提交 03346d0c 编写于 作者: H hjxilinx

[TD-32] refactor the tablemeta

上级 04e0fa80
......@@ -30,10 +30,10 @@ extern "C" {
#include "tsclient.h"
#define UTIL_METER_IS_SUPERTABLE(metaInfo) \
(((metaInfo)->pMeterMeta != NULL) && ((metaInfo)->pMeterMeta->tableType == TSDB_SUPER_TABLE))
(((metaInfo)->pTableMeta != NULL) && ((metaInfo)->pTableMeta->tableType == TSDB_SUPER_TABLE))
(((metaInfo)->pMeterMeta != NULL) && ((metaInfo)->pMeterMeta->tableType == TSDB_CHILD_TABLE))
(((metaInfo)->pTableMeta != NULL) && ((metaInfo)->pTableMeta->tableType == TSDB_CHILD_TABLE))
#define TSDB_COL_IS_TAG(f) (((f)&TSDB_COL_TAG) != 0)
......@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ typedef struct SJoinSubquerySupporter {
} SJoinSubquerySupporter;
int32_t tscCreateDataBlock(size_t initialSize, int32_t rowSize, int32_t startOffset, const char* name,
STableMeta* pMeterMeta, STableDataBlocks** dataBlocks);
STableMeta* pTableMeta, STableDataBlocks** dataBlocks);
void tscAppendDataBlock(SDataBlockList* pList, STableDataBlocks* pBlocks);
void tscDestroyDataBlock(STableDataBlocks* pDataBlock);
......@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ int32_t tscCopyDataBlockToPayload(SSqlObj* pSql, STableDataBlocks* pDataBlock);
void tscFreeUnusedDataBlocks(SDataBlockList* pList);
int32_t tscMergeTableDataBlocks(SSqlObj* pSql, SDataBlockList* pDataList);
int32_t tscGetDataBlockFromList(void* pHashList, SDataBlockList* pDataBlockList, int64_t id, int32_t size,
int32_t startOffset, int32_t rowSize, const char* tableId, STableMeta* pMeterMeta,
int32_t startOffset, int32_t rowSize, const char* tableId, STableMeta* pTableMeta,
STableDataBlocks** dataBlocks);
SVnodeSidList* tscGetVnodeSidList(SSuperTableMeta* pMetricmeta, int32_t vnodeIdx);
......@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ void tscAddSpecialColumnForSelect(SQueryInfo* pQueryInfo, int32_t outputColIndex
void addRequiredTagColumn(SQueryInfo* pQueryInfo, int32_t tagColIndex, int32_t tableIndex);
int32_t setMeterID(SMeterMetaInfo* pMeterMetaInfo, SSQLToken* pzTableName, SSqlObj* pSql);
int32_t setMeterID(STableMetaInfo* pTableMetaInfo, SSQLToken* pzTableName, SSqlObj* pSql);
void tscClearInterpInfo(SQueryInfo* pQueryInfo);
bool tscIsInsertOrImportData(char* sqlstr);
......@@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ int32_t tscValidateName(SSQLToken* pToken);
void tscIncStreamExecutionCount(void* pStream);
bool tscValidateColumnId(SMeterMetaInfo* pMeterMetaInfo, int32_t colId);
bool tscValidateColumnId(STableMetaInfo* pTableMetaInfo, int32_t colId);
// get starter position of metric query condition (query on tags) in SSqlCmd.payload
SCond* tsGetMetricQueryCondPos(STagCond* pCond, uint64_t tableIndex);
......@@ -190,26 +190,26 @@ void tscCleanSqlCmd(SSqlCmd* pCmd);
bool tscShouldFreeAsyncSqlObj(SSqlObj* pSql);
void tscRemoveAllMeterMetaInfo(SQueryInfo* pQueryInfo, const char* address, bool removeFromCache);
SMeterMetaInfo* tscGetMeterMetaInfo(SSqlCmd *pCmd, int32_t subClauseIndex, int32_t tableIndex);
SMeterMetaInfo* tscGetMeterMetaInfoFromQueryInfo(SQueryInfo *pQueryInfo, int32_t tableIndex);
STableMetaInfo* tscGetMeterMetaInfo(SSqlCmd *pCmd, int32_t subClauseIndex, int32_t tableIndex);
STableMetaInfo* tscGetMeterMetaInfoFromQueryInfo(SQueryInfo *pQueryInfo, int32_t tableIndex);
SQueryInfo *tscGetQueryInfoDetail(SSqlCmd* pCmd, int32_t subClauseIndex);
int32_t tscGetQueryInfoDetailSafely(SSqlCmd *pCmd, int32_t subClauseIndex, SQueryInfo** pQueryInfo);
SMeterMetaInfo* tscGetMeterMetaInfoByUid(SQueryInfo* pQueryInfo, uint64_t uid, int32_t* index);
void tscClearMeterMetaInfo(SMeterMetaInfo* pMeterMetaInfo, bool removeFromCache);
STableMetaInfo* tscGetMeterMetaInfoByUid(SQueryInfo* pQueryInfo, uint64_t uid, int32_t* index);
void tscClearMeterMetaInfo(STableMetaInfo* pTableMetaInfo, bool removeFromCache);
SMeterMetaInfo* tscAddMeterMetaInfo(SQueryInfo* pQueryInfo, const char* name, STableMeta* pMeterMeta, SSuperTableMeta* pMetricMeta,
STableMetaInfo* tscAddMeterMetaInfo(SQueryInfo* pQueryInfo, const char* name, STableMeta* pTableMeta, SSuperTableMeta* pMetricMeta,
int16_t numOfTags, int16_t* tags);
SMeterMetaInfo* tscAddEmptyMeterMetaInfo(SQueryInfo *pQueryInfo);
STableMetaInfo* tscAddEmptyMeterMetaInfo(SQueryInfo *pQueryInfo);
int32_t tscAddSubqueryInfo(SSqlCmd *pCmd);
void tscFreeSubqueryInfo(SSqlCmd* pCmd);
void tscClearSubqueryInfo(SSqlCmd* pCmd);
void tscGetMetricMetaCacheKey(SQueryInfo* pQueryInfo, char* keyStr, uint64_t uid);
int tscGetMetricMeta(SSqlObj* pSql, int32_t clauseIndex);
int tscGetMeterMeta(SSqlObj* pSql, SMeterMetaInfo* pMeterMetaInfo);
int tscGetMeterMetaEx(SSqlObj* pSql, SMeterMetaInfo* pMeterMetaInfo, bool createIfNotExists);
int tscGetMeterMeta(SSqlObj* pSql, STableMetaInfo* pTableMetaInfo);
int tscGetMeterMetaEx(SSqlObj* pSql, STableMetaInfo* pTableMetaInfo, bool createIfNotExists);
void tscResetForNextRetrieve(SSqlRes* pRes);
......@@ -20,13 +20,56 @@
extern "C" {
#include <stdint.h>
#include "taosmsg.h"
#include "tstoken.h"
#include "tsclient.h"
struct SSchema;
//struct SSchema;
* get the number of tags of this table
* @param pTableMeta
* @return
int32_t tscGetNumOfTags(const STableMeta* pTableMeta);
* get the number of columns of this table
* @param pTableMeta
* @return
int32_t tscGetNumOfColumns(const STableMeta* pTableMeta);
* get the basic info of this table
* @param pTableMeta
* @return
STableInfo tscGetTableInfo(const STableMeta* pTableMeta);
* get the schema
* @param pTableMeta
* @return
SSchema* tscGetTableSchema(const STableMeta* pTableMeta);
* get the tag schema
* @param pMeta
* @return
SSchema *tscGetTableTagSchema(const STableMeta *pMeta);
* @param pMeta
* @param startCol
* @return
SSchema *tscGetTableColumnSchema(const STableMeta *pMeta, int32_t startCol);
* check if the schema is valid or not, including following aspects:
......@@ -42,13 +85,13 @@ struct SSchema;
bool isValidSchema(struct SSchema *pSchema, int32_t numOfCols);
struct SSchema *tsGetSchema(STableMeta *pMeta);
struct SSchema *tsGetTagSchema(STableMeta *pMeta);
struct SSchema *tsGetColumnSchema(STableMeta *pMeta, int32_t startCol);
struct SSchema tsGetTbnameColumnSchema();
* get the schema for the "tbname" column. it is a built column
* @return
SSchema tsGetTbnameColumnSchema();
//todo tags value as well as the table id structure needs refactor
char *tsGetTagsValue(STableMeta *pMeta);
bool tsMeterMetaIdentical(STableMeta *p1, STableMeta *p2);
......@@ -46,8 +46,47 @@ typedef struct SSqlGroupbyExpr {
int16_t orderType; // order by type: asc/desc
} SSqlGroupbyExpr;
typedef struct SMeterMetaInfo {
STableMeta * pMeterMeta; // metermeta
typedef struct STableInfo {
uint8_t numOfTags;
uint8_t precision;
int16_t numOfColumns;
int16_t rowSize;
} STableInfo;
typedef struct STableMeta {
char* tableId; // null-terminated string
union {
// pointer to super table if it is created according to super table
struct STableMeta* pSTable;
// otherwise, the following information is required.
STableInfo tableInfo;
uint8_t tableType;
int16_t sversion;
int8_t numOfVpeers;
SVnodeDesc vpeerDesc[TSDB_VNODES_SUPPORT];
int32_t sid;
int32_t vgid;
uint64_t uid;
// if the table is TSDB_CHILD_TABLE, schema is acquired by super table meta info
SSchema schema[];
} STableMeta;
typedef struct SSTableMeta {
char* tableId;
STableInfo tableInfo;
int32_t sid;
int32_t vgid;
uint64_t uid;
SSchema schema[];
} SSTableMeta;
typedef struct STableMetaInfo {
STableMeta * pTableMeta; // table meta info
SSuperTableMeta *pMetricMeta; // metricmeta
......@@ -55,10 +94,10 @@ typedef struct SMeterMetaInfo {
* 2. keep the vnode index for multi-vnode insertion
int32_t vnodeIndex;
char name[TSDB_TABLE_ID_LEN + 1]; // table(super table) name
char name[TSDB_TABLE_ID_LEN + 1]; // (super) table name
int16_t numOfTags; // total required tags in query, including groupby tags
int16_t tagColumnIndex[TSDB_MAX_TAGS]; // clause + tag projection
} SMeterMetaInfo;
} STableMetaInfo;
/* the structure for sql function in select clause */
typedef struct SSqlExpr {
......@@ -174,7 +213,7 @@ typedef struct STableDataBlocks {
* the metermeta for current table, the metermeta will be used during submit stage, keep a ref
* to avoid it to be removed from cache
STableMeta *pMeterMeta;
STableMeta *pTableMeta;
union {
char *filename;
......@@ -215,7 +254,7 @@ typedef struct SQueryInfo {
SOrderVal order;
int16_t interpoType; // interpolate type
int16_t numOfTables;
SMeterMetaInfo **pMeterInfo;
STableMetaInfo **pMeterInfo;
struct STSBuf * tsBuf;
int64_t * defaultVal; // default value for interpolation
char * msg; // pointer to the pCmd->payload to keep error message temporarily
......@@ -406,11 +406,11 @@ void tscAsyncInsertMultiVnodesProxy(void *param, TAOS_RES *tres, int numOfRows)
int32_t index = 0;
SQueryInfo* pQueryInfo = tscGetQueryInfoDetail(pCmd, index);
SMeterMetaInfo* pMeterMetaInfo = tscGetMeterMetaInfoFromQueryInfo(pQueryInfo, 0);
STableMetaInfo* pTableMetaInfo = tscGetMeterMetaInfoFromQueryInfo(pQueryInfo, 0);
assert(pQueryInfo->numOfTables == 1 || pQueryInfo->numOfTables == 2);
SDataBlockList *pDataBlocks = pCmd->pDataBlocks;
if (pDataBlocks == NULL || pMeterMetaInfo->vnodeIndex >= pDataBlocks->nSize) {
if (pDataBlocks == NULL || pTableMetaInfo->vnodeIndex >= pDataBlocks->nSize) {
// restore user defined fp
pSql->fp = pSql->fetchFp;
tscTrace("%p Async insertion completed, destroy data block list", pSql);
......@@ -422,17 +422,17 @@ void tscAsyncInsertMultiVnodesProxy(void *param, TAOS_RES *tres, int numOfRows)
(*pSql->fp)(pSql->param, tres, numOfRows);
} else {
do {
code = tscCopyDataBlockToPayload(pSql, pDataBlocks->pData[pMeterMetaInfo->vnodeIndex++]);
code = tscCopyDataBlockToPayload(pSql, pDataBlocks->pData[pTableMetaInfo->vnodeIndex++]);
if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
tscTrace("%p prepare submit data block failed in async insertion, vnodeIdx:%d, total:%d, code:%d",
pSql, pMeterMetaInfo->vnodeIndex - 1, pDataBlocks->nSize, code);
pSql, pTableMetaInfo->vnodeIndex - 1, pDataBlocks->nSize, code);
} while (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS && pMeterMetaInfo->vnodeIndex < pDataBlocks->nSize);
} while (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS && pTableMetaInfo->vnodeIndex < pDataBlocks->nSize);
// build submit msg may fail
if (code == TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
tscTrace("%p async insertion, vnodeIdx:%d, total:%d", pSql, pMeterMetaInfo->vnodeIndex - 1, pDataBlocks->nSize);
tscTrace("%p async insertion, vnodeIdx:%d, total:%d", pSql, pTableMetaInfo->vnodeIndex - 1, pDataBlocks->nSize);
......@@ -464,10 +464,10 @@ void tscMeterMetaCallBack(void *param, TAOS_RES *res, int code) {
tscTrace("%p renew tableMeta successfully, command:%d, code:%d, retry:%d",
pSql, pSql->cmd.command, pSql->res.code, pSql->retry);
SMeterMetaInfo* pMeterMetaInfo = tscGetMeterMetaInfo(&pSql->cmd, 0, 0);
assert(pMeterMetaInfo->pMeterMeta == NULL);
STableMetaInfo* pTableMetaInfo = tscGetMeterMetaInfo(&pSql->cmd, 0, 0);
assert(pTableMetaInfo->pTableMeta == NULL);
tscGetMeterMeta(pSql, pMeterMetaInfo);
tscGetMeterMeta(pSql, pTableMetaInfo);
code = tscSendMsgToServer(pSql);
if (code != 0) {
pRes->code = code;
......@@ -489,18 +489,18 @@ void tscMeterMetaCallBack(void *param, TAOS_RES *res, int code) {
SQueryInfo* pQueryInfo = tscGetQueryInfoDetail(pCmd, pCmd->clauseIndex);
SMeterMetaInfo* pMeterMetaInfo = tscGetMeterMetaInfoFromQueryInfo(pQueryInfo, 0);
