未验证 提交 185c1cfe 编写于 作者: F Frost Ming

Update pdm-pep517 version

上级 281373cf
......@@ -48,9 +48,9 @@ sections = ["default"]
version = "1.14.4"
marker = "sys_platform == 'linux'"
summary = "Foreign Function Interface for Python calling C code."
pycparser = "*"
dependencies = [
name = "chardet"
......@@ -83,10 +83,10 @@ sections = ["default"]
version = "3.3.1"
marker = "sys_platform == 'linux'"
summary = "cryptography is a package which provides cryptographic recipes and primitives to Python developers."
six = ">=1.4.1"
cffi = ">=1.12"
dependencies = [
name = "distlib"
......@@ -99,9 +99,9 @@ name = "execnet"
sections = ["dev"]
version = "1.7.1"
summary = "execnet: rapid multi-Python deployment"
apipkg = ">=1.4"
dependencies = [
name = "future"
......@@ -122,10 +122,10 @@ sections = ["default", "dev", "doc"]
version = "3.4.0"
marker = "python_version < '4.0'"
summary = "Read metadata from Python packages"
zipp = ">=0.5"
typing-extensions = {marker = "python_version < '3.8'", version = ">=3.6.4"}
dependencies = [
"typing-extensions>=3.6.4; python_version < \"3.8\"",
name = "incremental"
......@@ -151,9 +151,9 @@ name = "Jinja2"
sections = ["dev", "doc"]
version = "2.11.2"
summary = "A very fast and expressive template engine."
MarkupSafe = ">=0.23"
dependencies = [
name = "joblib"
......@@ -168,45 +168,45 @@ sections = ["dev"]
version = "3.1.1"
marker = "python_version >= '3.8' and python_version < '4.0'"
summary = "An implementation of JSON Schema validation for Python"
attrs = ">=17.4.0"
importlib-metadata = "*"
pyrsistent = ">=0.14.0"
setuptools = "*"
six = ">=1.11.0"
dependencies = [
name = "keyring"
sections = ["default"]
version = "21.8.0"
summary = "Store and access your passwords safely."
importlib-metadata = {marker = "python_version < '3.8'", version = ">=1"}
SecretStorage = {marker = "sys_platform == 'linux'", version = ">=3.2"}
jeepney = {marker = "sys_platform == 'linux'", version = ">=0.4.2"}
pywin32-ctypes = {marker = "sys_platform == 'win32'", version = "!=0.1.0,!=0.1.1"}
dependencies = [
"importlib-metadata>=1; python_version < \"3.8\"",
"SecretStorage>=3.2; sys_platform == \"linux\"",
"jeepney>=0.4.2; sys_platform == \"linux\"",
"pywin32-ctypes!=0.1.0,!=0.1.1; sys_platform == \"win32\"",
name = "livereload"
sections = ["doc"]
version = "2.6.3"
summary = "Python LiveReload is an awesome tool for web developers"
six = "*"
tornado = {marker = "python_version > '2.7'", version = "*"}
dependencies = [
"tornado; python_version > \"2.7\"",
name = "lunr"
sections = ["doc"]
version = "0.5.8"
summary = "A Python implementation of Lunr.js"
future = ">=0.16.0"
six = ">=1.11.0"
dependencies = [
name = "lunr"
......@@ -214,30 +214,30 @@ sections = ["doc"]
version = "0.5.8"
extras = ["languages"]
summary = "A Python implementation of Lunr.js"
future = ">=0.16.0"
six = ">=1.11.0"
nltk = {marker = "python_version > '2.7'", version = ">=3.2.5"}
lunr = "==0.5.8"
dependencies = [
"nltk>=3.2.5; python_version > \"2.7\"",
name = "markdown"
sections = ["doc"]
version = "3.3.3"
summary = "Python implementation of Markdown."
importlib-metadata = {marker = "python_version < '3.8'", version = "*"}
dependencies = [
"importlib-metadata; python_version < \"3.8\"",
name = "markdown-include"
sections = ["doc"]
version = "0.6.0"
summary = "This is an extension to Python-Markdown which provides an \"include\" function, similar to that found in LaTeX (and also the C pre-processor and Fortran). I originally wrote it for my FORD Fortran auto-documentation generator."
