提交 c36f6d89 编写于 作者: V Vidar Holen

Stable version 0.4.7

This release is dedicated to net neutrality. Remember when the Internet
was a meritocracy? [Please drink a verification can to continue.]
上级 e801da06
......@@ -69,3 +69,4 @@ deploy:
local-dir: deploy
repo: koalaman/shellcheck
all_branches: true
## Latest - ???
## v0.4.7 - 2017-12-08
### Added
- Statically linked binaries for Linux and Windows (see README.md)!
- `-a` flag to also include warnings in `source`d files
Name: ShellCheck
Version: 0.4.6
Version: 0.4.7
Synopsis: Shell script analysis tool
License: GPL-3
License-file: LICENSE
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