提交 3d25c532 编写于 作者: T Tzu-ping Chung

Bump for release

上级 27b9a9c3
21.2 (2021-07-24)
- ``pip freeze``, ``pip list``, and ``pip show`` no longer normalize underscore
(``_``) in distribution names to dash (``-``). This is a side effect of the
migration to ``importlib.metadata``, since the underscore-dash normalization
behavior is non-standard and specific to setuptools. This should not affect
other parts of pip (for example, when feeding the ``pip freeze`` result back
into ``pip install``) since pip internally performs standard PEP 503
normalization independently to setuptools.
Deprecations and Removals
- Git version parsing is now done with regular expression to prepare for the
pending upstream removal of non-PEP-440 version parsing logic. (`#10117 <https://github.com/pypa/pip/issues/10117>`_)
- Re-enable the "Value for ... does not match" location warnings to field a new
round of feedback for the ``distutils``-``sysconfig`` transition. (`#10151 <https://github.com/pypa/pip/issues/10151>`_)
- Remove deprecated ``--find-links`` option in ``pip freeze`` (`#9069 <https://github.com/pypa/pip/issues/9069>`_)
- New resolver: Loosen URL comparison logic when checking for direct URL reference
equivalency. The logic includes the following notable characteristics:
* The authentication part of the URL is explicitly ignored.
* Most of the fragment part, including ``egg=``, is explicitly ignored. Only
``subdirectory=`` and hash values (e.g. ``sha256=``) are kept.
* The query part of the URL is parsed to allow ordering differences. (`#10002 <https://github.com/pypa/pip/issues/10002>`_)
- Support TOML v1.0.0 syntax in ``pyproject.toml``. (`#10034 <https://github.com/pypa/pip/issues/10034>`_)
- Added a warning message for errors caused due to Long Paths being disabled on Windows. (`#10045 <https://github.com/pypa/pip/issues/10045>`_)
- Change the encoding of log file from default text encoding to UTF-8. (`#10071 <https://github.com/pypa/pip/issues/10071>`_)
- Log the resolved commit SHA when installing a package from a Git repository. (`#10149 <https://github.com/pypa/pip/issues/10149>`_)
- Add a warning when passing an invalid requirement to ``pip uninstall``. (`#4958 <https://github.com/pypa/pip/issues/4958>`_)
- Add new subcommand ``pip index`` used to interact with indexes, and implement
``pip index version`` to list available versions of a package. (`#7975 <https://github.com/pypa/pip/issues/7975>`_)
- When pip is asked to uninstall a project without the dist-info/RECORD file
it will no longer traceback with FileNotFoundError,
but it will provide a better error message instead, such as::
ERROR: Cannot uninstall foobar 0.1, RECORD file not found. You might be able to recover from this via: 'pip install --force-reinstall --no-deps foobar==0.1'.
When dist-info/INSTALLER is present and contains some useful information, the info is included in the error message instead::
ERROR: Cannot uninstall foobar 0.1, RECORD file not found. Hint: The package was installed by rpm. (`#8954 <https://github.com/pypa/pip/issues/8954>`_)
- Add an additional level of verbosity. ``--verbose`` (and the shorthand ``-v``) now
contains significantly less output, and users that need complete full debug-level output
should pass it twice (``--verbose --verbose`` or ``-vv``). (`#9450 <https://github.com/pypa/pip/issues/9450>`_)
- New resolver: The order of dependencies resolution has been tweaked to traverse
the dependency graph in a more breadth-first approach. (`#9455 <https://github.com/pypa/pip/issues/9455>`_)
- Make "yes" the default choice in ``pip uninstall``'s prompt. (`#9686 <https://github.com/pypa/pip/issues/9686>`_)
- Add a special error message when users forget the ``-r`` flag when installing. (`#9915 <https://github.com/pypa/pip/issues/9915>`_)
- New resolver: A distribution's ``Requires-Python`` metadata is now checked
before its Python dependencies. This makes the resolver fail quicker when
