task(pre_task)
code = self._run_task(pre_task, opts=opts)
if code != 0:
return code
code = self._run_task(task, args)
code = self._run_task(task, args, opts=opts)
if code != 0:
return code
post_task = self._get_task(f"post_{command}")
if post_task is not None:
code = self._run_task(post_task)
code = self._run_task(post_task, opts=opts)
return code
return self._run_process(
[command] + args, **self.global_options # type: ignore
[command] + args, # type: ignore
**exec_opts(self.global_options, opts),
def show_list(self) -> None:
......@@ -5,10 +5,42 @@ import textwrap
from pathlib import Path
from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory
import pytest
from pdm.cli.actions import PEP582_PATH
from pdm.utils import cd
def _vars(project):
(project.root / "vars.py").write_text(
import os
import sys
name = sys.argv[1]
vars = " ".join([f"{v}={os.getenv(v)}" for v in sys.argv[2:]])
print(f"{name} CALLED with {vars}" if vars else f"{name} CALLED")
def _args(project):
(project.root / "args.py").write_text(
import os
import sys
name = sys.argv[1]
args = ", ".join(sys.argv[2:])
print(f"{name} CALLED with {args}" if args else f"{name} CALLED")
def test_pep582_launcher_for_python_interpreter(project, local_finder, invoke):
"import first;print(first.first([0, False, 1, 2]))\n"
......@@ -350,8 +382,213 @@ def test_pre_and_post_scripts(project, invoke, capfd):
"post_test": "python -c \"print('POST test CALLED')\"",
invoke(["run", "test"], strict=True, obj=project)
out, _ = capfd.readouterr()
assert "PRE test CALLED" in out
assert "IN test CALLED" in out
assert "POST test CALLED" in out
def test_run_composite(project, invoke, capfd):
project.tool_settings["scripts"] = {
"first": "echo 'First CALLED'",
"second": {"shell": "echo 'Second CALLED'"},
"test": {"composite": ["first", "second"]},
invoke(["run", "test"], strict=True, obj=project)
out, _ = capfd.readouterr()
assert "First CALLED" in out
assert "Second CALLED" in out
def test_composite_stops_on_first_failure(project, invoke, capfd):
project.tool_settings["scripts"] = {
"first": "echo 'First CALLED'",
"fail": "false",
"second": "echo 'Second CALLED'",
"test": {"composite": ["first", "fail", "second"]},
result = invoke(["run", "test"], obj=project)
assert result.exit_code == 1
out, _ = capfd.readouterr()
assert "First CALLED" in out
assert "Second CALLED" not in out
def test_composite_inherit_env(project, invoke, capfd, _vars):
project.tool_settings["scripts"] = {
"first": {
"cmd": "python vars.py First VAR",
"env": {"VAR": "42"},
"second": {
"cmd": "python vars.py Second VAR",
"env": {"VAR": "42"},
"test": {"composite": ["first", "second"], "env": {"VAR": "overriden"}},
invoke(["run", "test"], strict=True, obj=project)
out, _ = capfd.readouterr()
assert "First CALLED with VAR=overriden" in out
assert "Second CALLED with VAR=overriden" in out
def test_composite_fail_on_first_missing_task(project, invoke, capfd):
project.tool_settings["scripts"] = {
"first": "echo 'First CALLED'",
"second": "echo 'Second CALLED'",
"test": {"composite": ["first", "fail", "second"]},
result = invoke(["run", "test"], obj=project)
assert result.exit_code == 1
out, _ = capfd.readouterr()
assert "First CALLED" in out
assert "Second CALLED" not in out
def test_composite_runs_all_hooks(project, invoke, capfd):
project.tool_settings["scripts"] = {
"test": {"composite": ["first", "second"]},
"pre_test": "echo 'Pre-Test CALLED'",
"post_test": "echo 'Post-Test CALLED'",
"first": "echo 'First CALLED'",
"pre_first": "echo 'Pre-First CALLED'",
"second": "echo 'Second CALLED'",
"post_second": "echo 'Post-Second CALLED'",
invoke(["run", "test"], strict=True, obj=project)
out, _ = capfd.readouterr()
assert "Pre-Test CALLED" in out
assert "Pre-First CALLED" in out
assert "First CALLED" in out
assert "Second CALLED" in out
assert "Post-Second CALLED" in out
assert "Post-Test CALLED" in out
def test_composite_pass_parameters_to_subtasks(project, invoke, capfd, _args):
project.tool_settings["scripts"] = {