markdown = "*"
dependencies = [
name = "MarkupSafe"
......@@ -250,37 +250,37 @@ name = "mkdocs"
sections = ["doc"]
version = "1.1.2"
summary = "Project documentation with Markdown."
click = ">=3.3"
Jinja2 = ">=2.10.1"
livereload = ">=2.5.1"
lunr = {extras = ["languages"], version = "==0.5.8"}
Markdown = ">=3.2.1"
PyYAML = ">=3.10"
tornado = ">=5.0"
dependencies = [
name = "mkdocs-material"
sections = ["doc"]
version = "6.2.4"
summary = "A Material Design theme for MkDocs"
mkdocs = ">=1.1"
Pygments = ">=2.4"
markdown = ">=3.2"
pymdown-extensions = ">=7.0"
mkdocs-material-extensions = ">=1.0"
dependencies = [
name = "mkdocs-material-extensions"
sections = ["doc"]
version = "1.0.1"
summary = "Extension pack for Python Markdown."
mkdocs-material = ">=5.0.0"
dependencies = [
name = "nltk"
......@@ -288,37 +288,37 @@ sections = ["doc"]
version = "3.5"
marker = "python_version >= '2.8'"
summary = "Natural Language Toolkit"
click = "*"
joblib = "*"
regex = "*"
tqdm = "*"
dependencies = [
name = "packaging"
sections = ["default", "dev"]
version = "20.8"
summary = "Core utilities for Python packages"
pyparsing = ">=2.0.2"
dependencies = [
name = "parver"
sections = ["dev"]
version = "0.3.1"
summary = "Parse and manipulate version numbers."
arpeggio = "~=1.7"
attrs = ">=19.2"
six = "~=1.13"
dependencies = [
name = "pdm-pep517"
sections = ["default"]
version = "0.5.1"
version = "0.5.4"
summary = "PEP 517 support"
......@@ -326,11 +326,11 @@ name = "pep517"
sections = ["default"]
version = "0.9.1"
summary = "Wrappers to build Python packages using PEP 517 hooks"
toml = "*"
importlib-metadata = {marker = "python_version < '3.8'", version = "*"}
zipp = {marker = "python_version < '3.8'", version = "*"}
dependencies = [
"importlib-metadata; python_version < \"3.8\"",
"zipp; python_version < \"3.8\"",
name = "pip"
......@@ -343,9 +343,9 @@ name = "pluggy"
sections = ["dev"]
version = "0.13.1"
summary = "plugin and hook calling mechanisms for python"
importlib-metadata = {marker = "python_version < '3.8'", version = ">=0.12"}
dependencies = [
"importlib-metadata>=0.12; python_version < \"3.8\"",
name = "py"
......@@ -377,9 +377,9 @@ name = "pymdown-extensions"
sections = ["doc"]
version = "8.1"
summary = "Extension pack for Python Markdown."
Markdown = ">=3.2"
dependencies = [
name = "pyparsing"
......@@ -399,67 +399,67 @@ name = "pytest"
sections = ["dev"]
version = "6.2.1"
summary = "pytest: simple powerful testing with Python"
attrs = ">=19.2.0"
iniconfig = "*"
packaging = "*"
pluggy = "<1.0.0a1,>=0.12"
py = ">=1.8.2"
toml = "*"
importlib-metadata = {marker = "python_version < '3.8'", version = ">=0.12"}
atomicwrites = {marker = "sys_platform == 'win32'", version = ">=1.0"}
colorama = {marker = "sys_platform == 'win32'", version = "*"}
dependencies = [
"importlib-metadata>=0.12; python_version < \"3.8\"",
"atomicwrites>=1.0; sys_platform == \"win32\"",
"colorama; sys_platform == \"win32\"",
name = "pytest-cov"
sections = ["dev"]
version = "2.10.1"
summary = "Pytest plugin for measuring coverage."