there's an interpreter version conflict. (`#9925 <https://github.com/pypa/pip/issues/9925>`_)
- Suppress "not on PATH" warning when ``--prefix`` is given. (`#9931 <https://github.com/pypa/pip/issues/9931>`_)
- Include ``rustc`` version in pip's ``User-Agent``, when the system has ``rustc``. (`#9987 <https://github.com/pypa/pip/issues/9987>`_)
Bug Fixes
- Update vendored six to 1.16.0 and urllib3 to 1.26.5 (`#10043 <https://github.com/pypa/pip/issues/10043>`_)
- Correctly allow PEP 517 projects to be detected without warnings in ``pip freeze``. (`#10080 <https://github.com/pypa/pip/issues/10080>`_)
- Strip leading slash from a ``file://`` URL built from an path with the Windows
drive notation. This fixes bugs where the ``file://`` URL cannot be correctly
used as requirement, constraint, or index URLs on Windows. (`#10115 <https://github.com/pypa/pip/issues/10115>`_)
- New resolver: URL comparison logic now treats ``file://localhost/`` and
``file:///`` as equivalent to conform to RFC 8089. (`#10162 <https://github.com/pypa/pip/issues/10162>`_)
- Prefer credentials from the URL over the previously-obtained credentials from URLs of the same domain, so it is possible to use different credentials on the same index server for different ``--extra-index-url`` options. (`#3931 <https://github.com/pypa/pip/issues/3931>`_)
- Fix extraction of files with utf-8 encoded paths from tars. (`#7667 <https://github.com/pypa/pip/issues/7667>`_)
- Skip distutils configuration parsing on encoding errors. (`#8931 <https://github.com/pypa/pip/issues/8931>`_)
- New resolver: Detect an unnamed requirement is user-specified (by building its
metadata for the project name) so it can be correctly ordered in the resolver. (`#9204 <https://github.com/pypa/pip/issues/9204>`_)
- Fix :ref:`pip freeze` to output packages :ref:`installed from git <vcs support>`
in the correct ``git+protocol://git.example.com/MyProject#egg=MyProject`` format
rather than the old and no longer supported ``git+git@`` format. (`#9822 <https://github.com/pypa/pip/issues/9822>`_)
- Fix warnings about install scheme selection for Python framework builds
distributed by Apple's Command Line Tools. (`#9844 <https://github.com/pypa/pip/issues/9844>`_)
- Relax interpreter detection to quelch a location mismatch warning where PyPy
is deliberately breaking backwards compatibility. (`#9845 <https://github.com/pypa/pip/issues/9845>`_)
Vendored Libraries
- Upgrade certifi to 2021.05.30.
- Upgrade idna to 3.2.
- Upgrade packaging to 21.0
- Upgrade requests to 2.26.0.
- Upgrade resolvelib to 0.7.1.
- Upgrade urllib3 to 1.26.6.
.. note
You should *NOT* be adding new change log entries to this file, this
New resolver: Loosen URL comparison logic when checking for direct URL reference
equivalency. The logic includes the following notable characteristics:
* The authentication part of the URL is explicitly ignored.
* Most of the fragment part, including ``egg=``, is explicitly ignored. Only
``subdirectory=`` and hash values (e.g. ``sha256=``) are kept.
* The query part of the URL is parsed to allow ordering differences.
Annotate ``typing.List`` into ``tools.tox_pip.pip()``
Use annotations from the ``typing`` module on some functions.
Support TOML v1.0.0 syntax in ``pyproject.toml``.
Update vendored six to 1.16.0 and urllib3 to 1.26.5
Added a warning message for errors caused due to Long Paths being disabled on Windows.
Convert type annotations into proper annotations in ``noxfile.py``.
Fixed all the annotations from ``pip/_internal/cli``.
Change the encoding of log file from default text encoding to UTF-8.
Fixed all the annotations from ``pip/_internal/distributions``.
Correctly allow PEP 517 projects to be detected without warnings in ``pip freeze``.
Convert type hint commentaries into annotations on ``setup.py``.
Converted type commentaries into annotations in ``pip/_internal/index``.