"test": {"composite": ["first", "second"]},
"pre_test": "python args.py Pre-Test",
"post_test": "python args.py Post-Test",
"first": "python args.py First",
"pre_first": "python args.py Pre-First",
"second": "python args.py Second",
"post_second": "python args.py Post-Second",
invoke(["run", "test", "param=value"], strict=True, obj=project)
out, _ = capfd.readouterr()
assert "Pre-Test CALLED" in out
assert "Pre-First CALLED" in out
assert "First CALLED with param=value" in out
assert "Second CALLED with param=value" in out
assert "Post-Second CALLED" in out
assert "Post-Test CALLED" in out
def test_composite_can_pass_parameters(project, invoke, capfd, _args):
project.tool_settings["scripts"] = {
"test": {"composite": ["first param=first", "second param=second"]},
"pre_test": "python args.py Pre-Test",
"post_test": "python args.py Post-Test",
"first": "python args.py First",
"pre_first": "python args.py Pre-First",
"second": "python args.py Second",
"post_second": "python args.py Post-Second",
invoke(["run", "test"], strict=True, obj=project)
out, _ = capfd.readouterr()
assert "Pre-Test CALLED" in out
assert "Pre-First CALLED" in out
assert "First CALLED with param=first" in out
assert "Second CALLED with param=second" in out
assert "Post-Second CALLED" in out
assert "Post-Test CALLED" in out
def test_composite_hooks_inherit_env(project, invoke, capfd, _vars):
project.tool_settings["scripts"] = {
"pre_task": {"cmd": "python vars.py Pre-Task VAR", "env": {"VAR": "42"}},
"task": "echo 'Task CALLED'",
"post_task": {"cmd": "python vars.py Post-Task VAR", "env": {"VAR": "42"}},
"test": {"composite": ["task"], "env": {"VAR": "overriden"}},
invoke(["run", "test"], strict=True, obj=project)
out, _ = capfd.readouterr()
assert "Pre-Task CALLED with VAR=overriden" in out
assert "Task CALLED" in out
assert "Post-Task CALLED with VAR=overriden" in out
def test_composite_inherit_env_in_cascade(project, invoke, capfd, _vars):
project.tool_settings["scripts"] = {
"_": {"env": {"FOO": "BAR", "TIK": "TOK"}},
"pre_task": {
"cmd": "python vars.py Pre-Task VAR FOO TIK",
"env": {"VAR": "42", "FOO": "foobar"},
"task": {
"cmd": "python vars.py Task VAR FOO TIK",
"env": {"VAR": "42", "FOO": "foobar"},
"post_task": {
"cmd": "python vars.py Post-Task VAR FOO TIK",
"env": {"VAR": "42", "FOO": "foobar"},
"test": {"composite": ["task"], "env": {"VAR": "overriden"}},
invoke(["run", "test"], strict=True, obj=project)
out, _ = capfd.readouterr()
assert "Pre-Task CALLED with VAR=overriden FOO=foobar TIK=TOK" in out
assert "Task CALLED with VAR=overriden FOO=foobar TIK=TOK" in out
assert "Post-Task CALLED with VAR=overriden FOO=foobar TIK=TOK" in out
def test_composite_inherit_dotfile(project, invoke, capfd, _vars):
(project.root / ".env").write_text("VAR=42")
(project.root / "override.env").write_text("VAR=overriden")
project.tool_settings["scripts"] = {
"pre_task": {"cmd": "python vars.py Pre-Task VAR", "env_file": ".env"},
"task": {"cmd": "python vars.py Task VAR", "env_file": ".env"},
"post_task": {"cmd": "python vars.py Post-Task VAR", "env_file": ".env"},
"test": {"composite": ["task"], "env_file": "override.env"},
invoke(["run", "test"], strict=True, obj=project)
out, _ = capfd.readouterr()
assert "Pre-Task CALLED with VAR=overriden" in out
assert "Task CALLED with VAR=overriden" in out
assert "Post-Task CALLED with VAR=overriden" in out
def test_composite_can_have_commands(project, invoke, capfd):
project.tool_settings["scripts"] = {
"task": "echo 'Task CALLED'",
"test": {"composite": ["task", "echo 'Command CALLED'"]},
invoke(["run", "test"], strict=True, obj=project)
out, _ = capfd.readouterr()
assert "Task CALLED" in out
assert "Command CALLED" in out
......@@ -381,6 +381,7 @@ def invoke(core):
runner = CliRunner(mix_stderr=False)
def caller(args, strict=False, **kwargs):
__tracebackhide__ = True
result = runner.invoke(
core, args, catch_exceptions=not strict, prog_name="pdm", **kwargs
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