assert(pMeterMetaInfo->pMeterMeta->numOfTags != 0 && pMeterMetaInfo->vnodeIndex >= 0 && pSql->param != NULL);
STableMetaInfo* pTableMetaInfo = tscGetMeterMetaInfoFromQueryInfo(pQueryInfo, 0);
// assert(pTableMetaInfo->pTableMeta->numOfTags != 0 && pTableMetaInfo->vnodeIndex >= 0 && pSql->param != NULL);
SRetrieveSupport *trs = (SRetrieveSupport *)pSql->param;
SSqlObj * pParObj = trs->pParentSqlObj;
assert(pParObj->signature == pParObj && trs->subqueryIndex == pMeterMetaInfo->vnodeIndex &&
pMeterMetaInfo->pMeterMeta->numOfTags != 0);
// assert(pParObj->signature == pParObj && trs->subqueryIndex == pTableMetaInfo->vnodeIndex &&
// pTableMetaInfo->pTableMeta->numOfTags != 0);
tscTrace("%p get metricMeta during super table query successfully", pSql);
code = tscGetMeterMeta(pSql, pMeterMetaInfo);
code = tscGetMeterMeta(pSql, pTableMetaInfo);
pRes->code = code;
if (code == TSDB_CODE_ACTION_IN_PROGRESS) return;
......@@ -513,11 +513,11 @@ void tscMeterMetaCallBack(void *param, TAOS_RES *res, int code) {
if (pCmd->isParseFinish) {
tscTrace("%p resend data to vnode in metermeta callback since sql has been parsed completed", pSql);
SMeterMetaInfo* pMeterMetaInfo = tscGetMeterMetaInfo(pCmd, pCmd->clauseIndex, 0);
code = tscGetMeterMeta(pSql, pMeterMetaInfo);
STableMetaInfo* pTableMetaInfo = tscGetMeterMetaInfo(pCmd, pCmd->clauseIndex, 0);
code = tscGetMeterMeta(pSql, pTableMetaInfo);
assert(code == TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS);
if (pMeterMetaInfo->pMeterMeta) {
if (pTableMetaInfo->pTableMeta) {
code = tscSendMsgToServer(pSql);
if (code == TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) return;
......@@ -528,13 +528,13 @@ void tscMeterMetaCallBack(void *param, TAOS_RES *res, int code) {
} else { // stream computing
SMeterMetaInfo *pMeterMetaInfo = tscGetMeterMetaInfo(pCmd, pCmd->clauseIndex, 0);
code = tscGetMeterMeta(pSql, pMeterMetaInfo);
STableMetaInfo *pTableMetaInfo = tscGetMeterMetaInfo(pCmd, pCmd->clauseIndex, 0);
code = tscGetMeterMeta(pSql, pTableMetaInfo);
pRes->code = code;
if (code == TSDB_CODE_ACTION_IN_PROGRESS) return;
code = tscGetMetricMeta(pSql, pCmd->clauseIndex);
pRes->code = code;
......@@ -164,8 +164,8 @@ SJoinSubquerySupporter* tscCreateJoinSupporter(SSqlObj* pSql, SSubqueryState* pS
pSupporter->interval = pQueryInfo->intervalTime;
pSupporter->limit = pQueryInfo->limit;
SMeterMetaInfo* pMeterMetaInfo = tscGetMeterMetaInfo(&pSql->cmd, pSql->cmd.clauseIndex, index);
pSupporter->uid = pMeterMetaInfo->pMeterMeta->uid;
STableMetaInfo* pTableMetaInfo = tscGetMeterMetaInfo(&pSql->cmd, pSql->cmd.clauseIndex, index);
pSupporter->uid = pTableMetaInfo->pTableMeta->uid;
assert (pSupporter->uid != 0);
......@@ -315,7 +315,7 @@ int32_t tscLaunchSecondPhaseSubqueries(SSqlObj* pSql) {
SMeterMetaInfo *pMeterMetaInfo = tscGetMeterMetaInfoFromQueryInfo(pNewQueryInfo, 0);
STableMetaInfo *pTableMetaInfo = tscGetMeterMetaInfoFromQueryInfo(pNewQueryInfo, 0);
* When handling the projection query, the offset value will be modified for table-table join, which is changed
......@@ -325,11 +325,11 @@ int32_t tscLaunchSecondPhaseSubqueries(SSqlObj* pSql) {
pNewQueryInfo->limit = pSupporter->limit;
// fetch the join tag column
SSqlExpr *pExpr = tscSqlExprGet(pNewQueryInfo, 0);
int16_t tagColIndex = tscGetJoinTagColIndexByUid(&pQueryInfo->tagCond, pMeterMetaInfo->pMeterMeta->uid);
int16_t tagColIndex = tscGetJoinTagColIndexByUid(&pQueryInfo->tagCond, pTableMetaInfo->pTableMeta->uid);
pExpr->param[0].i64Key = tagColIndex;
pExpr->numOfParams = 1;
......@@ -337,7 +337,7 @@ int32_t tscLaunchSecondPhaseSubqueries(SSqlObj* pSql) {
tscPrintSelectClause(pNew, 0);
tscTrace("%p subquery:%p tableIndex:%d, vnodeIdx:%d, type:%d, exprInfo:%d, colList:%d, fieldsInfo:%d, name:%s",
pSql, pNew, 0, pMeterMetaInfo->vnodeIndex, pNewQueryInfo->type,
pSql, pNew, 0, pTableMetaInfo->vnodeIndex, pNewQueryInfo->type,
pNewQueryInfo->exprsInfo.numOfExprs, pNewQueryInfo->colList.numOfCols,
pNewQueryInfo->fieldsInfo.numOfOutputCols, pNewQueryInfo->pMeterInfo[0]->name);
......@@ -450,9 +450,9 @@ static void joinRetrieveCallback(void* param, TAOS_RES* tres, int numOfRows) {
pSupporter->pTSBuf = pBuf;
} else {
assert(pQueryInfo->numOfTables == 1); // for subquery, only one metermetaInfo
SMeterMetaInfo* pMeterMetaInfo = tscGetMeterMetaInfoFromQueryInfo(pQueryInfo, 0);
STableMetaInfo* pTableMetaInfo = tscGetMeterMetaInfoFromQueryInfo(pQueryInfo, 0);
tsBufMerge(pSupporter->pTSBuf, pBuf, pMeterMetaInfo->vnodeIndex);
tsBufMerge(pSupporter->pTSBuf, pBuf, pTableMetaInfo->vnodeIndex);
......@@ -467,14 +467,14 @@ static void joinRetrieveCallback(void* param, TAOS_RES* tres, int numOfRows) {
//todo refactor
if (tscNonOrderedProjectionQueryOnSTable(pParentQueryInfo, 0)) {
SMeterMetaInfo* pMeterMetaInfo = tscGetMeterMetaInfoFromQueryInfo(pQueryInfo, 0);
STableMetaInfo* pTableMetaInfo = tscGetMeterMetaInfoFromQueryInfo(pQueryInfo, 0);
assert(pQueryInfo->numOfTables == 1);
// for projection query, need to try next vnode
int32_t totalVnode = pMeterMetaInfo->pMetricMeta->numOfVnodes;
if ((++pMeterMetaInfo->vnodeIndex) < totalVnode) {
int32_t totalVnode = pTableMetaInfo->pMetricMeta->numOfVnodes;
if ((++pTableMetaInfo->vnodeIndex) < totalVnode) {
tscTrace("%p current vnode:%d exhausted, try next:%d. total vnode:%d. current numOfRes:%d", pSql,
pMeterMetaInfo->vnodeIndex - 1, pMeterMetaInfo->vnodeIndex, totalVnode, pRes->numOfTotal);
pTableMetaInfo->vnodeIndex - 1, pTableMetaInfo->vnodeIndex, totalVnode, pRes->numOfTotal);
pSql->cmd.command = TSDB_SQL_SELECT;
pSql->fp = tscJoinQueryCallback;
......@@ -532,11 +532,11 @@ static void joinRetrieveCallback(void* param, TAOS_RES* tres, int numOfRows) {
if (tscNonOrderedProjectionQueryOnSTable(pQueryInfo, 0) && numOfRows == 0) {
SMeterMetaInfo* pMeterMetaInfo = tscGetMeterMetaInfoFromQueryInfo(pQueryInfo, 0);
STableMetaInfo* pTableMetaInfo = tscGetMeterMetaInfoFromQueryInfo(pQueryInfo, 0);
assert(pQueryInfo->numOfTables == 1);
// for projection query, need to try next vnode if current vnode is exhausted
if ((++pMeterMetaInfo->vnodeIndex) < pMeterMetaInfo->pMetricMeta->numOfVnodes) {
if ((++pTableMetaInfo->vnodeIndex) < pTableMetaInfo->pMetricMeta->numOfVnodes) {
pSupporter->pState->numOfCompleted = 0;
pSupporter->pState->numOfTotal = 1;
......@@ -600,10 +600,10 @@ void tscFetchDatablockFromSubquery(SSqlObj* pSql) {
SSqlRes *pRes = &pSql->pSubs[i]->res;
SQueryInfo* pQueryInfo = tscGetQueryInfoDetail(&pSql->pSubs[i]->cmd, 0);
SMeterMetaInfo *pMeterMetaInfo = tscGetMeterMetaInfoFromQueryInfo(pQueryInfo, 0);
STableMetaInfo *pTableMetaInfo = tscGetMeterMetaInfoFromQueryInfo(pQueryInfo, 0);
if (tscNonOrderedProjectionQueryOnSTable(pQueryInfo, 0)) {
if (pRes->row >= pRes->numOfRows && pMeterMetaInfo->vnodeIndex < pMeterMetaInfo->pMetricMeta->numOfVnodes &&
if (pRes->row >= pRes->numOfRows && pTableMetaInfo->vnodeIndex < pTableMetaInfo->pMetricMeta->numOfVnodes &&
(!tscHasReachLimitation(pQueryInfo, pRes))) {
......@@ -638,11 +638,11 @@ void tscFetchDatablockFromSubquery(SSqlObj* pSql) {
SQueryInfo* pQueryInfo = tscGetQueryInfoDetail(pCmd1, 0);
assert(pRes1->numOfRows >= 0 && pQueryInfo->numOfTables == 1);
SMeterMetaInfo* pMeterMetaInfo = tscGetMeterMetaInfoFromQueryInfo(pQueryInfo, 0);
STableMetaInfo* pTableMetaInfo = tscGetMeterMetaInfoFromQueryInfo(pQueryInfo, 0);
if (pRes1->row >= pRes1->numOfRows) {
tscTrace("%p subquery:%p retrieve data from vnode, subquery:%d, vnodeIndex:%d", pSql, pSql1,
pSupporter->subqueryIndex, pMeterMetaInfo->vnodeIndex);
pSupporter->subqueryIndex, pTableMetaInfo->vnodeIndex);
pSql1->fp = joinRetrieveCallback;
......@@ -688,8 +688,8 @@ void tscSetupOutputColumnIndex(SSqlObj* pSql) {
int32_t tableIndexOfSub = -1;
for (int32_t j = 0; j < pQueryInfo->numOfTables; ++j) {
SMeterMetaInfo* pMeterMetaInfo = tscGetMeterMetaInfoFromQueryInfo(pQueryInfo, j);
if (pMeterMetaInfo->pMeterMeta->uid == pExpr->uid) {
STableMetaInfo* pTableMetaInfo = tscGetMeterMetaInfoFromQueryInfo(pQueryInfo, j);
if (pTableMetaInfo->pTableMeta->uid == pExpr->uid) {
tableIndexOfSub = j;
......@@ -712,13 +712,13 @@ void tscSetupOutputColumnIndex(SSqlObj* pSql) {
void tscJoinQueryCallback(void* param, TAOS_RES* tres, int code) {
SSqlObj* pSql = (SSqlObj*)tres;
// SMeterMetaInfo *pMeterMetaInfo = tscGetMeterMetaInfo(&pSql->cmd, 0, 0);
// STableMetaInfo *pTableMetaInfo = tscGetMeterMetaInfo(&pSql->cmd, 0, 0);
// int32_t idx = pSql->cmd.vnodeIdx;
// SVnodeSidList *vnodeInfo = NULL;
// if (pMeterMetaInfo->pMetricMeta != NULL) {
// vnodeInfo = tscGetVnodeSidList(pMeterMetaInfo->pMetricMeta, idx - 1);
// if (pTableMetaInfo->pMetricMeta != NULL) {
// vnodeInfo = tscGetVnodeSidList(pTableMetaInfo->pMetricMeta, idx - 1);
// }
SJoinSubquerySupporter* pSupporter = (SJoinSubquerySupporter*)param;
......@@ -776,14 +776,14 @@ void tscJoinQueryCallback(void* param, TAOS_RES* tres, int code) {
assert(finished == numOfTotal);
SMeterMetaInfo* pMeterMetaInfo = tscGetMeterMetaInfoFromQueryInfo(pQueryInfo, 0);
STableMetaInfo* pTableMetaInfo = tscGetMeterMetaInfoFromQueryInfo(pQueryInfo, 0);
* if the query is a continue query (vnodeIndex > 0 for projection query) for next vnode, do the retrieval of
* data instead of returning to its invoker
if (pMeterMetaInfo->vnodeIndex > 0 && tscNonOrderedProjectionQueryOnSTable(pQueryInfo, 0)) {
assert(pMeterMetaInfo->vnodeIndex < pMeterMetaInfo->pMetricMeta->numOfVnodes);
if (pTableMetaInfo->vnodeIndex > 0 && tscNonOrderedProjectionQueryOnSTable(pQueryInfo, 0)) {
assert(pTableMetaInfo->vnodeIndex < pTableMetaInfo->pMetricMeta->numOfVnodes);
pSupporter->pState->numOfCompleted = 0; // reset the record value
pSql->fp = joinRetrieveCallback; // continue retrieve data
......@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ static int32_t getToStringLength(const char *pData, int32_t length, int32_t type
* length((uint64_t) 123456789011) > 12, greater than sizsof(uint64_t)
static int32_t tscMaxLengthOfTagsFields(SSqlObj *pSql) {
STableMeta *pMeta = tscGetMeterMetaInfo(&pSql->cmd, 0, 0)->pMeterMeta;
STableMeta *pMeta = tscGetMeterMetaInfo(&pSql->cmd, 0, 0)->pTableMeta;
if (pMeta->tableType == TSDB_SUPER_TABLE || pMeta->tableType == TSDB_NORMAL_TABLE ||
pMeta->tableType == TSDB_STREAM_TABLE) {
......@@ -85,12 +85,14 @@ static int32_t tscMaxLengthOfTagsFields(SSqlObj *pSql) {
char * pTagValue = tsGetTagsValue(pMeta);
SSchema *pTagsSchema = tsGetTagSchema(pMeta);
SSchema *pTagsSchema = tscGetTableTagSchema(pMeta);
int32_t len = getToStringLength(pTagValue, pTagsSchema[0].bytes, pTagsSchema[0].type);
pTagValue += pTagsSchema[0].bytes;
for (int32_t i = 1; i < pMeta->numOfTags; ++i) {
int32_t numOfTags = tscGetNumOfTags(pMeta);
for (int32_t i = 1; i < numOfTags; ++i) {
int32_t tLen = getToStringLength(pTagValue, pTagsSchema[i].bytes, pTagsSchema[i].type);
if (len < tLen) {
len = tLen;
......@@ -108,8 +110,8 @@ static int32_t tscSetValueToResObj(SSqlObj *pSql, int32_t rowLen) {
// one column for each row
SQueryInfo* pQueryInfo = tscGetQueryInfoDetail(&pSql->cmd, 0);
SMeterMetaInfo *pMeterMetaInfo = tscGetMeterMetaInfoFromQueryInfo(pQueryInfo, 0);
STableMeta * pMeta = pMeterMetaInfo->pMeterMeta;
STableMetaInfo *pTableMetaInfo = tscGetMeterMetaInfoFromQueryInfo(pQueryInfo, 0);
STableMeta * pMeta = pTableMetaInfo->pTableMeta;
* tagValueCnt is to denote the number of tags columns for meter, not metric. and is to show the column data.