Strip leading slash from a ``file://`` URL built from an path with the Windows
drive notation. This fixes bugs where the ``file://`` URL cannot be correctly
used as requirement, constraint, or index URLs on Windows.
Git version parsing is now done with regular expression to prepare for the
pending upstream removal of non-PEP-440 version parsing logic.
Converted type commentaries into annotations in ``pip/_internal/metadata``.
Converted type commentaries into annotations in ``pip/_internal/resolution``.
Use ``--color=yes`` to color pytest outputs.
Converted type commentaries into annotations in ``pip/_internal/locations``.
Convert type commentaries to annotations on ``pip/_internal/models``.
Log the resolved commit SHA when installing a package from a Git repository.
Re-enable the "Value for ... does not match" location warnings to field a new
round of feedback for the ``distutils``-``sysconfig`` transition.
``pip freeze``, ``pip list``, and ``pip show`` no longer normalize underscore
(``_``) in distribution names to dash (``-``). This is a side effect of the
migration to ``importlib.metadata``, since the underscore-dash normalization
behavior is non-standard and specific to setuptools. This should not affect
other parts of pip (for example, when feeding the ``pip freeze`` result back
into ``pip install``) since pip internally performs standard PEP 503
normalization independently to setuptools.
Complete the type annotations from ``pip/_internal/utils``.
New resolver: URL comparison logic now treats ``file://localhost/`` and
``file:///`` as equivalent to conform to RFC 8089.
Prefer credentials from the URL over the previously-obtained credentials from URLs of the same domain, so it is possible to use different credentials on the same index server for different ``--extra-index-url`` options.
Add a warning when passing an invalid requirement to ``pip uninstall``.
Fix extraction of files with utf-8 encoded paths from tars.
Add new subcommand ``pip index`` used to interact with indexes, and implement
``pip index version`` to list available versions of a package.
Skip distutils configuration parsing on encoding errors.
When pip is asked to uninstall a project without the dist-info/RECORD file
it will no longer traceback with FileNotFoundError,
but it will provide a better error message instead, such as::
ERROR: Cannot uninstall foobar 0.1, RECORD file not found. You might be able to recover from this via: 'pip install --force-reinstall --no-deps foobar==0.1'.
When dist-info/INSTALLER is present and contains some useful information, the info is included in the error message instead::
ERROR: Cannot uninstall foobar 0.1, RECORD file not found. Hint: The package was installed by rpm.
Remove deprecated ``--find-links`` option in ``pip freeze``
New resolver: Detect an unnamed requirement is user-specified (by building its
metadata for the project name) so it can be correctly ordered in the resolver.
Add an additional level of verbosity. ``--verbose`` (and the shorthand ``-v``) now
contains significantly less output, and users that need complete full debug-level output
should pass it twice (``--verbose --verbose`` or ``-vv``).
New resolver: The order of dependencies resolution has been tweaked to traverse
the dependency graph in a more breadth-first approach.
Make "yes" the default choice in ``pip uninstall``'s prompt.
Fix :ref:`pip freeze` to output packages :ref:`installed from git <vcs support>`
in the correct ``git+protocol://git.example.com/MyProject#egg=MyProject`` format
rather than the old and no longer supported ``git+git@`` format.
Fix warnings about install scheme selection for Python framework builds
distributed by Apple's Command Line Tools.
Relax interpreter detection to quelch a location mismatch warning where PyPy
is deliberately breaking backwards compatibility.
Add a special error message when users forget the ``-r`` flag when installing.
New resolver: A distribution's ``Requires-Python`` metadata is now checked
before its Python dependencies. This makes the resolver fail quicker when
there's an interpreter version conflict.
Suppress "not on PATH" warning when ``--prefix`` is given.
Include ``rustc`` version in pip's ``User-Agent``, when the system has ``rustc``.
Upgrade certifi to 2021.05.30.
Upgrade requests to 2.26.0.
Upgrade resolvelib to 0.7.1.
Upgrade urllib3 to 1.26.6.
from typing import List, Optional
__version__ = "21.2.dev0"
__version__ = "21.2"
def main(args: Optional[List[str]] = None) -> int:
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