pytest = ">=4.6"
coverage = ">=4.4"
dependencies = [
name = "pytest-forked"
sections = ["dev"]
version = "1.3.0"
summary = "run tests in isolated forked subprocesses"
py = "*"
pytest = ">=3.10"
dependencies = [
name = "pytest-mock"
sections = ["dev"]
version = "3.4.0"
summary = "Thin-wrapper around the mock package for easier use with pytest"
pytest = ">=5.0"
dependencies = [
name = "pytest-xdist"
sections = ["dev"]
version = "1.34.0"
summary = "pytest xdist plugin for distributed testing and loop-on-failing modes"
execnet = ">=1.1"
pytest = ">=4.4.0"
pytest-forked = "*"
six = "*"
dependencies = [
name = "python-cfonts"
sections = ["default"]
version = "1.4.0"
summary = "Sexy fonts for the console"
colorama = "*"
dependencies = [
name = "python-dotenv"
......@@ -472,13 +472,13 @@ name = "pythonfinder"
sections = ["default"]
version = "1.2.5"
summary = "A cross-platform python discovery tool to help locate python on any system."
attrs = "*"
cached-property = "*"
click = "*"
six = "*"
packaging = "*"
dependencies = [
name = "pywin32-ctypes"
......@@ -506,12 +506,12 @@ sections = ["dev"]
version = "2.25.1"
marker = "python_version >= '3.8' and python_version < '4.0'"
summary = "Python HTTP for Humans."
chardet = "<5,>=3.0.2"
idna = "<3,>=2.5"
urllib3 = "<1.27,>=1.21.1"
certifi = ">=2017.4.17"
dependencies = [
name = "resolvelib"
......@@ -525,10 +525,10 @@ sections = ["default"]
version = "3.3.0"
marker = "sys_platform == 'linux'"
summary = "Python bindings to FreeDesktop.org Secret Service API"
cryptography = ">=2.0"
jeepney = ">=0.6"
dependencies = [
name = "setuptools"
......@@ -572,12 +572,12 @@ name = "towncrier"
sections = ["dev"]
version = "19.2.0"
summary = "Building newsfiles for your project."
Click = "*"
incremental = "*"
jinja2 = "*"
toml = "*"
dependencies = [
name = "tqdm"
......@@ -606,13 +606,13 @@ sections = ["dev"]
version = "0.3.3"
marker = "python_version >= '3.8' and python_version < '4.0'"
summary = "A command line tool, to simplify vendoring pure Python dependencies."
click = "*"
jsonschema = "*"
toml = "*"
requests = "*"
packaging = "*"
dependencies = [
name = "wheel"
......@@ -900,9 +900,9 @@ content_hash = "sha256:850249b8456c4ef6150ed71e6a68fd11dfe403737dde41eac5e39533b
{file = "parver-0.3.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:41a548c51b006a2f2522b54293cbfd2514bffa10774ece8430c9964a20cbd8b4"},
{file = "parver-0.3.1.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:c902e0653bcce927cc156a7fd9b3a51924cbce3bf3d0bfd49fc282bfd0c5dfd3"},
"pdm-pep517 0.5.1" = [
{file = "pdm_pep517-0.5.1-py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:d9bd779e410051518d06a3d2ad1120c3ae59deedb9b080f812979874f170ea73"},
{file = "pdm-pep517-0.5.1.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:397e1ffae3233f861cec6d11863bac61dc94c0962f98e2524616515b3757ff47"},
"pdm-pep517 0.5.4" = [
{file = "pdm_pep517-0.5.4-py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:484cbfb61f17bc92cdcaabaf8cc8c9416e4b8c19f094002a30aa25988e6209e9"},
{file = "pdm-pep517-0.5.4.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:4933f06b9664f7540c9518fcca30ac4c530b507af49e4a5e9ce0d8c0d0bee6f1"},
"pep517 0.9.1" = [
{file = "pep517-0.9.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:3985b91ebf576883efe5fa501f42a16de2607684f3797ddba7202b71b7d0da51"},
Markdown is supported
0% .
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