......@@ -117,15 +119,15 @@ static int32_t tscSetValueToResObj(SSqlObj *pSql, int32_t rowLen) {
* for metric, the value of tagValueCnt must be 0, but the numOfTags is not 0
int32_t numOfRows = pMeta->numOfColumns;
int32_t totalNumOfRows = numOfRows + pMeta->numOfTags;
int32_t numOfRows = tscGetNumOfColumns(pMeta);
int32_t totalNumOfRows = numOfRows + tscGetNumOfTags(pMeta);
numOfRows = pMeta->numOfColumns + pMeta->numOfTags;
numOfRows = numOfRows + tscGetNumOfTags(pMeta);
tscInitResObjForLocalQuery(pSql, totalNumOfRows, rowLen);
SSchema *pSchema = tsGetSchema(pMeta);
SSchema *pSchema = tscGetTableSchema(pMeta);
for (int32_t i = 0; i < numOfRows; ++i) {
TAOS_FIELD *pField = tscFieldInfoGetField(pQueryInfo, 0);
......@@ -146,13 +148,13 @@ static int32_t tscSetValueToResObj(SSqlObj *pSql, int32_t rowLen) {
*(int32_t *)(pRes->data + tscFieldInfoGetOffset(pQueryInfo, 2) * totalNumOfRows + pField->bytes * i) = bytes;
pField = tscFieldInfoGetField(pQueryInfo, 3);
if (i >= pMeta->numOfColumns && pMeta->numOfTags != 0) {
if (i >= tscGetNumOfColumns(pMeta) && tscGetNumOfTags(pMeta) != 0) {
strncpy(pRes->data + tscFieldInfoGetOffset(pQueryInfo, 3) * totalNumOfRows + pField->bytes * i, "tag",
strlen("tag") + 1);
return 0;
......@@ -265,7 +267,7 @@ static int32_t tscBuildMeterSchemaResultFields(SSqlObj *pSql, int32_t numOfCols,
static int32_t tscProcessDescribeTable(SSqlObj *pSql) {
SQueryInfo* pQueryInfo = tscGetQueryInfoDetail(&pSql->cmd, 0);
assert(tscGetMeterMetaInfoFromQueryInfo(pQueryInfo, 0)->pMeterMeta != NULL);
assert(tscGetMeterMetaInfoFromQueryInfo(pQueryInfo, 0)->pTableMeta != NULL);
const int32_t TYPE_COLUMN_LENGTH = 16;
......@@ -290,15 +292,15 @@ static int tscBuildMetricTagProjectionResult(SSqlObj *pSql) {
SSqlRes * pRes = &pSql->res;
SQueryInfo *pQueryInfo = tscGetQueryInfoDetail(pCmd, 0);
SMeterMetaInfo *pMeterMetaInfo = tscGetMeterMetaInfoFromQueryInfo(pQueryInfo, 0);
STableMetaInfo *pTableMetaInfo = tscGetMeterMetaInfoFromQueryInfo(pQueryInfo, 0);
SSuperTableMeta *pMetricMeta = pMeterMetaInfo->pMetricMeta;
SSchema * pSchema = tsGetTagSchema(pMeterMetaInfo->pMeterMeta);
SSuperTableMeta *pMetricMeta = pTableMetaInfo->pMetricMeta;
SSchema * pSchema = tscGetTableTagSchema(pTableMetaInfo->pTableMeta);
int32_t vOffset[TSDB_MAX_COLUMNS] = {0};
for (int32_t f = 1; f < pMeterMetaInfo->numOfTags; ++f) {
int16_t tagColumnIndex = pMeterMetaInfo->tagColumnIndex[f - 1];
for (int32_t f = 1; f < pTableMetaInfo->numOfTags; ++f) {
int16_t tagColumnIndex = pTableMetaInfo->tagColumnIndex[f - 1];
if (tagColumnIndex == -1) {
vOffset[f] = vOffset[f - 1] + TSDB_TABLE_NAME_LEN;
} else {
......@@ -375,8 +377,8 @@ static int tscProcessQueryTags(SSqlObj *pSql) {
SQueryInfo* pQueryInfo = tscGetQueryInfoDetail(pCmd, 0);
STableMeta *pMeterMeta = tscGetMeterMetaInfoFromQueryInfo(pQueryInfo, 0)->pMeterMeta;
if (pMeterMeta == NULL || pMeterMeta->numOfTags == 0 || pMeterMeta->numOfColumns == 0) {
STableMeta *pTableMeta = tscGetMeterMetaInfoFromQueryInfo(pQueryInfo, 0)->pTableMeta;
if (pTableMeta == NULL || tscGetNumOfTags(pTableMeta) == 0 || tscGetNumOfColumns(pTableMeta) == 0) {
strcpy(pCmd->payload, "invalid table");
return pSql->res.code;
......@@ -496,15 +496,17 @@ static int32_t rowDataCompar(const void *lhs, const void *rhs) {
int tsParseValues(char **str, STableDataBlocks *pDataBlock, STableMeta *pMeterMeta, int maxRows,
int tsParseValues(char **str, STableDataBlocks *pDataBlock, STableMeta *pTableMeta, int maxRows,
SParsedDataColInfo *spd, char *error, int32_t *code, char *tmpTokenBuf) {
int32_t index = 0;
SSQLToken sToken;
int16_t numOfRows = 0;
SSchema *pSchema = tsGetSchema(pMeterMeta);
int32_t precision = pMeterMeta->precision;
SSchema *pSchema = tscGetTableSchema(pTableMeta);
STableInfo tinfo = tscGetTableInfo(pTableMeta);
int32_t precision = tinfo.precision;
if (spd->hasVal[0] == false) {
strcpy(error, "primary timestamp column can not be null");
......@@ -518,9 +520,9 @@ int tsParseValues(char **str, STableDataBlocks *pDataBlock, STableMeta *pMeterMe
if (sToken.n == 0 || sToken.type != TK_LP) break;
*str += index;
if (numOfRows >= maxRows || pDataBlock->size + pMeterMeta->rowSize >= pDataBlock->nAllocSize) {
if (numOfRows >= maxRows || pDataBlock->size + tinfo.rowSize >= pDataBlock->nAllocSize) {
int32_t tSize;
int32_t retcode = tscAllocateMemIfNeed(pDataBlock, pMeterMeta->rowSize, &tSize);
int32_t retcode = tscAllocateMemIfNeed(pDataBlock, tinfo.rowSize, &tSize);
if (retcode != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) { //TODO pass the correct error code to client
strcpy(error, "client out of memory");
*code = retcode;
......@@ -601,10 +603,10 @@ int32_t tscAllocateMemIfNeed(STableDataBlocks *pDataBlock, int32_t rowSize, int3
static void tsSetBlockInfo(SShellSubmitBlock *pBlocks, const STableMeta *pMeterMeta, int32_t numOfRows) {
pBlocks->sid = pMeterMeta->sid;
pBlocks->uid = pMeterMeta->uid;
pBlocks->sversion = pMeterMeta->sversion;
static void tsSetBlockInfo(SShellSubmitBlock *pBlocks, const STableMeta *pTableMeta, int32_t numOfRows) {
pBlocks->sid = pTableMeta->sid;
pBlocks->uid = pTableMeta->uid;
pBlocks->sversion = pTableMeta->sversion;
pBlocks->numOfRows += numOfRows;
......@@ -654,19 +656,20 @@ void sortRemoveDuplicates(STableDataBlocks *dataBuf) {
static int32_t doParseInsertStatement(SSqlObj *pSql, void *pTableHashList, char **str, SParsedDataColInfo *spd,
int32_t *totalNum) {
SSqlCmd * pCmd = &pSql->cmd;
SMeterMetaInfo *pMeterMetaInfo = tscGetMeterMetaInfo(pCmd, pCmd->clauseIndex, 0);
STableMeta * pMeterMeta = pMeterMetaInfo->pMeterMeta;
STableMetaInfo *pTableMetaInfo = tscGetMeterMetaInfo(pCmd, pCmd->clauseIndex, 0);
STableMeta * pTableMeta = pTableMetaInfo->pTableMeta;
STableInfo tinfo = tscGetTableInfo(pTableMeta);
STableDataBlocks *dataBuf = NULL;
int32_t ret = tscGetDataBlockFromList(pTableHashList, pCmd->pDataBlocks, pMeterMeta->uid, TSDB_DEFAULT_PAYLOAD_SIZE,
sizeof(SShellSubmitBlock), pMeterMeta->rowSize, pMeterMetaInfo->name,
pMeterMeta, &dataBuf);
int32_t ret = tscGetDataBlockFromList(pTableHashList, pCmd->pDataBlocks, pTableMeta->uid, TSDB_DEFAULT_PAYLOAD_SIZE,
sizeof(SShellSubmitBlock), tinfo.rowSize, pTableMetaInfo->name,
pTableMeta, &dataBuf);
if (ret != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
return ret;
int32_t maxNumOfRows;
ret = tscAllocateMemIfNeed(dataBuf, pMeterMeta->rowSize, &maxNumOfRows);
ret = tscAllocateMemIfNeed(dataBuf, tinfo.rowSize, &maxNumOfRows);
if (TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS != ret) {
......@@ -677,7 +680,7 @@ static int32_t doParseInsertStatement(SSqlObj *pSql, void *pTableHashList, char
int32_t numOfRows = tsParseValues(str, dataBuf, pMeterMeta, maxNumOfRows, spd, pCmd->payload, &code, tmpTokenBuf);
int32_t numOfRows = tsParseValues(str, dataBuf, pTableMeta, maxNumOfRows, spd, pCmd->payload, &code, tmpTokenBuf);
if (numOfRows <= 0) {
return code;
......@@ -692,9 +695,9 @@ static int32_t doParseInsertStatement(SSqlObj *pSql, void *pTableHashList, char
SShellSubmitBlock *pBlocks = (SShellSubmitBlock *)(dataBuf->pData);
tsSetBlockInfo(pBlocks, pMeterMeta, numOfRows);
tsSetBlockInfo(pBlocks, pTableMeta, numOfRows);
dataBuf->vgid = pMeterMeta->vgid;
dataBuf->vgid = pTableMeta->vgid;
dataBuf->numOfTables = 1;
......@@ -756,7 +759,7 @@ static int32_t tscCheckIfCreateTable(char **sqlstr, SSqlObj *pSql) {
SMeterMetaInfo* pMeterMetaInfo = tscGetMeterMetaInfoFromQueryInfo(pQueryInfo, TABLE_INDEX);
STableMetaInfo* pTableMetaInfo = tscGetMeterMetaInfoFromQueryInfo(pQueryInfo, TABLE_INDEX);
if (sToken.type == TK_USING) { // create table if not exists according to the super table
index = 0;
......@@ -767,13 +770,13 @@ static int32_t tscCheckIfCreateTable(char **sqlstr, SSqlObj *pSql) {
memset(pTag, 0, sizeof(STagData));
* the source super table is moved to the secondary position of the pMeterMetaInfo list
* the source super table is moved to the secondary position of the pTableMetaInfo list
if (pQueryInfo->numOfTables < 2) {
SMeterMetaInfo *pSTableMeterMetaInfo = tscGetMeterMetaInfoFromQueryInfo(pQueryInfo, STABLE_INDEX);
STableMetaInfo *pSTableMeterMetaInfo = tscGetMeterMetaInfoFromQueryInfo(pQueryInfo, STABLE_INDEX);
setMeterID(pSTableMeterMetaInfo, &sToken, pSql);
strncpy(pTag->name, pSTableMeterMetaInfo->name, TSDB_TABLE_ID_LEN);
......@@ -786,15 +789,16 @@ static int32_t tscCheckIfCreateTable(char **sqlstr, SSqlObj *pSql) {
return tscInvalidSQLErrMsg(pCmd->payload, "create table only from super table is allowed", sToken.z);
SSchema *pTagSchema = tsGetTagSchema(pSTableMeterMetaInfo->pMeterMeta);
SSchema *pTagSchema = tscGetTableTagSchema(pSTableMeterMetaInfo->pTableMeta);
STableInfo tinfo = tscGetTableInfo(pSTableMeterMetaInfo->pTableMeta);
index = 0;
sToken = tStrGetToken(sql, &index, false, 0, NULL);
sql += index;
SParsedDataColInfo spd = {0};
uint8_t numOfTags = pSTableMeterMetaInfo->pMeterMeta->numOfTags;
uint8_t numOfTags = tscGetNumOfTags(pSTableMeterMetaInfo->pTableMeta);
spd.numOfCols = numOfTags;
// if specify some tags column
......@@ -881,8 +885,7 @@ static int32_t tscCheckIfCreateTable(char **sqlstr, SSqlObj *pSql) {
sToken.n -= 2;
code = tsParseOneColumnData(&pTagSchema[colIndex], &sToken, tagVal, pCmd->payload, &sql, false,
code = tsParseOneColumnData(&pTagSchema[colIndex], &sToken, tagVal, pCmd->payload, &sql, false, tinfo.precision);
if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
return code;
......@@ -917,13 +920,13 @@ static int32_t tscCheckIfCreateTable(char **sqlstr, SSqlObj *pSql) {
return tscInvalidSQLErrMsg(pCmd->payload, "invalid table name", *sqlstr);
int32_t ret = setMeterID(pMeterMetaInfo, &tableToken, pSql);
int32_t ret = setMeterID(pTableMetaInfo, &tableToken, pSql);
if (ret != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
return ret;
createTable = true;
code = tscGetMeterMetaEx(pSql, pMeterMetaInfo, true);
code = tscGetMeterMetaEx(pSql, pTableMetaInfo, true);
return code;
......@@ -934,7 +937,7 @@ static int32_t tscCheckIfCreateTable(char **sqlstr, SSqlObj *pSql) {
} else {
sql = sToken.z;
code = tscGetMeterMeta(pSql, pMeterMetaInfo);
code = tscGetMeterMeta(pSql, pTableMetaInfo);
int32_t len = cend - cstart + 1;
......@@ -983,15 +986,15 @@ int doParseInsertSql(SSqlObj *pSql, char *str) {
int32_t totalNum = 0;
int32_t code = TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS;
SMeterMetaInfo *pMeterMetaInfo = NULL;
STableMetaInfo *pTableMetaInfo = NULL;
SQueryInfo *pQueryInfo = tscGetQueryInfoDetail(pCmd, 0);
assert(pQueryInfo != NULL);
if (pQueryInfo->numOfTables == 0) {
pMeterMetaInfo = tscAddEmptyMeterMetaInfo(pQueryInfo);
pTableMetaInfo = tscAddEmptyMeterMetaInfo(pQueryInfo);
} else {
pMeterMetaInfo = tscGetMeterMetaInfoFromQueryInfo(pQueryInfo, 0);
pTableMetaInfo = tscGetMeterMetaInfoFromQueryInfo(pQueryInfo, 0);
if ((code = tscAllocPayload(pCmd, TSDB_PAYLOAD_SIZE)) != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
......@@ -1050,7 +1053,7 @@ int doParseInsertSql(SSqlObj *pSql, char *str) {
goto _error_clean;
if ((code = setMeterID(pMeterMetaInfo, &sToken, pSql)) != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
if ((code = setMeterID(pTableMetaInfo, &sToken, pSql)) != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
goto _error_clean;
......@@ -1078,7 +1081,7 @@ int doParseInsertSql(SSqlObj *pSql, char *str) {
goto _error_clean; // TODO: should _clean or _error_clean to async flow ????
