提交 6df2e791 编写于 作者: R Roger A. Light

Test and documentation for decorators.

上级 d8aa1c18
......@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ v1.6.0 - 2021-xx-xx
the server. They will *not* be retried when the client is still connected.
- The `rc` parameter in the `on_disconnect` callback now has meaningful values
in the case of an error. Closes #441.
- Callbacks can now be applied to client instances using decorators.
v1.5.1 - 2020-09-22
......@@ -437,6 +437,14 @@ class Client(object):
client.on_connect = on_connect
Callbacks can also be attached using decorators:
client = paho.mqtt.Client()
def on_connect(client, userdata, flags, rc, properties=None):
print("Connection returned " + str(rc))
All of the callbacks as described below have a "client" and an "userdata"
argument. "client" is the Client instance that is calling the callback.
"userdata" is user data of any type and can be set when creating a new client
......@@ -464,6 +472,9 @@ class Client(object):
5: Connection refused - not authorised
6-255: Currently unused.
Decorator: @client.connect_callback() (```client``` is the name of the
instance which this callback is being attached to)
on_disconnect(client, userdata, rc): called when the client disconnects from the broker.
The rc parameter indicates the disconnection state:
MQTT_ERR_SUCCESS: the callback was called in response to a disconnect() call.
......@@ -476,10 +487,16 @@ class Client(object):
message can contain a reason code and MQTT V5 properties. The properties parameter could be
None if they do not exist in the disconnect message.
Decorator: @client.disconnect_callback() (```client``` is the name of the
instance which this callback is being attached to)
on_message(client, userdata, message): called when a message has been received on a
topic that the client subscribes to. The message variable is a
MQTTMessage that describes all of the message parameters.
Decorator: @client.message_callback() (```client``` is the name of the
instance which this callback is being attached to)
on_publish(client, userdata, mid): called when a message that was to be sent using the
publish() call has completed transmission to the broker. For messages
with QoS levels 1 and 2, this means that the appropriate handshakes have
......@@ -489,34 +506,58 @@ class Client(object):
This callback is important because even if the publish() call returns
success, it does not always mean that the message has been sent.
Decorator: @client.publish_callback() (```client``` is the name of the
instance which this callback is being attached to)
on_subscribe(client, userdata, mid, granted_qos, properties=None): called when the broker responds to a
subscribe request. The mid variable matches the mid variable returned
from the corresponding subscribe() call. The granted_qos variable is a
list of integers that give the QoS level the broker has granted for each
of the different subscription requests.
Decorator: @client.subscribe_callback() (```client``` is the name of the
instance which this callback is being attached to)
on_unsubscribe(client, userdata, mid): called when the broker responds to an unsubscribe
request. The mid variable matches the mid variable returned from the
corresponding unsubscribe() call.
Decorator: @client.unsubscribe_callback() (```client``` is the name of the
instance which this callback is being attached to)
on_log(client, userdata, level, buf): called when the client has log information. Define
to allow debugging. The level variable gives the severity of the message
MQTT_LOG_ERR, and MQTT_LOG_DEBUG. The message itself is in buf.
Decorator: @client.log_callback() (```client``` is the name of the
instance which this callback is being attached to)
on_socket_open(client, userdata, sock): Called when the socket has been opened. Use this
to register the socket with an external event loop for reading.
Decorator: @client.socket_open_callback() (```client``` is the name of the
instance which this callback is being attached to)
on_socket_close(client, userdata, sock): Called when the socket is about to be closed.
Use this to unregister a socket from an external event loop for reading.
Decorator: @client.socket_close_callback() (```client``` is the name of the
instance which this callback is being attached to)
on_socket_register_write(client, userdata, sock): Called when a write operation to the
socket failed because it would have blocked, e.g. output buffer full. Use this to
register the socket with an external event loop for writing.
Decorator: @client.socket_register_write_callback() (```client``` is the name of the
instance which this callback is being attached to)
on_socket_unregister_write(client, userdata, sock): Called when a write operation to the
socket succeeded after it had previously failed. Use this to unregister the socket
from an external event loop for writing.
Decorator: @client.socket_unregister_write_callback() (```client``` is the name of the
instance which this callback is being attached to)
def __init__(self, client_id="", clean_session=None, userdata=None,
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Test whether callback decorators work
import context
import paho_test
rc = 1
keepalive = 60
connect_packet = paho_test.gen_connect("decorators-test", keepalive=keepalive)
connack_packet = paho_test.gen_connack(rc=0)
subscribe_packet = paho_test.gen_subscribe(mid=1, topic=u"sub-test", qos=1)
suback_packet = paho_test.gen_suback(mid=1, qos=1)
unsubscribe_packet = paho_test.gen_unsubscribe(mid=2, topic=u"unsub-test")
unsuback_packet = paho_test.gen_unsuback(mid=2)
publish_packet = paho_test.gen_publish(u"b2c", qos=0, payload="msg".encode('utf-8'))
publish_packet_in = paho_test.gen_publish(u"decorators", qos=1, mid=3, payload="message".encode('utf-8'))
puback_packet_in = paho_test.gen_puback(mid=3)
disconnect_packet = paho_test.gen_disconnect()
sock = paho_test.create_server_socket()
client = context.start_client()
(conn, address) = sock.accept()
if paho_test.expect_packet(conn, "connect", connect_packet):
if paho_test.expect_packet(conn, "subscribe", subscribe_packet):
if paho_test.expect_packet(conn, "unsubscribe", unsubscribe_packet):
if paho_test.expect_packet(conn, "publish", publish_packet_in):
if paho_test.expect_packet(conn, "disconnect", disconnect_packet):
rc = 0
......@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ PYTHON?=python3
all :
test :
$(PYTHON) ./01-decorators.py python/01-decorators.test
$(PYTHON) ./01-keepalive-pingreq.py python/01-keepalive-pingreq.test
$(PYTHON) ./01-no-clean-session.py python/01-no-clean-session.test
$(PYTHON) ./01-reconnect-on-failure.py python/01-reconnect-on-failure.test
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import os
import socket
import subprocess
import sys
import time
from struct import *
import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt
run = -1
mqttc = mqtt.Client("decorators-test", run)
payload = b""
def on_connect(mqttc, obj, flags, rc):
mqttc.subscribe("sub-test", 1)
def on_subscribe(mqttc, obj, mid, granted_qos):
def on_unsubscribe(mqttc, obj, mid):
global payload
payload = "message"
def on_message(mqttc, obj, msg):
global payload
mqttc.publish("decorators", qos=1, payload=payload)
def on_publish(mqttc, obj, mid):
def on_disconnect(mqttc, obj, rc):
obj = rc
mqttc.connect("localhost", 1888)
while run == -1:
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