code = tscInvalidSQLErrMsg(pCmd->payload, "insert data into super table is not supported", NULL);
goto _error_clean;
......@@ -1091,12 +1094,16 @@ int doParseInsertSql(SSqlObj *pSql, char *str) {
code = tscInvalidSQLErrMsg(pCmd->payload, "keyword VALUES or FILE required", sToken.z);
goto _error_clean;
int32_t numOfCols = tscGetNumOfTags(pTableMetaInfo->pTableMeta);
STableInfo tinfo = tscGetTableInfo(pTableMetaInfo->pTableMeta);
if (sToken.type == TK_VALUES) {
SParsedDataColInfo spd = {.numOfCols = pMeterMetaInfo->pMeterMeta->numOfColumns};
SSchema * pSchema = tsGetSchema(pMeterMetaInfo->pMeterMeta);
SParsedDataColInfo spd = {.numOfCols = numOfCols};
SSchema *pSchema = tscGetTableSchema(pTableMetaInfo->pTableMeta);
tscSetAssignedColumnInfo(&spd, pSchema, pMeterMetaInfo->pMeterMeta->numOfColumns);
tscSetAssignedColumnInfo(&spd, pSchema, numOfCols);
if (validateDataSource(pCmd, DATA_FROM_SQL_STRING, sToken.z) != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
goto _error_clean;
......@@ -1136,10 +1143,10 @@ int doParseInsertSql(SSqlObj *pSql, char *str) {
STableDataBlocks *pDataBlock = NULL;
STableMeta* pMeterMeta = pMeterMetaInfo->pMeterMeta;
STableMeta* pTableMeta = pTableMetaInfo->pTableMeta;
int32_t ret = tscCreateDataBlock(PATH_MAX, pMeterMeta->rowSize, sizeof(SShellSubmitBlock), pMeterMetaInfo->name,
pMeterMeta, &pDataBlock);
int32_t ret = tscCreateDataBlock(PATH_MAX, tinfo.rowSize, sizeof(SShellSubmitBlock), pTableMetaInfo->name,
pTableMeta, &pDataBlock);
if (ret != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
goto _error_clean;
......@@ -1148,18 +1155,18 @@ int doParseInsertSql(SSqlObj *pSql, char *str) {
strcpy(pDataBlock->filename, fname);
} else if (sToken.type == TK_LP) {
/* insert into tablename(col1, col2,..., coln) values(v1, v2,... vn); */
STableMeta *pMeterMeta = tscGetMeterMetaInfo(pCmd, pCmd->clauseIndex, 0)->pMeterMeta;
SSchema * pSchema = tsGetSchema(pMeterMeta);
STableMeta *pTableMeta = tscGetMeterMetaInfo(pCmd, pCmd->clauseIndex, 0)->pTableMeta;
SSchema * pSchema = tscGetTableSchema(pTableMeta);
if (validateDataSource(pCmd, DATA_FROM_SQL_STRING, sToken.z) != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
goto _error_clean;
SParsedDataColInfo spd = {0};
spd.numOfCols = pMeterMeta->numOfColumns;
spd.numOfCols = tinfo.numOfColumns;
int16_t offset[TSDB_MAX_COLUMNS] = {0};
for (int32_t t = 1; t < pMeterMeta->numOfColumns; ++t) {
for (int32_t t = 1; t < tinfo.numOfColumns; ++t) {
offset[t] = offset[t - 1] + pSchema[t - 1].bytes;
......@@ -1181,7 +1188,7 @@ int doParseInsertSql(SSqlObj *pSql, char *str) {
bool findColumnIndex = false;
// todo speedup by using hash list
for (int32_t t = 0; t < pMeterMeta->numOfColumns; ++t) {
for (int32_t t = 0; t < tinfo.numOfColumns; ++t) {
if (strncmp(sToken.z, pSchema[t].name, sToken.n) == 0 && strlen(pSchema[t].name) == sToken.n) {
SParsedColElem *pElem = &spd.elems[spd.numOfAssignedCols++];
pElem->offset = offset[t];
......@@ -1204,7 +1211,7 @@ int doParseInsertSql(SSqlObj *pSql, char *str) {
if (spd.numOfAssignedCols == 0 || spd.numOfAssignedCols > pMeterMeta->numOfColumns) {
if (spd.numOfAssignedCols == 0 || spd.numOfAssignedCols > tinfo.numOfColumns) {
code = tscInvalidSQLErrMsg(pCmd->payload, "column name expected", sToken.z);
goto _error_clean;
......@@ -1245,10 +1252,10 @@ int doParseInsertSql(SSqlObj *pSql, char *str) {
goto _error_clean;
pMeterMetaInfo = tscGetMeterMetaInfo(&pSql->cmd, 0, 0);
pTableMetaInfo = tscGetMeterMetaInfo(&pSql->cmd, 0, 0);
// set the next sent data vnode index in data block arraylist
pMeterMetaInfo->vnodeIndex = 1;
pTableMetaInfo->vnodeIndex = 1;
} else {
pCmd->pDataBlocks = tscDestroyBlockArrayList(pCmd->pDataBlocks);
......@@ -1348,10 +1355,10 @@ static int doPackSendDataBlock(SSqlObj *pSql, int32_t numOfRows, STableDataBlock
SSqlCmd *pCmd = &pSql->cmd;
assert(pCmd->numOfClause == 1);
STableMeta *pMeterMeta = tscGetMeterMetaInfo(pCmd, pCmd->clauseIndex, 0)->pMeterMeta;
STableMeta *pTableMeta = tscGetMeterMetaInfo(pCmd, pCmd->clauseIndex, 0)->pTableMeta;
SShellSubmitBlock *pBlocks = (SShellSubmitBlock *)(pTableDataBlocks->pData);
tsSetBlockInfo(pBlocks, pMeterMeta, numOfRows);
tsSetBlockInfo(pBlocks, pTableMeta, numOfRows);
if ((code = tscMergeTableDataBlocks(pSql, pCmd->pDataBlocks)) != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
return code;
......@@ -1381,16 +1388,18 @@ static int tscInsertDataFromFile(SSqlObj *pSql, FILE *fp, char *tmpTokenBuf) {
int32_t code = 0;
int nrows = 0;
SMeterMetaInfo *pMeterMetaInfo = tscGetMeterMetaInfo(pCmd, pCmd->clauseIndex, 0);
STableMeta * pMeterMeta = pMeterMetaInfo->pMeterMeta;
STableMetaInfo *pTableMetaInfo = tscGetMeterMetaInfo(pCmd, pCmd->clauseIndex, 0);
STableMeta * pTableMeta = pTableMetaInfo->pTableMeta;
STableInfo tinfo = tscGetTableInfo(pTableMeta);
assert(pCmd->numOfClause == 1);
int32_t rowSize = pMeterMeta->rowSize;
int32_t rowSize = tinfo.rowSize;
pCmd->pDataBlocks = tscCreateBlockArrayList();
STableDataBlocks *pTableDataBlock = NULL;
int32_t ret = tscCreateDataBlock(TSDB_PAYLOAD_SIZE, rowSize, sizeof(SShellSubmitBlock),
pMeterMetaInfo->name, pMeterMeta, &pTableDataBlock);
pTableMetaInfo->name, pTableMeta, &pTableDataBlock);
if (ret != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
return -1;
......@@ -1401,10 +1410,10 @@ static int tscInsertDataFromFile(SSqlObj *pSql, FILE *fp, char *tmpTokenBuf) {
if (TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS != code) return -1;
int count = 0;
SParsedDataColInfo spd = {.numOfCols = pMeterMeta->numOfColumns};
SSchema * pSchema = tsGetSchema(pMeterMeta);
SParsedDataColInfo spd = {.numOfCols = tinfo.numOfColumns};
SSchema * pSchema = tscGetTableSchema(pTableMeta);
tscSetAssignedColumnInfo(&spd, pSchema, pMeterMeta->numOfColumns);
tscSetAssignedColumnInfo(&spd, pSchema, tinfo.numOfColumns);
while ((readLen = getline(&line, &n, fp)) != -1) {
// line[--readLen] = '\0';
......@@ -1414,7 +1423,7 @@ static int tscInsertDataFromFile(SSqlObj *pSql, FILE *fp, char *tmpTokenBuf) {
char *lineptr = line;
strtolower(line, line);
len = tsParseOneRowData(&lineptr, pTableDataBlock, pSchema, &spd, pCmd->payload, pMeterMeta->precision, &code, tmpTokenBuf);
len = tsParseOneRowData(&lineptr, pTableDataBlock, pSchema, &spd, pCmd->payload, tinfo.precision, &code, tmpTokenBuf);
if (len <= 0 || pTableDataBlock->numOfParams > 0) {
pSql->res.code = code;
return (-code);
......@@ -1431,7 +1440,7 @@ static int tscInsertDataFromFile(SSqlObj *pSql, FILE *fp, char *tmpTokenBuf) {
pTableDataBlock = pCmd->pDataBlocks->pData[0];
pTableDataBlock->size = sizeof(SShellSubmitBlock);
pTableDataBlock->rowSize = pMeterMeta->rowSize;
pTableDataBlock->rowSize = tinfo.rowSize;
numOfRows += pSql->res.numOfRows;
pSql->res.numOfRows = 0;
......@@ -1473,25 +1482,25 @@ void tscProcessMultiVnodesInsert(SSqlObj *pSql) {
STableDataBlocks *pDataBlock = NULL;
SMeterMetaInfo * pMeterMetaInfo = tscGetMeterMetaInfo(pCmd, pCmd->clauseIndex, 0);
STableMetaInfo * pTableMetaInfo = tscGetMeterMetaInfo(pCmd, pCmd->clauseIndex, 0);
assert(pCmd->numOfClause == 1);
int32_t code = TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS;
/* the first block has been sent to server in processSQL function */
assert(pMeterMetaInfo->vnodeIndex >= 1 && pCmd->pDataBlocks != NULL);
assert(pTableMetaInfo->vnodeIndex >= 1 && pCmd->pDataBlocks != NULL);
if (pMeterMetaInfo->vnodeIndex < pCmd->pDataBlocks->nSize) {
if (pTableMetaInfo->vnodeIndex < pCmd->pDataBlocks->nSize) {
SDataBlockList *pDataBlocks = pCmd->pDataBlocks;
for (int32_t i = pMeterMetaInfo->vnodeIndex; i < pDataBlocks->nSize; ++i) {
for (int32_t i = pTableMetaInfo->vnodeIndex; i < pDataBlocks->nSize; ++i) {
pDataBlock = pDataBlocks->pData[i];
if (pDataBlock == NULL) {
if ((code = tscCopyDataBlockToPayload(pSql, pDataBlock)) != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
tscTrace("%p build submit data block failed, vnodeIdx:%d, total:%d", pSql, pMeterMetaInfo->vnodeIndex,
tscTrace("%p build submit data block failed, vnodeIdx:%d, total:%d", pSql, pTableMetaInfo->vnodeIndex,
......@@ -1512,7 +1521,7 @@ void tscProcessMultiVnodesInsertFromFile(SSqlObj *pSql) {
SQueryInfo * pQueryInfo = tscGetQueryInfoDetail(pCmd, 0);
SMeterMetaInfo *pMeterMetaInfo = tscGetMeterMetaInfoFromQueryInfo(pQueryInfo, 0);
STableMetaInfo *pTableMetaInfo = tscGetMeterMetaInfoFromQueryInfo(pQueryInfo, 0);
STableDataBlocks *pDataBlock = NULL;
int32_t affected_rows = 0;
......@@ -1543,10 +1552,10 @@ void tscProcessMultiVnodesInsertFromFile(SSqlObj *pSql) {
strncpy(pMeterMetaInfo->name, pDataBlock->tableId, TSDB_TABLE_ID_LEN);
strncpy(pTableMetaInfo->name, pDataBlock->tableId, TSDB_TABLE_ID_LEN);
memset(pDataBlock->pData, 0, pDataBlock->nAllocSize);
int32_t ret = tscGetMeterMeta(pSql, pMeterMetaInfo);
int32_t ret = tscGetMeterMeta(pSql, pTableMetaInfo);
if (ret != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
tscError("%p get meter meta failed, abort", pSql);
......@@ -407,8 +407,8 @@ static int insertStmtReset(STscStmt* pStmt) {
pCmd->batchSize = 0;
SMeterMetaInfo* pMeterMetaInfo = tscGetMeterMetaInfo(pCmd, pCmd->clauseIndex, 0);
pMeterMetaInfo->vnodeIndex = 0;
STableMetaInfo* pTableMetaInfo = tscGetMeterMetaInfo(pCmd, pCmd->clauseIndex, 0);
pTableMetaInfo->vnodeIndex = 0;
......@@ -421,7 +421,7 @@ static int insertStmtExecute(STscStmt* stmt) {
SMeterMetaInfo* pMeterMetaInfo = tscGetMeterMetaInfo(pCmd, pCmd->clauseIndex, 0);
STableMetaInfo* pTableMetaInfo = tscGetMeterMetaInfo(pCmd, pCmd->clauseIndex, 0);
assert(pCmd->numOfClause == 1);
if (pCmd->pDataBlocks->nSize > 0) {
......@@ -438,7 +438,7 @@ static int insertStmtExecute(STscStmt* stmt) {
// set the next sent data vnode index in data block arraylist
pMeterMetaInfo->vnodeIndex = 1;
pTableMetaInfo->vnodeIndex = 1;
} else {
pCmd->pDataBlocks = tscDestroyBlockArrayList(pCmd->pDataBlocks);
......@@ -19,6 +19,70 @@
#include "ttokendef.h"
#include "taosdef.h"
#include "tutil.h"
#include "tsclient.h"
int32_t tscGetNumOfTags(const STableMeta* pTableMeta) {
assert(pTableMeta != NULL);
STableInfo tinfo = tscGetTableInfo(pTableMeta);
if (pTableMeta->tableType == TSDB_NORMAL_TABLE) {
assert(tinfo.numOfTags == 0);
return 0;
if (pTableMeta->tableType == TSDB_SUPER_TABLE || pTableMeta->tableType == TSDB_CHILD_TABLE) {
assert(tinfo.numOfTags > 0);
return tinfo.numOfTags;
assert(tinfo.numOfTags == 0);
return 0;
int32_t tscGetNumOfColumns(const STableMeta* pTableMeta) {
assert(pTableMeta != NULL);
// table created according to super table, use data from super table
STableInfo tinfo = tscGetTableInfo(pTableMeta);
assert(tinfo.numOfColumns >= 2);
return tinfo.numOfColumns;
SSchema *tscGetTableSchema(const STableMeta *pTableMeta) {
assert(pTableMeta != NULL);
if (pTableMeta->tableType == TSDB_CHILD_TABLE) {
STableMeta* pSTableMeta = pTableMeta->pSTable;
assert (pSTableMeta != NULL);
return pSTableMeta->schema;
return pTableMeta->schema;
SSchema* tscGetTableTagSchema(const STableMeta* pTableMeta) {
assert(pTableMeta != NULL && (pTableMeta->tableType == TSDB_SUPER_TABLE || pTableMeta->tableType == TSDB_CHILD_TABLE));
STableInfo tinfo = tscGetTableInfo(pTableMeta);
assert(tinfo.numOfTags > 0);
return tscGetTableColumnSchema(pTableMeta, tinfo.numOfColumns);
STableInfo tscGetTableInfo(const STableMeta* pTableMeta) {
assert(pTableMeta != NULL);
if (pTableMeta->tableType == TSDB_CHILD_TABLE) {
assert (pTableMeta->pSTable != NULL);
return pTableMeta->pSTable->tableInfo;
return pTableMeta->tableInfo;
bool isValidSchema(struct SSchema* pSchema, int32_t numOfCols) {
if (!VALIDNUMOFCOLS(numOfCols)) {
......@@ -64,34 +128,32 @@ bool isValidSchema(struct SSchema* pSchema, int32_t numOfCols) {
return (rowLen <= TSDB_MAX_BYTES_PER_ROW);
struct SSchema* tsGetSchema(STableMeta* pMeta) {
if (pMeta == NULL) {
return NULL;
return tsGetColumnSchema(pMeta, 0);
struct SSchema* tsGetTagSchema(STableMeta* pMeta) {
if (pMeta == NULL || pMeta->numOfTags == 0) {
return NULL;
SSchema* tscGetTableColumnSchema(const STableMeta* pTableMeta, int32_t startCol) {
assert(pTableMeta != NULL);
SSchema* pSchema = pTableMeta->schema;
if (pTableMeta->tableType == TSDB_CHILD_TABLE) {
assert (pTableMeta->pSTable != NULL);
pSchema = pTableMeta->pSTable->schema;
return tsGetColumnSchema(pMeta, pMeta->numOfColumns);
struct SSchema* tsGetColumnSchema(STableMeta* pMeta, int32_t startCol) {
return (SSchema*)(((char*)pMeta + sizeof(STableMeta)) + startCol * sizeof(SSchema));
return &pSchema[startCol];
struct SSchema tsGetTbnameColumnSchema() {
struct SSchema s = {.colId = TSDB_TBNAME_COLUMN_INDEX, .type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BINARY, .bytes = TSDB_TABLE_NAME_LEN};
strcpy(s.name, TSQL_TBNAME_L);
struct SSchema s = {
strcpy(s.name, TSQL_TBNAME_L);
return s;
* the MeterMeta data format in memory is as follows:
* the TableMeta data format in memory is as follows:
* +--------------------+
* |STableMeta Body data| sizeof(STableMeta)
......@@ -101,33 +163,35 @@ struct SSchema tsGetTbnameColumnSchema() {
* |Tags data | tag_col_1.bytes + tag_col_2.bytes + ....
* +--------------------+
* @param pMeta
* @param pTableMeta
* @return
char* tsGetTagsValue(STableMeta* pMeta) {
int32_t numOfTotalCols = pMeta->numOfColumns + pMeta->numOfTags;
uint32_t offset = sizeof(STableMeta) + numOfTotalCols * sizeof(SSchema);
char* tsGetTagsValue(STableMeta* pTableMeta) {
int32_t offset = 0;
// int32_t numOfTotalCols = pTableMeta->numOfColumns + pTableMeta->numOfTags;
// uint32_t offset = sizeof(STableMeta) + numOfTotalCols * sizeof(SSchema);
return ((char*)pMeta + offset);
return ((char*)pTableMeta + offset);
bool tsMeterMetaIdentical(STableMeta* p1, STableMeta* p2) {
if (p1 == NULL || p2 == NULL || p1->uid != p2->uid || p1->sversion != p2->sversion) {
return false;
if (p1 == p2) {
return true;
size_t size = sizeof(STableMeta) + p1->numOfColumns * sizeof(SSchema);
for (int32_t i = 0; i < p1->numOfTags; ++i) {
SSchema* pColSchema = tsGetColumnSchema(p1, i + p1->numOfColumns);
size += pColSchema->bytes;
return memcmp(p1, p2, size) == 0;
// if (p1 == p2) {
// return true;
// }
// size_t size = sizeof(STableMeta) + p1->numOfColumns * sizeof(SSchema);
// for (int32_t i = 0; i < p1->numOfTags; ++i) {
// SSchema* pColSchema = tscGetTableColumnSchema(p1, i + p1->numOfColumns);
// size += pColSchema->bytes;
// }
// return memcmp(p1, p2, size) == 0;
return true;
// todo refactor
......@@ -319,9 +319,10 @@ void tscCreateLocalReducer(tExtMemBuffer **pMemBuffer, int32_t numOfBuffer, tOrd
pRes->pLocalReducer = pReducer;
pRes->numOfGroups = 0;
SMeterMetaInfo *pMeterMetaInfo = tscGetMeterMetaInfo(pCmd, pCmd->clauseIndex, 0);
int16_t prec = pMeterMetaInfo->pMeterMeta->precision;
STableMetaInfo *pTableMetaInfo = tscGetMeterMetaInfo(pCmd, pCmd->clauseIndex, 0);
STableInfo tinfo = tscGetTableInfo(pTableMetaInfo->pTableMeta);
int16_t prec = tinfo.precision;
int64_t stime = (pQueryInfo->stime < pQueryInfo->etime) ? pQueryInfo->stime : pQueryInfo->etime;
int64_t revisedSTime =
taosGetIntervalStartTimestamp(stime, pQueryInfo->intervalTime, pQueryInfo->intervalTimeUnit, prec);
......@@ -602,9 +603,9 @@ int32_t tscLocalReducerEnvCreate(SSqlObj *pSql, tExtMemBuffer ***pMemBuffer, tOr
*pFinalModel = NULL;
SQueryInfo * pQueryInfo = tscGetQueryInfoDetail(pCmd, pCmd->clauseIndex);
SMeterMetaInfo *pMeterMetaInfo = tscGetMeterMetaInfoFromQueryInfo(pQueryInfo, 0);
STableMetaInfo *pTableMetaInfo = tscGetMeterMetaInfoFromQueryInfo(pQueryInfo, 0);
(*pMemBuffer) = (tExtMemBuffer **)malloc(POINTER_BYTES * pMeterMetaInfo->pMetricMeta->numOfVnodes);
(*pMemBuffer) = (tExtMemBuffer **)malloc(POINTER_BYTES * pTableMetaInfo->pMetricMeta->numOfVnodes);
if (*pMemBuffer == NULL) {
tscError("%p failed to allocate memory", pSql);
......@@ -635,7 +636,7 @@ int32_t tscLocalReducerEnvCreate(SSqlObj *pSql, tExtMemBuffer ***pMemBuffer, tOr
pModel = createColumnModel(pSchema, pQueryInfo->exprsInfo.numOfExprs, capacity);
for (int32_t i = 0; i < pMeterMetaInfo->pMetricMeta->numOfVnodes; ++i) {
for (int32_t i = 0; i < pTableMetaInfo->pMetricMeta->numOfVnodes; ++i) {
(*pMemBuffer)[i] = createExtMemBuffer(nBufferSizes, rlen, pModel);
(*pMemBuffer)[i]->flushModel = MULTIPLE_APPEND_MODEL;
......@@ -650,7 +651,7 @@ int32_t tscLocalReducerEnvCreate(SSqlObj *pSql, tExtMemBuffer ***pMemBuffer, tOr
for (int32_t i = 0; i < pQueryInfo->exprsInfo.numOfExprs; ++i) {
SSqlExpr *pExpr = tscSqlExprGet(pQueryInfo, i);
SSchema *p1 = tsGetColumnSchema(pMeterMetaInfo->pMeterMeta, pExpr->colInfo.colIdx);
SSchema *p1 = tscGetTableColumnSchema(pTableMetaInfo->pTableMeta, pExpr->colInfo.colIdx);
int16_t inter = 0;
int16_t type = -1;
......@@ -774,9 +775,11 @@ void adjustLoserTreeFromNewData(SLocalReducer *pLocalReducer, SLocalDataSource *
void savePrevRecordAndSetupInterpoInfo(SLocalReducer *pLocalReducer, SQueryInfo *pQueryInfo,
SInterpolationInfo *pInterpoInfo) {
// discard following dataset in the same group and reset the interpolation information
SMeterMetaInfo *pMeterMetaInfo = tscGetMeterMetaInfoFromQueryInfo(pQueryInfo, 0);
int16_t prec = pMeterMetaInfo->pMeterMeta->precision;
STableMetaInfo *pTableMetaInfo = tscGetMeterMetaInfoFromQueryInfo(pQueryInfo, 0);
STableInfo tinfo = tscGetTableInfo(pTableMetaInfo->pTableMeta);
int16_t prec = tinfo.precision;
int64_t stime = (pQueryInfo->stime < pQueryInfo->etime) ? pQueryInfo->stime : pQueryInfo->etime;
int64_t revisedSTime =
taosGetIntervalStartTimestamp(stime, pQueryInfo->intervalTime, pQueryInfo->intervalTimeUnit, prec);
......@@ -917,8 +920,10 @@ static void doInterpolateResult(SSqlObj *pSql, SLocalReducer *pLocalReducer, boo
functions[i] = tscSqlExprGet(pQueryInfo, i)->functionId;
SMeterMetaInfo *pMeterMetaInfo = tscGetMeterMetaInfo(pCmd, pCmd->clauseIndex, 0);
int8_t precision = pMeterMetaInfo->pMeterMeta->precision;
STableMetaInfo *pTableMetaInfo = tscGetMeterMetaInfo(pCmd, pCmd->clauseIndex, 0);
STableInfo tinfo = tscGetTableInfo(pTableMetaInfo->pTableMeta);
int8_t precision = tinfo.precision;
while (1) {
int32_t remains = taosNumOfRemainPoints(pInterpoInfo);
......@@ -1268,8 +1273,10 @@ static void resetEnvForNewResultset(SSqlRes *pRes, SSqlCmd *pCmd, SLocalReducer
pQueryInfo->limit.offset = pLocalReducer->offset;
SMeterMetaInfo *pMeterMetaInfo = tscGetMeterMetaInfo(pCmd, pCmd->clauseIndex, 0);
int16_t precision = pMeterMetaInfo->pMeterMeta->precision;
STableMetaInfo *pTableMetaInfo = tscGetMeterMetaInfo(pCmd, pCmd->clauseIndex, 0);
STableInfo tinfo = tscGetTableInfo(pTableMetaInfo->pTableMeta);
int8_t precision = tinfo.precision;
// for group result interpolation, do not return if not data is generated
if (pQueryInfo->interpoType != TSDB_INTERPO_NONE) {
......@@ -1294,8 +1301,10 @@ static bool doInterpolationForCurrentGroup(SSqlObj *pSql) {
SLocalReducer * pLocalReducer = pRes->pLocalReducer;
SInterpolationInfo *pInterpoInfo = &pLocalReducer->interpolationInfo;
SMeterMetaInfo *pMeterMetaInfo = tscGetMeterMetaInfoFromQueryInfo(pQueryInfo, 0);
int8_t p = pMeterMetaInfo->pMeterMeta->precision;
STableMetaInfo *pTableMetaInfo = tscGetMeterMetaInfoFromQueryInfo(pQueryInfo, 0);
STableInfo tinfo = tscGetTableInfo(pTableMetaInfo->pTableMeta);
int8_t p = tinfo.precision;
if (taosHasRemainsDataForInterpolation(pInterpoInfo)) {
assert(pQueryInfo->interpoType != TSDB_INTERPO_NONE);
......@@ -1328,8 +1337,10 @@ static bool doHandleLastRemainData(SSqlObj *pSql) {
bool prevGroupCompleted = (!pLocalReducer->discard) && pLocalReducer->hasUnprocessedRow;
SQueryInfo * pQueryInfo = tscGetQueryInfoDetail(pCmd, pCmd->clauseIndex);
SMeterMetaInfo *pMeterMetaInfo = tscGetMeterMetaInfoFromQueryInfo(pQueryInfo, 0);
int8_t precision = pMeterMetaInfo->pMeterMeta->precision;
STableMetaInfo *pTableMetaInfo = tscGetMeterMetaInfoFromQueryInfo(pQueryInfo, 0);
STableInfo tinfo = tscGetTableInfo(pTableMetaInfo->pTableMeta);
int8_t precision = tinfo.precision;
if ((isAllSourcesCompleted(pLocalReducer) && !pLocalReducer->hasPrevRow) || pLocalReducer->pLocalDataSrc[0] == NULL ||
prevGroupCompleted) {
......@@ -509,7 +509,7 @@ static bool tscHashRemainDataInSubqueryResultSet(SSqlObj *pSql) {
SSqlCmd *pCmd1 = &pSql->pSubs[i]->cmd;
SQueryInfo * pQueryInfo1 = tscGetQueryInfoDetail(pCmd1, pCmd1->clauseIndex);
SMeterMetaInfo *pMetaInfo = tscGetMeterMetaInfoFromQueryInfo(pQueryInfo1, 0);
STableMetaInfo *pMetaInfo = tscGetMeterMetaInfoFromQueryInfo(pQueryInfo1, 0);
assert(pQueryInfo1->numOfTables == 1);
......@@ -810,7 +810,7 @@ void taos_free_result_imp(TAOS_RES *res, int keepCmd) {
SMeterMetaInfo *pMeterMetaInfo = tscGetMeterMetaInfoFromQueryInfo(pQueryInfo, 0);
STableMetaInfo *pTableMetaInfo = tscGetMeterMetaInfoFromQueryInfo(pQueryInfo, 0);
* case 1. Partial data have been retrieved from vnodes, but not all data has been retrieved yet.
......@@ -825,7 +825,7 @@ void taos_free_result_imp(TAOS_RES *res, int keepCmd) {
if (pRes->code != TSDB_CODE_QUERY_CANCELLED &&
((pRes->numOfRows > 0 && pCmd->command < TSDB_SQL_LOCAL) ||
(pRes->code == TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS && pRes->numOfRows == 0 && pCmd->command == TSDB_SQL_SELECT &&
pSql->pStream == NULL && pMeterMetaInfo->pMeterMeta != NULL))) {
pSql->pStream == NULL && pTableMetaInfo->pTableMeta != NULL))) {
pCmd->command = (pCmd->command > TSDB_SQL_MGMT) ? TSDB_SQL_RETRIEVE : TSDB_SQL_FETCH;
tscTrace("%p code:%d, numOfRows:%d, command:%d", pSql, pRes->code, pRes->numOfRows, pCmd->command);
......@@ -1109,7 +1109,7 @@ static int tscParseTblNameList(SSqlObj *pSql, const char *tblNameList, int32_t t
SQueryInfo *pQueryInfo = NULL;
tscGetQueryInfoDetailSafely(pCmd, pCmd->clauseIndex, &pQueryInfo);
SMeterMetaInfo *pMeterMetaInfo = tscAddEmptyMeterMetaInfo(pQueryInfo);
STableMetaInfo *pTableMetaInfo = tscAddEmptyMeterMetaInfo(pQueryInfo);
if ((code = tscAllocPayload(pCmd, tblListLen + 16)) != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
return code;
......@@ -1144,7 +1144,7 @@ static int tscParseTblNameList(SSqlObj *pSql, const char *tblNameList, int32_t t
return code;
if ((code = setMeterID(pMeterMetaInfo, &sToken, pSql)) != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
if ((code = setMeterID(pTableMetaInfo, &sToken, pSql)) != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
return code;
......@@ -1154,7 +1154,7 @@ static int tscParseTblNameList(SSqlObj *pSql, const char *tblNameList, int32_t t
return code;
if (payloadLen + strlen(pMeterMetaInfo->name) + 128 >= pCmd->allocSize) {
if (payloadLen + strlen(pTableMetaInfo->name) + 128 >= pCmd->allocSize) {
char *pNewMem = realloc(pCmd->payload, pCmd->allocSize + tblListLen);
if (pNewMem == NULL) {
......@@ -1167,7 +1167,7 @@ static int tscParseTblNameList(SSqlObj *pSql, const char *tblNameList, int32_t t
pMsg = pCmd->payload;
payloadLen += sprintf(pMsg + payloadLen, "%s,", pMeterMetaInfo->name);
payloadLen += sprintf(pMsg + payloadLen, "%s,", pTableMetaInfo->name);
*(pMsg + payloadLen) = '\0';
......@@ -13,15 +13,16 @@
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <tschemautil.h>
#include "os.h"
#include "taosmsg.h"
#include "tlog.h"
#include "tscUtil.h"
#include "tsched.h"
#include "tsclient.h"
#include "ttime.h"
#include "ttimer.h"
#include "tutil.h"
#include "tsched.h"
#include "taosmsg.h"
#include "tscUtil.h"
#include "tsclient.h"
#include "tscProfile.h"
......@@ -71,14 +72,14 @@ static void tscProcessStreamLaunchQuery(SSchedMsg *pMsg) {
pSql->param = pStream;
SQueryInfo *pQueryInfo = tscGetQueryInfoDetail(&pSql->cmd, 0);
SMeterMetaInfo *pMeterMetaInfo = tscGetMeterMetaInfoFromQueryInfo(pQueryInfo, 0);
STableMetaInfo *pTableMetaInfo = tscGetMeterMetaInfoFromQueryInfo(pQueryInfo, 0);
int code = tscGetMeterMeta(pSql, pMeterMetaInfo);
int code = tscGetMeterMeta(pSql, pTableMetaInfo);
pSql->res.code = code;
if (code == TSDB_CODE_ACTION_IN_PROGRESS) return;
if (code == 0 && UTIL_METER_IS_SUPERTABLE(pMeterMetaInfo)) {
if (code == 0 && UTIL_METER_IS_SUPERTABLE(pTableMetaInfo)) {
code = tscGetMetricMeta(pSql, 0);
pSql->res.code = code;
......@@ -96,7 +97,7 @@ static void tscProcessStreamLaunchQuery(SSchedMsg *pMsg) {
tscTrace("%p stream:%p start stream query on:%s", pSql, pStream, pMeterMetaInfo->name);
tscTrace("%p stream:%p start stream query on:%s", pSql, pStream, pTableMetaInfo->name);
......@@ -145,8 +146,8 @@ static void tscProcessStreamQueryCallback(void *param, TAOS_RES *tres, int numOf
tscError("%p stream:%p, query data failed, code:%d, retry in %" PRId64 "ms", pStream->pSql, pStream, numOfRows,
SMeterMetaInfo* pMeterMetaInfo = tscGetMeterMetaInfo(&pStream->pSql->cmd, 0, 0);
tscClearMeterMetaInfo(pMeterMetaInfo, true);
STableMetaInfo* pTableMetaInfo = tscGetMeterMetaInfo(&pStream->pSql->cmd, 0, 0);
tscClearMeterMetaInfo(pTableMetaInfo, true);
tscSetRetryTimer(pStream, pStream->pSql, retryDelay);
......@@ -171,12 +172,12 @@ static void tscSetTimestampForRes(SSqlStream *pStream, SSqlObj *pSql) {
static void tscProcessStreamRetrieveResult(void *param, TAOS_RES *res, int numOfRows) {
SSqlStream * pStream = (SSqlStream *)param;
SSqlObj * pSql = (SSqlObj *)res;
SMeterMetaInfo *pMeterMetaInfo = tscGetMeterMetaInfo(&pSql->cmd, 0, 0);
STableMetaInfo *pTableMetaInfo = tscGetMeterMetaInfo(&pSql->cmd, 0, 0);
if (pSql == NULL || numOfRows < 0) {
int64_t retryDelayTime = tscGetRetryDelayTime(pStream->slidingTime, pStream->precision);
tscError("%p stream:%p, retrieve data failed, code:%d, retry in %" PRId64 "ms", pSql, pStream, numOfRows, retryDelayTime);
tscClearMeterMetaInfo(pMeterMetaInfo, true);
tscClearMeterMetaInfo(pTableMetaInfo, true);
tscSetRetryTimer(pStream, pStream->pSql, retryDelayTime);
......@@ -254,11 +255,11 @@ static void tscProcessStreamRetrieveResult(void *param, TAOS_RES *res, int numOf
tscTrace("%p stream:%p, query on:%s, fetch result completed, fetched rows:%d", pSql, pStream, pMeterMetaInfo->name,
tscTrace("%p stream:%p, query on:%s, fetch result completed, fetched rows:%d", pSql, pStream, pTableMetaInfo->name,
// release the metric/meter meta information reference, so data in cache can be updated
tscClearMeterMetaInfo(pMeterMetaInfo, false);
tscClearMeterMetaInfo(pTableMetaInfo, false);
tscSetNextLaunchTimer(pStream, pSql);
......@@ -539,13 +540,14 @@ TAOS_STREAM *taos_open_stream(TAOS *taos, const char *sqlstr, void (*fp)(void *p
SQueryInfo* pQueryInfo = tscGetQueryInfoDetail(pCmd, 0);
SMeterMetaInfo* pMeterMetaInfo = tscGetMeterMetaInfoFromQueryInfo(pQueryInfo, 0);
STableMetaInfo* pTableMetaInfo = tscGetMeterMetaInfoFromQueryInfo(pQueryInfo, 0);
STableInfo tinfo = tscGetTableInfo(pTableMetaInfo->pTableMeta);
pStream->fp = fp;
pStream->callback = callback;
pStream->param = param;
pStream->pSql = pSql;
pStream->precision = pMeterMetaInfo->pMeterMeta->precision;
pStream->precision = tinfo.precision;
pStream->ctime = taosGetTimestamp(pStream->precision);
pStream->etime = pQueryInfo->etime;
......@@ -560,7 +562,7 @@ TAOS_STREAM *taos_open_stream(TAOS *taos, const char *sqlstr, void (*fp)(void *p
taosTmrReset(tscProcessStreamTimer, starttime, pStream, tscTmr, &pStream->pTimer);
tscTrace("%p stream:%p is opened, query on:%s, interval:%" PRId64 ", sliding:%" PRId64 ", first launched in:%" PRId64 ", sql:%s", pSql,
pStream, pMeterMetaInfo->name, pStream->interval, pStream->slidingTime, starttime, sqlstr);
pStream, pTableMetaInfo->name, pStream->interval, pStream->slidingTime, starttime, sqlstr);
return pStream;
......@@ -175,10 +175,10 @@ int tscUpdateSubscription(STscObj* pObj, SSub* pSub) {
return 0;
SMeterMetaInfo *pMeterMetaInfo = tscGetMeterMetaInfo(pCmd, 0, 0);
STableMetaInfo *pTableMetaInfo = tscGetMeterMetaInfo(pCmd, 0, 0);
int numOfTables = 0;
if (!UTIL_METER_IS_NOMRAL_METER(pMeterMetaInfo)) {
SSuperTableMeta* pMetricMeta = pMeterMetaInfo->pMetricMeta;
if (!UTIL_METER_IS_NOMRAL_METER(pTableMetaInfo)) {
SSuperTableMeta* pMetricMeta = pTableMetaInfo->pMetricMeta;
for (int32_t i = 0; i < pMetricMeta->numOfVnodes; i++) {
SVnodeSidList *pVnodeSidList = tscGetVnodeSidList(pMetricMeta, i);
numOfTables += pVnodeSidList->numOfSids;
......@@ -191,13 +191,13 @@ int tscUpdateSubscription(STscObj* pObj, SSub* pSub) {
return 0;
numOfTables = 1;
int64_t uid = pMeterMetaInfo->pMeterMeta->uid;
int64_t uid = pTableMetaInfo->pTableMeta->uid;
progress[0].uid = uid;
progress[0].key = tscGetSubscriptionProgress(pSub, uid);
} else {
SSuperTableMeta* pMetricMeta = pMeterMetaInfo->pMetricMeta;
SSuperTableMeta* pMetricMeta = pTableMetaInfo->pMetricMeta;
numOfTables = 0;
for (int32_t i = 0; i < pMetricMeta->numOfVnodes; i++) {
SVnodeSidList *pVnodeSidList = tscGetVnodeSidList(pMetricMeta, i);
......@@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ void tsDataSwap(void *pLeft, void *pRight, int32_t type, int32_t size);
#define TSDB_MAX_COLUMNS 256
#define TSDB_MIN_COLUMNS 2 //PRIMARY COLUMN(timestamp) + other columns
#define TSDB_DB_NAME_LEN 32
#define TSDB_COL_NAME_LEN 64
......@@ -678,15 +678,15 @@ typedef struct {
int32_t list[]; /* offset of SVnodeSidList, compared to the SSuperTableMeta struct */
} SSuperTableMeta;
typedef struct STableMeta {
char tableId[TSDB_TABLE_ID_LEN + 1]; // note: This field must be at the front
typedef struct STableMetaMsg {
char tableId[TSDB_TABLE_ID_LEN]; // note: This field must be at the front
int32_t contLen;
uint8_t numOfTags : 6;
uint8_t precision : 2;
uint8_t tableType : 4;
uint8_t index : 4; // used locally
uint8_t numOfTags;
uint8_t precision;
uint8_t tableType;
// uint8_t index : 4; // used locally
int16_t numOfColumns;
int16_t rowSize; // used locally, calculated in client
// int16_t rowSize; // used locally, calculated in client
int16_t sversion;
int8_t numOfVpeers;
SVnodeDesc vpeerDesc[TSDB_VNODES_SUPPORT];
......@@ -694,12 +694,12 @@ typedef struct STableMeta {
int32_t vgid;
uint64_t uid;
SSchema schema[];
} STableMeta;
} STableMetaMsg;
typedef struct SMultiTableMeta {
int32_t numOfTables;
int32_t contLen;
STableMeta metas[];
STableMetaMsg metas[];
} SMultiTableMeta;
typedef struct {
......@@ -719,9 +719,9 @@ typedef struct {
char payload[];
} SCMShowMsg;
typedef struct {
uint64_t qhandle;
STableMeta tableMeta;
typedef struct SCMShowRsp {
uint64_t qhandle;
STableMetaMsg tableMeta;
} SCMShowRsp;
typedef struct {
......@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ void *mgmtBuildCreateChildTableMsg(SCMCreateTableMsg *pCreate, SChildTableObj *p
int32_t mgmtDropChildTable(SQueuedMsg *newMsg, SChildTableObj *pTable);
int32_t mgmtModifyChildTableTagValueByName(SChildTableObj *pTable, char *tagName, char *nContent);
int32_t mgmtGetChildTableMeta(SDbObj *pDb, SChildTableObj *pTable, STableMeta *pMeta, bool usePublicIp);
int32_t mgmtGetChildTableMeta(SDbObj *pDb, SChildTableObj *pTable, STableMetaMsg *pMeta, bool usePublicIp);
void mgmtDropAllChildTables(SDbObj *pDropDb);
......@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ int32_t mgmtDropNormalTable(SQueuedMsg *newMsg, SNormalTableObj *pTable);
int32_t mgmtAddNormalTableColumn(SNormalTableObj *pTable, SSchema schema[], int32_t ncols);
int32_t mgmtDropNormalTableColumnByName(SNormalTableObj *pTable, char *colName);
int32_t mgmtGetNormalTableMeta(SDbObj *pDb, SNormalTableObj *pTable, STableMeta *pMeta, bool usePublicIp);
int32_t mgmtGetNormalTableMeta(SDbObj *pDb, SNormalTableObj *pTable, STableMetaMsg *pMeta, bool usePublicIp);
void mgmtDropAllNormalTables(SDbObj *pDropDb);
......@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ int32_t mgmtInitShell();
void mgmtCleanUpShell();
void mgmtAddShellMsgHandle(uint8_t msgType, void (*fp)(SQueuedMsg *queuedMsg));
typedef int32_t (*SShowMetaFp)(STableMeta *pMeta, SShowObj *pShow, void *pConn);
typedef int32_t (*SShowMetaFp)(STableMetaMsg *pMeta, SShowObj *pShow, void *pConn);
typedef int32_t (*SShowRetrieveFp)(SShowObj *pShow, char *data, int32_t rows, void *pConn);
void mgmtAddShellShowMetaHandle(uint8_t showType, SShowMetaFp fp);
void mgmtAddShellShowRetrieveHandle(uint8_t showType, SShowRetrieveFp fp);
......@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ int32_t mgmtModifySuperTableTagNameByName(SSuperTableObj *pTable, char *oldTagNa
int32_t mgmtAddSuperTableColumn(SSuperTableObj *pTable, SSchema schema[], int32_t ncols);
int32_t mgmtDropSuperTableColumnByName(SSuperTableObj *pTable, char *colName);
int32_t mgmtGetSuperTableMeta(SDbObj *pDb, SSuperTableObj *pTable, STableMeta *pMeta, bool usePublicIp);
int32_t mgmtGetSuperTableMeta(SDbObj *pDb, SSuperTableObj *pTable, STableMetaMsg *pMeta, bool usePublicIp);
void * mgmtGetSuperTableVgroup(SSuperTableObj *pStable);
int32_t mgmtFindSuperTableTagIndex(SSuperTableObj *pTable, const char *tagName);
......@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ void mgmtCleanUpTables();
STableInfo* mgmtGetTable(char *tableId);
STableInfo* mgmtGetTableByPos(uint32_t dnodeIp, int32_t vnode, int32_t sid);
int32_t mgmtGetTableMeta(SDbObj *pDb, STableInfo *pTable, STableMeta *pMeta, bool usePublicIp);
int32_t mgmtGetTableMeta(SDbObj *pDb, STableInfo *pTable, STableMetaMsg *pMeta, bool usePublicIp);
void mgmtAddTableIntoSuperTable(SSuperTableObj *pStable);
void mgmtRemoveTableFromSuperTable(SSuperTableObj *pStable);
......@@ -16,7 +16,6 @@
#include "os.h"
#include "taosmsg.h"
#include "tschemautil.h"
#include "tscompression.h"
#include "tskiplist.h"
#include "ttime.h"
......@@ -442,7 +441,7 @@ int32_t mgmtModifyChildTableTagValueByName(SChildTableObj *pTable, char *tagName
return 0;
int32_t mgmtGetChildTableMeta(SDbObj *pDb, SChildTableObj *pTable, STableMeta *pMeta, bool usePublicIp) {
int32_t mgmtGetChildTableMeta(SDbObj *pDb, SChildTableObj *pTable, STableMetaMsg *pMeta, bool usePublicIp) {
pMeta->uid = htobe64(pTable->uid);
pMeta->sid = htonl(pTable->sid);
pMeta->vgid = htonl(pTable->vgId);
......@@ -451,7 +450,7 @@ int32_t mgmtGetChildTableMeta(SDbObj *pDb, SChildTableObj *pTable, STableMeta *p
pMeta->numOfTags = pTable->superTable->numOfTags;
pMeta->numOfColumns = htons(pTable->superTable->numOfColumns);
pMeta->tableType = pTable->type;
pMeta->contLen = sizeof(STableMeta) + mgmtSetSchemaFromSuperTable(pMeta->schema, pTable->superTable);
pMeta->contLen = sizeof(STableMetaMsg) + mgmtSetSchemaFromSuperTable(pMeta->schema, pTable->superTable);
strcpy(pMeta->tableId, pTable->tableId);
SVgObj *pVgroup = mgmtGetVgroup(pTable->vgId);
......@@ -16,7 +16,6 @@
#include "os.h"
#include "taoserror.h"
#include "tschemautil.h"
#include "tstatus.h"
#include "tutil.h"
#include "mnode.h"
......@@ -41,7 +40,7 @@ static int32_t mgmtCreateDb(SAcctObj *pAcct, SCMCreateDbMsg *pCreate);
static void mgmtDropDb(void *handle, void *tmrId);
static void mgmtSetDbDirty(SDbObj *pDb);
static int32_t mgmtGetDbMeta(STableMeta *pMeta, SShowObj *pShow, void *pConn);
static int32_t mgmtGetDbMeta(STableMetaMsg *pMeta, SShowObj *pShow, void *pConn);
static int32_t mgmtRetrieveDbs(SShowObj *pShow, char *data, int32_t rows, void *pConn);
static void mgmtProcessCreateDbMsg(SQueuedMsg *pMsg);
static void mgmtProcessAlterDbMsg(SQueuedMsg *pMsg);
......@@ -295,7 +294,8 @@ static int32_t mgmtCreateDb(SAcctObj *pAcct, SCMCreateDbMsg *pCreate) {
bool mgmtCheckIsMonitorDB(char *db, char *monitordb) {
char dbName[TSDB_DB_NAME_LEN + 1] = {0};
extractDBName(db, dbName);
// extractDBName(db, dbName);
size_t len = strlen(dbName);
return (strncasecmp(dbName, monitordb, len) == 0 && len == strlen(monitordb));
......@@ -421,10 +421,10 @@ void mgmtCleanUpDbs() {
static int32_t mgmtGetDbMeta(STableMeta *pMeta, SShowObj *pShow, void *pConn) {
static int32_t mgmtGetDbMeta(STableMetaMsg *pMeta, SShowObj *pShow, void *pConn) {
int32_t cols = 0;
SSchema *pSchema = tsGetSchema(pMeta);
SSchema *pSchema = pMeta->schema;
SUserObj *pUser = mgmtGetUserFromConn(pConn);
if (pUser == NULL) return 0;
......@@ -16,7 +16,6 @@
#include "os.h"
#include "tmodule.h"
#include "tschemautil.h"
#include "tstatus.h"
#include "mgmtBalance.h"
#include "mgmtDnode.h"
......@@ -37,11 +36,11 @@ void (*mgmtSetDnodeUnRemoveFp)(SDnodeObj *pDnode) = NULL;
static SDnodeObj tsDnodeObj = {0};
static void * mgmtGetNextDnode(SShowObj *pShow, SDnodeObj **pDnode);
static bool mgmtCheckConfigShow(SGlobalConfig *cfg);
static int32_t mgmtGetModuleMeta(STableMeta *pMeta, SShowObj *pShow, void *pConn);
static int32_t mgmtGetModuleMeta(STableMetaMsg *pMeta, SShowObj *pShow, void *pConn);
static int32_t mgmtRetrieveModules(SShowObj *pShow, char *data, int32_t rows, void *pConn);
static int32_t mgmtGetConfigMeta(STableMeta *pMeta, SShowObj *pShow, void *pConn);
static int32_t mgmtGetConfigMeta(STableMetaMsg *pMeta, SShowObj *pShow, void *pConn);
static int32_t mgmtRetrieveConfigs(SShowObj *pShow, char *data, int32_t rows, void *pConn);
static int32_t mgmtGetVnodeMeta(STableMeta *pMeta, SShowObj *pShow, void *pConn);
static int32_t mgmtGetVnodeMeta(STableMetaMsg *pMeta, SShowObj *pShow, void *pConn);
static int32_t mgmtRetrieveVnodes(SShowObj *pShow, char *data, int32_t rows, void *pConn);
static void mgmtProcessCfgDnodeMsg(SQueuedMsg *pMsg);
......@@ -123,7 +122,7 @@ bool mgmtCheckModuleInDnode(SDnodeObj *pDnode, int32_t moduleType) {
return status > 0;
int32_t mgmtGetModuleMeta(STableMeta *pMeta, SShowObj *pShow, void *pConn) {
int32_t mgmtGetModuleMeta(STableMetaMsg *pMeta, SShowObj *pShow, void *pConn) {
int32_t cols = 0;
SUserObj *pUser = mgmtGetUserFromConn(pConn);
......@@ -131,7 +130,7 @@ int32_t mgmtGetModuleMeta(STableMeta *pMeta, SShowObj *pShow, void *pConn) {
if (strcmp(pUser->user, "root") != 0) return TSDB_CODE_NO_RIGHTS;
SSchema *pSchema = tsGetSchema(pMeta);
SSchema *pSchema = pMeta->schema;
pShow->bytes[cols] = 16;
pSchema[cols].type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BINARY;
......@@ -216,7 +215,7 @@ int32_t mgmtRetrieveModules(SShowObj *pShow, char *data, int32_t rows, void *pCo
return numOfRows;
static int32_t mgmtGetConfigMeta(STableMeta *pMeta, SShowObj *pShow, void *pConn) {
static int32_t mgmtGetConfigMeta(STableMetaMsg *pMeta, SShowObj *pShow, void *pConn) {
int32_t cols = 0;
SUserObj *pUser = mgmtGetUserFromConn(pConn);
......@@ -224,7 +223,7 @@ static int32_t mgmtGetConfigMeta(STableMeta *pMeta, SShowObj *pShow, void *pConn
if (strcmp(pUser->user, "root") != 0) return TSDB_CODE_NO_RIGHTS;
SSchema *pSchema = tsGetSchema(pMeta);
SSchema *pSchema = pMeta->schema;
pShow->bytes[cols] = TSDB_CFG_OPTION_LEN;
pSchema[cols].type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BINARY;
......@@ -304,13 +303,13 @@ static int32_t mgmtRetrieveConfigs(SShowObj *pShow, char *data, int32_t rows, vo
return numOfRows;
static int32_t mgmtGetVnodeMeta(STableMeta *pMeta, SShowObj *pShow, void *pConn) {
static int32_t mgmtGetVnodeMeta(STableMetaMsg *pMeta, SShowObj *pShow, void *pConn) {
int32_t cols = 0;
SUserObj *pUser = mgmtGetUserFromConn(pConn);
if (pUser == NULL) return 0;
if (strcmp(pUser->user, "root") != 0) return TSDB_CODE_NO_RIGHTS;
SSchema *pSchema = tsGetSchema(pMeta);
SSchema *pSchema = pMeta->schema;
pShow->bytes[cols] = 4;
pSchema[cols].type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_INT;
......@@ -521,7 +521,7 @@ static int32_t mgmtSetSchemaFromNormalTable(SSchema *pSchema, SNormalTableObj *p
return numOfCols * sizeof(SSchema);
int32_t mgmtGetNormalTableMeta(SDbObj *pDb, SNormalTableObj *pTable, STableMeta *pMeta, bool usePublicIp) {
int32_t mgmtGetNormalTableMeta(SDbObj *pDb, SNormalTableObj *pTable, STableMetaMsg *pMeta, bool usePublicIp) {
pMeta->uid = htobe64(pTable->uid);
pMeta->sid = htonl(pTable->sid);
pMeta->vgid = htonl(pTable->vgId);
......@@ -530,7 +530,7 @@ int32_t mgmtGetNormalTableMeta(SDbObj *pDb, SNormalTableObj *pTable, STableMeta
pMeta->numOfTags = 0;
pMeta->numOfColumns = htons(pTable->numOfColumns);
pMeta->tableType = pTable->type;
pMeta->contLen = sizeof(STableMeta) + mgmtSetSchemaFromNormalTable(pMeta->schema, pTable);
pMeta->contLen = sizeof(STableMetaMsg) + mgmtSetSchemaFromNormalTable(pMeta->schema, pTable);
SVgObj *pVgroup = mgmtGetVgroup(pTable->vgId);
if (pVgroup == NULL) {
......@@ -16,7 +16,6 @@
#include "os.h"
#include "taosmsg.h"
#include "tschemautil.h"
#include "mgmtMnode.h"
#include "mgmtProfile.h"
#include "mgmtShell.h"
......@@ -137,10 +136,10 @@ int32_t mgmtGetQueries(SShowObj *pShow, void *pConn) {
return 0;
int32_t mgmtGetQueryMeta(STableMeta *pMeta, SShowObj *pShow, void *pConn) {
int32_t mgmtGetQueryMeta(STableMetaMsg *pMeta, SShowObj *pShow, void *pConn) {
int32_t cols = 0;
SSchema *pSchema = tsGetSchema(pMeta);
SSchema *pSchema = pMeta->schema;
pShow->bytes[cols] = TSDB_USER_LEN;
pSchema[cols].type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BINARY;
......@@ -336,9 +335,9 @@ int32_t mgmtGetStreams(SShowObj *pShow, void *pConn) {
return 0;
int32_t mgmtGetStreamMeta(STableMeta *pMeta, SShowObj *pShow, void *pConn) {
int32_t mgmtGetStreamMeta(STableMetaMsg *pMeta, SShowObj *pShow, void *pConn) {
int32_t cols = 0;
SSchema *pSchema = tsGetSchema(pMeta);
SSchema *pSchema = pMeta->schema;
pShow->bytes[cols] = TSDB_USER_LEN;
pSchema[cols].type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BINARY;
......@@ -600,11 +599,11 @@ int mgmtGetConns(SShowObj *pShow, void *pConn) {
return 0;
int32_t mgmtGetConnsMeta(STableMeta *pMeta, SShowObj *pShow, void *pConn) {
int32_t mgmtGetConnsMeta(STableMetaMsg *pMeta, SShowObj *pShow, void *pConn) {
int32_t cols = 0;
pShow->bytes[cols] = TSDB_TABLE_NAME_LEN;
SSchema *pSchema = tsGetSchema(pMeta);
SSchema *pSchema = pMeta->schema;
pSchema[cols].type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BINARY;
strcpy(pSchema[cols].name, "user");
......@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
#include "mgmtUser.h"
#include "mgmtVgroup.h"
typedef int32_t (*SShowMetaFp)(STableMeta *pMeta, SShowObj *pShow, void *pConn);
typedef int32_t (*SShowMetaFp)(STableMetaMsg *pMeta, SShowObj *pShow, void *pConn);
typedef int32_t (*SShowRetrieveFp)(SShowObj *pShow, char *data, int32_t rows, void *pConn);
static int mgmtShellRetriveAuth(char *user, char *spi, char *encrypt, char *secret, char *ckey);
......@@ -16,7 +16,6 @@
#include "os.h"
#include "taosmsg.h"
#include "tschemautil.h"
#include "tscompression.h"
#include "tskiplist.h"
#include "tsqlfunction.h"
......@@ -47,7 +46,7 @@ static void *mgmtSuperTableActionDecode(void *row, char *str, int32_t size, int3
static void *mgmtSuperTableActionReset(void *row, char *str, int32_t size, int32_t *ssize);
static void *mgmtSuperTableActionDestroy(void *row, char *str, int32_t size, int32_t *ssize);
static int32_t mgmtRetrieveShowSuperTables(SShowObj *pShow, char *data, int32_t rows, void *pConn);
static int32_t mgmtGetShowSuperTableMeta(STableMeta *pMeta, SShowObj *pShow, void *pConn);
static int32_t mgmtGetShowSuperTableMeta(STableMetaMsg *pMeta, SShowObj *pShow, void *pConn);
static void mgmtDestroySuperTable(SSuperTableObj *pTable) {
......@@ -492,14 +491,14 @@ int32_t mgmtDropSuperTableColumnByName(SSuperTableObj *pStable, char *colName) {
static int32_t mgmtGetShowSuperTableMeta(STableMeta *pMeta, SShowObj *pShow, void *pConn) {
static int32_t mgmtGetShowSuperTableMeta(STableMetaMsg *pMeta, SShowObj *pShow, void *pConn) {
SDbObj *pDb = mgmtGetDb(pShow->db);
if (pDb == NULL) {
int32_t cols = 0;
SSchema *pSchema = tsGetSchema(pMeta);
SSchema *pSchema = pMeta->schema;
pShow->bytes[cols] = TSDB_TABLE_NAME_LEN;
pSchema[cols].type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BINARY;
......@@ -657,7 +656,7 @@ int32_t mgmtSetSchemaFromSuperTable(SSchema *pSchema, SSuperTableObj *pTable) {
return (pTable->numOfColumns + pTable->numOfTags) * sizeof(SSchema);
int32_t mgmtGetSuperTableMeta(SDbObj *pDb, SSuperTableObj *pTable, STableMeta *pMeta, bool usePublicIp) {
int32_t mgmtGetSuperTableMeta(SDbObj *pDb, SSuperTableObj *pTable, STableMetaMsg *pMeta, bool usePublicIp) {
pMeta->uid = htobe64(pTable->uid);
pMeta->sid = htonl(pTable->sid);
pMeta->vgid = htonl(pTable->vgId);
......@@ -666,7 +665,7 @@ int32_t mgmtGetSuperTableMeta(SDbObj *pDb, SSuperTableObj *pTable, STableMeta *p
pMeta->numOfTags = pTable->numOfTags;
pMeta->numOfColumns = htons(pTable->numOfColumns);
pMeta->tableType = pTable->type;
pMeta->contLen = sizeof(STableMeta) + mgmtSetSchemaFromSuperTable(pMeta->schema, pTable);
pMeta->contLen = sizeof(STableMetaMsg) + mgmtSetSchemaFromSuperTable(pMeta->schema, pTable);
strcpy(pMeta->tableId, pTable->tableId);
......@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
#include "mgmtTable.h"
//#include "../../client/inc/tsclient.h"
#include "mgmtAcct.h"
#include "mgmtChildTable.h"
#include "mgmtDClient.h"
......@@ -34,7 +35,6 @@
#include "qextbuffer.h"
#include "taoserror.h"
#include "taosmsg.h"
#include "tschemautil.h"
#include "tscompression.h"
#include "tskiplist.h"
#include "tsqlfunction.h"
......@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ static void mgmtProcessMultiTableMetaMsg(SQueuedMsg *queueMsg);
static void mgmtProcessSuperTableMetaMsg(SQueuedMsg *queueMsg);
static void mgmtProcessCreateTableRsp(SRpcMsg *rpcMsg);
static void mgmtProcessDropTableRsp(SRpcMsg *rpcMsg);
static int32_t mgmtGetShowTableMeta(STableMeta *pMeta, SShowObj *pShow, void *pConn);
static int32_t mgmtGetShowTableMeta(STableMetaMsg *pMeta, SShowObj *pShow, void *pConn);
static int32_t mgmtRetrieveShowTables(SShowObj *pShow, char *data, int32_t rows, void *pConn);
static void mgmtProcessGetTableMeta(STableInfo *pTable, void *thandle);
......@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ STableInfo* mgmtGetTableByPos(uint32_t dnodeIp, int32_t vnode, int32_t sid) {
return NULL;
int32_t mgmtGetTableMeta(SDbObj *pDb, STableInfo *pTable, STableMeta *pMeta, bool usePublicIp) {
int32_t mgmtGetTableMeta(SDbObj *pDb, STableInfo *pTable, STableMetaMsg *pMeta, bool usePublicIp) {
if (pTable->type == TSDB_CHILD_TABLE) {
mgmtGetChildTableMeta(pDb, (SChildTableObj *) pTable, pMeta, usePublicIp);
} else if (pTable->type == TSDB_NORMAL_TABLE) {
......@@ -187,14 +187,14 @@ void mgmtCleanUpTables() {
int32_t mgmtGetShowTableMeta(STableMeta *pMeta, SShowObj *pShow, void *pConn) {
int32_t mgmtGetShowTableMeta(STableMetaMsg *pMeta, SShowObj *pShow, void *pConn) {
SDbObj *pDb = mgmtGetDb(pShow->db);
if (pDb == NULL) {
int32_t cols = 0;
SSchema *pSchema = tsGetSchema(pMeta);
SSchema *pSchema = pMeta->schema;
pShow->bytes[cols] = TSDB_TABLE_NAME_LEN;
pSchema[cols].type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BINARY;
......@@ -601,8 +601,8 @@ void mgmtProcessGetTableMeta(STableInfo *pTable, void *thandle) {
bool usePublicIp = (connInfo.serverIp == tsPublicIpInt);
STableMeta *pMeta = rpcMallocCont(sizeof(STableMeta) + sizeof(SSchema) * TSDB_MAX_COLUMNS);
STableMetaMsg *pMeta = rpcMallocCont(sizeof(STableMetaMsg) + sizeof(SSchema) * TSDB_MAX_COLUMNS);
rpcRsp.code = mgmtGetTableMeta(pDb, pTable, pMeta, usePublicIp);
if (rpcRsp.code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
......@@ -695,7 +695,7 @@ void mgmtProcessMultiTableMetaMsg(SQueuedMsg *pMsg) {
if (pDb == NULL) continue;
int availLen = totalMallocLen - pMultiMeta->contLen;
if (availLen <= sizeof(STableMeta) + sizeof(SSchema) * TSDB_MAX_COLUMNS) {
if (availLen <= sizeof(STableMetaMsg) + sizeof(SSchema) * TSDB_MAX_COLUMNS) {
//TODO realloc
//totalMallocLen *= 2;
//pMultiMeta = rpcReMalloc(pMultiMeta, totalMallocLen);
......@@ -708,7 +708,7 @@ void mgmtProcessMultiTableMetaMsg(SQueuedMsg *pMsg) {
STableMeta *pMeta = (STableMeta *)(pMultiMeta->metas + pMultiMeta->contLen);
STableMetaMsg *pMeta = (STableMetaMsg *)(pMultiMeta->metas + pMultiMeta->contLen);
int32_t code = mgmtGetTableMeta(pDb, pTable, pMeta, usePublicIp);
if (code == TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
pMultiMeta->numOfTables ++;
......@@ -16,7 +16,6 @@
#include "os.h"
#include "trpc.h"
#include "tschemautil.h"
#include "ttime.h"
#include "mgmtAcct.h"
#include "mgmtGrant.h"
......@@ -30,7 +29,7 @@ static int32_t tsUserUpdateSize = 0;
static int32_t mgmtCreateUser(SAcctObj *pAcct, char *name, char *pass);
static int32_t mgmtDropUser(SAcctObj *pAcct, char *name);
static int32_t mgmtUpdateUser(SUserObj *pUser);
static int32_t mgmtGetUserMeta(STableMeta *pMeta, SShowObj *pShow, void *pConn);
static int32_t mgmtGetUserMeta(STableMetaMsg *pMeta, SShowObj *pShow, void *pConn);
static int32_t mgmtRetrieveUsers(SShowObj *pShow, char *data, int32_t rows, void *pConn);
static void mgmtProcessCreateUserMsg(SQueuedMsg *pMsg);
......@@ -171,14 +170,14 @@ static int32_t mgmtDropUser(SAcctObj *pAcct, char *name) {
return 0;
static int32_t mgmtGetUserMeta(STableMeta *pMeta, SShowObj *pShow, void *pConn) {
static int32_t mgmtGetUserMeta(STableMetaMsg *pMeta, SShowObj *pShow, void *pConn) {
SUserObj *pUser = mgmtGetUserFromConn(pConn);
if (pUser == NULL) {
int32_t cols = 0;
SSchema *pSchema = tsGetSchema(pMeta);
SSchema *pSchema = pMeta->schema;
pShow->bytes[cols] = TSDB_USER_LEN;
pSchema[cols].type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BINARY;
......@@ -17,7 +17,6 @@
#include "os.h"
#include "taoserror.h"
#include "tlog.h"
#include "tschemautil.h"
#include "tstatus.h"
#include "mnode.h"
#include "mgmtBalance.h"
......@@ -41,7 +40,7 @@ static void *mgmtVgroupActionDecode(void *row, char *str, int32_t size, int32_t
static void *mgmtVgroupActionReset(void *row, char *str, int32_t size, int32_t *ssize);
static void *mgmtVgroupActionDestroy(void *row, char *str, int32_t size, int32_t *ssize);
static int32_t mgmtGetVgroupMeta(STableMeta *pMeta, SShowObj *pShow, void *pConn);
static int32_t mgmtGetVgroupMeta(STableMetaMsg *pMeta, SShowObj *pShow, void *pConn);
static int32_t mgmtRetrieveVgroups(SShowObj *pShow, char *data, int32_t rows, void *pConn);
static void mgmtProcessCreateVnodeRsp(SRpcMsg *rpcMsg);
static void mgmtProcessDropVnodeRsp(SRpcMsg *rpcMsg);
......@@ -211,14 +210,14 @@ void mgmtCleanUpVgroups() {
int32_t mgmtGetVgroupMeta(STableMeta *pMeta, SShowObj *pShow, void *pConn) {
int32_t mgmtGetVgroupMeta(STableMetaMsg *pMeta, SShowObj *pShow, void *pConn) {
SDbObj *pDb = mgmtGetDb(pShow->db);
if (pDb == NULL) {
int32_t cols = 0;
SSchema *pSchema = tsGetSchema(pMeta);
SSchema *pSchema = pMeta->schema;
pShow->bytes[cols] = 4;
pSchema[cols].type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_INT;
......@@ -13,8 +13,8 @@
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "qextbuffer.h"
......@@ -74,4 +74,4 @@ void tBucketIntHash(tMemBucket *pBucket, void *value, int16_t *segIdx, int16_t *
void tBucketDoubleHash(tMemBucket *pBucket, void *value, int16_t *segIdx, int16_t *slotIdx);
......@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
#include "taosdef.h"
#include "taosmsg.h"
#include "tlog.h"
#include "tschemautil.h"
//#include "tschemautil.h"
#include "tsqlfunction.h"
#include "tstoken.h"
#include "ttokendef.h"
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